The Drifter and His Yanderes

Chapter 2: The Mad Queen

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The sun was about to set . It had been a long day .Shin and Elsie were on their way to the nearby town on Graverobber when Shin stopped humming his song and brought his beloved steed to a halt,

"Hey Elsie, did you analyze that weapon in my storage space? "
"Oh, about that. It's very intriguing. It shoots small boson stars . Kinda wild considering astronomy is pretty niche on this continent ."
"Of course it doesn't silly."
"Yes, it does. My analysis is never wrong. Wanna try a field test on some trees or mountains?"
"No ."
"When? Wait what?"
"No harm to wildlife or nature dear Elsie. We'll test them on our next bounty. Live subjects are better candidates."
"Oh no."
"Oh yes."
"You know Shin , you are turning into those crazy women that chase after you."
"Come on , nobody ever chased after me especially women. I think. Besides , you are too hard on them."
"I try to protect you! "
"Thank you Elsie but you i can take care of myself."
She wanted to retort but he cut her off.
"My only fear is debt collectors knocking on my door .For now , not sleeping on an empty stomach under a roof would do. Besides, no crazy woman as you put it has chased after me in 3 days .That's a new record for me. They've might have grown tired of me. Why do you think they are crazy anyway?"
Elsie couldn't believe he said that , so she took a moment to come up with a plausible answer.
"From the look in their eyes, it's obvious they'd kill for you, kill to get to you, or worse even kill you."
Shin looked at her and laughed.
"I don't think they'd go as far as killing anyone. Especially me . I am a run-off-the-mill punk"
"But what if, what if they do kill people. Would that bother you? I know you are tolerant of many things considering the things we've been through together "
"If the juice is worth the squeeze, why should it bother me? For now , we have too much on our plate. But you know what? I'll try confronting them for a change. As for them killing people, well, I am a killer myself. I am not fit to judge someone else."
"You've only killed criminals that had it coming."
Elsie replied.
"That's up for debate since neither of us remember what kind of business I dabbled in before my amnesia. There are hundreds of weapons in my storage space. I couldn't have been a collector; that's too decent a job for me. Then there are the people I've killed with chaos and order alone, so it's safe to say I am sitting on a planet's worth of corpses. So don't try to downplay my murders . Memory loss after my death. What's up with that Elsie? Or is it memory suppression? "
I raised my eyebrows.
"Who knows?"
"You definitely know ."
Elsie did not reply. Shin didn't push any further. If she was holding anything back, it had to be for a good reason.
"I feel like a storm is approaching and we won't be able to seek shelter this time ."
"And what kind of storm are we talking about?"
"Crazy women course."
"Don't jinx it, Elsie. Come on, I am hungry. The town is near. "
Meanwhile, all hell broke loose in the capital of the Lythia Kingdom.

The King's Castle 

King Ferdinand IV sat on his throne, slowly rubbing his forehead, seemingly angry. Beside him sat Queen Catherine, who had just finished reading a report addressing an attempted assassination of their daughter . 

"I want every minister and noble in the conference room right now.I want the culprit found by tonight or they can kiss their jobs and land goodbye. ."

He screamed at his advisors atop the throne. Everyone gathered knew Ferdinand as a benevolent ruler, but he could also rule with an iron fist if need be.

"Don't be so hasty, Ferdinand . Let's wait for Annalise first . Her safety comes first. "

 Catherine tried to calm her husband down.

"Hasty and calm? Are you sane, Catherine? Some fool thought our daughter's life would be easy to take and we would just stay quiet with our tails between our legs? This is war."
Catherine was at a loss for words because they both deeply loved their daughter . Annalise was also next in line to be queen since she was the most talented sibling among their two children. In a nutshell, Cedric, their younger son , was a mere drop in the ocean compared to Annalise .

"Mother is right father . Surely , dear sister made it out alive so there is no need to be so hasty in your judgement .They could stage a coup ."

Prince Cedric commented .

"Oh? Is that so, Cedric ? Are you worried about the kingdom? Or perhaps your position? Or are you at least a tiny bit worried about your older sister? Because with her out of the picture , you benefit the most, right? Don't think I don't know what you have been up to, boy. "

The king replied with a sarcastic smile. Ferdinand was no fool . He knew all Cedric was good for was being a skirtchaser and asking for money. But could he really have targeted his sister? 


Cedric clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Soon the hall door opened and Princess Annalise entered . Light returned to the parents' faces.

"Mother, Father, and little bitch .I have returned safely. I come bearing good news. "

She declared with a bright smile .

