The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 98: CH 98

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“Zhuang Chen, thank you so much this time.” Gu Ning looked at the intact celadon sunflower wash in her hand and sighed with relief. If it wasn’t for Zhuang Chen, even if she knew Jiang Yu was at the TV station, she won’t dare to go in so bluntly.

Zhuang Chen replied with a smile: “You’re welcome, just call me next time if there’s something fun like this.”

Gu Ning looked at her helplessly.

Originally they intended to come and collect back the celadon sunflower wash from Jiang Yu quietly. Yet they received the phone call just as they arrived at the TV station.

Although Gu Ning knew that Jiang Yu had her heart set on Lu JiaZi and that was eighty percent of the reason why she had deliberately put her in that situation during the post-apocalypse times, she didn’t take it too personally. All she wanted to do was to stay away from her and yet only now did she realise that Jiang Yu was just simply black-hearted. After knowing the true value of the celadon sunflower wash, she actually thought of tricking it out of her hands.

Even if Gu Ning refused, she could have given the excuse that she had accidentally broken the bowl. As long as that episode was not aired, Gu Ning would never know the value of this Ru-Kiln. According to Gu Ning’s usual character, even if she was angry, she would not have a fall out with Jiang Yu…… Jiang Yu had it all well-planned.

However, all of this was based on the premise that Gu Ning didn’t know the value of the Ru-Kiln.

Jiang Yu was unaware that her well-planned idea and careful probing had completely exposed her ill intention to Gu Ning and Zhuang Chen.

If Jiang Yu hadn’t gotten so greedy, Gu Ning would have just taken the bowl back in low profile and wouldn’t gotten Zhuang Chen publicly shame her in the crowd.

Yet, this was a good idea to take this opportunity to have a fall out with her, and its best if Jiang Yu just stopped contacting her.

“Gu Ning! Hold on!” As they were about to walk out of the TV station’s front gate, Jiang Yu had finally caught up with her.

Zhuang Chen raised her eyebrows and immediately became energetic.

“Gu Ning, I want to talk with you alone.” Jiang Yu gestured with her eyes to hint at Zhuang Chen but Zhuang Chen just looked at her coldly with her arms braced around her chest, without the slightest intention of leaving.

Instead, Gu Ning asked: “Zhuang Chen, please wait for me in the car okay.”

Zhuang Chen was naturally not afraid that Gu Ning would suffer any loss, she just wanted to stay and watch the fun. Since Gu Ning had asked her to leave, she had no choice but to follow reluctantly.

“Let’s find a better place to talk.” Jiang Yu said and took Gu Ning to a corner that was slightly out of the way.

Jiang Yu sighed before explaining: “Gu Ning, I know you must have just misunderstood. We both grew up together and have been sisters for over twenty years, don’t you know what kind of person I am?”

Gu Ning glanced at Jiang Yu and the corner of her mouth lifted into a sneer: “Yes. We grew up together, and I didn’t even know that you were such a person.”

Jiang Yu was choked from the reply and then looked at Gu Ning with a painful and disappointed expression before continuing: “Gu Ning, can you at least listen to my explanation……”

Without waiting for her to explain more, Gu Ning interrupted coldly: “I know you like Lu JiaZi.”

Jiang Yu’s pupils contracted uncontrollably: “What?”

Gu Ning’s icy gaze focused on her: “Since such an incident had happened today, I’ll just lay out everything on the table. I don’t know if you fell in love with him at first sight or if I had described him too well that you couldn’t help but be moved, right now, I don’t want to know the reason anymore.” She continued with a smile while sneering: “But for the sake that we used to be close sisters, I will bear the pain and give you, Lu JiaZi.”

Jiang Yu had already been confused by Gu Ning’s words at this point so once she heard that Gu Ning was giving Lu JiaZi to her, she couldn’t help but stared and wondered what she actually meant.

Gu Ning’s smile faded abruptly and became intimidatingly cold: “As for the two of us, first you tried to steal the guy I was interested and now you want to cheat me out of my things. We have a fallout now, so you can stop pretending to be sisterly with me anymore. Even if your face is thicker than a wall and shamelessly enough to insist that you still want to be my sister, I don’t think I can swallow the anger and call you “sister” again. To avoid further embarrassment, the two of us should stop contacting each other in the future. What do you say?”

Gu Ning’s words were like a sharp sword that each one of it hit the bullseye. Jiang Yu wanted to explain further but Gu Ning didn’t give her the chance to do so at all.

It was not until Gu Ning had left for a long time that Jiang Yu finally regained her senses and her body shivered from the chill. When did the Gu Ning who used to smile a lot and was very friendly become so sharp-tongued and aggressive?

