The Demonic Gamer

Chapter 3: ID

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<A few hours later, Riser's estate>

"Ravel, when will Rias be released into our 'care'?"

Ravel looks up from her book, a slight scowl on her face, "She will be with us tomorrow morning, Father is going to collect her and her peerage from the hospital. He thinks it is better for her to come to the estate first before you both go to Kuoh."

I nod to myself before continuing, "Ravel go and get Yubelluna and wait for me in my bedroom."

A look of disgust and arousal? Cover her face as she glares at me,

With a chuckle I nod to the door, getting my meaning she skulks off to find my Queen.

'Can I take people with me into the IDs?'

<You may but the Ids will be made significantly harder to compensate, there will be a higher chance for better loot as the enemies will be stronger. You can at most take 3 other people with you into the scenario Ids you can currently create>

I see, I then teleport to my room, systematically I scour it, looking for any bugs or spells that have been used to eavesdrop on me in the past, everytime I find one, I locate the sigil that shows who cast it then remove it. It is a long process, taking nearly an hour to clear the room.

*Knock Knock*

I walk to the door and open it alongside my sister is my lovely queen, I didn't take the time to appreciate her looks during the rating game.

My queen is a voluptuous woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls down her back and matching eyes. Her attire is a dress consisting of a navy blue tunic top with gold accents, a pale blue skirt with open sides, black shoes, and matching thigh-high stockings with garter belts.

I smile at her, her eyes meeting mine, "I approve normally but do you have something more defensive you can put on? You too Ravel, go and find your armour, you both have 5 minutes before I leave without you.

They both look confused before they leave once again, Ravel makes sure to slam the door as she leaves the room, and a small smile covers my face, as I look at the copies of their statuses.

Name: Ravel Pheonix

Race: Devil (Pheonix Line)

Class:  Demonic Stratigist  (Lvl 5/100)

Sub Class: Demonic Support (Lvl 2/100)

Level: 3 (12%)


Hp: 5000/5000 (300 regen per Sec)

Mp: 7000/7000  (200 regens a sec)

SP: 6000/6000  (150 Regen a sec)

Str: 200 (+30 per level up)

End: 400 (+35 per level up)

Dex: 200 (+30 per level up)

Cha: 250 (+50 per level up)

Int:  680 (+80 per level up)

Wis: 680 (+80 per level up)

Lck: 115 (+15 per Level up)

Affection: 60/100

Obedience: 80/100

Thoughts: Wish you would either make it clear you weren't interested or make a move, the indecision is killing her.

'Support class, any examples of abilities?'

<She can buff and nerf mainly, reduce the power of Holy magic and increase the power of demonic amongst other things. Her main class will be good for you in the future, I can't tell you more until your power increases.>

'Going to avoid doing anything about those thoughts till after the ID.'

Name: Yubelluna

Title: Bomb Queen: +25% damage with explosive magic.

Race: Reincarnated Devil (Riser's Peerage)

Class:  Demonic Queen (Lvl 5/100)

Sub Class: Explosive Magic Specialist (Lvl 5/100)

Level: 7 (12%)


Hp: 7000/7000 (200 regens per Sec)

Mp: 9000/9000  (200 regens a sec)

SP: 2000/2000  (30 Regen a sec)

Str: 400 (+40 per level up)

End: 500 (+45 per level up)

Dex: 200 (+40 per level up)

Cha: 450 (+60 per level up)

Int:  900 (+80 per level up)

Wis: 900 (+80 per level up)

Lck: 100 (+1 per Level up)

Affection: 90/100

Obedience: 90/100

Thoughts: Wish you wouldn't keep her in the dark, you are her everything and yet you still hide things from your right-hand woman.

'Hmm, Yubelluna, if she proves to be worthy I will bring her into my future inner circle, her potential should be high and I can promote her too. Her Intellect is nearly 1000, I think that's good? My Overlord class is skewing the stats for me a bit, I mean I'm a few levels lower than her but I have more stats, does that mean I can beat her or is strength based on levels?'

As I stand there staring at nothing, the two girls return,


the sound snaps me out of my thoughts, Yubelluna has changed into a light silver coloured armour while Ravel has gone for a blue witch tunic.

"Now I need you both to swear on your lives that what I'm about to show you will never be shared without my consent, that you will keep this to yourselves, you are the only two that will know this secret for now so if it spread I will know."

Yubelluna drops to her knees straight away, " I swear on my life that I will keep this secret my Lord, I'm grateful you are willing to open up with me."

<+5 affection with Yubelluna>

Hmm, Ravel stirs silently before she shakes her head, " I swear on my life that I Ravel Pheonix will keep the secrets of my King and Brother Riser"

<Bonds formed, the evil pieces were used as an anchor this time instead of souls, consider yourself lucky>

'I will, show me the Id scenarios'

<You only have one available, Titled: In The Shade. You can only fight it at hard or nightmare difficulty, a hidden penalty of randomising>

'Huh, run it in nightmare difficulty

<Understood, your unaffiliated magic has been locked for the duration of the trail, your mana and sp regeneration have also been halved>

Once the robotic voice stopped speaking, myself, Ravel and Yubelluna were dragged through a shaky portal onto a beach, a scene ran through my mind, as my vision was blocked by a large shadow, I glanced up, seeing the sun blocked by a large storm of arrows, I instinctively formed a large shield made of fire around us.

<Quest issued: In the shade!

Main objective: Survive for 4 hours under a relentless assault.

Bonus Objective: Kill 100 of your attackers

Bonus Objective: Kill 1000 of your attackers

Bonus objective: Kill 10000 of your attackers

Rewards: ???


