The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 25: CH 22.1

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Chi Muyao also had a water spiritual root. He could use water element techniques as well, just not as skilflully as Yu Yanshu might.

He moved about while trying to evaporate all the water on his body, causing his figure to be enveloped by a dense misty fog.

He intentionally moved behind everyone so that less people would look at him. As a result, Xi Huai was able to see his back. The wet clothing sticking to Chi Muyao’s skin left little to the imagination. His back, shoulders and waist were well defined. The proportions of his body made his legs appear exceptionally long.

Xi Huai wanted to take out an enchanted vestment from his own Myriad Treasure Bell and give it to Chi Muyao, but Yu Yanshu was a step ahead of him. He followed Chi Muyao and handed him an enchanted vestment from his Hundred Treasure Jade after exchanging a few words.

Chi Muyao accepted the garment with both hands before heading in a less crowded direction, probably to change clothes.

Xi Huai felt a burst of displeasure. He wanted to head over and make Chi Muyao put on something of his instead.

Yet a slight movement from him was enough to have all the Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples readying their weapons.

He disdainfully swept a glance at the group and said unhappily, "I don't have time to kill you all."

Surprisingly, his succinct and contemptuous remark was more convincing than any exhaustive explanation could’ve been.

The Golden Core stage disciple asked again, "Then why did you come here?”

Xi Huai didn’t answer, so Song Weiyue did on his behalf, "Why do you care? Did you claim this mountain or plant these trees?”

The Golden Core disciple held back his anger and retorted, "The Array is very vast. There’s no need to always hang around our team, is there?"

Song Weiyue tilted his head and continued to be unreasonable. “We’ll do whatever we like. Why do you care why we’re here?”

The other disciples in the team couldn't help but say, "Demonic faction disciples are so unreasonable. They seem to do nothing but evil, willful things all day.”

"I think they’re doing this because someone in our team has struck their fancy! Shameless wretches, do you think you’re worthy of coveting immortal sect disciples?”

The more those people cursed, the happier Song Weiyue became. “Louder! Don’t act like you haven’t eaten yet. Your Grandpa’s right here so curse all you want!”

To the side, Yi Qianxi finally managed to take down a Jilingshou by herself. She panted from the exertion, having used the full extent of her Yu Chong School techniques.

Chi Muyao finally returned after changing into the enchanted vestments. He was now clothed in white, with elegant bamboo patterning encircling the sleeves and hem. He radiated an otherworldly beauty.

Since he was wearing white, his originally fair skin now appeared like the finest mutton fat jade. The tenderness of his lips were also highlighted, like a dot of vermillion set between white shells.

Yi Qianxi looked up at him from where she was squatting beside the Jilingshou. "It looks good on you, but can you prepare spirit beast carcasses in that?”

“It should be water and dirt resistant since it’s an enchanted vestment.”

Yi Qianxi gestured with her chin towards the crowd. “Is it really okay for us to prepare spirit beasts while they’re facing off?”

"They'll be facing off for a while. Don’t worry, it’s unlikely they’ll fight.”

"How do you know that?"

Chi Muyao didn’t dare to say it openly, so he transmitted his voice to Yi Qianxi using his divine sense, “Nuan Yan Pavilion values being reasonable. They’re always the last to join in any conflict.”

Yet his divine sense transmission made someone else laugh. Then Song Weiyue soon followed.

Bemused, Chi Muyao looked up and found that the first person who laughed was Zong Sichen. Alarm bells immediately started going off in his head.

Zong Sichen wasn’t the best fighter, but he was very talented in other areas.

For example, he was very good at doing some ‘clerical work’ or acting as support for Xi Huai and Song Weiyue.

Another notable thing about him was that he could listen in on other’s divine sense transmissions.

Fortunately, Chi Muyao wasn’t the type to tell others secrets through voice transmission, and Zong Sichen couldn’t listen in on other people’s thoughts. Otherwise his true identity would’ve been exposed long ago.

Apparently Zong Sichen heard what Chi Muyao said and transmitted it to Xi Huai and Song Weiyue as well.

Xi Huai was displeased to note the new clothes Chi Muyao had changed into. He jumped unhappily into a tree and reclined back against the trunk.

