The Demonic Gamer

Chapter 2: A Chat

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'Are there any light mages amongst my new servants?'

<Yes the first Gamer thought he would help you out as you are providing him with an interesting show, You have been granted the ability Summon Servant, the one you are looking for is Rin Tohsaka>

'Thanks, I should know that name from somewhere I think, never mind.'

I pause for a second before I command 'Summon Servant: Rin Tohsaka'


The room lights up briefly as a Pheonix Clan magic circle appears in front of me and out steps a young woman with aqua eyes and long wavy brown hair in a two-side-up hairstyle. I nod at her as she bows her head to me, "Lord Phoenix."

"A pleasure as always Rin, I hope your study of light magic has increased since we last met, have you developed the sword spell?"

A look of pride crosses the young woman's face as she lifts her head to meet my eyes, "I have my lord, are these Devils causing you issues?"

I shake my head, "Not directly dear Rin, there is a marriage contract between me and Rias Gremory, I didn't tell you about it because I was going to throw the game and lose to her on purpose but I had a change of heart. The man behind you claims to be 'Lucifer' though there are two people of the actual Lucifer line still alive, I'm going to marry his sister although she is unworthy of marrying into my line. He sees it as me being unworthy, Rin could you cast the spell so we can have a discussion without him getting any ideas?"

Rin nods her head, "Of course"

Magic surrounds her body as she goes through her chants before shouting "Swords of Revealing Light"

Twelve swords made out of strong, pure holy energy appear in the room, hovering above 'Lucifer' and the rest of the Gremory family.

"You may rejoin the Others Rin, I will be around later today, our plans are moving forwards, let the others know to prepare as we are moving to Kuoh town for a decent duration of time."

She bows slightly "As you command my lord."

Rin vanishes again quickly, I look up at the Satan class devil as he stares a hole into my skull,

"Now then Sirzechs I believe we should have a chat, don't you? Why not start with the fact that you have been helping your sister prepare for this game, spending resources and manpower of the SATANS to give her an advantage?"

Sirzechs looked at me, the chair arm began to break under the pressure he was emitting, it was starting to hurt my sister...

"I did what was necessary to try and prevent a monster like you from gaining enough power to threaten the peace in the underworld."

I lightly shook my head, clicking my fingers as one of the swords flung down from its position, landing in front of his wife, "They may not be strong enough to kill her but they will definitely leave a very nasty scar. Your father and mother will die though."

The pressure on my family coming from him increases as my sister is flung to the floor as is my peerage, not that any of them bar one or two are actually useful enough to keep. Perhaps I should trade them with my sister as soon as she gets her pieces? That sounds like a plan. I will keep my sister obviously, my queen and one bishop and knight. The rest can be moved along unless they drastically improve their worth that is.

"Riser you are playing a very dangerous game here, while you are far stronger than I expected you are still far weaker than me."

I laugh, a very feel laugh forces it way past my indifferent expression, "Sirzechs you underestimated me once and you continue to do so, I'm not really complaining as this will help me in the long run. I'm going, to be frank, here, I don't think the four satans are good enough to lead our race, you let your personal feelings cloud your judgement, you are restricted by the other factions and clearly you abuse your power."

Sirzechs' pressure is about to expand out further until a hand is put on his shoulder, his wife calms him down, much to my annoyance. "You should be careful how you talk to a Sata-"

I raise my hand and a sword rams into her shoulder in response making Sirzechs rise to his feet, his anger immeasurable as he closes in on me.

"You have no grounds to interfere here Sirzechs, as the future lord of House Gremory, I'm simply disciplining a maid that doesn't know her place, she is the Gremory head maid is she not?"

Sirzechs snarls out "You are really trying my patience here boy, what is the point in all this?"

"I'm just proving that you do in fact act in the interests of the 'Gremory' house, the one you swore to treat naturally when you usurped your office. Well, not all members of the house as you seem to hate me for some reason, well I guess I'm not a member until next week, prepare your best suit Sirzechs, I expect you to be at the wedding."


Teleporting out of the Spectator room, I teleport to where my new wife and her peerage are, moving towards Rias, I notice Koneko standing near her, I move past her and place Pheonix tear in Rias' mouth, her wounds heal rapidly as she comes too, seeing me she about to scream, I raise my hand as it flashes blue, she stops.

"Sirzechs and I failed to see eye to eye, you and I are going to Kuoh, my peerage and my Honour guard will meet us there."

