The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 62: CH 62

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By this time, no one remembered Xiang Xu’s words about the consequences of depleted psychic energy, and everyone’s psychic powers were gushing out madly without any care!

The wind blades around Cheng Ming’s body continued to manifest, then under his control, they spun out at high speed and flew towards those tentacles! At the same time, he could also feel that the energy in his body was depleting at a terrifying rate!

Mutated wind powers were so deadly that each wind blade could cut a bloody gash on the tentacle.

Zhang XiaoBai opened his arms widely, countless streaks of lightning roamed in between his arms, illuminating his young face as those thunderbolts sizzled and burst out, shooting towards those tentacles! As soon as the lightning hit the tentacles, a burnt, mushy smell emanated and greatly reduced the sensitivity of those tentacles!

However, those tentacles, which could reach at least six or seven metres in length were extremely responsive! Dodging left and right, tumbling up and down, it actually managed to dodge most of the attacks of the psychic powers which they had sent out. What’s even more frightening was that apart from Cheng Ming and Zhang XiaoBai’s special psychic powers that were difficult to defend against, those like the earth spikes, water arrow, and ice prisms sent out by Brother San, Zhong Xu, and Jia DaoZhang, and the others could hardly even do any damage. It was slapped away by the tentacles before it could even get close to the main head——

Gu Ning commanded Hong Jie and the others who didn’t have any special abilities to stay away from the fight, then watched as the attacks of the psychic powers they had sent out were all knocked away. She was so anxious that she called out to Jia DaoZhang: “Jia DaoZhang! Try and see if you can freeze it up!”

Jia DaoZhang was stunned at first, then the psychic energy in his body surged wildly while his expression was cold and solemn. His robe, which had been burnt to half its size, was swept up by the wind from Cheng Ming’s wind blade and it made him look like a worldly expert as he thrust his hands vigorously at the creature! A wave of cold air swept towards the mutated zombie —— Ka ka ka —— and the ground began to freeze three metres away from the creature and then quickly spread towards it ——

The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the ice freezing and Jia DaoZhang was overjoyed: “It’s frozen!” The smile on Jia DaoZhang’s face froze as he heard a cracking sound —— The thin layer of ice that had covered some part of the creature cracked a few times before it shattered to the ground. The smile on Jia DaoZhang’s face also shattered.

Just when he was lost in thoughts, plak! With a loud slap, his chest was stuck by a disgusting suction cup, and even some unidentified slime splashed onto his face. Before Jia DaoZhang could react, a huge suction force came from his chest, and then his whole body flew up in the air towards the mutated zombie!

Jia DaoZhang flinging his hands and feet in the air and struggled desperately: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Help! ! ! !” He tried to snap off the suction cup with his hands, however, the suction was incomparably firm on his chest, and no matter how hard he struggled, he just couldn’t break away from it.

Brother San and the others tried to rescue him, but the zombie stretched out a few more tentacles from nowhere, leaving them too busy and distracted from the rescue!

Gu Ning saw that the mutated zombies’ ball-like body had somehow opened up a big flesh-coloured hole of the size of a basin and the tentacle was tugging Jia DaoZhang toward the hole fast! If Jia DaoZhang had been stuffed into that hole, he would lose his life. Although the speed was slowed down because Jia DaoZhang had frozen that tentacle, it was only a matter of time before he was dragged into that opened hole! Meanwhile, a tentacle swung towards Gu Ning!

When Cheng Ming caught a glimpse of it, he was startled: “Gu Ning, watch out!” Yet he saw Gu Ning standing there motionlessly as if she didn’t even see the tentacle that was rapidly coming towards her! He was about to send a few wind blades over, but he saw Gu Ning slightly adjust her posture and shouted coldly: “Don’t mind me!”

In the instant that Cheng Ming was stunned, plak the sound rang out again! That suction cup stuck onto Gu Ning’s abdomen! Although Gu Ning was prepared for it, the suction from the huge slimy suction cups felt like countless insects were moving that could be felt through the clothing was making Gu Ning very uncomfortable. However, Gu Ning didn’t have the chance to feel this disgusting feeling for too long, as the next moment her feet were dangling in the air. The tentacle had first sucked her, thrown her body into the mid-air, which caused her to feel a sense of dizziness and weightlessness immediately, and then she was dragged by the tentacles which retracted rapidly!

When Jia DaoZhang saw that even Gu Ning had been sucked in by the suction cups, he had a feeling in his heart that was as good as being dead.

Seeing that she was getting closer to the mutated zombie, Gu Ning estimated that she was nearly four or five meters off the ground and immediately raised her voice and shouted to Brother San: “Brother San! Get ready the earth wall!”

Brother San first froze then shouted to Cheng Ming: “Cheng Ming! Help me hold up first!”

