The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 12: CH 12

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As Xi Huai called on his spiritual energy, his soul-bound weapon Shukuang疏狂 - lit. 'sparse madness'. broke through the restrictions of the Medicine Sect Hall and flew straight into his hands.

He examined Shukuang before placing it across his knees. Raising his hand once more, he was just in time to intercept his Myriad Treasure Bell.

Since he had infused his spiritual energy into these treasures and claimed them as his own, Elder Yao Weng couldn’t keep them, even if he wanted to.

The treasures wouldn’t recognise another master unless Xi Huai perished and his spiritual energy dispersed from this world. However, more stubborn ones like Shukuang were more likely to self-destruct before willingly acknowledging another.

Xi Huai shook the Myriad Treasure Bell he was holding. Adorned with exquisite carvings and light blue gems, the silver bell emitted a crisp and pleasant sound.

He asked, "So what do you want as a reward?"

Despite his current state, Elder Yao Weng was still the lord of a faction. Xi Huai’s tone infuriated him. “D-do you think you’re speaking to a servant?!”

“Heh. Too little for you, huh? Hand over A-Jiu and I'll give you a few more treasures."

"Weren't the two of you having a good time in the cave together? Why are you looking for him at my place?”

If A-Jiu underwent his tribulation in Elder Yao Weng’s territory, he would certainly be alerted. It wouldn’t be out of the question for Elder Yao Weng to go and capture him.

That's the reason why Xi Huai hurried over.

Yet Elder Yao Weng’s tone implied that he didn’t capture A-Jiu.

Xi Huai turned back to the Zun Yue Palace Master and asked, "Senior, are there any cultivators here who have an unstable realm due to recently building their foundation?”

One’s divine sense was a very fragile thing, subject to a clear hierarchy. Xi Huai wouldn’t use his divine sense here, for Elder Yao Weng may retaliate and injure his mind.

After all, Xi Huai was only at the Foundation Building stage.

After sweeping the surroundings, the Zun Yue Palace Master replied, “There aren’t. All of the disciples present are of Qi Refining stage. However, if the person you are looking for is imprisoned in something similar to your cave, which can conceal all traces of a cultivator, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to detect him.”

Elder Yao Weng’s eyes bulged out in anger. “Why would I imprison a He Huan Sect disciple? What use could I have for him?!”

Xi Huai faltered for a moment. Then he asked Elder Yao Weng, "What does A-Jiu look like?"

Elder Yao Weng was taken aback at first, but he soon understood and replied, “He’s average looking with a beard.”

Song Weiyue, who had been eavesdropping, reared back in shock. “He even has a beard?!” 

Elder Yao Weng coldly snorted. "What’s so strange about that? He’s only a few years younger than me.”

"H-he’s only a few years younger than you??” Song Weiyue was so scared that all his hair stood on end.

Elder Yao Weng finally laughed, "You thought he was a young man? He’s been dual cultivating with an old geezer in a cave for three whole years!”

Song Weiyue felt faint. He couldn’t even imagine such a scene.

A sudden thought made him turn to look at his father, who also happened to be a bearded old man.

Zun Yue Palace Master didn’t appreciate the comparison. He slapped the back of Song Weiyue's head

Xi Huai knew that Elder Yao Weng was deliberately trying to disgust him.

He knew A-Jiu had the appearance and voice of a youth. After all, he didn’t feel a beard when A-Jiu kissed him. Thus, Xi Huai set fire to Elder Yao Weng’s hair and beard.

After determining that Elder Yao Weng wouldn’t give him any more information, Xi Huai took out three items from the Myriad Treasure Bell and tossed them in his direction. “You can take these since you refuse to choose. I’m leaving.”

Elder Yao Weng nearly spat out another mouthful of blood when he saw those three items.

Before him were pills, medicinal ointment and a pill furnace, all of extremely high quality.

He didn't have to examine them carefully to know that the words ‘Made by the Medicine Sect Hall’ were inscribed on the bottom.

After all, Elder Yao Weng had personally offered these items to the Qing Ze Sect long ago when he sought their protection. Now they’d been returned to him.

They were clearly meant to mock the contrast between his appeasing attitude in the past and his arrogance now after establishing his Sect, even daring to imprison the Qing Ze Sect’s Young Sect Master.

Xi Huai recalled the Hui and flew away on Shukuang.

Song Weiyue woefully suppressed his astonishment and staggered onto Xizhao. Clearly questioning what his life had come to, he followed after Xi Huai.

