The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 66: CH 66

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The smile of joy that Brother San was wearing just now after a good harvest had disappeared without a trace.

A few soldiers who had no special abilities helped Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu to rest at the inner counter.

From the tone of the other party, it wasn’t just the supplies and the big truck of items that they wanted, but also the crystal cores that they were carrying.

A young woman walked up to the tall man and whispered something in his ear.

The tall man glanced at them with some surprises and said: “There are actually so many special abilities users? But all are just low levelled. Now, decide for yourselves whether you will hand over the crystal cores or let us search ourselves after we’ve killed you.”

The young woman suddenly pointed at Xiang Xu and commented: “And this little girl, we’ll take her too. It’s the first time I’ve come across such a young spiritual ability.”

Xiang Xu’s gaze fixed at the young woman with some displeasure, and Xiang Yi even tightened his eyebrows.

The expression on Brother San and the others was getting grimmer, and Xiang Xu reported to Brother San: “Seven of them are all special abilities users, and their psychic energy fluctuations are all very powerful……”

Brother San froze, then his expression darken, seven special abilities users? No wonder Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu had been messed up so badly.

Brother San weighed his options and then replied: “The stuff here and the truck outside, we can give it to you as well as the crystal cores we have on us. But not the people.” Otherwise, when Gu Ning returned, how would he explain to her?

The young woman shook her head and insisted: “No. We must have this girl.”

“Then there’s nothing we can do.” Brother San sighed, then violently mobilized his psychic power, and more than ten earth spikes instantly shot towards the group of people! At the same time, he also sent the signal to the others to activate their psychic powers to attack!

Although Brother San was the first to launch the attack, Cheng Ming’s wind blade was known for its speed and reached the battlefield faster than Brother San’s earth spike!

The seven men on the other group were perhaps very confident in their strength, not expecting that Brother San and the others would dare to take the lead. When the earth wall rose, it only blocked off Brother San’s earth spikes, while Cheng Ming’s wind blade had already traversed behind the wall! A concentrated attack directly towards the man-in-charge of the group! The man didn’t retreat a single step and the moment the wind blade reached him, a barrier made from a curtain of water appeared in front of him that completely shield his body behind it. However, the sharpness of the wind blade was obviously a little unexpected and the man’s expression changed slightly before conjuring the second curtain of water again. The wind blade was no longer as strong as before after slicing through the first water curtain and stopped halfway through the second water curtain.

The water curtain was sliced open and then restored, and none of the ten or so wind blades managed to break through the second water curtain!

Just as the man’s guard was lowered, a wind blade silently slashed through——

“Watch out!” The young woman shouted, while the mental barrier instantly opened up!

The wind blade stopped an inch in front of the man’s throat before it could no longer advance any further, then silently dissipated into the air.

The earth wall collapsed at that moment.

Cheng Ming’s heart sank slightly when he saw that the dozen or so wind blades he had sent out had not caused the slightest damage to his opponent.

The man’s face changed slightly as he stared at Cheng Ming and asked: “Mutated wind ability and outstanding manipulation power. If you are willing, I will allow you to join us——“

He was answered by dozens of wind blades that swept towards him! The sound of breaking air was loud and clear!

The man’s face remained unchanged as the huge water curtain reappeared!

The moment the water curtain appeared, Cheng Ming’s eyes lit up and he shouted coldly: “ DaoZhang!”

In response, Jia DaoZhang pushed his hands forward against the huge water curtain and instantly a tremendous wave of cold air swept along his palms! Jia DaoZhang had been planning for a long time, and naturally, he wasn’t stingy with his psychic powers. As soon as the cold air touched the water curtain, it condensed at a visible speed! Before the man could react, he was shocked to find that the water curtain was out of his control! The curtain of water that had been floating in mid-air turned into a huge block of ice and “Bang!” A loud clash! It smashed into the ground and there was a splash of ice!

