The Devouring Princess

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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'Where am I?' I thought.

Everywhere I looked was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I tried to inspect my surroundings more closely, but that only made my skin crawl. Like a predator was watching me from everywhere and nowhere at the same time

I started to panic because I didn't know what was going on.

''I-i-is anyone there?'' I asked uncertainly.

But nothing came as a response. I could only hear my echo, like I was in a big room with nothing in it, just so people could watch me while I was shitting myself. As I thought of this I got irritated. And because I was angry I didn't think of the consequences and I became bolder.

''Show yourself bitch!'' I shouted.

Never have I ever thought I would do something like this. My guts faded as quickly as they came.

As I waited for a few more seconds to get a response, I noticed two deep purple eyes staring at me. As I looked back I saw mountains of corpses and my legs became like jelly and I couldn't stand. The gaze was cold, filled with murderous intent. I felt like If I looked back at those eyes I would die. 

So the only thing I could do was sob and kneel. I knew that feeling from before and that irritated me. That's why I learned basic martial arts so my classmates could not bully me. At least when I worked, I did my job perfectly and I got paid so no one really cared about me and they didn't have free time to do so. Only my boss gave me extra work and low pay but that was it.

All of a sudden I heard a cold voice without any emotion. As if it came from a dead being who is billions of years old. And a shiver ran down my spine. I felt like I was being blessed to even be able to hear its voice. Which again ignited a fire of rage and humiliation in me.

''Aw-...'' It said.

But I couldn't hear the other part, because of a pinching pain in my cheeks and I didn't know what it was about to say.

When I opened my eyes, the pain was still there and I saw the same maid when I came into this world. She was pinching my cheeks so hard that even my eyes filled up with tears. When she saw my tears she panicked and immediately began muttering something under her breath that I couldn't understand but it was different from their normal language which I heard before I fell asleep.

When she finished whispering, a green light shined through her hand and she touched my cheeks.

'What the HELL are you doing??? Are you planning to set me ON FIRE?' That was my first thought. But then I felt a warm sensation on my chubby cheeks as the pain faded away.

'Wait is this magic? Now I can accomplish the dream I had as a kid in my previous life! I will conquer the world and have a harem of catgirls! Okay now on the serious topic, how do I learn magic or will I even be able to understand magic? If it's like math in my previous world .. oh boi I won't be able to even learn the basics!! In my school years, math was like hell but for naive children who will get corrupted with time. So the children (including me) didn't even want to touch such a dirty thing. Next time I should inspect more closely when she is using magic so that I can learn something to defend myself.' As I thought of this I started studying the maid more carefully. 

The maid smiled when she saw me staring at her.

''⊂ ɯ ɔ и~~'' She said with a squeaky voice that hurt my ears.

She picked me up. And now that I have a higher view of where I was I noticed that I was in a similar room which was not as big as the previous one. For some reason the whole room was pink. Everything from the walls to the furniture to my clothes!

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'I'm a man (boy), so why would they even think of something so shameful. Why would they buy pink clothes and decorate my room in pink??? Are they retarted?' I thought and my opinion about my parents dropped so low that if it could dig a hole in the earth it would pop out on the other side of the planet!

The most frustrating thing was that I didn't have a king-sized bed, but a crib, which restricted my movements and made it impossible to walk anywhere I wanted.

'Hmmm... I should be crawling instead of walking since I'm a baby' I corrected myself.

The door of my room opened and a woman with purple hair down to her hips entered my room. And you guessed it, she is my mother. As she walked toward us I almost couldn't resist following her jiggling balloons.

'This is WRONG!' I thought.

Now that my eyes were not focused on one place I can see her whole body. She had curves in all of the right places. She was like a goddess blessing us with her presence.

'Now that I examined her, she seems fine, like she didn't give birth just yesterday. That could confirm my assumption that magic really exists' I thought.

As I was lost in thought she picked me up and started shaking me in her embrace. As I was lost in the feeling of her hug my eyes watered. Maybe she thought I was hungry so she kicked out the maid. Afterward, she sat on a chair near my crib. And started breastfeeding me.

At first, I tried to resist but my rumbling stomach won the war against my will.

'You should be honored to even be able to feed this great one. On another note why does this doesn't satisfy my hunger that much?' I thought.

While I was doing my job as a proper baby, I felt a sudden wet sensation between my legs. As I wanted to take a look my mother also noticed it and started giggling for some reason. She stood up and placed me on a similar thing to my crib. Afterward, she strode over to the pink wardrobe that was in the corner of the room and fetched out something. From where I was I couldn't see what she took out.

'What does this woman want now?' I thought.

Before I knew it she had already taken off my pants.

'STOP I'M A GROWN-UP MAN!! DON'T TOUCH THERE!!' I wanted to shout but it was already too late.

I closed my eyes because of shame. When I was brave enough, I tried to open my eyes and oh boi... 

'Is this a NIGHTMARE?? Where is my Excalibur?? Am I a GIRL??' I thought. As I thought of this my mind was blown away and I couldn't think or feel anything other than my despair.

Thus I discovered that not only was I reincarnated into another world but I was even a girl.


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