When travelling on flying artefacts, it was customary to have a small barrier up in front of them to block the wind. Yet today the barrier Song Weiyue set before him was as sturdy as a set of armour. He was afraid Xi Huai would suddenly go berserk and throw fireballs at him.

Although they both had single fire spiritual roots, Song Weiyue still couldn’t withstand Xi Huai's mutant true fire.

Xi Huai headed to the He Huan Sect once more in order to inquire about A-Jiu’s appearance. Actually, he didn’t even know what A-Jiu’s true name was.

However, when he arrived at the foot of the He Huan Sect’s mountain, he saw that a maze-like concealment array had been activated there.

The He Huan Sect was guaranteed to be attacked from time to time, which was why they had the renowned Grand Mountain Protection Formation in their possession, to ward off intruders.

Even if all of the Qing Ze Sect’s Nascent Soul stage Heavenly Venerables worked together, it would still take them several days to break through the formation.

Xi Huai was bemused. He looked back at the Zun Yue Palace Master.

The Zun Yue Palace Master scanned the mountain. "There are no cultivators matching your description here."

"Why did they suddenly activate the Grand Mountain Protection Formation?"

The Zun Yue Palace Master could only answer stiffly, "Perhaps they received word that one of their own managed to sleep with the Qing Ze Sect’s Young Sect Master and sought to protect themselves.”

"Received word? You mean A-Jiu sent them a message?"

"He probably did so to assure them of his safety. A typical thing for those of this Sect to do.”

Running away after sleeping with someone was the modus operandi of the He Huan Sect.

The way they refused to take responsibility and hid away so you couldn’t even beat them up was perhaps the most irritating part about He Huan Sect disciples.

Song Weiyue also nodded in agreement. "These disciples were furious and itching to go retrieve their Little Shige before. That A-Jiu getting in contact with them would explain their sudden change in attitude.” 

Xi Huai was about to lose it. “I just want to ask them a few questions! How am I supposed to find him if I just search aimlessly?”

Song Weiyue thought that made sense. After all, Xi Huai needed some leads to track down the old man who slept with him for three years and then slaughter him.

A name quickly came to his mind. "Let Zong Sichen give it a try. He and the He Huan Sect disciples go way back.”

When Xi Huai and Song Weiyue arrived at Zhi Yu徵羽 - both characters correspond to notes on the Chinese pentatonic scale, fourth and fifth respectively.

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Pavilion, Zong Sichen’s shoulder was already bare thanks to the female He Huan Sect disciple’s efforts to disrobe him. He was pitifully trying to dodge her clutches.

Noticing the arrival of his two good friends, Zong Sichen hurried to straighten his clothes. He muttered to Xi Huai, "It was somewhat troublesome to find her. Quickly ask her your questions.”

Then he went over to Song Weiyue and whispered, “Is it true?”

He had obviously heard of the matter of a He Huan Sect disciple sleeping with Xi Huai for three years.

Song Weiyue nodded defeatedly.

The female He Huan Sect disciple wasn’t afraid in the face of their arrival. She leisurely leaned back on the bed. 

“You guys here to join in?” She said as she pulled back her lapels.

One glance was enough for Song Weiyue to quickly turn away and jog outside. Out of sight, out of mind.

Xi Huai averted his gaze, staring straight at a corner of the room. He sternly stated, "I want to ask you a few questions."

The female disciple replied in a flirtatious voice, "Ask away."

"What's A-Jiu’s name?"

"A-Jiu?" The female disciple thought for a moment, "The one from our Logistics Hall?"


The female disciple ambiguously looked Xi Huai up and down a few times before enigmatically smiling. “I only know that he’s the ninth disciple of Hua Ling Shishu. I usually call him A-Jiu, so I don’t know what his real name is either.”

"Then what does he look like?"

"A-Jiu is quite handsome." The female disciple said, motioning to her own face as an example. “The corners of his eyes tilt up slightly so that he has a pair of charming and seductive vixen eyes. His lips are un-rouged but vermillion nonetheless. Anyone would be stunned by his appearance.”

Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen exchanged a glance at that description. Maybe Xi Huai wasn’t as screwed up as they had thought.

Yet the female disciple’s next words made them baulk again.

"A-Jiu likes to wear clothes with the lapels undone on a regular basis.” She pointed to her belly button. “All the way down to here.”

Song Weiyue jolted out of shock again. His astonished voice traveled in from the door. “Open lapels? Is he really”

The female disciple nodded. "With a waist as thin and skin as fair as his, it’s only right to show off.”