Although he wasn’t sure if Chi Muyao was A-Jiu yet, the sight of Chi Muyao wearing someone else's clothes made him want to burn them off so that Chi Muyao would have to change into his clothes.

But he was afraid that would scare off Chi Muyao.

Indistinct white clouds drifted through the sky, followed by the orange haze of sunset across the horizon.

The weather in the Array was fickle and unpredictable, neither suitable for flying on artefacts nor action at night. Although the Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples were not pleased with the Xi Huai’s presence, they set camp where they were with no intention of leaving.

While everyone was arranging their belongings, Xi Huai finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and leapt down from the tree.

Once he moved, several disciples of the Nuan Yan Pavilion followed suit, only to see Xi Huai walk up to Chi Muyao with a red ribbon from his Myriad Treasure Bell. He wrapped it around Chi Muyao's neck a few times before tying a permanent knot.

Chi Muyao looked at Xi Huai, utterly dumbfounded. He couldn’t even look down at the ribbon if he wanted to, so he asked, “Why did you tie this on me?”

"I could kill you instead."

"Oh...thanks then." Chi Muyao said as he tugged at the ribbon. Then he noticed Xi Huai frowning and quickly stopped.

“You don’t want it on you?”

"No, it's just a little hard to breathe."

Xi Huai loosened the ribbon by pointing at it.

He was very upset that Chi Muyao was wearing Yu Yanshu's enchanted vestment. In his mind, he had to restore the balance by having something of his own on Chi Muyao’s person as well.

Luckily Chi Muyao didn’t refuse despite feeling a bit puzzled. Xi Huai then left.

He finally felt a bit better.

The disciples on guard were a little confused. A single look was enough for them to pick up on the complicated emotions their adversary felt.

Did this young demonic faction sect master really fancy this little Yu Chong School disciple after all?

Yu Yanshu came over after Xi Huai left and stared at the spiritual weapon around Chi Muyao's neck. "It's a spiritual weapon for tying people up. I’m afraid it can strangle you to death with a single thought from him.”

"Ah?!" Chi Muyao was taken aback.

"I'll go find him." Yu Yanshu turned away with a hand on his sword, ready to go and reason with Xi Huai.

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"No, no, no. It should be fine. He’s always been the type to act somewhat strangely.”

Yu Yanshu checked again to make sure there was nothing else to the ribbon and that he couldn’t take it off. With that, he went to find his shixiong to discuss some things about the expedition.

Chi Muyao sat down again by Yi Qianxi’s side. He heard her voice transmission, “What’s up with that big shot from the demonic faction? He can’t really be into you, can he? He’s gay?”

Chi Muyao tugged Yi Qianxi's hand over and wrote on her palm, They can listen in on divine sense transmissions.

Then he pointed to Zong Sichen.

Yi Qianxi didn’t believe him at first. She used divine sense transmission to say to Chi Muyao, "The hem of that demonic faction disciple in white seems to be dirty."

As soon as she said that, she saw Zong Sichen look down at the hem of his clothes.

Yi Qianxi was flabbergasted. She turned to look at Chi Muyao.

Chi Muyao nodded with pursed lips.

Then the two of them sat there with their heads down, without transmitting their voices or moving.

It was late at night before Chi Muyao quietly touched the ribbon on his neck. He snuck a look at Xi Huai only to quickly meet his eyes.

The two of them were sitting with the fire lit by the Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples between them. The sparks flying into the air seemed to heat up the other’s gaze.

Chi Muyao quickly looked away, having learned his lesson.

He suspected that Xi Huai had come for him.

He felt that Xi Huai had begun to suspect him.

But he didn't want to be recognised by Xi Huai. That would mean the end of his peaceful life.

Just before he drifted off to sleep again, a sudden change overtook the quiet night.

All the disciples noticed an extremely strong fluctuation of spiritual energy within the Array, a counterattack by the Array to try and defend itself.

The northwest portion of the Array suddenly shattered. Savage winds raged, striking with lightning towards that spot.

Everyone looked in that direction. The strong winds whipped at their clothing, creating an eerie sound.

Chi Muyao subconsciously shielded Yi Qianxi, stopping her when she instinctively dove for the cover of trees. Trees were prone to lightning strikes, and the mountain side was prone to falling debris. There was nowhere safe at the moment.

