The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 93: CH 93

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Zhong Xu soon returned and sighed: “The old man has a grandson as big as Xiang Yi but tsk… such a bad temper. It’s a sin for that old man to have such a grandson at his age.”

After gossiping a little while, they had soon changed the subject.

“By the way, you have to go back to the space tonight right, Gu Ning?” Jia DaoZhang suddenly asked.

Gu Ning replied: “Yes, that’s right.”

As soon as Zhang XiaoBai heard this, he immediately perked up and came over curiously while asking: “Gu Ning, what exactly is that space of yours like? Is it sealed or open space? Did you have any consciousness after you went in?”

Gu Ning had long been prepared for them to ask this question, so she wasn’t surprised and answered: “No. I lost consciousness after I’ve entered that space. It was as if I had fallen asleep.” This was the best answer Gu Ning had come up with.

There was nothing they could do even if they didn’t believe it. After all, no one knew exactly what the space looks like, so naturally, there was no way to prove whether what Gu Ning said was true or false.

After Gu Ning’s explanation, she added: “Don’t tell anyone about me being a Space ability user.”

“Don’t worry.” Brother San assured.

They had also overheard what the staff member had said when they were at the entrance.

As long as they killed the ability user themselves, they could obtain everything inside the space. Thus, a Space ability user would be like a walking warehouse to others. If they knew the huge amount of supplies inside Gu Ning’s space, everyone would be so envious and jealous that they would eventually lose their minds over it.

Gu Ning was also well aware of the crisis that follow it and after she knew this information, she had made preparations by packing enough supplies in the truck, as well as asking most of their group members to carry a backpack full of supplies in case of accidents.

At Zhang XiaoBai’s strong request, at 9 pm, Gu Ning sat on the sofa waiting for the moment to enter the space. The time to enter the space was entirely chosen by Gu Ning herself, but she had to pretend in front of them that she was waiting for the loss of her consciousness and then disappeared.

At ten minutes past nine, Zhang XiaoBai’s eyes had been staring to the point of soreness. Yet when he couldn’t hold on and wanted to ask Gu Ning when exactly would she going to disappear, the moment he opened his mouth, Gu Ning who had been sitting on the sofa in front of him, disappeared!

His mouth hung open in shock for a long while before closing it. Zhang XiaoBai shifted his shocked gaze to others and asked: “Did you, did you all see that? Gu Ning just swopped and then disappeared.”

Fang Fa touched the place where Gu Ning had just sat with his hand, her body heat still lingered on the sofa but she had just disappeared and it was so incredible.

“Hiss——“ Zhang XiaoBai suddenly drew in a cold breath before rubbing both his arms with strong forces: “Look, I’m having goosebumps right now.”

The expression of others in the living room were all in awe and stunned too.

Gu Ning returned to the space and shook her head helplessly as telling such a lie was a helpless act to avoid unnecessary troubles. She opened the door, travelled back to the bathroom in that peaceful world, then went back into her bedroom, and changed her clothing before heading out of her room.

“Morning.” Yi ShaoQing drifted sleepily past Gu Ning with a cup of steaming coffee with his messy curly hair while dressed in his usual striped pyjamas.

Every morning, he looked like he hadn’t fully woken up and he wouldn’t change out of the striped cotton pyjamas if he didn’t intend to go out.

Zhuang Chen, on the other hand, even when she didn’t head out, every day she would still wear unbelievably delicate make-up. With her long, red, big wavy hair, she always looked so radiant.

Zhuang Chen referred to this as “aura”.

Yin Sang hadn’t stayed here ever since the first day they had returned. Gu Ning didn’t know if it was because of herself but she didn’t bother about that.

As for Ji JiuZe.

Every day, either he was in his room, if not he would be in the study room for the whole day except for the daily three meals so it was rare to come across him. Whereas Yi ShaoQing usually spent his morning in a daze and from the afternoon onward, he would start experimenting in his so-called laboratory. Thus, Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai, and the other’s training were all handled by Zhuang Chen.

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Apart from Zhuang Chen’s extraordinary enthusiasm for Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai and the rest were basically left aside to survive on their own.

Zhuang Chen even told them that if they had nothing to do, they could just go out for a stroll.

In the past few days, they had not been exposed to any information about what the Five Stars Brigade was all about. Gu Ning had been training every day plus her biggest goal of joining the Five Stars Brigade was now being achieved, so she didn’t really care about what they actually were at all. Zhang XiaoBai and the rest had nothing to do all day long and were bored that they almost climbed a tree to catch a bird for fun. From the initial sympathy to now being slightly jealous, they watched Gu Ning being wrestled around by Zhuang Chen all day long.

Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu were slightly worried, did these indicate that they were going to be expelled if they were to be left alone like now? Whereas Chen Gen was calm and collected, strolling here and there every day, watching Zhuang Chen wrestle Gu Ning at the training ground when he had nothing better to do.

“Bang!” With a loud smash, Gu Ning fell to the ground for the first time today, then she got up excitedly and asked Chen Gen who was watching at the side: “How long?!”

Chen Gen lifted his eyes from his watch and looked at her with some complexity and answered: “Twenty-eight minutes.”

What kind of concept were twenty-eight minutes? Three days ago, Gu Ning could only last for a few minutes under Zhuang Chen’s attack, and that was Zhuang Chen without using her full strength. However, comparing both of their states right now.  Zhuang Chen was sitting on a recliner, wiping her sweat with a towel while Gu Ning was not even tired, not to mention that she didn’t even sweat much and her eyes shone so brightly and eagerly.

Chen Gen had noticed that Zhuang Chen had been forced to use her full strength against Gu Ning. It had only been three days since she had struggled under Zhuang Chen’s attack and now she could hold on for almost half an hour under her full strength.

Chen Gen couldn’t help but wonder if Gu Ning was like those natural martial arts training genius written in those novels?! If not, there was no way to explain Gu Ning’s speed of progression in such a short duration.

Three days later, another three days had passed.

Zhuang Chen had no choice but to find Ji JiuZe in the study room. She felt a little embarrassed about the fact that she couldn’t teach Gu Ning anymore. After all, it was under her strong request to get Ji JiuZe to pass Gu Ning to her for training. Yet, not even half a month, her disciple was too smart and was about to overtake her teacher. It was a bit difficult and embarrassed to say it out so she beat around the bushes for a long time to express her desire to stop teaching Gu Ning.

A person as smart as Ji JiuZe would definitely be able to understand what she meant and then prevented her from losing her reputation in front of Yi ShaoQing.

Yet, who would have guessed that after she had finished speaking, Ji JiuZe finally removed his gaze from the papers on the table and looked up at Zhuang Chen, slightly raising his eyebrows to indicate that she could continue with her explanation.

Zhuang Chen stared at Ji JiuZe for a long time, but gave up on the impassive Ji JiuZe and finally admitted: “Okay, I admit that I can’t teach her anymore.”

“I’ve used my full strength but it’s already getting hard to win against her.” Zhuang Chen was still a bit speechless when she mentioned this problem: “She is simply a monster, her reflexes and speed are frightening fast. And the scariest thing is her ability to replicate…..”She parted her hair to the side and then continued righteously: “In a few more days, she will be able to take me down and it will be too humiliating for me by then.”

“I can testify to this!” Yi ShaoQing, who had been sitting at the side suddenly interrupted: “Gu Ning’s physique is indeed different from normal people, I need to find a chance to draw some blood from her to study.”

Ji JiuZe closed the document in front of him, still being expressionless, he looked at Zhuang Chen and asked: “So you are now officially giving up.”

Zhuang Chen gave a frustrated look and replied: “Yes.”

Ji JiuZe stood up and shoved the documents back onto the shelf behind him but his originally cold and solemn face loosened up a little as he glanced at Zhuang Chen while stating: “Then I’ll take over.”

“…… ? ? ?” Zhuang Chen vaguely felt as if something was wrong.

Ji JiuZe had already reached the door when he suddenly turned to someone and warned: “Yi ShaoQing, don’t get your idea on Gu Ning.”

Yi ShaoQing raised his hands in surrender: “I know I know. She’s yours now! I won’t touch a single hair on her head, go find your good disciple now!”

As soon as Ji JiuZe left the room, Yi ShaoQing immediately placed his legs up on the desk.

“The captain indeed is the captain. He has long guessed that there will be such a day. He purposely passed Gu Ning to you for a few days to train her and then waited until you can’t teach her anymore. Then you’ll come over to find him for a withdrawal, and he’ll take over it as a matter of course. Maybe he had his eye on Gu Ning from the start and then took this opportunity to make you teach Gu Ning a few days of foundation so that he could save some trouble!” Yi ShaoQing stroked the non-existent beard on his chin and tsked: “Tsk tsk tsk, in the end, the calculative Ji Foxy won.”

“Zhuang Chen had withdrawn her right to teach you because of her limited ability. You are now in my hands.” Gu Ning was eating breakfast after her usual morning running when Ji JiuZe, who was walking down the stairs as if he was just passing by, suddenly stopped and informed her. After a pause, he added: “Any objections?”

Before Gu Ning could swallow the bread in her mouth, she shook her head like a rattle and slurred her replies: “No, nothing.”

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