“Mutated ice ability! How can there be so many mutated abilities users?!” The man jolted back a few steps and exclaimed as he stared at the wall of ice that the water curtain had turned into.

“Found the back door!” Xiang Xu’s eyes snapped open as she had been using her spiritual power to find another exit and in just a few exchanges, she had located the back door.

“Good!” Brother San shouted then pushed his hands forward! At once a wall of earth rose from the ground! There was a bang! The earth wall crashed into the ice, which was already slippery and when it was hit by the wall, it moved toward the front!

The group of seven behind that wall of ice were startled and retreated in a hurry!

This retreat led them directly outside the main door.

Seeing the chance, Brother San conjured the earth wall like it didn’t cost any of his psychic energy and directly blocked the entrance! After stuffing a transparent crystal core into his mouth, Brother San yelled as he ran: “Go! Let’s get out from the back door!”

“Brother San! I’m still here——“ Zhang XiaoBai’s weak voice came from one of the counters.

Only then did they remember that there were still two wounded, and they hurriedly picked up Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu before dashing toward the exit with Xiang Xu pointing the way.

Brother San and the rest were eager to escape.

The seven men team were blocked outside the door and their expressions were very gloomy. This was the first time since their team had experienced such a defeat, and they had even seriously injured two of the other team’s special abilities users. It was something that hadn’t happened since their team had been formed.

It also made them feel that they had received a great insult.

The man glanced at the ground of broken ice, his gaze was cold and he said in a cold voice: “We must get rid of every single one of these people. The feud has been made, and those few mutated abilities users will cause problem in the future if we don’t get rid of them now.”He looked to the young woman and continued: “Jiang Xue, use your mental power to find them.”

Jiang Xue nodded, then her mental power surged out frantically and penetrated the earth wall and chased after them ——

Xiang Yi ran with Xiang Xu on his back, her spiritual power detected that mental power was tracking down them and she shouted anxiously: “We’re locked on!”

Brother San yelled as he ran: “Is there any way to get rid of it?”

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Xiang Xu replied: “I’ll try.”

She pursed her lips and her spiritual power surged out quickly, her spiritual energy was very much overdrawn in the morning and it was much slower to recover as compared to other psychic abilities. Thus, even now, her spiritual power was not at its peak but only recovered around sixty percent. Yet, she still didn’t hold back. Her psychic energy fluctuated strongly in her lake, and her spiritual power condensed into a huge invisible net and spread towards the mental power that was tracking them. At the same time, her face instantly paled a few more shades. She closed her eyes and weakly leaned on Xiang Yi’s shoulder, while Xiang Yi pursed his lips and ran even faster.

The net that Xiang Xu had formed with her spiritual energy was spread in a kind of blocking posture that the tracking mental power had rushed straight into it. The mental power was trapped in the net and prevented it from crossing. It kept rushing in and banging on the great net formed by Xiang Xu’s spiritual energy but it could never break through the net.

Jiang Xue, who was running towards that direction was a little shocked: “Such great spiritual power at such a young age?!” If she knew that this was only sixty percent of Xiang Xu’s actual spiritual power, she would be shocked till speechless.

The skinny man asked: “So is it still possible to catch up?”

Jiang Xue frowned and feared that if she let them escape now, it would be tough the next time when they met. Thus, she stopped holding back and once again surged out her mental power frantically towards the chasing direction.

After all, Xiang Xu was not at her peak so even though the net was powerful, it could not withstand the full force of Jiang Xue’s blow.

Instantly as the large net formed by spiritual energy was broken through a large hole, Xiang Xu, who was lying on Xiang Yi, sensed everything and opened her eyes. She shook her head and sadly reported to Brother San who was beside her: “I can’t stop her.” She knew that if they were caught up at this point, there would be a high chance that they would be killed. Even if she didn’t die, the rest might. Although they had only lived together for two days, this was the first time she had felt the warmth of family other than Xiang Yi after the apocalypse happened. Yet, was this warmth going to disappear so soon?

