The Devouring Princess

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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When I tried to open my eyes, they felt heavy. They were so heavy that they felt like big boulders that were impossible to lift. Then I tried moving my arms and legs, but nothing worked. Being unable to control my body made me anxious and stressed. A few minutes later, maybe even hours later, I lifted my eyelids. 

I was unable to see anything. It was so dark that it felt as if I was in the middle of nowhere. As far as I could tell, my limbs were strapped to a bed because I was lying on something. There was no softness as there was on a bed, instead, it was like a platform. While I was there, I thought I was looking toward the roof of the place. So I turned my head in a different direction. However, my attempt failed and I was unable to move a muscle.

While I was in this state, no one entered this place for hours. It was difficult even to scream for help because my throat felt dry and I needed water. Even trying to utter a single word caused me to cough. Even my eyes were tearing up.

After waiting for who knows how long, I heard footsteps outside my room or should I say a cell? I'm not sure. As the door opened, I heard the heavy click of metal. I was speechless when I saw a tall, rough man with many muscles on his body. He was your typical brute that would beat grandmas on the street since he had so much spare time.

The light that came through the door caused me to turn my attention away from the man, and I soon saw that I was in a cell, not a room. Strangely enough, there were three 'beds' in that room, including mine. Yet there were no people in the room, it was just me. Next, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my regular clothes, but rather rags and had no shoes on. However, I was unable to think since I was distracted by the man.

He walked toward me with a mischievous smile that sent chills down my spine. As soon as he came to me, he gave me two slaps on the face, which hurt so badly that I thought my teeth had been broken. However, another man stopped him from doing anything further.

I wasn't even given an explanation of my situation. The other man, with a slightly smaller build than the brute, came to me and began to remove the ropes holding me to the bed. Although I wanted to run away, I threw that thought out when I remembered I was just three years old, and these men were big and well-trained. The other reason I didn't run away was that I didn't know where I was, which is a big disadvantage for me.

How am I supposed to escape if I don't know the layout of the place? I will most likely lose myself, after which I will be punished for trying to run away. I can expect a more complicated situation if I do that, and they might even punish me more severely than needed. This is something I do not want because they might break my bones or hit me, which will hurt so much.

They didn't even give me time to think before one of them grabbed my hair and dragged me out of the room. As a result, I thought I would go bald. Nobody wants their hair to be pulled out of their scalp. I am even a girl, so my hair is even more precious to me. After all, no girl wants to lose the beauty they have!

"I can walk on my own!" As I said that, I tried to steady myself but it did not go the way I wanted. Since instead of letting go of his grip, the man who was pulling me strengthened it, which caused the pain to multiply, resulting in me crying out. That probably made them both angry. They stopped walking and stared at me as though I had killed their entire families.

"Shut up and follow me, bitch! I can't kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't hit you!" The man who was dragging me yelled at me. After that, he hit me in the face. As a result, I bit my tongue and coughed blood. It was even a surprise that I didn't lose any teeth. Because of the pain, I struggled to resist the urge to cry, but some tears fell down my cheeks.

I was not even given time to breathe when he started dragging me more crudely. They didn't give a damn about me as they walked. Despite struggling to keep up, I did not speak since it would only make things worse. Instead, I tried to figure out what was going on. I saw many cells which looked the same, or at least the doors looked the same since that was all I could see.

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The building we were in appeared similar to the inside of a prison. This made me nervous because if it is like that, I won't be able to even escape my cell, let alone escape this place. As I thought about this, I felt despair, but I did not lose my will to live and make it out of here! My goal was to get as much information about the layout of the place as possible.

As I looked up, there was no roof, only metal bridges that connected together. I am not sure of the material they're made of, but to me, it looks like metal. It was like being trapped in a maze. This only made me more nervous. There were three floors to the building and each floor was long enough to accommodate around a hundred cells. Unfortunately, I did not see any windows.

'Are we underground?' I thought.

I wonder why these people kidnapped me. In fact, why was this place built for people? Had I done something wrong to deserve being here? The only thing I did was eat, sleep, and spend time with my family.

'What are they trying to do to me? Do they want to STEAL my freedom? Do they want to HARM MY FAMILY? Who the fuck are these cunts? WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? Where did they get the idea that they could do that to me and my family?' I was furious at the idea they might harm my family. I began to struggle, but this did not produce any results.

The person who was dragging me slapped me instead and I fell to the ground. Afterward, he punched me in the stomach and left me out of breath. This was not something I wanted to experience.

"Stop struggling and follow me! You fucking whore how dare you defy me!" He shouted.

He grabbed me again and blindfolded me. After that, he became even more aggressive. After a few minutes of 'walking' my feet hurt so much from trying to keep up with their pace. Nevertheless, they never slowed down. Thankfully, when I couldn't keep up, we stopped.

Taking off my blindfold, they opened a similar door to the previous ones and threw me out before I could adjust my eyes to the light.

I felt pain after I fell on a dirt-like surface. When I tried to open my eyes, they couldn't adjust so quickly to the sudden light. After several attempts, my eyes finally opened.

"What the fuck is this?" I said under my breath. 

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