The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 26: CH 22.2

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The Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolf, named after its golden iris’, was a perfect example of a wild beast that was willing to feed on cultivators. The spiritual energy given off by the cultivator’s corpse after death helped the wolves cultivate in turn.

This kind of pack-type spirit beast were to be exterminated on sight in the cultivation world.

Hunting this ferocious beast usually required a Nascent Soul stage Heavenly Venerable, accompanied by several Golden Core stage cultivators. Those at the Foundation Building stage didn’t even stand a chance. They were nothing but fodder before the Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolf.

If this group of Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves entered the Array before the cultivators within could get out, it was very likely all these Foundation Building cultivators would perish.

Some may survive until the Array reopened, but who could be sure that these Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves wouldn’t guard the exit and wait for their prey to come running out?

By then, their only hope would be that the Nascent Soul stage Heavenly Venerables come into the Array to save them.

But how many would be lucky to survive until that time?

Chi Muyao held Yi Qianxi's arm and quietly comforted her, “Don’t be scared.”

Although Yi Qianxi was worried, she still nodded obediently.

Hao Xia had given them a gourd when they entered the Array. Inside was Hao Xia’s most precious spirit beast, Tutu土土 - lit. 'dirt dirt'

Not a frilly pink tutu haha.


Tutu was a spirit beast that could dig holes as well as conceal all traces of a cultivator. Hiding in a hole would definitely buy them some time.

However, Tutu’s abilities had a limit. It could probably only hide less than twenty people in its hole. The rest, whose cultivation could not be concealed, would instead bring greater danger to everyone else.

There were thirty-five people present, so they would have to choose who to save and who to leave behind. Choices that could have enormous ramifications.

Chi Muyao stole a glance at Xi Huai, thinking about whether to take Xi Huai into the hole dug by Tutu too.

Ming Shaoluo soon interrupted his musings. “My family elders have given me a life-saving spiritual artefact that can hide us in for a while. However, it only has enough space for five people.” She said, looking at Xi Zihe.

Yet all Xi Zihe was concerned about at this point was Han Qingyuan.

Chi Muyao considered this new piece of information. If Ming Shaoluo could hide five people, then that made things easier on his end.

Maybe some of the others will have other ways to hide?

After all, they are all elite disciples of the Nuan Yan Pavilion. They should have no shortage of spiritual artefacts on hand.

It was at this time that Xi Huai turned to Zong Sichen and Song Weiyue. “You two stay here.”

Song Weiyue immediately protested, "Young Sect Master, you’re not thinking about going to stop those Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves, are you? They’re Heaven grade spirit beasts! Even my dad would need to expend some effort to deal with them. Although you have the Hui, your own reserves of spiritual energy are limited, limiting in turn the might it can bring to bear. You’re basically going to your death, ah!”

Xi Huai had already taken out the instantaneous transport spiritual artefact. He said to Song Weiyue, "If we don't stop them now, more of them will come in.”

"We have plenty of spiritual artefacts! What’s wrong with taking some out to hide in until the Array reopens, ah?!”

"A-Jiu is in the Array, what if he isn’t able to hide?” With that, Xi Huai tossed out the spiritual artefact and strode into the crevice that formed.

Xi Huai was afraid that he had his eyes on the wrong person. What if he wasn’t able to protect the real A-Jiu?

Xi Huai’s torment would only grow if that were to happen.

His words caused Chi Muyao to waver. He watched as a very furious Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen followed into the crevice, which closed afterwards.

Chi Muyao inexplicably felt his eyes burn a little.

Here he was, thinking about how to protect himself, and whether to protect Xi Huai or not. Meanwhile, Xi Huai headed straight to the most dangerous of places just to protect him.

For a moment, he felt that he was truly heartless and undeserving of a piece of Xi Huai’s heart.

The Nuan Yan Pavilion disciples present were all taken aback. They looked at each other hesitantly. “Is he going to stop the advance of the Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves?"