Ferdinand quickly ran up to his daughter and jumped in for a hug . Annalise knew her father was worried sick, but she swifly dodged his tackle . Ferdinand fell flat on his face . The guards quickly came in to help the king back on his feet. Her mother was the first to respond ,

"Annalise Florence Ferdinand , what is the meaning of this ?"
"Meaning of what exactly ? Please forgive me, but this body can only be touched by my husband from now on. I was rude to my father , I admit, but as a good wife , my husband gets first priority for hugs and kisses. As for the good news , I have found the love of my life and my future husband. You can stop pairing me up with the sons of those stupid dukes and viceroys . I cannot stand those dogs . They make me puke. "

Annalise declared while adorning a beautiful smile. The entire hall was in an uproar. Especially her parents .

"Husband ? What is going on, Annalise? We received word that there was an assassination attempt on your life and now you are telling me you found a husband? When did that happen? "

Her mother was confused.

"Why yes mother, my life was indeed in danger. That was until my future husband and the father of my many soon to be children came in to save me. He sat atop his horseless steed with the most beautiful blade I had ever seen on his back. Without even moving from his spot, with the swiftness of a God ,he quickly dismembered, mutilated and tore all 29 bandits from limb to limb while I watched him from my carriage while giggling like a child watching her hero slaughter the villains. Not even a single drop of blood could be seen on his blade while the guts of scum were scattered everywhere just because they thought of laying a finger on me .All the while, he wore a smile (lol she lied here) . How poetic is that? I still can not forget that otherworldly armour he wore. He was a true knight. And right then and there, I fell in love . My dear Shin.Shin.Shin.Shin .Shin. Wait for me, darling ."

She muttered his name to herself before she realised her parents were watching. She quickly collected herself and bowed to her father . Both her parents and her brother had their jaws on the floor . Annalise was well known throughout the kingdom as a bonafide misandrist among the nobles, who still licked her boots because she was beautiful and the candidate for queen . She never had any good things to say about any man except her father, who loved her unconditionally.

Her father broke the ice this time while she was all caught up in her world .

"Annalise , I understand your desire, my child, and I will do everything I can to make sure your love bears fruit. I also want to meet the man who managed to make his way into your heart .Nothing makes a father happier than knowing his daughter has found her better half .But you have to tell me exactly who it was that attacked you. We can talk about this Shin fellow later. "
"Why, of course, father .The people who attacked me were not mere bandits, but assassins disguised as them. They belonged to the Moonshine brotherhood .I know this because of the note Shin left me before he left .He possibly suspected traitors among my escorts .I only heard them say the Duke was paying them big money for my assassination . Now i wonder why a Duke would want me dead?"

Annalise reported her situation in a dramatic voice, as she shifted her gaze to her younger brother .

Cedric was sweating buckets right now, so to make sure she wouldn't speak anymore, he wanted to chime in the conversation to divert his parents' attention, but this time it was the Queen who got angry .
"Those filthy noble bastards .How dare they even think about hurting my beautiful daughter? Ferdinand, you won't be a man if you don't make those rats pay. Especially the mastermind. And i want this Moonshine Brotherhood gone."

Cedric was getting weak in the knees while Annalise had the 2nd biggest grin she could muster all day plastered over her face, but she wasn't going to let him off that easily, so she laid the whole truth on her parents . With tears rolling down her cheeks, she continued,

"That wasn't all father and mother  . The worst thing was that whoever ordered them told to take advantage of me and defile me before killing me .Even if I did survive somehow, I couldn't have lived with the shame. I would probably kill myself. But thankfully, my husband came in before those mutts could lay a finger on me . Ahhh Shin. Shin. Shin.Shin .I love you so much .And the guards were in on it too... Now I wonder who they could be in cahoots with? Is me being the queen so bad? Or could it be that Patriarchy still runs deep ?"

"I cannot hear this anymore, father . I will go find whoever did this to my dear sister ."

Cedric could make no excuse except this one to run away before she spilled more. He knew she was onto him . But she was a patient invidual who liked nothing more than slow and steady torment.
"Yes , yes . Runaway like a little bitch with your tail between your legs. Some man you are."

She hit the nail on his coffin.

Ferdinand understood why Annalise was mocking Cedric so he asked him a question ,

"Do you know anything about this boy?"

Cedric felt the earth beneath his feet was gone . But soon Annalise chimed in .

"Leave the mutt be father . A wuss like that isn't fit to be even called a man .Unlike my Shin . Oh my gallant Shin ."

