The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 94: CH 94

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After receiving Gu Ning’s answer without hesitation, Ji JiuZe dropped another sentence: “Come to the training room after you are done with your meal.” Then he walked away without looking back.

Gu Ning had probably figured out Zhuang Chen’s capability during her confrontation with her in the past few days. She had guessed in her mind that Zhuang Chen would not be able to teach her for too long. As far as she knew, Yin Sang’s close combat skills were superior to Zhuang Chen’s but she and Yin Sang were already at each other necks so if she were to teach herself, she would probably suffer a lot more.

She didn’t expect it to be Ji JiuZe to take over, which was really an unexpected pleasant surprise.

In less than two minutes, Gu Ning was put down by Ji JiuZe.

Gu Ning got up from the ground and cautiously looked at Ji JiuZe. She felt as if that moment just now was what she had felt when she first fought Zhuang Chen and it was even more helpless and powerless. She was already very close to Zhuang Chen’s capability so unlike the first time when she fought without any foundation and got knocked down, right now she was feeling way more excited. However, after her strength had been greatly improved, she was still knocked down so easily by Ji JiuZe. Apart from feeling a blow to her self-confidence, she was more shocked by Ji JiuZe’s strength.

Although she had known for a long time that Ji JiuZe was the strongest among them in close combat, a level like this was a little bit too perverse by any stretch of the imagination.

Her reaction speed was fast, yet Ji JiuZe’s reaction speed was even faster. Even with the strength, she relied on, Ji JiuZe was on par with her. What made Gu Ning feel even more appalled was that the strength Ji JiuZe was showing now was not even his true strength ……

Gu Ning swallowed dryly, the pupils under her fine blonde fringes narrowed slightly, her eyes full of scruple.

In stark contrast to her tensed body, Ji JiuZe was standing there calmly, waiting for Gu Ning to launch her second attack.

Unlike Zhuang Chen’s rehearsal teaching, Ji JiuZe belongs to the “actual combat style.”

The fundamental difference between rehearsal teaching and the actual combat style was that one was fake and the other was real. One was absolutely safe while the other one had to suffer a bit.

After practicing with Zhuang Chen for almost ten days, Gu Ning didn’t have any injuries on her body. However, within half a day of practicing with Ji JiuZe, Gu Ning already had bruises on her knees and arms.

What was more painful was not the physical injuries but the mentally. Basically, Gu Ning was being pressed and beaten by Ji JiuZe, even creating a feeling that she was a flat raft, being battered by the tumbling waves on the sea and she might even capsize at any moment. Even when facing the tentacle mutated zombie, Gu Ning didn’t feel as helpless as she does now.

Not only was Gu Ning, the person who was suffering, but even the onlookers like Zhang XiaoBai, Zhong Xu, and Chen Gen were sympathetic to her as if they were the ones being constantly wrestled. Yet Gu Ning stubbornly got up every time she was thrown to the ground. They didn’t even have a chance to excuse her from him and could only watch as Gu Ning continued slammed to the wall, fell, and got up from the ground stubbornly and repeatedly.

Throughout the whole morning, Gu Ning, this small raft was lapped by the roaring waves in the middle of the ocean, that was Ji JiuZe. It was not until lunchtime that he announced the end of this morning’s practice.

Gu Ning had already been numbed by the abuse and was in a rare state of mental depression during lunch.

After the meal, there was a two hours break.

Gu Ning felt the pain in her elbow and lifted her sleeve to take a look. There was a big bruise on her elbow which was caused by her hitting the wall when she tried to attack Ji JiuZe with all her might. This was the result of Ji JiuZe taking some of the force off her, if not, hitting with her full strength on the wall, her bones would have been cracked by then.

Although she had been abused all morning, Gu Ning still managed to gain some benefit out of it. However, as compared to Zhuang Chen’s way of teaching which she still had time to observe the skills in between, Ji JiuZe’s attack was too fierce that Gu Ning had to concentrate on her moves. Moreover, if she was distracted for a second, she would be knocked down by Ji JiuZe who attacked from nowhere.

Under a week of high-intensity combat training, there were countless times when Gu Ning wanted to ask Ji JiuZe if he had any grudge against her but in the end, she forced the question down her throat.

Although Gu Ning was very reluctant to use her psychic energy, the bruises on her body were really a bit too frightening. Plus in such a state, it was really difficult for her to survive under Ji JiuZe’s horrible training so she could only use her precious psychic energy to recover her bruises every night.

At the same time, Gu Ning could feel that she was growing in leaps and bounds from such intense training. Thus, even though new bruises would appear every day before she slept, Gu Ning still gritted her teeth and endured them. She even felt thankful to Ji JiuZe’s training in her heart for such sweet growth in a short period.

There was a turn of events during one afternoon when Yi ShaoQing, for once being refreshed, suddenly gave up his usual lab routine and went to the training room to see how Ji JiuZe trained Gu Ning.

The expression on his face could be described as strange when he saw Gu Ning being thrown down by Ji JiuZe continuously without any mercy.

He had to suspend their training and then secretly called Ji JiuZe over.

“Is this how you trained Gu Ning?” Yi ShaoQing glanced at Gu Ning who was catching some rest and asked in a whisper: “Are you training her or do you have a grudge against her eh?!”

