The Devouring Princess

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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(Three years later...)

In place of the stars you usually see at night, there are now dark and stormy clouds. During the rain, the heavy raindrops falling on roofs and streets could be heard. The wind has caused the leaves on the trees that normally stay still to shake and fall. Thunder would occasionally strike the ground as if punishing those living there.

In a dimly lit spacious room that would normally be able to accommodate more than 100 people at once, you can see a family of three laying on a king-sized bed.

When you pay close attention to the people in this big room, you will see that they are not troubled by the unsettling atmosphere outside. But the opposite, around the three people you can hear a harmonious and lovely chatter. You would think that they were watching a movie in such idyllic conditions. However, when you listen more intently you can hear the charming voice of a woman, who is reading a storybook.

All of them are so good-looking that you would think that they came out of a novel. It is as if time has stopped when you look at them, and you can only gaze and savor their beauty.

Between the charming woman with striking purple eyes and a graceful man, you could see a lifelike doll with black silky hair down to her shoulders and mesmerizing purple eyes.

Sometimes she would smile, sometimes she would laugh. The conversation dragged on until she was drowsy and fell asleep between them.

When they saw her, their hearts filled with joy, and they embraced her. This is how they drifted away to the land of dreams.

(The next day...)

In a spacious library, you can see the same human-like doll sitting on a small chair. She was reading a book entitled "Must-know knowledge for dummies (easy edition)", which was about geography and history in general.

Most people would not pick up a book like this if they saw it on a shelf.  But in her case, it was like receiving a gift from the gods. It was like they made it specifically for her. She didn't care what the title was, she was concerned about learning as quickly and easily as possible.

The only sound you can hear in the room is the rustle of paper as she turns the page.

Consequently, she didn't notice the passage of time. When she finished reading, she closed the book.

'So now I live in a world known as "The Southern World". Its origins remain a mystery. For millions of years, humans have protected themselves with magic. At first, they had no energy to cast magic or strengthen their bodies. They believe that a powerful deity died here, and that is where the energy referred to as 'Mana' was born. The most disappointing aspect of this book is that magic isn't mentioned.' I thought.

'I also learned that there are four continents in the world. Each continent is named after its location. Therefore, if they are in the north, they are called "The Northern Continent", that's easy to remember. Every continent has a nation that is ruled by a king. My mother told me that we are on the eastern side of the world so that makes it ''The Eastern Continent''. Which is controlled by the Elosea Kingdom. Its capital is Lucver. That's where my family and I live. Hmmm... I better remember these details.' I thought

'We are currently in year 758. This is because there was a large-scale war 758 years ago between the three races. Those races are humans, beast-kin, and demons. The demons were originally stronger than the other races, which led humans and beast-kin to join together to invade them. After they won the war, a powerful person made a pact that put the two races on equal footing. Since then, humans and beast-kin have lived together peacefully. Most people have forgotten about this pact, but both sides are probably fighting in the dark.' I thought.

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'Additionally, there are dimensional cracks called 'Dungeons'. They seem to be similar to the ones in the manga I read before. What was it called... my God, how did I forget this? Hmm... now I remember! The name of it was ''Lonely Leveling''. There is no information about these dungeons. They sound interesting, so I wish there was more information about them. Just imagine how many adventures I could experience.' I thought

In the midst of my imagination, I was lifted by someone. As I turned around, I saw my mother.

''Hello, sweetheart'' she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Hello, mom! Why are you here?" I asked with a wide smile.

As you can see, I accepted my new family and the fact that I was a girl. In the end, I could not close my heart to my parents because they showed me such love and care. Instead of closing my heart, I decided to love them with all of my heart. The only thing that saddens me is that my Excalibur is now no more. In any case, now that I have a new body, I can experiment!

"I wanted to check on my cute baby and come get you for dinner." She said.

"Is it already time??" I asked.

"Yes." she said and walked towards the door.

As we walked through the wide corridor, I saw many different decorations. Everything I saw was probably more expensive than the previous one. Evidently, we were a high-ranking family in the kingdom. Our family was known as the Snow family. The name of my father is Marvin Snow, and the name of my mother is Aurora Snow.

My father was nowhere to be found when we entered the dining room.

'As the head of a prominent family, my father has many responsibilities. I don't blame him for being so busy. To an extent, I understand him. However, I am sad when I don't get to see him. Even though he has cold eyes, that's only to outsiders. Whenever we are alone, he is like a devoted father who will do anything for his family.' I thought.

I looked around and realized I was already seated on my mother's lap at the dining table. Her hands clasped together and the maids entered. The maids had no problem setting my favorite dishes on the table, as there was enough space for 20 people around it. 

Aurora and Nyx had another wonderful dinner together.


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