The Eclipse Clan

Chapter 2: Chapter One

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It didn't take long for Elia to return home, something she was a bit hesitant about, honestly considering whether to change her new friend herself or to let her mother do it.

After some inward struggling, she sighed and walked up the stairs to the manor in which her family resided, deciding to bite the bullet.

"Sister, why did you bring home a human? Are you that thirsty?" A teasing voice came from the second floor's balcony. A girl who's beauty wasn't in any way inferior to Elia looked over with a grin.

She knew she wouldn't be able to get inside without someone getting curious enough to come check, but since she had a good relationship with everyone, she just chuckled.

"Ivy, is mother home?" Elia asked as she climbed the stairs, carrying the unconscious Daniel like a princess in her arms. If the latter were up, his face would have probably ignited from embarrassment.

"Oh oh. This isn't good, you look like you have a plan brewing, and need I remind you all your plans are terrible?" Ivy threw her legs over the balcony's railing and pushed herself off.

Because they lived in a rather secluded area, they didn't really have to worry about anyone seeing them doing the seemingly impossible.

Landing softly besides Elia, she looked at Daniel quizzically, finding nothing noteworthy about him, but she didn't say anything because Elia would have to explain herself to the clan regardless.

"If you couldn't be happy, wouldn't you give anything to change it? Daniel... No Dani, doesn't want to be a guy, and I want to help her." 

Hearing Elia's soft voice, Ivy clicked her tongue and gave Daniel a second look, wondering how the latter managed to get Elia to actually want to help them.

"Mother is inside. She... well, I doubt you can get away with kidnapping a human and bringing them here." Ivy opened the door and step aside, allowing Elia to enter first.

"Elia Eclipse. You had better have a good explanation for your actions." A mature beauty stood on the stairway headed to the second floor looking down at Elia with narrowed eyes.

"Mother. I-" Elia opened her mouth to speak, but the woman appeared in front of her, looking at Daniel quietly while waiting to hear Elia's words.

"Okay, I have the ability to save someone from a lifetime of suffering, so why can't I do so?" Hearing Elia's question, Ivy looked at Victoria who had gone stiff.

"Elia, you may have good intentions, but we can't save everyone. Even if we could, then we'd have no way to feed because humans wouldn't exist." Victoria sighed and looked at her daughter with mixed emotions.

"I have always given you the benefit of the doubt, and now you do something so... irresponsible? You act like you're a child Elia! We have rules we must abide by to protect both us and the humans."

"Why does it matter if this human wants to be a female or not? There are many people outside that aren't pleased with their looks and you never acted so impulsively then. Why is this human any different?"

"Would they die for their happiness mother? He was contemplating dying in the hopes he would end up in a body he actually liked! I don't care much for humans in general, but he... I don't know, I just don't want him to die."

"So you put this human's life above the rules of our Clan?" Victoria's blue eyes turned silver as she glared at Elia waiting for her answer. Ivy looked at her furious mother and couldn't help but interject.

"Mom, Elia might be wrong, but she had good intentions. Didn't you always say that we should find what makes us happy? Maybe... he is her happiness?"

"You! A mere human?! How could he possibly be good enough for my Elia Ivy? I meant to find someone who isn't... human." Victoria looked at Elia who looked down at Daniel's face and then back at Victoria.

"I might not know anything about love, but when I saw him, I just felt something... I don't know, it was a feeling that I shouldn't let him go, and I won't mother." Elia's eyes turned silver as well, and the two glared at each other, neither willing to budge.

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"We are a Clan. Even if you turned him, what then? Would he even agree to being a vampire? Would he be grateful or would he call you a monster when he knows what you truly are?"

"What if he left you, alone? Took your kindness and left, what would you do then daughter? We live in secrecy for a reason and I won't let your moment of fascination harm this Clan."

"I never thought I'd see the day my usually well behaved niece would go against you sister." A woman appeared on the staircase with a faint smile, leaning over and looking down at the bickering mother daughter duo.

"Evelyn. I'm sorry for the ruckus." Victoria spoke softly and Evelyn chuckled at her words. Appearance wise, she and Victoria looked similar, but while Victoria exuded a strict aura, hers was easy going and calm.

"Aunt!" Seeing Evelyn, Elia felt like the world was against her. If there was one person Elia wouldn't want to find out about this situation, it was her aunt.

"I dropped by to see everyone, yet you seem a bit disappointed. My dear niece who used to bathe with me finally doesn't want auntie anymore?" Hearing her aunt complaining, Elia forced a smile.

"Aunt, it's... I don't want to let him go! I don't mind leaving Clan Eclipse, but I really can't let him go." Hearing how stubborn her niece was, Evelyn raised an eyebrow while Victoria's eyes widened in panic!

"Leaving the Clan means you won't have the support of the Clan, and if you don't, you will immediately be hunted by wolves and humans. Who wouldn't want to kill a Royal?" Evelyn spoke as she descended the stairs and stopped by her sister's side.

"I can fend for myself." Elia spoke with a wavering tone. Victoria felt her eyes grow watery as an uncomfortable feeling rampaged through her chest. Sensing her sister's distress, Evelyn looked Elia in the eyes and spoke seriously.

"Elia, you might be strong, but those Alpha werewolves and evil hunters will eventually find you and they will try to defeat you. It's why we stick together. What will happen if you leave with him and he gets killed in the crossfire? What would you do then?"

"I-" Elia felt her chest heaving up and down as she tried to speak, while Ivy hugged her from behind to calm her down. Seeing Elia almost about to breakdown, both Victoria and Evelyn felt bitter inside, hurting their daughter and niece respectively like this.

"How long have you known him Elia?" Victoria calmed her irritation and asked softly, feeling that something wasn't right. Even if they could be great friends, it shouldn't reach something so drastic as Elia choosing something like leaving the Clan.

"Do you remember when I told you I found a friend online when I read a lot? I decided to find out who they were in real life, and realized it was him. I was at my lowest point then, and he was there to cheer me up mother, I really don't want to lose him."

"When Sarah-?" When Evelyn mentioned Sarah, the room turned silent as different expressions appeared on each of their faces. Victoria took a deep breath and looked at Evelyn.

"Him? He is the one who you always talked about when you... I didn't even know you felt that broken until after it passed Elia. But wasn't your friend a girl?" Victoria nodded a moment after connecting the dots.

"Mom, can we just do it? If he is that person, we owe him that much at least." Ivy rubbed Elia's back gently, looking at her mother with pained eyes.

"Sister?" Victoria whispered as she turned to Evelyn. Evelyn saw everyone looking at her and sighed, rubbing her temples while looking at the unconscious Daniel.

"Tsk. To think I'd gain another Clan member like this. Well, it isn't too bad since from what I recall, you both loved vampire novels, he might even be happier this way."

Elia felt a tear run down her cheek as her aunt reached out and wiped the tear, caressing her cheek to calm her down. Victoria bit her bottom lip and then nodded.

"Since most of the Clan is in favor, it's decided. Bring him upstairs." Evelyn walked over to Victoria and flicked her forehead, causing the latter to pout with an aggrieved expression.

"Sister, it's fine. I'll Turn him. Go calm down Elia, she needs you." Victoria nodded and vanished up the stairs after Ivy and Elia, her mind chaotic as her feelings were all over the place.

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