The Devouring Princess

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Because of the pain, I found it difficult to answer her. While I was on the verge of tears, I hardened myself and pushed them back down. It is likely that she would have cried had she seen my tears, and I would not have known what to do.

"I am Nyx, Miss Elaine." I replied through gritted teeth. I'm wondering how she's not seeing that I'm in pain. If she had stopped squeezing my cheeks, she would have seen how red my cheeks are.

"I am friends with your mother, so as your mother's daughter, you should call me aunty. I even want you to be my daughter. You are so adorable!" she said.

Following that, she took her hands off my cheeks. Strangely, no one seemed concerned about me.

'What if I don't have red cheeks?' I wondered as we entered the store.

The first thing I noticed... was the clothes. There is nothing else I could have noticed in a clothing store. The clothes were organized in many different sections. 

Elaine and my mother didn't stop talking for a second during our walk. It was as if they were sisters who hadn't seen each other for years. Throughout the conversation, they discussed things as simple as what they had for breakfast yesterday to topics about nobles that I could not understand. Since I do not understand how society works. It's not even clear to me how magic works let alone how these stupid things about society work.

"Here sweetie, pick out what you want! If there's something you don't like, then I can have it customized for you." My mother told me.

In the beginning, I picked out clothing that I liked, but later on, my mother began to choose clothes that she liked as well. At first, it wasn't bad, but then she started selecting princess-style pink dresses. That is when things got worse, when Lady Elaine and my mother started looking through clothes together. The number of dresses I had to try on was so numerous that my mathematical knowledge couldn't keep up. They spent even more time discussing what looked cute on me and whatnot, so we lost even more time. At times it felt like a battlefield between them. Rather than disagree with the dresses, they were more interested in complimenting me. Things got out of hand to the point where I had to intervene.

"Mother, I think we selected enough clothes for me that I won't even run out of clothes if I wore a new outfit every day for a year!" I said with an annoyed tone because we had lost so much time.

''It's not enough! I should buy the whole store for you'' my mother said.

As a result, I got anxious because if she did that, she would waste a lot of money, which would be better spent on a variety of weapons!

"Don't do that, mother! You would waste so much money!" I exclaimed immediately, almost yelling.

“It won't be a waste because I will buy it for my baby!” My mother exclaimed. I'm so glad Elaine came and saved my mother from spending so much money.

"Arie, this is my store! How will I make money if you buy it?" she said.

"Hmph, whatever! Let's go dear! I can't wait to see you in the outfits I picked out for you!" my mother said.

The sky outside was already so dark that I couldn't see the sun on the horizon. We said our final goodbyes to each other as we walked toward the carriage. Thankfully, we were leaving this irksome place. If I stayed any longer, I would have fainted! I do not want to be anywhere near such a place in the future.

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Immediately after we got into the carriage, it started moving. For the first few moments, I watched the view outside before falling asleep next to my mother.




"What the hell is that noise?" I grunted, opening my sleepy eyes.

While I was still in the carriage, my mother was nowhere to be seen, and I began to feel nervous due to her absence. 


When I heard the noise outside I looked out the window to see what was happening. The sight almost made me pee my pants. We were surrounded by people dressed in black in a dark alley. I couldn't figure out how many there were. My stomach almost turned as I saw many of our guards dead on the ground. As a result, I returned my focus to the fight.  

It looked as though they were teleporting as they fought. It was like watching a movie since there were so many magic spells I didn't understand. The only problem was I couldn't see my mother.

'Is she okay?'' I thought.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. After darting my eyes from one place to another, I was still unable to spot my mother. Therefore, I panicked and made the most ridiculous decision. 

I slowly opened the carriage door and peeked out. Since I could not see anyone close by, I stepped outside to search for my mother. I thought that since I was so small, nobody would even notice me. 

I walked around the carriage when I left it to make sure I wouldn't miss my mother. Seeing that she wasn't there, I decided to go somewhere random. When I looked around, I spotted another alley and started running in that direction.

"She's running away!" someone yelled.

Since I didn't dare look back, I kept running ahead. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my right leg and almost tripped. After running for a while, I almost passed out due to lack of oxygen, so I decided to stop. When my breathing was relatively stable, I decided to see what was happening behind me.

Before I could turn my head backward, I felt pain in my neck and everything went black.

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