The Demonic Gamer

Chapter 1: Thrust onto the Story

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I want to clarify once more before we start, that this will be dark, no complaints after this, you have been warned.

<Greetings, you have been selected to be reborn, the first gamer has requested you be given a chance to prove yourself>

I see so?

<You will be reborn into a world that he chose for you, you can choose your start or randomise everything. Randomising will give you a higher chance of being given better stats at a higher chance of a bad starting position>

Then randomise.

<Not going to think it over?>


<Very well, displaying your status now>

Name: Riser Pheonix

Race: Devil (Pheonix Line)

Class: Overlord (Lvl 0/100)

Sub Class: Fire Mage (Lvl 2/100)

Level: One (0%)


Hp: 10,000 (600 regen per Sec)

Mp: 5000  (50 regens a sec)

SP: 1000  (10 Regen a sec)

Str: 400 (+50 per level up)

End: 700 (+75 per level up)

Dex: 400 (+50 per level up)

Cha: 400 (+50 per level up)

Int:  700 (+75 per level up)

Wis: 700 (+75 per level up)

Lck: 100 (+15 per Level up)

Credits- 0

Any abilities?

<As follows:

Pheonix regeneration (Apprentice): As your Mp grows your regeneration will rapidly increase as well. + 500 Heath regen.

Flames of the Pheonix (Master): +100% damage with fire-based attacks and 50% less mana cost for flame magic. Born from the flame, all Pheonix have deep control over it.

Flame Magic (Apprentice): Access to mid-tier flame magic, spells like Fireball and flame storm, +25% Damage with fire magic and learn new Fire spells 25% faster.

Devil Magic (Journeyman): Strong Demonic magic runs through your veins, allowing you to express it through your imagination.

Unaffiliated Magic (Master): +100% damage and +100% speed when you are using/learning Unaffiliated magic. Spells included: Magic missile, teleportation spells, gravity control etc...

Magic Core (Grand-Master): A core is hidden deep within your body, this core houses untold amounts of natural magic that you can tap into,

Promote Servant(Apprentice): You can reset a servant's level by returning them to 0 however they will keep their strength, being able to level up again gaining further strength.

Id Create - This allows the Host to create an isolated dungeon to train in.>

I see where this going already, when in the timeline will I be added?

<You will see now>

With a bright flash of light, I'm pulled out from the darkness that had been my home for the last thousand or so years. My body takes a deep breath as I realise where I am, so I have truly come back to the Highschool Dxd world, it seems the first gamer is a bit of an arse as this is where he killed me the first time.

<He hopes your time in the darkness has shown that being a goody-two-shoes is boring, he hopes you will embrace the darkness as he did. You are the only one he kept alive, I'm not sure why?>

Taking a look around at my surroundings, I stare at the faces I have seen before,

Name: Rias Gremory

Race: Devil (Gremory Line)

Class: Devil King (Lvl -1/100)

Sub Class: Princess of Destruction (Lvl 0/100)

Level: Five


Hp: 2,000

Mp: 500

SP: 200

Str: 50

End: 100

Dex: 75

Cha: 250

Int:  300


Lck: 300

Thoughts on you: Hates your guts, would rather kill herself than marry you.

Affection: -100/100

Obedience: 0/100

Then her brother,

Name: Sirzechs Gremory

Title: Lucifer

Race: Devil (Gremory Line)


Sub Class:?













Huh, won't waste time looking at the older devils then, if Rias is anything to go by, I won't have any issues among my peers for a while. Not a reason to slack off.

<Major Sin Gained Lust: You gain exp from sleeping with a woman.>

That makes life easier.

<Quest Gained: Beat the Princess into submission.

Objective: Beat Rias in the Rating Game.

Rewards: Massive Rep Gain with Lord Pheonix, Rias Slave route unlocked, Rias Unwilling wife Route unlocked. Akeno Slave route unlocked, Akeno Willing servant route Unlocked.>

Bonus Objective: Beat her alone.

Rewards: 5 Class levels, 4 Normal levels.>

So I guess we are all here for the rating game?

<Yes, I have frozen time to allow you to adjust, restarting in 3 seconds.>

I see.

