The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 97: CH 97

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The experts gathered around the celadon sunflower wash, leaning slightly over to look at the details. With such examination, they became more astonished.

The time limit for this segment was only three minutes.

As soon as the three minutes were up, all the experts had to return to their seats. Several of their gazes collided and they all saw the disbelief in each other’s eyes. Immediately, when they were back in their seats, they started exchanging their opinions and discussion.

Jiang Yu still had a gentle and serene smile on her face, but if looked closely, the smile on her face had stiffened. She was very uneasy but the current atmosphere in the show recording was very intense.  The experts in the room began to debate the authenticity of the celadon sunflower wash between Li YaoXian and the middle-aged man in green robe, Lin YunZhi, point of view.

Jiang Yu originally thought it was just a pretty-looking bowl. Initially, she had brought it over to make up the number but she had never expected that it would be chosen for the show by He YouPing at first glance.

In the scene when an expert called out the name of Northern Song Ru-Kiln Celadon Sunflower Wash, Jiang Yu was in shock. Although she didn’t know exactly what a celadon sunflower wash was, she knew what Northern Song Ru-Kiln meant, as well as the saying “even if the family fortune is worth ten thousand, it’s incomparable with a good piece of Ru-Kiln”.

On second thought, she thought that it was probably a fake that Gu Ning had found at a street stall. Yet when she brought the item up to the stage and showed it to the experts, Jiang Yu felt that she had thought very wrongly about this item’s origin.

The entire studio, including the audience and the host on stage, were in an uproar when the master of treasure appraisal confirmed that this piece was indeed the third surviving celadon sunflower wash! Jiang Yu was even more dumbfounded and stunned.

The show director didn’t miss this wonderful scene and the camera was focused on Jiang Yu’s face to capture her expression in all its glory.

The thing that she thought Gu Ning had found on a street stall was actually worth 200 million dollars?!

Before she could regain her composure, she heard the host beside her ask excitedly: “Miss, you must be overjoyed now, let me do a quick interview with you alright. Did you know beforehand that this is a Northern Song Ru-Kiln? Did you know that it is worth that much money?”

Jiang Yu’s mind felt so empty with the sudden confusion and she couldn’t understand properly what the host was asking and just shook her head.

The host chuckled and joked: “It seems that this lady here has been overwhelmed by this heavenly fortune! Let me ask you a few questions while you calm down. May I ask what kind of profession are you currently working in?”

Jiang Yu finally came back to her sense a little: “Business manager.”

“Wow, a manager at such a young age. Very impressive.” The host praised Jiang Yu and then asked curiously: “I’m particularly curious right now, what are your feeling? Is it too difficult to believe it? Or are you overjoyed?”

The expression on Jiang Yu’s face was a little stiff: “I felt it’s a little bit unbelievable…..” In fact, currently, she was full of thoughts about where Gu Ning had gotten this thing.

“Is it convenient to ask then, what is the origin of this item? Has it been handed down from your ancestors or is it from another source?”

Jiang Yu looked at the cameras and the microphones that were pointed at her as she answered: “This was handed down to me by my grandfather when he passed away. He said it was a dowry for me, and I didn’t expect it to be that expensive.”

Afterward, she couldn’t quite remember what the host had said or asked, and the recording ended with her confusion and goosebumps rising on her back.

As soon as she got off the stage, Jiang Yu hugged the delicate box, carried her handbag, and hurried into a bathroom cubicle. She sat on the toilet and began to force herself to calm down.

Where did Gu Ning get this thing from? The way she had placed it casually next to her computer desk, it’s almost as if that thing was something invaluable….. Then is it possible that Gu Ning didn’t even know that it was a genuine antique? Or know how much it was worth? Jiang Yu’s mind flashed through many inappropriate thoughts in this instant, not knowing whether she was overly excited or she was guilty, all she could only feel right now was her heart pounding loudly……

She took several deep breaths before her racing heart finally calmed down, then she took out her phone from her handbag. When she saw that there were six missed calls on her phone and all were from Gu Ning, her heart thudded and her body instantly froze. Her mind turned rapidly for excuses as she dialled Gu Ning’s number.

The call was quickly answered.

