The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 61: CH 61

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Gu Ning glanced at the towering skyscrapers overlapping in the distance, overcast clouds from the heavy rain still lingering and covering the entire sky, as if it was brewing a bigger rainstorm.

The rain puddles on the road after the downpour reflected the grey sky and the tall buildings on either side of it. Then it was shattered by pairs of feet stepping on it, those footsteps moving further into the area that was bustling with lives before the apocalypse started but now it was filled with dead silence.

If anyone could stand in the sky and glance down, they would see the entire pedestrian street were crowded with heads, and on a closer look, they could see the horrifying mutilated faces of those people. Whole long streets full of such scenes, and countless streets with similar scenes everywhere.

It was a normal day when the apocalypse happened. On Sunday, the sun was shining and the weather was just nice. It was a good day for taking a stroll or doing some shopping. Golden Gate Street was crowded with young people making good use of the holiday to enjoy their time and shopping.

Then the sun abruptly disappeared and reappeared later.

People who lost consciousness for no reason. fainted and woke up again. The bestie whom they linked arms in arms for shopping a while ago, pounced and bit their neck off in the next minute. Those people who fainted suddenly were naturally sent to hospital, where they woke up and bit the nurses —— one spread to another, soon the densely populated areas, multiplies exponentially. Many people became zombies without even knowing what had happened.

The government sent countless search and rescue teams in, to no avail, no team returned. Later, they sent helicopters to hover over Golden Gate Street. The shocking and gruesome images were so horrifying that even the video footage taken was too bloody and tragic to be circulated out.

However, even so, a very large number of survivors who escaped from Golden Gate Street took lots of videos during the chaotic period and uploaded them online. The bloody and realistic scenes of being pounced on and gnawed on by zombies surpass the gore in any horror film.

It had been more than three months since the apocalypse happened. What kind of tragic scene it would be in there, Gu Ning didn’t know, but her nerves were already tensed to the max at this moment. She had a strong sense of ominous intuition, and the closer she got to Golden Gate Street, the stronger this sense of intuition became.

It seemed that the aura of dead silence was getting stronger, and those who had been laughing and joking at the beginning were now all quiet in unison, walking forward with serious and tensed expressions. The only sound in the street was the sound of their feet stepping and splashing through the puddles.

Xiang Xu walked beside Gu Ning with a tense and serious look. Such a look that appeared on the face of a small girl was not funny but was even more alarming. She didn’t need any reminder and had very consciously launched her spiritual powers and worked as an automatic radar, spreading out to cover the surroundings—— At the same time, trying to probe further into the area. When Gu Ning absorbed the psychic energy previously, she had also gained a little benefit from her and her psychic energy had obviously increased.

In an alleyway just a block away, almost five hundred meters away from them, there was a huge ball of flesh that looks like it was curled up into an indistinct shape. It looked like a living creature and it seemed to be breathing. Xiang Xu’s spiritual energy roamed over the huge ball of flesh, but it didn’t sense anything, as if it was just passing through the air, and then continued to spread forward unnoticed——

The ball of flesh as if sensing something, the head that was originally buried inside the flesh slowly raised, and then the huge body slowly squirmed——

Gu Ning suddenly stopped in her track, and gazed in a direction, feeling vaguely uneasy, and couldn’t help but ask: “Xiang Xu, did you find anything?”

Xiang Xu’s spiritual energy returned the message that no abnormalities were found so she replied: “No.”

However, Gu Ning’s brows knitted: “Not even a single zombie?”

Xiang Xu realised what Gu Ning was referring to and her little face turned slightly paler: “No.”

Brother San, who was walking at the front, saw Gu Ning and Xiang Xu suddenly stop and immediately sensed that something was off. He stopped the group then came over and checked: “Gu Ning, what’s wrong?”

Gu Ning explained with a frown: “After we’ve entered this street, Xiang Xu didn’t even find a single trace of zombie.”

No matter what, this place was close to Golden Gate Street, which was supposed to be a roaming area for the zombies. Thus, when entering this area, not to mention the hordes of zombies missing, but not even a single roaming zombie was encountered…… If this wasn’t because of being lucky, then there was something out there.

If something was abnormal, there were bound to be some problems.

Brother San was no fool either, so as soon as he heard this, he immediately knew what Gu Ning meant. He glanced around, it was very eerie quiet, not even the wind was blowing, everything seemed to be silently still. Brother San frowned: “Something doesn’t seem right.”

Shasha ——

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Just as Brother San’s words ended, the sound of something dragging and scraping against the ground rustled—— The sound was so sudden that it made everyone tense up at once. What made them even more nervous was that Xiang Xu did not detect it, yet the rustling sound continued and it was getting closer and closer —— The expressions of everyone were getting seriously tensed and nervous.

Gu Ning jerked her head in the direction of the sound that was coming from, and although she couldn’t see anything yet, the hairs on the back of her neck had stood up! An ominous feeling rose to the highest level and her instincts told her that she should get out of here! Without much thought, she shouted: “Pull back!”

Everyone who had been so startled by the sudden rustling sound that they didn’t know what to do was instantly jolted out of that creepy situation and then followed Gu Ning as they desperately retreated. Not knowing what made the rustling sound, but for some reason, they had a very bad feeling about it.