Ji JiuZe remained expressionless: “What’s the problem?”

Yi ShaoQing stared at Ji JiuZe and answered exaggeratedly: “Because it seems to me that you are not training Gu Ning at all but deliberately abusing her. I really don’t know how she survived a whole week.”

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Ji JiuZe replied: “Such actual combat training is the best way to train.”

“It’s not that there’s something wrong with the way you train. Rather, did you never consider that Gu Ning is a girl from the beginning?”

Yi ShaoQing saw Ji JiuZe visibly freeze for a moment before continuing. “Even a strong male will be ruined by such practice. No matter how strong Gu Ning is, she is still a girl, so she might not dare to talk about the beating she received from you but probably cry behind your back. I know you have not taken in any disciple before nor have you personally condescended to instruct anyone. Yet, since you have finally accepted a disciple, you have to first ensure that they are not crippled by you. Although actual combat training meant real fighting, couldn’t you at least hit her a little bit lighter, or let her fall a bit softer? She was like a sandbag that was slammed around by you…..” Yi ShaoQing was still ranting on Gu Ning’s behalf and raving about Ji JiuZe’s brutality training.

Ji JiuZe was swayed by Yi ShaoQing’s words, and glanced over to Gu Ning, just in time to see that she was frowning while leaning against the wall and rubbing her shoulders.

He was slightly stunned as just like what Yi ShaoQing had stated, Gu Ning was the first person he had ever taught personally. If he hadn’t valued Gu Ning’s potential, he wouldn’t have had the idea of teaching her himself. Since he had never taken in any disciple, he naturally had no experience in teaching others so he just used the method which he thought would achieve the quickest results as a matter of course, even forgetting the fact that Gu Ning was a girl. Now that he thought about it, if it were Zhuang Chen, she would have lost her temper with him. However, Gu Ning was always on time for her morning and afternoon training, other than the necessary greetings and the occasional request for advice, she seldom spoke much. After being slammed onto the ground every time, she would just get up and continue without saying a word……

Ji JiuZe replied: “She didn’t tell me about it .”

Yi ShaoQing couldn’t help but rolled his eyes and explained: “You have an ice-cube expressionless face every day, Gu Ning is probably scared to death mentally so how could she tell that to you.”

Ji JiuZe’s brow frowned slightly before ignoring Yi ShaoQing who was still nagging away and walking toward Gu Ning.

“Do you have any comments on my training methods?”

Ji JiuZe suddenly asked such a direct question.

Gu Ning first froze for a moment, then looked at Ji JiuZe’s cold expression and subconsciously replied: “No.” Then under his questioning gaze, she thought carefully again before answering honestly: “Nothing, really.”

Ji JiuZe was sure that Gu Ning was not lying, yet he was even more puzzled.

In the end, Gu Ning was inexplicably given a half-day off and had absolutely no idea what was the reason behind it.

Instead, she was a little apprehensive because of Ji JiuZe’s questioning.

In the evening, when Gu Ning was about to lock the door and went to bed, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, Gu Ning was surprised to find Zhuang Chen holding a bottle of brown medicinal ointment: “Zhuang Chen? Any problem?”

Zhuang Chen handed over the medicinal ointment that was twirling in her hand and said: “I don’t know, JiuZe asked me to send it over. It’s a special ointment for bruises and injuries, you’re injured?”

After sending Zhuang Chen away, Gu Ning looked at the bottle of medicinal ointment and guessed that perhaps Yi ShaoQing had said something to Ji JiuZe when he came to the training room this afternoon.

Gu Ning didn’t put it to heart.

Yet the next day, she had another day off and was free to go out, no limiting to her range of activities at all.

Gu Ning was puzzled by the sudden day off but she just went home straight.

She hadn’t been back for two weeks.

She explained that the child’s parents were busy and she couldn’t leave but she was paid double on Sundays which made Mother Gu feel slightly better.

Gu Ning’s return during the usual weekday and not just holidays nor weekends made Mother Gu very happy.

Mother Gu cooked a nice table of goodies for Gu Ning during lunch. The money which Gu Ning gave last time, she paid back to the few families who were pressing hard on them. Moreover, Father Gu started attending classes again so the family’s financial situation was instantly a lot better. If it wasn’t for the fear of making them suspicious, Gu Ning almost wanted to pay off all the family’s debts immediately.

After lunch, Gu Ning went back to her bedroom and turned on her computer. She took out the Northern Song Dynasty Ru-Kiln Celadon Sunflower Wash and placed it on the side of her computer table and began searching for its origins of it.

Once she had checked, Gu Ning discovered that her Celadon Sunflower Wash was identical to the one that had fetched a staggering $200 million! At that time, Gu Ning thought that Jia DaoZhang was just boasting and that he might have been mistaken. Yet, at this moment, Gu Ning took the Ru-Kiln and compared it to the image on the screen and found that it was indeed identical. If this was the real deal, it would be $200 million ahhhh! ! !

Gu Ning was grinning from ear to ear and she was already thinking about how to sell this Ru-Kiln. Finding Fang Fa was probably more troublesome than finding a pawn shop, but which pawn shop could afford such an expensive piece?!

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