Jiang Yu tried to sound calm: “Hello, Gu Ning? I saw that you’ve called me several times, hey is there something wrong?”

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone.

Jiang Yu’s heart was lifted with anxiety, but she concentrated even more to catch the voice coming from the receiver, even to the point of holding her breath.

Then Gu Ning’s voice sounded with a slightly icy tone: “Oh. I called you a few times because I saw that you gave me a call previously and thought that you were looking for me. So why do you call me for?”

Jiang Yu quickly analysed Gu Ning’s words and got the information that Gu Ning didn’t even know that she had taken her things right now! She relaxed slightly and tried to make herself sound a little more natural: “It’s like this, I saw that little green bowl in your room, it looked particularly nice, so I wanted to ask where you bought it?” Although she had tried her best to relax, there was still a slight tremor in her voice because she was so nervous.

There was a silence on the receiver again for a moment.

Jiang Yu’s heart was lifted once again…..

Then she heard Gu Ning’s voice ranging out again and sounded a little absently: “Oh, I didn’t buy it. It’s a gift from a friend. What’s wrong?”

Jiang Yu’s throat tightened with anxiety: “I went to your house today and saw that little bowl was especially pretty, so I was wondering if you could give that little bowl to me?”

As if Gu Ning was deliberately trying to make her nervous, the other end of the phone was once again quiet. If it was the usual, Jiang Yu would have questioned her why she was speaking so slowly, but today, she was very patient…..

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Unfortunately, this time what she had waited for was an answer that she didn’t want to hear. Gu Ning replied: “Sorry, because it’s from a friend and I like it too so I can’t give it to you.”

“Ah so…..” Jiang Yu struggled to explain: “Gu Ning, I’m telling you now but don’t be angry with me okay. That bowl is with me right now, I saw it this afternoon and it looks too pretty. I was so captivated by it that I asked Eldest Aunt to lend it to me for a while and since you don’t want to give it to me, then I’ll return it to you some other time.”

The phone was hung up abruptly.

Jiang Yu stared at her phone for a long while before she suddenly stood up, carried her bag, and headed out. When she was back at the guest lounge, she saw that He YouPing was chatting with other guests.

As soon as He YouPing saw Jiang Yu, he rushed over excitedly without waiting for Jiang Yu to greet him: “Jiang Yu, I’ve been looking for you and thought that you’ve run away! You had struck a fortune! That antique is actually genuine! If you put it up for auction, that’s will be at least 200 million dollars! Where did you get this antique? Don’t forget about your senior, me, when you make a fortune okay. If it wasn’t for me, you probably wouldn’t have known it was worth that much money.”

Jiang Yu, on the contrary, suddenly grabbed He YouPing’s hand with a certain cold glint in her eyes and stared unblinkingly at He YouPing: “Senior, can you not air this episode?!”

He YouPing was stunned for a moment: “Of course not! Do you know how much it costs to hire those experts to record a show? Especially that elderly gentleman, we had been through a lot of trouble to ask him for……” He suddenly stopped at this point and looked at Jiang Yu strangely: “What do you actually mean?”

“It means that she’s trying to steal the item which doesn’t belong to her.”

An unexpected voice rang out.

The voice was not too loud but it rang out clearly in the lounge.

It was heard by everyone in the lounge, as well as the experts and the elderly gentleman who was about to enter the room from the corridor.

Jiang Yu’s heart jumped so hard that her body stiffened. She slowly turned toward the source of the voice and saw two people who had just walked in through the doorway. One was Gu Ning, and the other was a tall, red-haired, beautiful woman, who Jiang Yu was pretty sure she hadn’t seen before. The red-haired gorgeous female was naturally Zhuang Chen and that previous comment was from her.

Jiang Yu’s looks were considered to be pretty for anyone who first saw her, but when she was compared to Zhuang Chen, she looks cheap and insignificant.

Everyone in the lounge, including He YouPing looked dumbfounded for a moment before they noticed the ice-cold expressionless Gu Ning who was standing beside Zhuang Chen.

