The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 67: CH 67

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The group of seven rushed over, and when they realised that there were actually only Brother San and the two others remained, they were somewhat startled.  When they noticed that they didn’t seem to be escaping, they all slowed down.

Jiang Xue’s mental power continued chased all the way past them, then reported to the tall man: “Wang Bo, those people have escaped.”

Wang Bo replied: “You take Liang Long, Sun Guang, and go after them. Don’t leave anyone else except the ones you want.”

As soon as Jiang Xue nodded, she led the two men in the group to prepare to chase after Xiang Xu and the rest.

Suddenly, Brother San stepped forward, and a metre away from his feet. A row of half-metre high earth spikes broke out abruptly! All the way toward Jiang Xue!

Jiang Xue and the three of them retreated sharply about three or four metres before they stood up in a wretched manner.

Brother San laughed: “Are you guys blind? Can’t you see that we are here?”

Jiang Xue replied: “Do you think the three of you can stop us?”

“It’s good to even delay you for a while.” Jia DaoZhang interjected: “You probably don’t know this, but we have a very powerful captain and we were all sent out by her to find supplies. She’ll be coming this way later, and you guys look like you’re pretty powerful. Yet, you’re not even enough to be an appetizer for her.”

The skinny man sneered: “You think saying these words will make us let you guys off the hook? We are the first ones to discover that crystal cores could help us evolve. Also, even if that captain of yours is powerful, there is no way she could beat the seven of us by herself.” His gaze was grim: “And when we killed everyone, how will she know who did it?”

Wang Bo interjected: “There is no need to chat nonsense to them as they are just trying to stall for time. Li Qi, you go first and stop them. We’ll meet up with you once we’ve finished here.”

An inconspicuous man nodded and replied: “Okay.”

Then with a swift, his body rushed toward Brother San and the others like an arrow!

Cheng Ming’s pupils shrank slightly: “A speed ability user!” His shock was only momentary, as his wind blades instantly manifested and shot toward the figure that flew through them! However, his wind blades were all stopped by Jiang Xue’s mental power who had been on guard for a long time.

At this time, Jia DaoZhang made his move. He just stomped his foot and a layer of ice shot out along the ground and it spread extremely fast! The speed ability user didn’t even notice the sudden ice under his feet, and the moment his feet hit the ice, he slipped and fell to the ground after losing his balance. He slipped for a good distance along the ice and before he could get up, a thick ice prick condensed out of the ice where he lay and went straight through his chest. The crystal-clear ice prick poked through his back and emerged out of his chest with drops of blood flowing to the tip of the ice. It slowly tickling down in a different kind of bloody aesthetic.

Brother San pointed out: “See, we’ve told you that the three of us are still here and you wouldn’t be able to get through us.”

The expression of the remaining six changed slightly, none of them expected them to kill Li Qi so cleanly. Wang Bo’s gaze focused, no longer holding back his power. He spread open his hands and countless water arrows instantly condensed in front of his body while he stared at the three people opposite of him and stated: “Since you all have chosen to stay and die, then go to hell.” As the sentence ended, the dozens of water arrows in front of him abruptly scattered and then shot towards the trio who were ten metres away like a rainstorm!

In battle after battle, they had slowly begun to develop a tacit understanding in fights. Not only of their powers but also of their teammates’ fighting patterns.

As the dozens of water arrows came shooting over, Cheng Ming and Jia DaoZhang retreated at the same time, giving way to Brother San who waved his hands and a wall of earth broke out one after another!

The arrow shattered the first wall, the second wall, the third wall and finally stopped when it reached the last wall.

Brother San, Cheng Ming, and Jia DaoZhang hadn’t even had the time to catch their breath whereas countless green vines had already wrapped around the earth wall quickly. With a crush, the wall crumbled in the ever-tightening vines —— The countless vines directly snaked towards the trio!

Brother San and Jia DaoZhang retreated in a hurry! Then the wind started to blow! Countless wind blades instantly manifested themselves and slashed towards the vines! Swoosh swoosh swoosh! All the vines were sliced off by the wind blades and fell from the air like snakes and insects with their bodies cut off. It writhed on the ground for a few moments before they stopped moving completely.

Numerous balls of fire fell from the sky like meteors.

Jia DaoZhang swallowed a replenishing transparent crystal core with a soft gulp before quickly conjuring up a thick ice shield! Bang! Bang! Bang! Numerous fireballs fell and smashed the ice shield! One after another, all smashed on the ice shield and Jia DaoZhang once again unleashed his psychic energy. The layer upon the ice shield increased and resisted the fireballs attacks with great strength.

Brother San launched several earth walls towards them before ducking underneath the ice shield and took the spare time to take in the transparent crystal core into his mouth. His reserves of psychic energy were the smallest and at this moment, Brother San was fighting with a death wish. He was thinking that it was better to consume the cores than to leave them for those people, so he ate it without any heartache at all.

They didn’t even want to fight those people head-on, there were only three of them and although they had taken out one of them, there were still six more. Not to mention the fact that a mental ability user was watching them all this while, yet they weren’t sure if that mental psychic power could attack like Xiang Xu’s spiritual power so they couldn’t take the risk. Fortunately, Xiang Xu had said before that it was not that easy for the spiritual power to penetrate the earth wall or ice shield that was formed by psychic powers.  Therefore, they were now using the earth wall to hold them off for the time being and then hiding in the ice shield to block away from the fireballs and mental attacks. Their main purpose now was not to fight them to death, but to stall more time for Xiang Xu, Zhang XiaoBai, and the others.

