The Demon’s Ascendance

Chapter 2: Noxgelum

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This is quite the thing. Just thinking of the potential that I possess, it overwhelms me with great joy, knowing I can do something crazy; I can become something powerful. Even though, better not to get too arrogant and hasty, or I'll end up doing something stupid and most likely regret it later on.

Getting up and checking myself, all I have on me is a cloth shirt, with a leather like vest, a leather-cloth pants and leather shoes. I walk towards the exit and all I see is… mountains. Mountains, and more mountains and even more… Just rocky grey mountains. As well as ice, yes ice, not snow. And the ice is in strange places, sides of the mountains, atop the mountains. Some curve inwards or upwards from the sides of mountains.

As for the mountains, they do not look the typical mountains I know. Shaped and jagged in strange and uneven ways. Sighing, I look up, and see a smoky like sky, the light barely shines through it.

Anyways, I have to choose a name… After thinking hard for a while, all I could say is this is bullshit. It is really hard coming up with a name and I don't want to use my old name. This is a new me, in a new world, so a new name.

Getting tired of thinking, I decide to settle with a Demon name, Asmodeus. It sounds powerful, I mean he is the most powerful demon that I can think of.

As soon as I decided my name, a smooth and low ding was sounded in my mind and a message popped as well.

[Congratulations on choosing your name. Rewards: 50 EXP, 1 Stat Point, 10 Gold Coins.]

Well, that is very nice of you. I grin, walking towards the edge of the cliff to look what is beneath. And oh boy let me tell you, it is not pretty.

I cannot even see the bottom. This is truly horrifying, where in the hell am I?

Turning left, seeing a dead end, basically a fall off and die, type of dead end. Turning to the right, lucky me, there is a path, and I shall take it.

Eventually I reach the bottom, or a bottom? I have no idea, but this place, whatever it is, is both horrifying and magnificent.

In front of me, there is a small river of greyish water and a path on both sides. On the sides of the paths are… you could say giant hill spike that are curved inwards.

As I am walking towards my destination, which is about three miles ahead of me. There are giant stairs in a zig-zag formation, that leads uphill. A big spider appears, I mean really big.

The bastard is about 1.2 meters in height. Its body is all rocky.

[Stone Spider, LVL 5] (+)

What is that plus sign? As I thought about it, a screen pops up, but unfortunately, I couldn't read it as the bastard spit his webs on me.

Dodging to the right, I realized just how agile I am. I barely missed; it was like 5 cm from hitting.

[Agility +1]

Rushing it, I decided on the spot to see what I can do with Demonic Magic. Using my imagination, will, and mana. I make a spear made out of fire, and a spear of fire appears in a throwing position on my right hand. I then throw it at the spider, using the momentum and my speed effectively.

It pierces its body, going through its back, the spear dissipates in spark of flames. As for the spider, he is dead, the wound that the spear made, is fully charred.

And the soft ding sound appears once more.

[ Magic +1]

[Rewards: 250 XP, 30 Gold Coins and 50 Bronze Coins.]

[Spear Mastery has been acquired.]

[Level up.]

[Level 2, all stats increased by 1, except for luck. 1 stat point.]

[Level 3, all stats increased by 1, except for luck. 1 stat point.]

{A/N: From now own, when he levels up, I won't mention that his luck stat doesn't level up. Just know it, that it doesn't level up when he does. He must use his stat points to level them up.}

Quite generous. Not complaining, but where is my skill points? Where!?

Ignoring the annoying part of not receiving any skill points, I walk towards the ashes, after noticing a strange glint. I blow the ashes away; thankfully none got in my eyes.

[Standard Potion of Healing], [4 Bronze Coins], [Book of Poison Resistance]

As I reach the ashes and crouch down to see what it was, these items appeared, and a message popped up with their names as well. I stash them into my inventory and notice the plus sign is still there.

[The Stone Spiders, native to the dimension of Noxgelum. Their webs are extremely poisons, as well as their bite. The younglings' levels are between 1 to 10.]

"So… It wasn't even that strong… how boring." As I say that, I just move on to my destination, thinking of how strong the higher leveled ones are.

As I reach the stairs, I got to say, this is crazy, these stairs are enormous. The sheer size, one step is enough to easily fit 50 people.

Let's see how fast I can get to the top. I prepare myself, and shoot off from my place, leaving cracks on the ground that I was standing on.

