The Drifter and His Yanderes

Chapter 1: Everything you touch turns crazy .

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"Thank you for saving me ."

The girl who got out of her carriage thanked the stranger who was wielding the weirdest looking greatsword she had ever seen .Surprisingly there was no blood on its edges.The same held true for the armor he wore or was it even armor? He was definitely not from our kingdom she thought to herself.

"Save you? Gimme a break, little girl . I came here to kill these pests .You were just a spectator is all. "

He replied to her with a chuckle. He was standing on a pile of dead bodies with their faces squished in.Blood and gore everywhere except his weapon and armor .His voice had no trace of arrogance , grandeur, or glory . Killing the people that now lay at his feet felt like the most natural thing he could have done , almost like it was "business as usual" for him and that scared and excited the girl . But the little girl part ticked her off the most.

"Little girl? I'll have you know I am 17 years old and you don't look any older than me !"

She retorted.

"How do you know i am just as old as you ? I am wearing a bloody helmet."

She had no idea what a helmet but she assumed he meant the mask he was wearing .

"So why don't you be a good boy and take it off so i can see if my guess was right or not ."

She asked the stranger.

"Oh? You sure have quite a mouth on you .I like that .I'll indulge you just this once."

He chuckled. Then he took off his 'helmet' as he called it and the moment his face came into view , it was like the earth beneath her feet was gone.

"Satisfied ? Stop staring , you are embarrasing me ."

There was no response . A few moments later ,

"I am sorry . That was rude of me and see? I was right , we are almost the same age. You are really goo..."

Before she could finish her sentence , he cut her off .

"Sure .Whatever floats your boat. Just so you know, I wasn't talking about your age ."

The stranger pointed to her boobies.

"You bastard! I am still growing. "

"Hahaha. Adorable. Good luck on your growth, I guess."

The girl couldn't shake her embarrassment, but she quickly forgot that as she saw him put away his sword. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before .

"That weapon, that craftmanship ,it isn't from our kingdom. And neither do any of the other kingdoms have anything like it. You are also wearing some really weird armor . Who are you and where are you from ?"

She inquired. He sighed and replied,

" Not this again . My identity is none of your business . I am just a drifter that kills scum and gets paid for it. A nobody . And this isn't a sword.Well it is in a way but i don't wanna share anymore than i have to since I am as clueless as everyone else. It's an energy rifle .As for my armor , well , let's just say i have a very particular sense of fashion . Is that all? "

Nobody had ever been so rude to her before, not even her parents, and the harsh treatment and disregard the stranger had given her shook her to the bone . She had never met such a man . Her legs started shaking .She just realized she liked being disrespected by him . The thought of somebody not putting up with her behaviour excited her . And this stranger was the rudest man she had ever met. The thought of him pinning her down caused her to blush. She quickly scratched the thought when he closed in on her .What was I thinking , she thought to herself.

"Earth to little girl , anyone there?"

His words caused her to break out of her daze. When her eyes opened ,his face was just a few centimetres away . She wanted to look into his baby blues but that damn so-called helmet had to ruin it.

Suddenly, a small triangular shaped object appeared out of thin air beside his right shoulder . It was levitating and then it spoke . The thing spoke !

"Come on , cut the poor girl some slack . Wait , why is she blushing? Did you do that thing again?"

"No idea . Wait , what thing ? She asks too many questions.Questions even I can't answer. "

He replied to the strange object .

"You should stop startling ladies like this . You attract crazies wherever you go . And then i have to bail us out."

"Stop pulling my leg, Elsie . I know you are just making that up .Neither of us remember anything. "

The two were having a back and forth, but the girl's eyes were now glued to the mysterious object hovering in the air . So many mysteries kept popping up .

" that a magical tool ?"

Both the stranger and the object looked at her with confusion on their faces .

Then the stranger burst out laughing .

"I am sorry .She just called you a magical tool Elsie. Hahaha."

Elsie who was pissed at being treated like an object, moved in front of the girl and spoke in an angry tone .

"I am not a magical tool . I am his companion, Elsie ."

"But you are floating in the air ? Only magic can do that . And companion doesn't really narrow down what you are."

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"I don't know what magic tool you are talking about, but neither am I a product of magic, nor can he use magic . As for what i am specifically , i don't know .Neither does he ."

"You are a man of many mysteries ." she said to herself, but he didn't hear her.

Elsie moved out the way and the stranger took a step forward again and  put his hands on her shoulders, which caught her off guard.

"Princess, stay back !"

Her guards, who were knocked out, just woke up after being put to sleep by the gang of robbers the stranger intercepted alone and got into defensive positions .

"Shut the fuck up, you useless bastards . He saved your ass and that's how you show your gratitude. You're lucky he didn't smoke you out too. On second thought , he should have killed you too .You better pray  i don't take you to the guillotine myself when we get back ."

She lashed out at her guards . The stranger was taken aback because he misunderstood her as a frail girl, but she had fire in her .He took off his helmet again and grabbed her by the chin , peering deep into her eyes . After a brief silence, he spoke ,

"Princess huh? Well, i have to admit you are quite a looker, so it's not surprising that you are royalty. There is madness in you isn't there ? If you weren't a little girl, maybe we'd have hit it off .So anyway, we'll be off .Take care, princess. Let's go, Elsie."

"Rake" Bagheera said in a disgusted tone.

"Wait! You saved me , so please let me repay the favour . We can at least give you a lift to wherever you are heading. Maybe have some tea?"

She couldn't come up with any excuses to make him stay.

"Well, thanks for the offer, but I have work to do. Time to cash in my bounty. Besides, I already have a ride. "

Another strange object appeared out of thin air front of him .It was a weird looking carrige without wheels and a roof .It was hovering too . Everyone was dumbstruck except the stranger and the object.

"Adios . See you when I see you, Princess ."

He winked at the girl.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! Please at least tell me your name!"

She ran towards him and pulled on his clothes to make him stop .

"Aren't you clingy ? Well , you should tell me yours first . "

"I am Annalise Florence Ferdinand . First Princess of the Lythia Kingdom."

She proudly declared, hoping he'd stay back given her status.

"Noted . I am Shin .Just Shin . A drifter.No family .No friend. Bye"

"Hey! I am your friend "

Elsie butted in.

"We are more than friends Elsie."

"Stop making it sexual ."

And with those words, he drifted off into the sunset.

"Shin." , she yelled his name out loud

Suddenly, her face twisted into a creepy smile.


The guards were freaked out because the princess had never been interested in anyone before . This was a far cry from her regal cold self . They could smell trouble brewing in the coming days.

"What are you rats looking at ? Come on , we have to inform mother and father I have found my husband . I will make sure no woman ever gets near him and no man must approach me again . My whole being is now going to be his . We are going to have so many kids."

She declared with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Shin and Elsie were on their way to a nearby town to cash in their bounty . Shin was humming a song he had no memory of but that didn't bother him. He was over pondering over every little habit of his.

Elsie asked Shin in a concerned voice.

"You know Shin , I am getting a bad feeling about our encounter with that princess .You seem to attract troublesome women wherever you go . "

"Don't be such a mood killer, Elsie . She was pretty cute . However , what can that little girl do ? Kill me? or tie me up and lock me up in her chambers?Besides, neither of us can die .What's the worst that can happen? And even if anyone kills me , i'll just forget about them . They'll stop pestering me eventually  ."

He replied with a confident smile.

"Let's not jinx it, but I hope you are right . I very well hope so."

Shin would later come to regret this line of thought .Elsie would have the last laugh.

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