Cheng Ming was stunned, then once again began to mobilize the already little psychic energy left in his body, and then summoned doubled the number of wind blades and drawing the attention of two tentacles away from Brother San.

Brother San was able to focus now and watched closely at Gu Ning, waiting for her next move.

When Gu Ning saw that Brother San was ready, she gripped the knife in her hand tightly and used all her strength to slash directly at the tentacle that was sucking on her! Even Cheng Ming’s wind blade could only cut a bloody slit on the tentacle, yet Gu Ning managed to slice it off with a single slash! The mutated zombie howled in pain and retracted the remaining tentacles. The suction cups that were sucking on Gu Ning’s abdomen instantly lost their suction and fell off Gu Ning’s stomach and onto the ground with a bang, while Gu Ning also fell from the mid-air!

Jia DaoZhang also took the opportunity to summon a prism of ice and stabbed it hard at the tentacle that was sucking him in! Then he fell, he was less than three metres off the ground, the violent fall caused him to twist his ankle. Although he was in a mess, he didn’t suffer any major injuries.

On the other hand, Gu Ning was falling from a height of five metres above the ground, and at that precise moment! Brother San aimed at the spot where Gu Ning was landing and pushed with both hands, and a wall of earth rose from the ground! It instantly rising to a height of two metres, Gu Ning’s managed to land on the top of the earth wall, and after bracing herself on the ground with one hand, cushioning most of the force, she stomped her feet and leaped up into the air in front of her!  At the moment she leaped up! Brother San earth psychic power surged out again, and another earth wall rose from the ground!

Gu Ning landed precisely above it and then leaped into the air again. This time without the earth wall as her landing point was on the mutated zombie!

The whole process was like a flowing stream of water, unspeakably clean and smooth, and even in such a thrilling moment, it gave off the feeling of a beautiful motion.

The mutated zombie’s cloudy eyes suddenly lifted to look at Gu Ning, and those tentacles that were originally engaged with Cheng Ming, Zhong Xu, and the others, suddenly gave up on them and swung back hard towards Gu Ning!

The thickest of the tentacles was also the fastest to react! The tentacle was about to strike Gu Ning, but she seemed to be oblivious to it and refused to dodge at all.  She directly slashed her long knife down fiercely towards the head of the mutated zombie! The knife ruthlessly pierced into the head!

The mutated zombie was unlike the painless ordinary zombies, and its throat, which looked unusually slender compared to its huge body, let out an unbearable hiss of pain!

The next moment Gu Ning’s entire body was heavily smacked away by that tentacle! Gu Ning felt a sharp pain between her waist and abdomen, then the world spun around and her whole body flew!

“Gu Ning!” Everyone was shocked by the flying Gu Ning, and all of them ran in that direction, trying to catch her before she hit the ground.

However, the mutated zombie seemed to be completely enraged by Gu Ning and wasn’t going to just let her off the hook. As Gu Ning started to fall from the sky, the mutated zombie’s tentacles arrived again! With a slap, it sucked her back and ignored Gu Ning’s struggle, and swung her straight up into the air around seven or eight metres high! Then immediately slammed her heavily toward the ground!

With this smash, if lucky, it would only cause serious injuries, if not, it might even cause death!

Brother San, Cheng Ming, Jia DaoZhang, and the others were heartbroken and nerve-racking at the sight of the scene! At this moment, they felt so helpless as all their powers were useless for such a situation!

At that very moment! Xiang Xu, who was being protected by the nervous Xiang Yi, resolutely took a step forward. Her clear childish face was filled with determination. She closed her eyes and for the first time, her spiritual power gushed out with any reservation! The spiritual power dashed madly towards that direction! The wind blade, the lightning strike, the mutated zombie’s tentacles were fast, yet they were no match with Xiang Xu’s spiritual power!

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All that could be heard was the mutated zombie let out another incomparable hiss! The tentacles that had been sucking onto Gu Ning, lost their suction power, yet Gu Ning was still crushed by the initial force and slammed down hard towards the ground! When Gu Ning was halfway down from the smash, her body was suddenly supported by a force. Although it was only for a very brief moment or even less than a second, it cushioned most of the force for her before she was slammed into the ground with a loud thud.

Brother San and the rest didn’t know that Xiang Xu had used her spiritual power to protect Gu Ning for that instant. When they saw Gu Ning fall to the ground, they were so scared that their legs went weak, Cheng Ming almost felt that his heart had stopped beating for that moment. Immediately, they had all rushed over to Gu Ning, yet when they were halfway there, they saw Gu Ning, who was lying motionlessly, start to move a little and struggle to get up from the ground.

As Xiang Xu watched Gu Ning rise from the ground, her originally tensed nerves relaxed and this relaxation caused her to blackout right away.