Xi Huai denied it. "He’s not that kind of person."

The female disciple burst into exaggerated laughter. She even wiped her eyes. “You probably don’t know, do you? He Huan Sect disciples have pretending to be innocent down to a fine art. We’re like a whole different person after sleeping with you. The techniques we practice increase our sensuality, so how could any of us be a pure little rabbit?

Xi Huai didn't know the details. He looked at Zong Sichen.

Zong Sichen nodded with a commiserating expression that seemed to say, ‘I fell for that too once’.

The female disciple smiled some more before suddenly stiffening.

Xi Huai sensed something was off. But before he could unsheathe Shukuang and attack, the female disciple’s body suddenly dissipated.

Zong Sichen came over for a look too. “It’s the He Huan Sect’s concealment technique. She left behind an illusion and fled long ago.”

She took advantage of Song Weiyue ducking out and Xi Huai looking away when she peeled back her lapels to set up the formation.

The number one Sect of escape artists in the cultivation world: The He Huan Sect.

The two things characteristic of all He Huan Sect disciples: Running fast and kneeling even quicker.

He Huan Sect disciples were very good at judging the situation. They would roll over and turn on the waterworks at the slightest hint of danger, their act believable enough to move heaven and earth.

Another characteristic was their overwhelming number of escape techniques. Despite not being the strongest in terms of fighting ability, their ability to flee was unparalleled. With their concealment and illusion techniques, even Golden Core cultivators would have a hard time catching Foundation Building He Huan Sect disciples if they weren’t prepared.

Song Weiyue finally came back in and asked, “This female cultivator’s words seem to be mostly reliable.”

Zong Sichen replied, "It’s also possible that every word was a lie.”

Song Weiyue thought about it. "So he’s ugly, has droopy eyes, stained or pale lips, a thick waist and dark skin?”

"..." Xi Huai instantly glared at Song Weiyue.

Zong Sichen hurriedly spoke due to Xi Huai's darkening expression, "Everyone accepted by that Sect has above-average looks. Maybe he’s just a bit older.”

Xi Huai had some understanding of the He Huan Sect. "The He Huan Sect has a method to preserve the face, which is why all their disciples look seventeen to eighteen. That female cultivator just now is probably no different. She may be even older than A-Jiu.”

Zong Sichen paused before laughing. “That’s impossible. She’s so naive.”

Xi Huai patted Zong Sichen's shoulder. "A-Jiu said that those who entered the Sect later than him call him Little Shige. Only his seniors call him A-Jiu. Since A-Jiu is 90 this year, she should be about a hundred years old..."

Zong Sichen's expression blanked out at a rate visible to the naked eye. Then he stumbled back and collapsed into a chair.

His previously bright eyes became dull, and tears even began to fall moments later. He reached out and tugged on Song Weiyue's sleeve, only for  Song Weiyue to shrug him off.

"I...I genuinely liked her at first, I even wanted her to be my cultivation partner. But then I found out that I was just one of many bedmates for her. Now, only now...I found out that she’s practically 80 years older than me?!” Zong Sichen was about to have a mental breakdown.

Xi Huai looked at Zong Sichen without saying anything.

Still crying, Zong Sichen went to tug Xi Huai's sleeve instead. "Young Sect Master, she refuses to take responsibility after sleeping with me for months! You have to seek justice for me!” 

Xi Huai suddenly roared, "I'm still looking for someone to be responsible for me!"

Zong Sichen suddenly felt better. After all, at least he could still find the person he slept with and know what she looked like.

Song Weiyue couldn’t watch this go on any longer. He comforted Zong Sichen, "Look on the bright side, sleeping with a granny beats sleeping with a grandma, right?”

A moment later, Zong Sichen watched as Xi Huai kicked Song Weiyue out the window. Agonised cries soon followed.

At the beginning, the entire Qing Ze Sect: You slept with an old man?!

After seeing Chi Muyao, the entire Qing Ze Sect people: With his looks, it’s worth it even if he was tens of thousands of years older! He’s not old, he’s an ageless beauty!

Rain – Their interactions are hilarious XD

Sahl – Takeaways from this chapter…

Song Weiyue: *pictures his dad as a ‘femme fatale’* gets his head smacked.

Xi Huai: Incredibly talented Young Sect Master, future powerful demon venerable able to control an actual dragon, and who terrifies all who see him: “I want A-Jiu to take responsibility!”

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