A conspicuous short blonde hair with a sickly pale face wearing a grey tracksuit who looks more like a pretty boy than a girl seems very detached and indifferent when she kept quiet. Although she wasn’t too eye-catching when standing beside the glorious beauty, she was not overshadowed by the aura that was emitting from Zhuang Chen.

Were they the new group from the next shed for the singing competition show?

He YouPing thought strangely.

It was understandable for him to think so, as neither Zhuang Chen nor Gu Ning looked like “ordinary people” in terms of their looks or their “striking” hair colour and temperament.

Jiang Yu, however, was staring at Gu Ning with a deadly stare. Her face was turning uncontrollably white as she thought of that phone call earlier and couldn’t help but panic: “ Gu Ning, why are you here?”

Zhuang Chen crossed her arms in front of her chest, glanced at the delicate box in Jiang Yu’s hand, and said: “She came to accompany me to collect my things.” After saying these, Zhuang Chen’s expression instantly turned cold, her gaze was sharp like a knife as she coldly addressed Jiang Yu: “Miss Jiang, you took someone else’s stuff without asking and actually went on a TV show with it while claiming it to be yours? I came here by coincidence and just in time to hear you ask if this episode could not be aired. I suppose that you had come up with an ill intention when you’ve learned about the worth of the item and even tried to hide it away secretly. I’ve never seen anyone as shameless and thick-skinned as you.”

Jiang Yu’s expression changed from shock to embarrassment as she noticed that everyone was staring at her. Even though she was already in a state of panic, she still forced herself to calm down before urging Gu Ning: “Gu Ning, let’s go back then talk about it.” She even sent a few winks to Gu Ning, hinting her to go out. Who knew that Gu Ning was simply unfazed by her pleading and just looked at her coldly while watching the scene unfold.

He YouPing and the rest were dumbfounded as they never thought that the antique was “stolen” by Jiang Yu and now she was caught in the act……

He YouPing glanced at Jiang Yu before asking Zhuang Chen: “Excuse me, lady. Is there any misunderstanding here?”

Zhuang Chen smiled as she gazed condescendingly at Jiang Yu and sneered: “Misunderstanding? Well then, Miss Jiang please explain. Or, do you dare to say that you own this thing?” She shook the phone in her hand and continued: “Miss Jiang can prove her innocence as loudly as she likes.”

Jiang Yu stared at the phone in Zhuang Chen’s hand and recalled the previous phone call she made just now. Her face paled as the countless responses that had been floating around in her mind were all shattered. She could only bite her lips as she glared at Gu Ning.

Seeing Jiang Yu’s reaction and the state she was in right now, there was nothing more to question about. He YouPing gave Jiang Yu a surprised look but he did not know what else to say in such situations and all he could do was shut his mouth.

The others started discussing the sudden occurrence. The few guests who had been jealous and envious of Jiang Yu previously were even more unabashed in their gloating at this point.

“Since Miss Jiang doesn’t deny that it is not yours. Then please pass it back to its rightful owner.” Zhuang Chen instructed while directly extending her hand to Jiang Yu, and even did a beckoning gesture to indicate her to hand over the celadon sunflower wash. She really didn’t give a damn sh*t to Jiang Yu’s reputation.

No one hit Jiang Yu but her face felt so hot and painful as if she had been slapped a dozen times.

Amid the dozen pairs of gloating eyes in the lounge as well as those from the corridor watching the whole drama, Jiang Yu stiffly placed the delicate box into Zhuang Chen’s hand. She opened her mouth and tried to defend herself. However, as soon as Zhuang Chen got the box, she turned around and left. Gu Ning glanced at her before she left with Zhuang Chen while the sneer and chill in her gaze made a chill run down Jiang Yu’s back abruptly.

It was only after a moment before Jiang Yu woke up from the daze and rushed out of the lounge in the direction where Gu Ning and Zhuang Chen had left.

He YouPing looked at the director who had also arrived in the lounge at some point and asked: “Director, do we still air this episode??”

The director glanced at him as if he was like a fool and replied “Of course! Go air it! Now go to the publicity department and tell them all about what had just happened, organise some highlights and upload them on the internet as soon as possible. Drive-up some news and make sure the editors put in more effort!” The director’s eyes lit up with excitement: “It’ll be hell if this episode rating didn’t explode!”

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