"Are you kidding? No matter how powerful he is, he’s only at the Foundation Building stage. Even a Nascent Soul stage Heavenly Venerable will have to collaborate with other Heavenly Venerables to kill one, right?"

That’s right. Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves are notorious in the cultivation world for how difficult they were to deal with.

They were very intelligent and adept at fighting together, not to mention their powerful Metal element attack spells.

If these Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves were allowed to come in, they would feast on the bountiful prey within. They could slowly hunt and savour their fill.

All the cultivators here for training were at the Foundation Building stage. They lacked the offensive might needed to hurt the wolves while also possessing enough cultivation to last them a while.

Before they could even recover from their shock, they saw the Hui rush up towards the sky from where the disturbance was located. The roaring dragon attacked wildly, Hui Dragon Flames going head to head against the Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves’ combined ‘Golden Rain’ aerial attack.

The appearance of the Hui burned a dark red scar into the sky. The Array’s self-defensive lightning pierced the sea of fire.

Ten thousand stars studded the sky as the moon coldly shone on the mortal world below.

Flames soared towards the sky, burning stars, forest and mountain alike.

The fierce battle within the Array made the earth itself tremble. Firelight lit the faces of every spectator, their eyes reflecting the outline of the flames.

They all knew that Xi Huai was no match for the Golden-eyed Heavenly Wolves. Yet Xi Huai went without hesitation regardless.

The demonic faction disciples they had been wary of this whole time were now fighting alone out there, and everyone here benefited from their protection.

They never thought that they would be saved one day by disciples of the demonic faction...

Chi Muyao staggered forward a few steps before coming to a stop. He knew he would only be a burden if he headed over. The logical thing to do would be to remain here.

And yet...he was worried about Xi Huai.

How could he not show an inkling of concern for someone willing to go so far for his sake?

Yu Yanshu rose with his sword in hand and said to the other Golden Core stage disciple, "I'll go help. You take care of the others."

With that, he headed in that direction with his light body technique.

Yi Qianxi glanced in that direction before looking back at Chi Muyao. He was anxiously tugging at the red ribbon around his neck like it bothered him.

She didn’t notice until now because Chi Muyao rarely fiddled with the ribbon too much, but he was actually able to take it off and re-tie it with ease.

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This was the reason Chi Muyao wasn’t afraid to keep it around his neck.

Chi Muyao had dual cultivated with Xi Huai for three entire years. He had absorbed more than enough of Xi Huai’s spiritual energy.

By now, he could control Xi Huai’s spiritual artefacts, even easily opening his Myriad Treasure Bell. If…

If they dual cultivated for a few more years, perhaps even the Hui...

"Don't you worry. We have Tutu." Yi Qianxi reassured him, still thinking he was afraid.

Chi Muyao nodded. “En."

The remaining disciples still felt like Yu Yanshu and the three demonic faction disciples wouldn’t be able to change anything. They began discussing ways of protecting themselves.

Ming Shaoluo has a protective spiritual artefact that could accommodate four more besides her. She chose Xi Zihe but not Han Qingyuan.

Han Qingyuan didn’t care about herself, she just wanted Xi Zihe to be safe. But Xi Zihe insisted on staying outside by Han Qingyuan’s side, causing Ming Shaoluo to lose her temper and scold him for being so obtuse.

Some of the other disciples had their own methods, but there were limits to how many people could benefit as well. Ultimately, there were less than ten spots altogether.

The Golden Core stage cultivator said, "I can lay down a boundary formation spell, but it can only hold a number of people. I’m afraid that—”

At this point, someone immediately said, “We can forget about those two from the Yu Chong School, right? They were nothing but dead weight in the team before anyways, why do they deserve to take up spots now? What use will it be if they survive anyways? They don’t even have pure spiritual roots.”

Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi were thinking about protecting everyone remaining, only to have such words thrown in their faces.

Everyone else seemed to agree with what was said and split up in search of places to set up their boundaries or spiritual artefacts. No one gave Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi a second look.

When it came to matters of life and death, the true nature of these disciples of renowned righteous sects were revealed. All they cared about when it came down to it was themselves.