I put Pheonix tears in her hands,

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"Give these to your peerage and meet me in your clubroom, if you play your cards right being married to me won't be an issue, I will even mould you into the Queen I need rather than a pawn her family used to get more Pheonix tears."

Walking out of the room that houses Rias, I make eye contact with Sirzechs as he rushes to his sister's side, a dull smile crosses my face as I force my way past him, towards the one member of Rias' peerage that still holds my interest.

I hold just outside the room as I hear her talking to Ddraig "What is going to happen to me now Ddraig? I had a good thing going, true friends for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged. I gave my all to protect that and it still wasn't enough, he was meant to be weak, an easy win, we were assured of such."

I slowly open the door, making sure I made little to no sound as I stood in the room with her, "Issane don't beat yourself up about it, you still landed the hardest hitting punch in the match although your antics while being burned didn't help our image."

I chuckle as the memory of her rolling around on the floor with flames consuming her arm dominates my mind, the chuckle explodes into full-blown laughter when the image of Koneko smacking her in the face, retiring her.

Issane turns to me with a scowl plastered across her face, she goes to speak but I simply raise my arm and she stops. "Issane right? Well, you and I are going to have a chat, Ddraig you can speak too if you wish but do not interrupt me, I have an offer for you."

I drag a chair next to her bed, "I know more about you than you do, you like both men and women right? Got a thing for my wife right? Although you are not on her radar, the only woman who is even remotely would be Akeno. I can change that but it will come with a cost."

"What is the cost?" Issane squeaks out.

"I want you to swear your loyalty to me on your soul, if-"

A deep frown covers my face as Ddraig interrupts me.

"Partner don't this a tra-"

My magic pressure erupts into the room, weighing both Ddraig and Issane down, "I'm trying to have a civil discussion here, we speak in intervals not interrupting one another, did Rias teach you nothing about speaking with Nobles? Not all of us are as laid back as she is with the rules, something else I will  have to teach you."

Retracting the magical pressure, I calm myself before continuing "I will personally begin training you, Albion's wielder is many times your superior, his empress is the bastard child of Lucifer himself, inheriting a lot of the Madman's power. She is also an obstacle for me like Rias once was, one I intend to overcome."

"What would this 'Training' consist of?"

"You are worried that I would take advantage of you? Worry not, despite what everyone seems to believe, I don't force sexual acts on others, the main training method will not be revealed until you swear on your soul, it is ancient family magic that can't be shown unless extreme loyalty is guaranteed. I would train you under Evior in the arts of a Viking berserker, a way to increase your power without leaning too hard on the Boosted gear. Vali has you beat because she has power outside of her gear, this is especially important for you as yours boosts your non-gear power, which frankly you have way too little of."

"You would convince Rias?"

I shake my head, "You will be added to my Harem as she will, anything that happens, happens but like I said, these things can't be forced."

Issane pauses" Can I have time to think about this?"

I shake my head "No can do I'm afraid, I will be using the spell again tonight, you will either be there or not, now will you swear on your soul? Gain the strength needed to protect your Queen and your friends? Protect them from the big, scary fried chicken?"

She softly chuckles at the end of my little speech, "I have to agree don't I? You phrased this as an option but it isn't one really, if I say no you will find a way to cut me off, make sure Vali wins right?"

This time I chuckle, "Smart Girl, I can choose which empress I want to win, do you know why? I can legitimately improve either of you and that gives me something you both need, I came to you first as I already own you. Everything Rias owns is mine and everything I own is mine as the contract dictates."

A look of resolution covers her face, "I will do it, how do I go about it?"

"I Riser Pheonix, Hier to the Pheinix Family and Gremory Family offer you Issane Hyoudou a chance to serve as my eternal servant, the consequence for faltering loyalty is your soul, do you agree?"

"I do," she says with slightly flushed cheeks.

As I'm about to tease her about it a short scream leaves Issane's mouth as my heart begins to seize up, 'Display health' I scream in my mind.



'What the fuck is that?'

<Souls are dangerous things to play with, you are not strong enough to wield them like you just did, you took a risk and now you are paying for it. You have been given free control here, I will not hand hold you, Samuel may help you but I remain impartial remember that>

Feeding Issane a phoenix tear, I smile as she recovers quickly, my phoenix regeneration rapidly heals my soul, note to self don't get overconfident...

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