Finally reaching to the top I say to myself, "This is truly wonderful, I mean it took me about 5 to 7 minutes to reach the top without stopping. Although, I feel somewhat tired."

Looking ahead of me, I am in awe at the vast landscape. Looking at the pillar of dark greyish light that is shooting upwards, I assume that to escape this place, I have to head there.

"This will take a while…" I say, sighing. Taking out the [Book of Poison Resistance], I open it, it flashes and then just vanishes.

[You've acquired a new skill, Poison Resistance.]

'Cool' I think to myself. Now… lets go on our way.

[Time Skip : 1 day]

In the vast and dark landscape of Noxgelum, a man could be seen standing on the corpses of many Stone Spider, bleeding, holding a spear with his right hand.

"This… was fun" I say, grinning.

Looking at the pillar of light, I smile and think 'Close… just a little more.'

For a whole day, I have been slashing at these annoying pests… at least I have leveled up some more.


Name : Asmodeus

Age : 30 (Immortal)

Race : Demon

Bloodline : None.

Evolution : Not available, requirements have not been met.

Level : 13

EXP : 1,988/13,000

Coins : 417 Gold Coins,  91 Silver Coins, and 27 Bronze Coins.  [When the coins are withdrawn, they can be willed to be brought out as the currency that you seek/want.]

Stat Points : 13

Skill Points : 0

Title(s) : Born of Fire and Darkness, The Child of Mana.

*Born of Fire and Darkness : A child born from fire and darkness. You are more attuned to these elements. They love you; they protect you; they are there to serve you.

*The Child of Mana : Mana is always around you, empowering you and guiding you.

Strength : 88 [Can, with control and patience shatter steel swords, punch through tress and immensely crack small boulder.]

Magic : 106 [The understanding and utilization of magic. By the usage of mana, either internally or externally. The higher the stat, the higher the understanding of magic becomes, and the easier it is for the user to utilize it.]

Agility : 91 [Almost like Sh*npo or S*ru if you've seen Bl*ach and One Pi*ce. Here, Speed and Agility will be the same. Him being able to move fast in one direction(speed), and being able to move quickly and easily, in different direction(agility).]

Physical Defense : 87 [Defense against anything physical, such as ignoring blunt attacks. This depends on the weapon and the user.]

Magical Defense : 110 [Defense against anything magical, such as being able to barely feel anything from being hit by spells. Depends on the magic spell and the user.]

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Intelligence : 110 [Can solve problems easily, helps in magic and difficult situations. Wisdom will be the same as intelligence, even though they are both different.]

Dexterity : 101 [Can wield weapons casually and perfectly. Skills and things related to hands is performed perfectly.]

Vitality : 110 [Vitality will also be considered as stamina. Has enough Vitality to ignore hunger and tiredness for about a week or three days if fighting.]

Luck : 50 [Its luck… you need a definition? Alright, here it is then. Luck is the success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.]

Elements : Fire, Darkness.

Skills: Demonic Magic[LVL 5] - Mana Regeneration[LVL 2] - Demon Transformation[LVL 1] - Demonic Presence[LVL 1] - Power Concealment[LVL 1] - Spear Mastery[LVL 7] – Sword Mastery[LVL 2] Poison Resistance[LVL 3] - Adaptive Learning.

It's starting to get difficult to level up. Didn't get any skill points, but at least my skills are leveling up.

And the reason for that is because of Adaptive Learning. That is my guess. I feel the more I use my skills, the more I experiment the better I do become with it. Which is great because I can't complain about that.

As I am blast away, rushing towards the pillar of light, I check the missions tab.


* Leave Noxgelum

The center of Noxgelum is where the Pillar of Light is. Reach it, and there you will be able to leave Noxgelum.

Rewards: Uknown.

Shouldn't be that hard, I am close to reaching it anyways. Grinning, I force myself to go faster.


[Flash Step has been acquired.]

"Nice…" I say, grinning.

Using [Flash Step], I start going at incredibly fast speed towards the Pillar of Light.

{A/N: From now on, I will be using " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " To indicate a time skip, usually short ones.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Reaching my destination, all I see is an enormous mountain. And from my guess, the Pillar of Light is at the center of the mountain.

Right in front of me is a giant gate that is at the bottom of the mountain, embedded into it. At the least 10 meters in height, and the width of the gate is, by my estimation 16 meters. Which makes each door of the gate, 8 meters. It is made from grey stone, like it was carved from the mountain itself.

