The Eclipse Clan

Chapter 4: Chapter Three

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Ivy sat besides Elia while Victoria peeked over her sister's shoulder and watched her play the game quietly. The sound of a car approaching the manor made everyone's ears twitch, but when the door opened a few seconds later and a familiar face walked in, they went back to what they were doing.

"So... I get a text that aunt's Turning someone and I didn't even get a vote?" Ivy looked at Chloe and rolled her eyes, while Victoria acted as if she didn't hear a thing.

"Well, to be fair Chloe, you 'snuck' out of the house and we didn't really want to wait. If it makes you feel better, we knew you'd have agreed anyway." Evelyn didn't bother to look up when she spoke.

Ivy swore she saw Chloe take a figurative arrow to the heart when her aunt spoke. Seeing Chloe trying to think of a way to refute Evelyn, Ivy realized Elia had relaxed her tensed body some and a playful grin appeared.

She gently cupped Elia's breasts and fondled her nipples through her shirt, making the latter let out a soft moan in surprise. Elia got to her feet with a flushed face while Ivy just laughed, sniffing her hand with a content expression.

"If you can withhold the urge to tease your sister, why don't you go find some clothes for your new sister Ivy?" Victoria looked at the smiling Ivy who then pouted as if she were being bullied.

"But she's so tiny! I'll let her use some of mine while I order some for her." Ivy slipped Elia's phone from her back pocket and went online, making sure to buy both clothes and underwear.

"Anything you'd wear would probably be too big, but it might work since she'll be in the house for now." Evelyn looked at the time and then put her phone on the nearby table next to the bed.

"The clothes will be here in an hour and a half. Ooh! Isn't this a nice shirt?" Ivy showed Elia the screen and the latter nodded in agreement. Soon, Ivy started shopping earnestly for herself while Chloe sat beside her and watched.

Time passed and soon Dani's fingers and toes started to twitch slightly. Despite the minute movements, as the room was full of apex predators who's sight was practically a cheat, they all noticed.

"Well, we have about forty five minutes until the clothes get here. Should be enough time to calm her down, probably." Evelyn wondered if they should bring her to one of the more durable rooms under the mansion, but then decided to wait and see.

"Calm her down?" Chloe asked in confusion, unaware of the 'method' Elia used to get Dani here. She thought Dani was a willing party to this, but then when she looked at everyone's, she face palmed. 

"Haa. Okay, it can't be too bad. At most, we might just lose the manor if she's angry." They all knew Dani couldn't use the actual power within her body yet but she would be strong enough to easily destroy their lodging if she so wished.

"Ah, I'll go grab some blood bags." Victoria left the room and reappeared after half a minute with her hands full. Placing the bags on the table next to the bed, Evelyn stepped back a few feet so as to not startle Dani when she woke.


Daniel felt like his head was clearer than it had ever been before. His eyes opened and a smooth beige ceiling was the first thing he saw. His head moved slightly and he found himself staring at five beauties.

"Hello?" Evelyn waved at Daniel who returned a blank stare, seemingly unable to process what was happening. Daniel could feel the sheet covering him rubbing against his now sensitive nipples and soft skin.

"..." Daniel opened his mouth to speak, yet he couldn't do so. Seeing a bit of panic in his eyes, Evelyn walked over and stroked his head while looking into his eyes.

"Breathe. Vampires don't need air normally so if you want to speak, you'll need to breathe." Daniel wasn't sure what exactly vampires had to do with himself, then he realized he wasn't breathing.

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His lungs started to function once again, and without him consciously having to breathe, he kept breathing. He wasn't dumb, so he put two and two together and realized he was probably what the woman said, a vampire.

"How-" His voice froze because when he opened his mouth to speak, the familiar deep voice wasn't what he heard, instead a voice that made him feel happy and excited was what he heard.

A hand went to his throat and he was shocked by the smooth skin and absence of his Adam's apple. He took his hand away and looked at it, finding it to be slender and beautiful, with the nails being a few centimeters longer than he remembered and a lot more well maintained.

"Dani, I'm sorry." Daniel looked up and saw a familiar face, Elia. He remembered being in the park, being told to close his eyes, and then waking up here in a bed... changed.

"Y-you... kept your promise?!" Daniel felt his eyes start getting watery as he looked at Elia with many emotions that made his voice catch in his throat.

"Do you remember DarkPrincess?" His eyes flitted to a beauty with blond hair and bright hazel eyes, her lips curling into a smile. He thought about her words then his eyes widened slightly.

"She's been my friend for years... Wait, you?" Daniel turned back to Elia who looked nervous. She didn't know if he'd even be thankful or angry, but she took that risk anyway, partly for herself, and partly for Dani.

"I'm sorry for knocking you out and bringing you back to my house. I knew you liked vampires and I could give you that as well as your ideal body so I acted impulsively an-" 

Elia saw Daniel sniffle, and with his current appearance, it was almost lethal. She thought Daniel was mad at her and her eyes started to tear up, so much so that she almost missed the motion when Daniel leapt out of bed and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"You don't have to apologize Elia, I am very, very grateful. It's nice to finally meet you in real life. You weren't playing when you said you were pretty."

She had expected Daniel to at least be mad, but to be forgiven and thanked this quickly, Elia buried Daniel in her soft chest whilst petting his head softly.

Daniel felt lucky he didn't have to breathe as the heavenly sensation pressed against his cheeks. Feeling a soft hand on his head, he closed his eyes and just enjoyed it.

"Erm, do you want to look in the mirror?" The blond beauty now wore a look of anticipation as if she were about to see a good show. Daniel unwillingly released Elia from his embrace and was guided by Elia over to the large mirror that was taller than he was.

He stepped into the mirror and looked at a short young girl with black hair with the tips ending in white falling to her waist. Her eyes were light purple, and though it sounded unnatural, it looked perfect to Daniel.

The girl's skin was pale like Elia's, and it was only then did Daniel realize he was naked. That the girl he saw staring at him with wide eyes was him and not some figment of his imagination.

"Do you like it Dani?" Elia asked and Daniel felt his face heating up. No, she felt her face heating up. Dani threw herself into Elia's arms and held her tightly, earning a laugh from Ivy and Evelyn while Victoria grabbed a blood bag and walked over with a smile.

"Welcome to the clan Dani Eclipse." Victoria handed Elia the blood bag and withdrew not wanting to ruin the mood while Ivy, Chloe, and Evelyn just stared at the two hugging happily.

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