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<Sceane Break>


< 20 minutes remaining>

As the Game's voice echoes through the Greek coast, I drag my battered and bruised body up off of the floor, Ravel and Yubelluna were retired an hour ago and I'm barreling towards doing so myself, the enchantments of the armour I have stolen from the dead Persians is the only thing keeping me going.

Boosting both my health and MP regen, reducing the penalty set by the game, I have killed just under 9,000 attackers however since the 9,000th one fell the standard infantry fell back and now I'm facing off against what the Game calls 'Immortals'. Persian troops with a healing factor similar to my own, if I didn't know better I would think they were bastards of my clan.


I snarl as a sword is lodged into my shoulder bone, I throw the offender back with a blast of flame but I freeze as I notice the wound isn't healing.

"Stay the fuck back" I snarl once more as I'm slowly surrounded from all sides, fear, genuine fear goes through my body, I refuse to go back to that void, I refuse to be sent there by some peasants, I'm a Devil noble for fucks sake.

I slowly gather whatever mana I can, planning to explode it in one final detonation taking the filth out with me, I will not kneel to them, they like Sirzechs and Rias will submit to the Pheonix. They will all bend to my will, I will find Samuel and pay him back for killing me, this world and the worlds that follow will BOW.

A feral smile, a deep feral smile covered my face as I whispered "Explosion"

<???'s Pov>

<He lost his mind, Samuel, are you happy now?>

The robotic voice spoke,

"Now, now game, remember your place, you offer him the chance to grow and as long as he entertains me you do nothing."

A cold voice spoke back, <So we are going to let him d->

The voice stuttered,

<That shouldn't be possible, what did you do?>

The man sitting on a throne of Ice, looked into a small portal with a smile on his face, he was right, this guy was worth saving and tormenting.

"I did nothing, he seems to have done something only my daughter has done, awakened another Major Sin, a strong one at that..."

<Persia, Third-person Pov>

Riser stood still as the remains around him began to smoke, the dust covering his surroundings, the smell of flesh cooking assaulted his mind as a message appeared.

<Major Sin of Pride unlocked: You gain 5x your stats till the end of the combat phase, in exchange, you will only be able to use 1/5th of your power for 5 days after the combat phase has ended>

Riser seemed to ignore the message as two wings of fire forced their way out from his back, then a second pair ripped themselves out of his flesh before a third and final pair appeared at his back. Moving almost robotically the Phenox reborn walked towards the Persian horde, any man unfortunate enough to be caught within his radius was turned to ash.

The screams warned the horde as they separated. a path opened up to the King of Kings, Riser threw himself forwards, flames erupting from his body

<Times up mission complete, returning the host to the starting location>

A laugh of a madman was the only response from the Pheonix as he stared at the Persian king, his smile faded as he and his companions returned to his bedroom with a *Bang*'

He fell to the floor, his body weakened as was his mind, pulling himself up, he slowly walked to his bed, ignoring the looks he was getting "Ravel first, get a meeting with Sona and Serafall for tomorrow if possible, then get used to your new strength. I need to sleep."

<Riser's Pov>

This is bad, yes I survived when I really shouldn't have but one Satan despises me as does his family, in my strongest state I'm not his equal, right now? He would eat me alive.

I limply turn to Yubelluna, "Yubelluna go and get some Pheonix tears and bring them back here, my magic won't return for a while, drained it all but they should help with the pain."

Both girls nod at me, while I read the notification from the game,

<Quest completed: In the shade!

Main objective Reward: 30 levels for yourself, 15 for each of your companions. 10 class levels.

Bonus Objective One Reward: Mana factory Perk gained.

Bonus Objective Two Reward: A Familiar egg.

Bonus objective Three Reward: Spear of Achillies>

'Apply all 10 class levels to the Fire mage class'

<Done, why if may ask?>

'Hello Samuel'

<Well Hello there Micheal, or do you go by Riser now?>

'Riser is fine, I lost my life as Micheal when you cleaved my head clean from my body. I added them to fire magic so I can max it out quicker and choose another Sub-class'

<Mmk, going to hand the reins back over>

'Display Status'


Name: Riser Pheonix

Race: Devil (Pheonix Line)

Class: Overlord (Lvl 5/100)

Sub Class: Fire Mage (Lvl 12/100)

Level: Thirty-Four (36%)


Hp: 6,000/30,000 (1,500 regen per Sec)

Mp: 1,250/25,000  (500 regens a sec)

SP: 1000/7000  (150 Regen a sec)

Str: 2050 (+50 per level up)

End: 3175 (+75 per level up)

Dex:  2050  (+50 per level up)

Cha:  2050 (+50 per level up)

Int:  3175  (+75 per level up)

Wis: 3175 (+75 per level up)

Lck: 595(+15 per Level up)

'A major boost in power, a shame I can only use a fifth of it for the next 5 days, at least an increase in power over 5 days is more believable than a single day however how am I going to explain Ravel and Yubelluna?'

<Please choose from the following perks for the Fire Mage class level-ups>

Level 3: An Increase in damage of all fire spells or a decrease in the mana needed to cast all Fire spells?>

'Decrease to Mana cost. I can use other spells for max damage.'

<Level 5: Unique Meteor Spell or Unique Flame Tornado?>

'Meteor Spell'

<Level 7: Fire spell Casting time decrease or Multiple Fire Spell casting?

'Multiple Fire spell Casting'

<Level 9: +3,000 Mp>

<Level 11: Flame Whip, Flare and Fusion Flare unlocked>

End of Chapter.

Mana factory- Increases the efficiency of pulling in Mana from the natural surroundings, allowing the user to create and maintain Purer Mana increasing both the amount of Mana and the damage spells do.



Good luck>

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