Approaching it, I can see that there are carvings on the wall. Carvings of spiders, storms, and mountains. Moving towards the gate even further, I notice that it opens from the outside, thus I have to pull the gates.

I grab the two handles of the gate and pull as hard as I can. The gates get pulled a little, I then use both my hands, holding the gates and pull even harder.

Eventually, it opens, and I walk in. All I see ahead of me, is a huge hall going straight, and from it, a faint glow of light, which I assume to be from the Pillar of Light.

As I am going towards the Pillar of Light, I hear things crawling. The sounds are getting closer and closer, and by the sound of it, whatever is crawling towards me, there is many of them.

"What the…" I say, looking at the ridiculous amount of spiders rushing towards me, majority of them are between level 10 and 20.

Grinning, I say, "Come to papa fuckers!" and I use [Demonic Magic], conjuring a crazy amount of fire that is imbued with a small amount of hellfire. Why not just use hellfire? That is for later to explain, now let me get these bastards.

Rushing towards them, with my hands raging with fire that is ready to consume all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am standing, facing the entrance to the Pillar of Light, body covered in blood, thousands of corpses behind me.

I sigh and say, "That was tougher than I thought it would be… Status."


Name : Asmodeus

Age : 30 (Immortal)

Race : Demon

Bloodline : None.

Evolution : Not available, requirements have not been met.

Level : 19

EXP : 7,969/19,000

Coins : 623 Gold Coins,  37 Silver Coins, and 41 Bronze Coins.  [When the coins are withdrawn, they can be willed to be brought out as the currency that you seek/want.]

Stat Points : 19

Skill Points : 0

Title(s) : Born of Fire and Darkness, The Child of Mana.

*Born of Fire and Darkness : A child born from fire and darkness. You are more attuned to these elements. They love you; they protect you; they are there to serve you.

*The Child of Mana : Mana is always around you, empowering you and guiding you.

Strength : 94 [Can, with control and patience shatter steel swords, punch through tress and immensely crack small boulder.]

Magic : 112 [The understanding and utilization of magic. By the usage of mana, either internally or externally. The higher the stat, the higher the understanding of magic becomes, and the easier it is for the user to utilize it.]

Agility : 97 [Almost like Sh*npo or S*ru if you've seen Bl*ach and One Pi*ce. Here, Speed and Agility will be the same. Him being able to move fast in one direction(speed), and being able to move quickly and easily, in different direction(agility).]

Physical Defense : 93 [Defense against anything physical, such as ignoring blunt attacks. This depends on the weapon and the user.]

Magical Defense : 116 [Defense against anything magical, such as being able to barely feel anything from being hit by spells. Depends on the magic spell and the user.]

Intelligence : 116 [Can solve problems easily, helps in magic and difficult situations. Wisdom will be the same as intelligence, even though they are both different.]

Dexterity : 107 [Can wield weapons casually and perfectly. Skills and things related to hands is performed perfectly.]

Vitality : 116 [Vitality will also be considered as stamina. Has enough Vitality to ignore hunger and tiredness for about a week or three days if fighting.]

Luck : 50 [Its luck… you need a definition? Alright, here it is then. Luck is the success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.]

Elements : Fire - Darkness.

Skills: Demonic Magic[LVL 8] - Mana Regeneration[LVL 4] - Demon Transformation[LVL 1] - Demonic Presence[LVL 1] - Power Concealment[LVL 1] - Spear Mastery[LVL 7] – Sword Mastery[LVL 5] Poison Resistance[LVL 7] - Flash Step [LVL 2] - Adaptive Learning.

Smirking, I say "Not bad…".

I have also received a bunch of items, but I'll deal with that later… everything later. My main objective now is to get to the real world. The place where everything is, where all is plenty and ripe. Ripe for taking and conquering, where many opportunities lie.

As I go past the open entrance, I am at awe at this place. Must be around 500 meters in diameter, and the height is… well no height, it just goes up in a cone like shape, and there is an exist for the Pillar of Light.

The room is filled with a peculiar humming sound that is coming from the Pillar of Light. There is a cracked circular stepping area in the middle, with a distorted space. Almost like a portal of sorts.

As I get closer towards the exist, I hear a crackling sound above me. Looking up, I sigh and say, "You've got to be kidding me…"

[Shagoax, Mother of Spiders, LVL 50] 

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