Catherine hugged her daughter who had survived such a nightmare .

"My sweet daughter. I am so glad you are fine .I want to meet this knight of yours soon . I can't wait to be a grandmother . He sounds like such a fine gentleman. "

"Yes, mother .You should start sewing kids' clothes from tomorrow onwards . I'll be giving birth to at least 15 kids. They'll have Shin's eyes and my hair . His nose and my ears . We'll make such perfect babies.The boys will be brave and strong like him, and the girls will be as beautiful as me . Doesn't that sound wonderful? Oh I can't wait. "

She replied while giggling to herself.

Catherine was shocked when she heard this, so she turned to look at Ferdinand, whose jaw was yet again on the floor . At first she was against marriage, and now in just a day she talked about being a mother .What did this Shin guy do to her?

He coughed and said ,

"Annalise dear , you should get some rest . Louise please show her to her room."

"Yes , your majesty ."

the young maid replied .
They both soon left the royal chambers.

"They grow up so fast," the parents commented in unison.

On their way to her room, Annalise looked at Louise and asked,

"Is everything in order, Louise?" Give the spies my regards. "

"Yes, princess. All the pieces are in place. It's time for you to strike. "

"Just call me Anna in private, Lou.You are my most trusted friend, after all."
She smiled at her, but soon her forehead turned into a frown and continued,

You are reading story The Drifter and His Yanderes at

"That is unless you get ideas about getting into my husband's pants. That day we will be sworn enemies. "

"I could never dream of such a thing, princess."

Louise almost had a heart attack when she heard this. She was well aware of her misandry, but to think she mellowed out so fast . Annalise had saved her from human traffickers as a child .To Annalise, men were scum. As much as she didn't want to disappoint the princess, she was curious about Shin. 

"I am glad you found love, Anna."

"Thank you, Lou. He is just so wonderful. Arghhh.I think I'll need a change of underwear now. "

Louise stopped in her tracks, dumbstruck.

"What happened, Lou?"

"Why do you need clean underwear again, Anna?"

She was curious.
"Hmm? Because I just came in my underwear when we were talking about Shin, of course.

Louise rubbed her forehead. Annalise was too far gone.

As soon as they reached her room, Annalise turned to Louise first.
"You know what, Lou ? Let's go visit that mutt first, after I change my underwear . I want to remove all obstacles in my life as soon as possible. I don't want to breathe the same air as any other man except darling. "

" As you wish . Should I get the equipment ready? "

"Yes.The sharpest ones. "

Annalise replied with a smile.

They soon headed towards Cedric's room .

Meanwhile, Cedric was in a panic in his room. All his plans to kill her and ascend as the sole heir were ruined .

"Shit .Shit .Shit .I am so busted .She knows . She is crazy . I have to run away tomorrow.Run away as soon as possible ."

Cedric had once tried to grope Louise, Annalise's personal maid. But Annalise had intercepted him and broken both of his arms before he could even get a handful. He had been scared of her ever since . That wasn't the only time though .He knew she had too many loose screws. She was the devil incarnate . Her pretty face was a mask.
Soon, a knock came on his door . He quickly got up in a panic . But he had to keep his cool . It must be father .It must be him .

"Who is it ?"

"Why, it's me, dear brother , Annalise . I wanted to tell you , you don't have to worry so much about me .Now please open the door. Father has summoned both of us ."

This was bad . This was bad .She had never called him "brother." She had always addressed him as a mutt or scum . Only recently had it gotten better and she called him a little bitch instead . But father was calling them. Surely she couldn't do anything to me , he thought . 

Soon, he opened the door only to be greeted by her smiling face . 

"Why hello, little rat ? You are as dumb as you are horny ."

Soon his vision became blurry and he started losing consciousness . She had used a sleep spell on him, and Louise had knocked him out with a chop to the neck. Shit , he was done for .

A while later, in an underground basement somewhere,

"Wakey , wakey little mutt . Come on, don't waste my time . I have to pick out my lingerie for darling ."

Annalise slapped the ever living hell out of Cedric .

Cedric's eyes opened only to see he had been tied to a table bound by chains with a rag in his mouth while naked . He screamed, but he knew nobody could hear him . He cursed his luck .Why did he have to piss her off?

"What a wuss.Let's talk business . There are two ways we can go about this . Oh, you want to talk ? I am open to suggestions since we are unfortunately siblings. To think such a hideous creature came out of the same womb as me ."

Annalise signalled to Louise, who was standing by to take the rag out of his mouth .
"Please, please let me go .I'll leave the kingdom .Get out of your sight and never bother you again . I can even be a slave but please don't kill me."