When time restarts, Rias begins screaming at me, "You are the scum of our society, I will not marry-"

Ignoring her, I turn to her brother, "Your sister is acting in a way unbefitting of a Noble, reign her in before I do, we have a game to start no? I suggest we all stop wasting time."

< -10 affection with Sirzechs Gremory, - 10 affection with Akeno etc.>

So I'm just meant to let her scream at me? Fucking hypocrites.

Sirzechs scowls at me, "You are right, Rias calm down, both of you go and get ready, the fight will begin in 5 minutes."

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Ignoring those around me I walk into the waiting room with my peerage, taking a glance around the room, I notice that they are all looking at me, "You are not going to take part in this fight, I will deal with my new wife alone."

Ravel goes to interrupt me when I lift my hand, "I will not be discussing this with you, My orders are final."

The portal to my left explodes into life as I walk through it alone, arriving at the gym, I sigh taking in the familiar surroundings before walking off towards I know Rias will be.

(3rd person Pov)

"Wait what?" Lord Pheonix shouts, "Why is going out to face them alone?"

He glares at his daughter as she and Riser's peerage return to the spectator zone, "Why are you not down there fighting alongside Riser?"

Ravel gathers herself before saying "He didn't need us, told us to return here and watch."

Ravel knew this wasn't strictly the truth however if this went well, her brother would look better and if he failed, she could use this to push herself up the line of inheritance.

"It appears Riser has taken it upon himself to win this rating game, I don't see his adorable peerage anywhere." The bubbly commentator says, "It appears Akeno and Kiba have found him."

(Riser's Pov)

As I approach two of Rias' 'pets' Akeno tries to speak, I release my magic pressure directing it straight at her, causing her to freeze. Lifting my right up slightly deep blue magic flares up, with a smile, I slam my hand into the ground, as both Kiba and Akeno follow my hand, slamming into the ground hard, hard enough to leave an indent.

Before I raise my hand up, allowing their bodies to raise before I slam it back down, repeating the process until they are forced to retire looking slightly worse for wear. Akeno's face is caved in, one of her arms clearly broken, I don't spare Kiba a glance as I continue walking towards Rias.

<Scene Break>

Slowly approaching the old school building in front of me, I pause as I sense the only truly useful member of Rias' peerage, not in her current state however I can mould her into a true Red Dragon Empress. One worthy of the title.

<Issane's Pov>

Anger, pure anger seizes me as I watch a piece of fried chicken beating the crap out of Akeno and Kiba, my mind slowly giving itself over to Wrath, Ddraig has tried to save me from it but I need its power, Riser will not get any further.


My gauntlet shouts as I walk out from behind the wall I was waiting behind,


Rings out once more as I transition into a sprint,


My body can't handle another however I REFUSE to allow Riser access to Rias, I will not give her up to some upstart pureblood purist.


'Partner you need to stop, you can't-'


My body begins to burn, searing hot pain courses through my veins, as my fist collides with the Chicken's face, he smirks as he is flung back into the floor, a cloud of dust covers him, and he flashes orange before he erupts in flames, giant fiery wings appear our of his back.

Floating back into place, he looks at me, a small smile crossing his face, "You are a lot stronger than I gave you credit for but a peasant can do nothing to a King."

Before I can retort my right arm explodes in flame, I scream as I try to put it out, flailing around, my mind goes to what you are taught in school as I drop to the ground and try to roll around.

<Koneko Pov>

I sigh seeing how Issane is 'distracting' Riser, using this brief amount of time, I pull as much power out of my rook piece as I can before flinging myself out from his blind spot, my punch going straight for his skull.


My hand goes threw nothing, well not quite..


Issane screams as my follow-through causes me to slam into her, sending her flying, she is pulled out from the rating game as I watch as Riser appears standing near to where she was.  A sad smile covered his face

"You tried little kitten, retire now and I won't hurt you, my kind has hurt yours too much already."

I frown, for a second I almost accept the offer, his sincerity is true enough however I owe Rias too much to accept this.

"I can't Rias has been good to me."

An understanding smile was his response, "I hope that loyalty will extend to myself when I win this little distraction. I will make this quick for you little kitten."

A giant ball of fire hit me and then everything went blank.