“Gu Ning! Are you alright?” Cheng Ming was the first one to reach her and hurriedly caught hold of Gu Ning’s swaying body. Brother San, Jia DaoZhang, Zhang XiaoBai, and the rest also arrived one after another. All of them were staring and checking out Gu Ning with nervousness and concern, fearing that Gu Ning had suffered serious injuries from the fall. Just now, they only felt scared and their minds were completely baffled. However, at this moment, when they saw that Gu Ning managed to stand up, they all had a burst of fear afterward in their heart, unable to imagine how they would feel if something happened to her.

Gu Ning felt pain all over her body, but she still shook her head and the first thing she did when she got up from the ground was to check out the mutated zombie. The tentacles seemed to have lost all of their strength and fell to the ground, rolling and coiling like snakes which seems extremely disgusting.

The large flesh-coloured hole in the body of the mutated zombie was now split wide open and was leaking out some foul-smelling fluid.

The mutated zombie, in turn, let out a wail of pain —— one after another ——

When Gu Ning saw this scene, without any reason, instead of relaxing, an ominous feeling rose. The cry seemed to be not only a howl of pain but also as if it was calling out for its companion——

Gu Ning suddenly turned pale and shouted at them: “Kill it! It’s calling for help!”

Several psychic powers attacked the ball of flesh all at once, and the mutated zombie which was already badly injured was now completely motionless.

However, it was already too late.

Shasha ——

Shasha ——

Shasha ——

When this nightmare-like sound rang out again, and it was even louder than the first mutated zombie. The expression on everyone face turned extremely pale.

Gu Ning shouted to Hong Jie and the rest who were in the far distance: “Run! Quickly run!”

Those rustling and dragging sounds were coming from that direction!

The safest zone just now had become the most dangerous area all of a sudden!

Hong Jie and the soldiers, all ran at full speed with all their might towards Gu Ning.

Gu Ning didn’t have the time to check on the injuries she had incurred, but she quickly instructed others: “Hurry up and replenish your psychic energy!” Her expression was as tensed as never before: “Zhong Xu! Later I need you to make a downpour and give those monsters a bath. Zhang XiaoBai——“ Gu Ning took a look at Zhang XiaoBai’s pale face, obviously his powers were seriously depleted and Cheng Ming’s condition was not much better either. The two of them had the most psychic energy compared to the rest, and their attacks were also the strongest. Yet right now, Gu Ning could only order Jia DaoZhang instead: “Jia DaoZhang, prepare your ice psychic powers, and when the rain falls, freeze them all. The rest of you don’t attack and seize the time to recover your psychic energy! Retreat in the direction of the Eleventh Square later.”

The way for them to retreat had already been blocked by the mutated zombies and now they had no choice but to barge deeper into the downtown now.

Brother San and the rest hurriedly took out the transparent crystal cores and stuffed them into their mouths, clearly feeling that the little psychic energy they had left was slowly replenishing. Xiang Yi had long fed Xiang Xu the transparent crystal core that Gu Ning had specially prepared for her to eat. However, Xiang Xu’s psychic powers were perhaps overdrawn and even after taking in the transparent crystal core, she still showed no signs of awakening.

After Hong Jie and the soldiers had gathered with them, those rustling sounds were already approaching and then two mutated zombies with similar sizes showed up from the alleyway.

It was just a few dozen metres away.

Brother San and the others all felt a suffocating wave of despair crowding over them. They had just faced only one mutated zombie in their prime condition and were already struggling so much. Yet, right now they were severely depleted of their psychic energy and had to face off with two of the mutated zombies, so one could imagine how desperate they felt.

Gu Ning stood at the front, no one could see her expression at this moment but her voice remained calm: “Brother San! Prepare the earth wall and surround them first! We’ll be going to freeze them into an icicle!”

Hearing Gu Ning’s calm and steady voice, everyone couldn’t help but feel their spirits lifted.

Brother San felt his psychic energy slowly replenish and he answered in a deep voice: “No problem!” Then he nervously stared at the two mutated zombies approaching them at a very fast pace—— So now he was waiting for them to enter the range of his psychic powers and he would launch his attack immediately!

Zhong Xu and Jia DaoZhang, who had been named by Gu Ning, felt even more pressured and seized every second to absorb the psychic energy brought by the transparent crystal cores.

Gu Ning continued in a deep voice: “Hong Jie! If we can’t stop them, prepare to shoot!”

Hong Jie and the soldiers didn’t have any doubt, their guns’ safeties had long been unlocked, just waiting for the order to fire. At that moment, they all raised their guns and aimed at the two mutated zombies in the distance.

Gu Ning didn’t want to use the guns unless they were left with no choice, they couldn’t afford to alert the whole downtown area since it was filled with zombies. However, right now it was getting close to that last resort and that would be their last line of defence ——

Seeing that the two mutated zombies had already reached around the distance of twenty meters away, Gu Ning yelled: “Brother San!”

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