The fact that Gu Ning had completely fallout with Jiang Yu had also helped her to release the anger she had held up. Gu Ning felt so relieved that even her walk was much lighter and she couldn’t help but smiled.

Just after she had walked out of the front gate, several people were heading in her direction.

When Gu Ning saw them, she was stunned on the spot.

Xiang Xu, who was wearing a small white cotton dress, and Xiang Yu, who was wearing a white shirt, were being surrounded by several adults and walking towards the front gate.

One of the scriptwriters was patiently reminding Xiang Xu of the precautions to be taken during the recording of the program, while the eight-year-old Xiang Xu’s tender face was calm and unruffled. As if sensing the gaze, Xiang Xu suddenly looked at Gu Ning. After noticing that Gu Ning was just simply staring at her, she glanced at her blonde hair with a slight probe of curiosity before turning her gaze away. Whereas Xiang Yi didn’t even look at her, just like a stranger.

Indeed, they were stranger in this world. Gu Ning watched in silence as that group of people got on the lift while she smiled in assurance before walking away from the TV station.

The two of them drove back and halfway down the street, Zhuang Chen dragged Gu Ning out of the car and brought a large pile of midnight snacks when they returned. They had already heard about the value of the celadon sunflower wash at the TV station, but Zhuang Chen didn’t even ask a single question about how she gained such a valuable item or so on the way back. This made Gu Ning feel inexplicably touched and nostalgic.

It was already ten in the morning when she returned to the post-apocalyptic world. She hadn’t returned the whole day yesterday and when she opened the door and walked out see the living room full of people. Brother San, Zhang XiaoBai, Fang Fa, Cheng Ming, and the rest were all present, whereas usually they would be gone out hunting by this time.

“Did something happen?” Gu Ning asked.

“A few kids ran away.” Father Gu replied.

Gu Ning frowned and walked over: “What does this mean?”

Zhang XiaoBai’s face was grim as he explained: “This morning, I took them out for a morning run and when we reached the river, some boys pushed Zuo You into the river. Zuo You couldn’t swim and I was running at the front so I had no idea what had happened at the back. If it wasn’t for Wo Wo and Wu Sen to save him, Zuo You would have drowned. I yelled and reprimanded those boys on the spot, they called us biased then ran away in a huff. Till now they still haven’t returned.”

The three of them, Wu Sen, Wo Wo, and Zuo You, stood at the side as if they had done something wrong. Their heads hung low for the fear of being scolded by Gu Ning.

Gu Ning asked: “Come over here, Zuo You.”

With a tremble of his chubby body, he looked at Wo Wo and Wu Sen, then a terrified glance at Gu Ning before moving over with small steps.

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Gu Ning asked; “Tell me about the whole incident again. Why did they push you into the river?”

Zuo You was a bit scared but he answered honestly: “I don’t know, I was just running like the usual routine, they suddenly rushed toward me and knocked me into the river……. It’s all my fault that they ran away because I caused them to be scolded by Brother XiaoBai.”

Wo Wo interjected in a hurry: “Sister Gu Ning, it’s really not Zuo You’s fault! They often sneakily bully Zuo You when the adults aren’t around! They said that sister, you were biased and only treat the three of us the best! That Zhou Jian is the worst! They did it on purpose and try to kill Zuo You!”

Father Gu informed Gu Ning: “Zhou Jian is the oldest boy among them. He is a very impetuous and defiant person, and when he was asked to train, he was always lazy about it. Also, his personality is very rebellious so it’s difficult to discipline him.

Zhong Xu also added in: “This Zhou Jian found us on his own, saying that his parents had been bitten to death by the zombies. We took pity on him and let him stay. He is quite clever and is very good at talking but he isn’t honest. At first, he would steal food from other children, and after we told him off a few times than he stopped. The other children who followed him are those who he play well with.”

Gu Ning frowned, it seems that this child named Zhou Jian had pushed Zuo You into the river not because they were too playful and gone over the limit, but there was a possibility that he really wants to kill someone…..

Gu Ning pondered, then asked: “Have you guys found them yet?”

Brother San answered: “I’ve asked Luo Long to bring several people to look everywhere in the base but they haven’t found them yet.”

Gu Ning instructed: “Then let Luo Long and the others come back. There’s no need to go and look for them anymore.”

The room was quiet for a moment as no one expected Gu Ning to make such a decision and only Hong Jie smiled slightly upon hearing it.

Brother San noticed the changes in Hong Jie’s expression and then asked: “What do you mean by that Gu Ning? Let them find their way back?”

“No.” Gu Ning explained: “They can leave as and when they want but that doesn’t mean that they can just return because they wanted to. Tell the caretaker downstairs that if those children who ran away returned, don’t let them in. As of today, they are no longer with us. You all should treat them as strangers when you see them next time.”