Upon hearing his voice, she clicked her tongue . She just realised his voice was insulting to her ears .She wanted to hear Shin's baritone voice, not this mutt's.

"Tsk . And here I thought you had something interesting to say . I'll do the talking now . Put the rag back on Louise and wear gloves. You might get sick if you get his drool on your hands. "

Louise complied .

Annalise coughed and continued ,

"So here is how it's going to go .You have two options, and fortunately for me, you die in both of them . But I have to give you credit where credit is due. Because of your poor little scheme, I did manage to meet my darling . So as a reward , I shall not make your death quick and painless ."
She stopped speaking . Cedric could curse his luck again. He thought she'd kill him quickly. He knew there was no way out of this.She was a sadistic bitch who took pleasure in spilling blood. He was crying and screaming for help, but he knew the moment he targeted her , his grave was already dug .Curse you, Shin, ,whoever you are . What did you do to her ? 

After a moment's pause, she continued,

 "While I can't spill as much blood as my dear Shin, since your little body can only have so much .I will make do with breaking every bone in your body, or more like cutting . Maybe i'll chop you into little pieces so the good mutts can eat you up. No, that would be too cruel .Why should they feast on your dirty meat . How about this ? I'll send your body, chopped into tiny pieces in a bag, to our father with a message that says you tried to kidnap the neighbouring country's princess and this was retaliation. That way, we can have war, and we can hire Shin, and both of us can spill blood on the battlefield together . Scratch that , that's too political and manipulative even for poor little me .And i am sure you aren't so important that father would start a war for your ass .I wouldn't want to put my dear Shin in a tough spot .So i'll just extend you my final mercy as your sister and toss your dead body .No , pieces of your body into the river .I'll tell father you left a letter stating you tried to kill me and ran away because of guilt .See ain't i merciful? I am a model sister. That's good. Yes ."

All the while, she had the creepiest grin on her face, like this was the only natural thing to do for her . Cedric soon stopped crying and surrendered himself to his fate . 

"Pass me the Battle-Axe , some sharp knives, and a hammer , Louise .The sharpest one you can find . I'll now cast an amplify spell on you so you can feel 5 times as much pain as you usually do, Cedric. "

This was the only time she had called him by his name since their childhood .The last time was before Cedric had tried to help a Prince friend of his from a neighbouring country take advantage of her . It ended badly for both of them back then too . The prince had lost his balls . Cedric was lucky to get away with only a broken shoulder . She was a terrifying force of nature, even as a kid .Was this her last trace of brotherly love ? Who are you fooling? Cedric soon scratched that thought. She was a crazy woman through and through . He closed his eyes. 

"AUGHHHHH" he screamed for his life as the axe dug into his feet .She was armed with an battle axe in one hand and a war hammer in another. Swing.Swing.Was it another swing or a chop?At this point, she was basically cutting down a tree. Then she followed with a hammer .She had cut his feet off while blood rushed out of his severed bones now .

"Now now , the party is only starting, little mutt . I'll only tear half the body while crushing your organs too.Since you told the bandits to rape me, i'll only stop after i've chopped your dick off . No ,first i'll squish it then chop it off . Don't worry your Duke friend is next in line . So are his children and family .Anybody who is a threat to me and Shin's future.The rest of your body will be chopped into pieces by the maids you've taken advantage of while I sip on some tea while thinking of names for mine and Shin's children . "

She chuckled to herself .Louise had a stoic expression on her face the whole time .She knew how much she hated Cedric, and her chance to finally get rid of all the leeches had finally arrived way sooner than expected . Shin turned out to be quite the catalyst she thought .Soon the torture resumed .2 hours had passed now . 

"Now one last swing and your little weenhood will be gone and so will our little sibling bonding session .As much as I'd love to see more blood spilled, I can't stand the sight of any other man .Take care in hell. You girls have fun and be sure to toss him into the river .Leave no evidence. "

With one final swing, his manhood was gone. The bloodloss had already made him faint .He was probably dead already. She didn't care .Annalise soon left the room, accompanied by Louise . 
"How do you feel, Anna?"

Louise asked .

"I feel like I just squashed an annoying cockroach is all ."

"I see.That's good ." 

Louise replied.

"Anna , i'll prepare the bath for you. I've already informed the spies via telepathy to visit every guild which issues bounties to gather intel on shin"

"Please do, Louise . I want to know all about him . I wonder what my darling is up to right now ?"

She giggled to herself.


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