Yu Yanshu took out a protective artefact from his Hundred Treasure Jade and set it in position. A gentle water element barrier appeared, ensconcing Chi Muyao, Yi Qianxi and everyone else within. Only then did Yu Yanshu look in that direction again.

Xi Huai’s group came over to stand by Yu Yanshu. No one knew if they were here to mooch off Yu Yanshu’s protective barrier or to work with them against a common foe.

The other Golden Core stage cultivator asked, "Could it be someone forcing their way into the Array?”

Chi Muyao answered after focusing his senses for a moment, “No, they’re spirit beasts! Heaven grade! Many of them.”

Mu Ren scowled and looked back at him mockingly. “You’re sure again? Did you go to the edge of the Array to check or something?”

Chi Muyao knew this wasn’t the time to verbally spar with him. He bluntly stated, “The prior blessing of the Colourless Yunni Deer has enhanced my perception of spirit beasts. The ones forcing their way in now are a group of mainly Heaven grade spirit beasts with some Earth grades mixed in. However, the Earth grade won’t last until the Array is successfully breached.”

Yu Yanshu wouldn’t question Chi Muyao’s judgement. He asked a follow up question, “Why are they forcing their way into the Array?”

"There’s either something they want very badly inside the Array, or there’s something out there able to wipe them out that is hunting them. After all, spirit beast cultivation isn’t easy. Heaven grade spirit beasts wouldn’t normally take risks like breaking into arrays.

"So it's possible that something terrible has appeared outside the Array?"

"Yes, but I can't be sure. We must refrain from baseless speculations.”

Mu Ren snorted dismissively. "Heh. What a bunch of nonsense. A group of Heaven grade spirit beasts, huh? You think they’re that common? To me it looks more like something’s gone wrong with this bizarre array. We should seek shelter somewhere and let this latest fluctuation run its course.”

Just as Mu Ren finished speaking, he felt himself being picked up. All his struggles were powerless against the force that moved his body.

Then Xi Huai's voice sounded, "Why don’t you go see for yourself if what he said is true.”

With that, Xi Huai tossed out a spiritual artefact that materialised a crevice in front of him. Then he threw Mu Ren into the crevice.

His actions caused the other Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples to draw their swords. They barked, "What are you doing?!”

Xi Huai looked as unconcerned as ever as he replied frankly, "Just letting him take a look, that’s all.”

Then, as he motioned grabbing something out of thin air, Mu Ren reemerged from the crevice and tumbled haplessly onto the ground.

The crevice disappeared once Xi Huai put away the spiritual artefact.

This was something extremely rare even in the cultivation world, a spatial instantaneous transport artefact. It was precious and had a limited number of uses, after which it became useless. Normally used to escape in case of emergency, Xi Huai instead used it to confirm Chi Muyao’s words.

Chi Muyao gave Xi Huai a quick glance. He subconsciously felt that Xi Huai was being too wasteful.

Mu Ren had been thrown by Xi Huai to an area near the spiritual energy turbulence to take a look just now. When he returned, Mu Ren sat on the ground like a sitting duck, unable to recover from his shock for the longest time.

Ming Shaoluo hurried over and asked, "Mu Ren-shixiong, are you okay?"

Mu Ren had to be shaken before he came back to his senses. He muttered almost to himself, “R-run. Hurry up and run or we’re all going to die!”

Ming Shaoluo was running out of patience. “What’s going on over there? What happened?”

Mu Ren glanced at Chi Muyao before answering. He seemed chagrined as he swallowed dryly and said, “There...are Heaven grade spirit beasts out there.”

Other Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples also secretly took a second look at Chi Muyao. It seemed like the dead weight from the Yu Chong School’s predictions had some merit.

He’s been proven right both times after all.

Xi Zihe was shocked beyond measure. "There really are Heaven grade spirit beasts? And a lot of them at that?"

Mu Ren nodded. "Yes, I saw many gigantic claws. They’re all trying to break in and one has already succeeded.”

Yu Yanshu also urged him impatiently, “What kind of spirit beasts are they?!”

Mu Ren was so frightened that his tongue stopped working. He stumbled through his reply, “They...they’re Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves.”

A silence descended after his words.

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