The less than twenty or so children who were left behind didn’t dare to speak up when they heard Gu Ning’s words.

Zhang Yang was the most soft-hearted and upon hearing this, he couldn’t help but plead for those runaway children: “Gu Ning, they are still kids, after all, inevitably, they do not understand……”

“It’s now four months into the post-apocalyptic era, and they no longer qualify not to understand how to behave.” Gu Ning glanced at the group of children who were shocked by her words and warned coldly: “If I find anyone of you bullying one another next time, I will just kick you out.”

Although Gu Ning had never lost her temper with them and could even be described as gentle, the cold and cool aura emitting from Gu Ning made the children admire her in awe. Moreover, they had heard so much about her “heroic deeds” which made them look up to her even more. Yet, right now, Gu Ning’s anger made all the children in the room went silent and even held onto their breaths.

It took a while before they were all let out and the room was left with the adults.

The runaway children took everyone by surprise as they didn’t expect such problems to arise despite the comfortable environment they had provided. It could be said that they thought too simply of these children, thinking that they would behave if they were just given food and water. However, where there were people, conflicts and contradictions were bound to arise. Even though they were still children, their personalities might have changed subtly as their surroundings changed. Some were for the better whereas some were for the worse.

It was the first time something like this had happened to the team and Gu Ning hoped that it would be the last.

Hong Jie took the lead in breaking the depressing and sullen atmosphere and instructed Brother San: “Xiao Xie, later on, you should arrange for a few men to bring those children out for a stroll around the base and show them how other survivors lived. Don’t let us feed them for nothing and ended up raising a bunch of white-eyed wolves (ingrates).”

Brother San understood the importance behind these teaching and nodded solemnly: “Alright.”

There were six boys and a ten-year-old girl who followed Zhou Jian in the runaway. They were nestling behind a tent, peeking cautiously at Luo Long, who was searching for them anxiously. The only girl in the runaway group asked in a whisper: “Zhou Jian, can we go out now? We’ve been hiding for so long.”

“What do you know?!” Zhou Jian replied smugly: “If we go back so soon, what’s the point of running away? We might even get scolded when we got back. Did you see those people who come looking for us? We’ll go out once they are very desperate in finding us.  Not only will they not scold us but they might even scold Wu Sen and the others instead.”

The girl answered aggrievedly: “But I want to go back now.”

“Shhh!” Another little boy who was staring at the scene hushed: “Brother XiaoBai is heading over, is he here to find us too?”

The rest cautiously poked their heads out to look. Sure enough, they saw Zhang XiaoBai talking to Luo Long who seemed very surprised.

Zhou Jian commented excitedly: “Look, now all of them came to look for us.”

Just as his sentence ended, he saw Zhang XiaoBai and Luo Long walked away while they continued chatting.

The girl exclaimed: “They’re leaving!”

As if they heard the exclamation from them, Zhang XiaoBai turned his head and glanced over. Zhou Jian met the gaze of Zhang XiaoBai and he was startled. His eyes flickered uneasily and were hesitated if he should go out and leave with Zhang XiaoBai or if they should continue running away. Yet he saw the strange changes in Zhang XiaoBai’s expression —— Then to his amazement, Zhang XiaoBai shifted his gaze away, pretended not to notice them while walking away in the direction of the dormitory building, chatting and laughing with Luo Long.

What happened? Zhou Jian had a big question mark on his mind. Zhang XiaoBai had clearly seen him just now? Why didn’t he come and catch them back?

“Oh no! They’ve gone back! They’re not searching for us anymore?!” A young boy stood up and looked at Zhang XiaoBai and Luo Long’s back view and asked anxiously: “Zhou Jian?! What should we do now?!”

Zhou Jian was still frozen and overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.

The girl panicked and called out to them: “Brother XiaoBai! Brother Luo Long! We’re here!”

“XiaoBai, are we really going to leave them alone?” Luo Long asked with some hesitation as they walked away.

Zhang XiaoBai, on the contrary, seemed much more straightforward: “Hong Jie already said that we don’t raise white-eyed wolves (ingrates). Let’s go.”

Zhang XiaoBai and Luo Long must have heard them but they continued strolling away as if they heard nothing, not even glancing back.

The several children stood at the hideout helplessly but they didn’t dare to go after them. All of them looked at each other but there was nothing they could do for now and there was a sudden infinite fear creeping upon them.

The girl cried in fear as she saw the two brothers walking further away: “Waaahh —— what should we do now! They don’t want us anymore!”

Zhou Jian stood stiffly at the spot, staring at the backs of the two brothers when he suddenly realized that he had made a wrong choice and it could lead to serious consequences. Then it was as if he had thought of something extremely frightening that his small face went pale with fear and his whole body was shivering…..

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