Brother San looked at Xiang Xu, who had always been strong and mature like a young adult. It was the first time he saw her with such a sad expression and his heart was unusually hard to bear.

He slowly stopped in his tracks.

Then Cheng Ming followed.

Jia DaoZhang hesitated for a moment, and then also gritted his teeth and stopped.

The others ran about ten metres away before they noticed that the three of them had stopped. All of them looked back at them in bewilderment, wondering why had they suddenly stopped.

They were puzzled for only a very brief moment before it suddenly dawned on them the reason and their expression suddenly changed.

Zhang XiaoBai stared at Brother San, Cheng Ming, and Jia DaoZhang with disbelief: “What are you all trying to do?!”

Xiang Yi pursed his lips as he watched them, a sad look uncontrollably appeared on his face. Xiang Xu slumped on Xiang Yi’s back, tears welling up in her eyes, her voice tinged with sobs: “I’ll go with them.”

Jia DaoZhang stopped her: “Don’t be silly… You think that by handing you over to them. Will they be stupid enough to let us go?”

Cheng Ming continued: “You guys, stop wasting the time. Quickly go before they reached us.”

Brother San swept a glance over his soldiers and said: “Even if I die today, I hope you won’t forget that you all were once a soldier of the Third Company. Even if you are the last one standing, don’t ever dirty the flag of the Third Company!”

Brother San suddenly called out: “Zhang Yang!”

Zhang Yang subconsciously saluted at attention: “Yes Sir!”

Brother San stared at Zhang Yang and commanded: “I order you! Take them and evacuate now! Make sure to reach the basement safely to meet up with Hong Jie!”

Zhang Yang looked at Brother San with widened eyes but pursed his lips tightly and didn’t reply.

Brother San bellowed: “Zhang Yang! What is the vocation of a soldier?!”

Zhang Yang’s eyes were red and his voice trembled slightly but firmly: “Report! Resolutely obey orders!”

Brother San smiled gratefully: “Good, go!”

Cheng Ming suddenly took a few steps forward and said to Zhang XiaoBai: “Zhang XiaoBai, if Gu Ning comes back, do tell her that I didn’t waste the crystal core which she gave me.” Having said that, he revealed a smile as Zhang XiaoBai watched with red eyes. Then resolutely turning around, he followed Brother San and Jia DaoZhang in front of him.

The soldiers eyed the three figures. Apart from Brother San, neither Cheng Ming nor Jia DaoZhang was considered tall, but at that moment, in their teary gaze, their back view was as high as three big mountains.

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and shouted: “Let’s go!”

Then he was the first to turn and ran in the direction of the Eleventh Square.

Brother San took out a cigarette case from his pocket and place one in his mouth, while handing one to Jia DaoZhang then to Cheng Ming, who waved his hand: “I don’t smoke.”

Jia DaoZhang subconsciously tried to lift his robe as he squatted down and only after he had done so, did he remember that his robe had been burned. Thus, he just squatted down and took a deep puff on his cigarette and said in retrospective: “I haven’t smoked since I gave up smoking over twenty years ago.”

Brother San took a deep puff then smiled and said: “Lao Jia, you’ve some guts.”

Jia DaoZhang replied honestly: “Just that my face isn’t thick enough, or I would have run after them.” And quite a bit of regret.

Cheng Ming opened his mouth to speak but his gaze suddenly saw into the distance with a gloomy expression: “Here they come.”

Brother San and Jia DaoZhang took one last deep puff, moved very neatly to throw their cigarettes into a puddle on the ground, and then stood up.

Cheng Ming gaze fixed at the group of special abilities users that were heading toward their direction and asked: “Brother San, do you think we’ll die today?”

Brother San asked Jia DaoZhang instead: “Lao Jia, what do you think?”

Jia DaoZhang stared at the seven special abilities user that was aggressively rushing towards them. Somehow he thought that he would be scared, but he was now inexplicably very calm and even managed to smile: “I don’t think so.”

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