The fireballs pelted the ice shield like they were nothing, and the sound of ice shattering rang out from time to time, causing those two people underneath the ice shield to be frightened. Staring upwards, the fireballs smashed into the ice shield and exploded with a bang that seem slightly like a firework. However, neither of the two men underneath the ice shield was in the mood for fireworks. Jia DaoZhang was anxious and added more layers to the ice shields, and Brother San continued to rush him to put up more layers as well as constantly replenishing the earth wall.

Cheng Ming’s wind blades basically never stopped, maintaining an average of hundreds of wind blades formed per second. The psychic energy depleted at a very high speed but luckily his energy reserves were very sufficient, so even with such an intense release of his energy, the consumption was only around twenty percent of his overall.

Although those vines looked terrifying, none of them were able to break through the barrier formed by Cheng Ming and his wind blade.

Obviously, Cheng Ming and Jia DaoZhang’s ample amount of psychic energy had shocked them.

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There was also the fact that Brother San’s stance of eating the transparent crystal cores like snacks also made them feel so shocked.

Wang Bo’s face was gloomy as he commanded: “Don’t hold back any longer, let’s fight quickly!”

The other five felt the pressure and they released all their powers at once!

As the two earth ability users fired at the same time, the walls that Brother San had erected didn’t last and collapsed with a crash! Then countless earth spikes and fireballs flew towards the ice shield!

Brother San and Jia DaoZhang hurriedly escaped from the ice shield. Just as they had stepped out of the ice shield when the blasting fireball with earth spikes smashed into it and shredded the ice shield.

Brother San manage to conjure up an earth shield just in time to block away from the splattered debris, and the two men had no time to celebrate their quick reaction before they were knocked off their feet by the massive impact!

Brother San and Jia DaoZhang were knocked off their feet by the huge force and then smashed onto the ground heavily. Jia DaoZhang didn’t know where he had injured himself and spat out blood on the spot. He was so injured that he couldn’t even get up from the ground. Brother San had experience in resisting blows and changed his posture to cushion away from the force when he landed, so he was in a much better state than Jia DaoZhang. When he saw Jia DaoZhang vomiting blood, his heart tightened and before he could check on his injuries, a vine was wrapped around his ankle. As soon as he turned around, a force travelled from the vine and dragged him backward by the leg. Then the world spun in front of Brother San’s eyes and he was hung upside down by his ankles!

Instantly all the blood rushed to the top of his head, a dizzy spell, and an unpleasant urge to vomit.

Jia DaoZhang was also dangled upside from the vine that caught his legs. He was already badly injured, and now he coughed violently. Blood dripped down the corners of his mouth and onto his forehead as he coughed, looking very miserable and bloody. He opened one eye with difficulty to peek at Brother San and muttered in pain: “Lao San, I… I can’t make it……” This was followed by another violent coughing fit, his face was red from the congestion and was contorted with an expression that seems extremely painful.

Wang Bo said with a sideways glance: “Jiang Xue, you and Liang Long, Sun Guang, go after those few missing fish first. I’ll settle here and join you all later.”

With a nod, Jiang Xue then ran with the skinny man as well as the fire ability user towards her mental power direction.

No one could stop them this time.

Cheng Ming tried to part a few wind blades to stop them, yet abruptly! It was as if countless fine needles had been violently inserted into his brain, and that completely unbearable pain caused Cheng Ming to let out a painful scream as the wind blades surrounding him instantly dispersed. As soon as the pain in his head subsided a little, a half-metre-long earth spike was viciously thrust into his stomach! Cheng Ming fell to the ground in agony, covering the earth spike in his stomach, blood was gushing out wildly, instantly staining his clothes red.

Wang Bo walked past Cheng Ming without stopping in the slightest.

Cheng Ming raised his eyes in great difficulty to look at him, a flash of determination in his eyes, and then desperately mobilized a small trace of psychic energy and a wind blade soundlessly shot toward Wang Bo’s calf!

Pfft —— a sound rang out, Wang Bo had not expected Cheng Ming to be able to mobilize his psychic energy even though he was seriously injured to that extent. Even though it was only a small trace of psychic power, the wind blade managed to create a bloody gash on his calf.

Cheng Ming cracked a satisfied smile.

Wang Bo was successfully enraged, he kicked Cheng Ming hard near his heart, and sent him tumbling backward. Blood was dripping from the corner of Cheng Ming’s mouth, half of his face was stuck with dust as he lay motionlessly on the ground. Wang Bo’s gaze was cold, he coldly barked orders at the few other special abilities users: “Kill them.”

Brother San cursed without fear: “I’ll f*ck your ancestors! I won’t spare you even if I’m turned into a ghost! If one of our men escaped today! We’ll make you pay back a thousand times more! Your little god*mned b*stards!”

Jia DaoZhang wanted to follow suit with the curses but he was too injured and didn’t have the strength. He just hissed in a small voice: “Lao San… good curses… good.”

Wang Bo said in a cold voice: “Nail them both to the wall and drain every single drop of blood from them. I want to see how long can they curse.”

Instead of being shocked by the gruesome suggestion, the earth ability user was slightly excited and agreed with a chuckled: “Hehe, I like this way of death torturing!”

Dozens of half-metre-long earth spikes with sharp tips instantly solidified in front of his chest which looked very terrifying.

Cheng Ming could not bear to watch any further and closed his eyes in despair.

Brother San was still cursing bitterly and brazenly.

Jia DaoZhang could no longer speak, his mind had begun to recite to himself the scripture of transcendence. However, he rethinks again that if he was to reincarnate into this world once more, it would be so miserable. Therefore, he gave up reciting and quietly waiting for death.

Just then!

A wretched howl of misery rang out!

Brother San’s curses were cut off, Jia DaoZhang’s eyelids twitched and he struggled to open his eyes. Cheng Ming trembled and glanced towards the place where the miserable howl came from……

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