In the end, only Xi Zihe, Han Qingyuan and two other disciples were left behind.

One of the disciples immediately broke down in tears. After all, as someone not chosen, he was dealing with the despair of imminent death.

Xi Zihe, on the other hand, was here by choice after provoking Ming Shaoluo. Still, he comforted Han Qingyuan.

The male lead’s love for the female lead was as touching as ever. It held true in the face of every life and death situation.

Chi Muyao said to the few remaining people, "It's okay, I have a spirit beast that can conceal our presence and protect us as well.”

Han Qingyuan was quietly crying because she had put Xi Zihe in danger. She was more than shocked to hear that. “Really? Then why didn’t you say something just now?”

Chi Muyao explained, "I was hesitant to bring it up at first because the spirit beast’s abilities are limited and it can’t protect everyone. But when enough people had been accounted for, they disparaged Shijie and I again. That’s why we didn’t say anything afterwards.”

Thinking about how the others acted just now, Han Qingyuan and Xi Zihe could understand.

Chi Muyao gave the gourd to Yi Qianxi. "Shijie, take them to hide first. I’ll join you guys soon.”

Yi Qianxi took the gourd and asked, "Are you waiting for Yu Yanshu?"

Chi Muyao didn’t give a straightforward answer. He nodded. “En. This way I can tell them where to go when they return.”

After waiting for everyone to duck in the hole, Chi Muyao stood alone at the edge of the open lake, surveying the area where the battle raged.

What was once a quiet, peaceful place during the day had become silent and desolate hours later.

He sent a flicker of spiritual energy towards the battlefield before splaying out both hands. Images from the area appeared in front of him.

He was able to see Xi Huai and others fighting, but only for a few breaths’ time.

This was the He Huan Sect’s spell for surveying. However, due to his middling spellcasting capabilities, Chi Muyao could only sustain it for a very short amount of time.

But a short time was all he needed to see Xi Huai’s blood-soaked appearance.

Xi Huai's forehead seemed to be injured. Blood poured down his face, making it so that he could only open one eye.

His arm hung at his side in a way that suggested it was incapacitated. Blood flowed down the limb, falling drop by drop down his fingertips.

Chi Muyao could see that Xi Huai was badly injured. Fighting above one’s realm was no easy feat, even for Xi Huai.

The images he could see gradually dissipated. Chi Muyao tried again and again to bring them back to no avail.

He was so anxious that he paced in place. He tried to comfort himself with the fact that Xi Huai was the villain. He would definitely live to see the grand finale.

Xi Huai's notoriously hard to kill. He’ll definitely be fine...

Then the lightning strikes decreased in intensity. The fires gradually began to go out as well.

The battle seemed to be wrapping up.

Chi Muyao couldn’t help it anymore. He used the He Huan Sect’s instant movement technique to hurry over.

Xi Huai was so injured that he couldn’t summon the Hui anymore. Just now, he and the alpha wolf exchanged their final blows. He could no longer even stand, collapsing to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

He could sense that Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen had taken refuge in the spiritual artefact and were safe for now.

Even Yu Yanshu had a way to protect himself.

Xi Huai let out a breath. He noticed how his breathing was especially loud, like he was breathing into his own ears.

His eardrums throbbed, and soon he couldn’t really hear the sounds around him anymore. He knew that the alpha wolf he was fighting against had also fallen, but he couldn’t be sure it was truly dead.

Just then, he saw a golden spike abruptly take form above his head. He didn’t even have the strength to dodge it.

That alpha wolf wasn’t dead yet...

He suddenly wanted to laugh. He had done his best. If this was to be his end then so be it.

Maybe the excruciating torment would finally stop if he died. His only regret was not knowing if A-Jiu cared about him being alive or not.

Smiling as he waited for death, Xi Huai suddenly saw a concealed weapon fly above his head and intercept the golden spike. A peach blossom-like shield also materialised above his body.

A euphoric rush of joy overcame him, like all his efforts had paid off.

His A-Jiu was here.

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