Despite their fear, they had already experienced many life-and-death situations, and instead of panicking, they maintained their formation with special abilities users on the outer rim while those without the abilities remained inwards. They retreated quickly in the direction they came from!

Those rustling sounds were getting louder and closer as if it knew that they were running away and had picked up its speed to chase them! Gu Ning could feel it getting faster and faster!

Brother San shouted: “Run!”

Once again the group gritted their teeth and picked up their speed and ran!

Although Xiang Xu was mature, yet she was just eight years old after all. No matter how hard she gritted her teeth, she still couldn’t run fast enough. Immediately, she was lifted and was thrown onto Gu Ning’s back, then Gu Ning piggyback her and continued in running.

Without having to look at the road, Xiang Xu glanced backward, and instantly her little face went white with fear, unable to describe what she was seeing.

Yet at the very moment she glanced back, that thing had aimed at her as well and suddenly, out of nowhere, what looked like a ball of flesh extended an arm-think tentacle! The tentacle flung itself up and stretched out towards Xiang Xu! The tentacle came with great speed! Xiang Xu didn’t have time to react, only to feel an object slapped on her back, then like a suction cup sucked on her back, she was lifted and pulled out from Gu Ning’s back with great force! The tentacle sucked Xiang Xu and immediately retracted back, and Xiang Xu could only have the time to scream in surprise before she was lifted into the sky by the tentacle!

Gu Ning was carrying Xiang Xu and dashing forward, but suddenly she felt a lightness on her back, accompanied by Xiang Xu’s shriek. Gu Ning knew it was bad, but she inertially dashed forward a few steps before jerking to a halt and looking back. She saw Xiang Xu being sucked backward by a fleshy tentacle! Too stunned to see what the tentacle was, she flew the knife in her hand directly at the retracting tentacle!

Gu Ning’s strength was so strong, that the knife flew out with great precision and aimed at the middle section of the tentacle!

At the same time as the knife flew out, Gu Ning also rushed over instantly! She ran at an astonishing speed in a single burst! The knife went pfft—— a precise hit at the tentacle! The tentacle was so tough that it was only injured with a bloody slash by the flying knife! Yet as if it knew pain, the suction cups tightened up and lost their suction power, and Xiang Xu fell straight down from the sky!

“Xiang Xu!” Xiang Yi shrieked and rushed over too.

Gu Ning had already reached and held out both her arms, Xiang Xu screamed in shock as she fell from the sky and then precisely into Gu Ning’s arms. The tremendous swooping force crushed Gu Ning’s hands downwards with a vigorous sink. Gu Ning held on Xiang Xu tightly and rolled on the ground, breaking away the force on her hands while avoiding the unidentified grey and blackish liquid that had spilled out from the wound of the slashed tentacle.

Gu Ning rolled to the side with Xiang Xu still in her arms and yelled at those who hadn’t reacted yet: “Special abilities users attack! The rest retreat!” Meanwhile, she handed Xiang Xu, who was so scared that she couldn’t even speak to Xiang Yi who was frightened till the point that his soul almost left him. She hurriedly picked up the knife on the ground and moved backward.

With the yell from Gu Ning, instantly all the psychic powers appeared out of nowhere, and all aimed and attacked the monster!

The fastest was Cheng Ming’s wind blades and Zhang XiaoBai’s lightning strikes. The invisible and shapeless wind blades and the lightning strikes that flashed with electricity were in front of the monster in the blink of an eye!

It only then did they have a good look at the “monster” that had caused them so much fear. It’s very difficult to describe what it was. It was like a huge building ball of flesh, yet the flesh on the side of the ball was flopping and “flowing” on the ground, and what was even more frightening was that the head of this ball was a normal human head, a normal human head on top of an immense ball of flesh. It looked as abrupt, incongruous, and disgusting as much as it could be. Not to mention the fact that this ball of flesh was growing out many tentacles as thick as arms, it was hard to imagine how a normal human being could become like this.

Probably this could be another form of zombie mutation. After getting a very good look at the mutated zombie, the visual impact on everyone was very strong and created a feeling of extreme discomfort. Not to mention that the stench emanating from the grey-blackish sticky liquid that oozed out after being attacked by the psychic energy.

However, the countless psychic powers attacks seemed to be very strong and made a lot of wounds on the mutated zombie, but none of it caused any major damages. Seemingly sensing that these psychic powers attacks couldn’t cause devastating damage to itself for the meantime, the mutated zombie suddenly opened its mouth and hissed. Four or five tentacles stretched out from its body and swung towards them! It had officially launched an attack!

While Gu Ning was backing up, she clearly saw that the tips of those tentacles were in the shape of flared openings. Recalling that Xiang Xu had just been sucked into the air by the tentacles, she immediately warned out loudly: “Be careful of the suction cups on the tentacles!”

Brother San and the others also saw the scene where Xiang Xu was sucked into the air by those tentacles and knew how strong it was. Seeing that the four or five tentacles that flung towards them as fast as it could go, they were as if on the verge of facing their worst nemesis!

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