<Riser's Pov>

For what it's worth Koneko, when the underworld is mine I will absolve your sister of her crimes as well as burn the Devils responsible for the massacre of your kind. We could have used the Youkai to beat the Fallen out of our lands by now or further beat the Church out of Rias' playground.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for wiping out my enemies to the last man woman or child but potential Allies? A stupid, stupid move that should have been punished harshly, not a slap on the wrist. Pulling my mind back to the objective at hand, I tear down the wall Rais is hiding behind by making a gravity well at the bottom.

"Well dear wife, it is time this charade is ended, I have plans that need attending to, pretending to be a playboy for this long has derailed a lot of my aims. "

She is about to scream something at me when I lift up a piece of rubble and slam it into her stomach with enough force to destroy the phoney con create wall. Winding her in the process, "Asia right? Your pretty weak for a Devil, I will make this painless."

With a click of my fingers, she collapses and is retired, I walk up to Rias, kneeling down, I whisper in her ear" Even after all of your brother's meddling, after all of the delays and misdirects, you ended up where you always would. If you had come willingly from the start things would have been better for the both of us however that wouldn't help me, this rating game?"

I pause as she struggles to get her breath back.

"Is not about you, the marriage or helping my house. This is a warning for those who would cross me going forwards, I may show mercy to those working under them but the root of problems? Need to know their PLACE."

Throwing her out of the damaged room and into the dirt outside, I slowly walk up to her, taking my time, waiting for her brother to forcibly end the game...

It doesn't end, I see, he is restricted...

I lean over my soon-to-be wife, a smirk comes over my face as a bolt of the 'legendary' power goes flying past my face, a bit rude.

"Now now Rias, submit and your life won't be that bad, Hell, I will even let you waste your time in that school you love so much, well with the caveat that I will be going there with you. Frankly, I don't trust you enough to not try and get out of the contract by not being 'Pure'. After all, we marry next week, a week of freedom left, I want to see what you do with, I want to watch you squirm."

Before she can respond, I begin smashing her head into the floor with increased gravity until she is retired and I'm teleported back to the spectator room which is eerily silent.

<Quest Completed: Beat the Princess into submission.

Objective: Beat Rias in the Rating Game.

Rewards: Massive Rep Gain with Lord Pheonix, Rias Slave route unlocked, Rias Unwilling wife Route unlocked. Akeno Slave route unlocked, Akeno Willing servant route Unlocked.>

Bonus Objective: Beat her alone.

Rewards: 5 Class levels, 4 Normal levels.>

'Apply class levels to Overlord class.'

<Done, the following Abilities/Perks have been added.>

<Overlord Level 3: Select a 5000 gain to Mp Hp or SP.>



<Overlord Level 5: Select One level 100 servant or 10 level 10 Servants. Note that the level 100 servant has had their potential fully maxed and promote servant will not affect them.>

'Power now or potentially more in the future? I'm a gambling man at heart, 10 level 10s.'


<Displaying new status.>

Name: Riser Pheonix

Race: Devil (Pheonix Line)

Class: Overlord (Lvl 5/100)

Sub Class: Fire Mage (Lvl 2/100)

Level: Four (36%)


Hp: 10,000/13,000 (900 regen per Sec)

Mp: 3,000/12,000  (150 regens a sec)

SP: 1000/3000  (70 Regen a sec)

Str: 550 (+50 per level up)

End: 925 (+75 per level up)

Dex: 550 (+50 per level up)

Cha: 550 (+50 per level up)

Int:  925  (+75 per level up)

Wis: 925 (+75 per level up)

Lck: 145 (+15 per Level up)

Credits- 0

I smile as the visual display enters my mind, a decent hall for an easy battle but not enough, I will need to create a dungeon as soon as I can.

The room comes back to life as 'Lucifer' rises from his seat, the power coming off of him makes everyone else freeze as it washes over me, I'm not sure why but it works in my favour for now.


I teleport into a seat opposite him and say" You shouldn't be threatening the future lord of two houses, I might go to the Old Satan faction if you keep that up."

"Two houses?" He snarls.

"Father I'm assuming Heirship of our house, I assume that is not an issue?"

He stands still before gently approving.


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