The Eclipse Clan

Chapter 5: Chapter Four

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Dani released Elia who's sapphire eyes seemed to glow with happiness, her attention drawn to the bag of thick red liquid in her hand, her sense of smell and instincts were almost urging her to consume it.

"That... blood. Can I have it?" Dani looked up at Elia who smiled and nodded, pulling the seal open. Due to Dani's improved sense of smell, she could even tell Elia and the rest apart with her eyes closed.

Now, when the seal broke, Dani could swear she had never encountered a smell that was so... pure and mouth-watering. The rest of the vampires in the room smiled seeing the almost raw desire Dani had for the blood bag.

Elia held out the tube and Dani's lips closed over it almost instantly, sucking eagerly. When the first drops of blood touched Dani's tongue, her body stiffened and her purple eyes slowly turned silver.

Her body shuddered in pure delight. Nothing, nothing she tasted as a human could compare to the taste in her mouth now. Everything seemed to lose their appeal if she had to choose between that or blood.

She didn't realize that the blood bag was warm, something Victoria had done which is why it took a while longer for her to return because she had warmed it up a bit in the microwave.

Elia saw a trickle of blood leak from the corner of Dani's mouth and she looked at her family, then back at Dani. Evelyn seemed to guess what she was about to do as she started whistling while Chloe and Ivy watched unblinkingly. 

Not minding the teasing she'd receive later, Elia stuck out her pink tongue and licked Dani's chin, tracing the blood back to the source, her lips. A low growl rumbled from Dani's chest as she wasn't completely coherent, and as if understanding her, Elia licked her lips and pulled away, allowing Dani to finish in peace.

"Elia, I'm not gonna lie, I think I just got a bit wet." Ivy mumbled while Chloe smacked her on the head, not wanting to admit that she had also felt a tingling sensation that made her clench her thighs.

Dani felt her canines extending, but it wasn't painful and felt euphoric. After half a minute, Dani pulled the blood bag away from her lips, her eyes locked on Elia's sapphire ones.

"Are you still thirsty?" Seeing the thirst in her eyes, Elia bent forward and pulled Dani towards her while moving her shirt and bra strap to the side. Dani's eyes widened and her mouth opened, showing her sharp upper and lower fangs.

Due to a vampire's venom, the bite could be either extremely pleasurable or extremely painful to the victim depending on the vampire's intent, and despite her thirst, Dani didn't want to be the only one who felt good, so she followed her instincts and bit down, allowing her venom to enter Elia's body.

When the warm blood filled her mouth, Dani moaned and bit down harder. Elia shuddered as her face turned red, her eyes turning silver as she nuzzled Dani's neck, inhaling her scent as her fangs lengthened.

Dani was in the midst of heaven just tasting Elia's blood when she felt something break her skin and sink into her neck. An intense wave of pleasure surged through her body as Elia's fangs dug deeper into her.

Elia tightened her embrace, sipping Dani's blood and slowly savoring the taste. She knew she'd have to change her underwear as it was already thoroughly soaked as she felt pleasure both from Dani's blood and Dani's fangs in her.

Evelyn looked at the ceiling while Ivy walked over, not wanting to be left out, she let her fangs grow and sank them into the other side of Dani's neck, thoroughly ignoring the growl Elia made.

"Well, at least they get along well." Victoria mumbled as she looked out the window, trying to ignore the tingling in her fangs. Evelyn grinned and approached Victoria, and in a smooth motion latched on to her neck, fangs already piercing Victoria's skin.

"Mom. Aunt... What are you doing?" Chloe looked over and stared dumbfoundedly at the sight of Evelyn drinking Victoria's blood while the latter's face was flushed red in shame and embarrassment.

"Sister, staahp~" Victoria couldn't endure the thought of having her daughters see her current state, but she also couldn't pull away as her body had already gone weak in her sister's arms.

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"Chloe, why don't you join in? I think Elia can share a bit~" Ivy pulled away from Dani's neck and spoke, her lips bright red with Dani's blood while Chloe blushed all the way up to her ears.

Seeing her teasing being so effective, Ivy licked Dani's neck, causing the latter to shiver before sinking her fangs into her again. Chloe looked at her mother who had clearly given up on resisting and then at Elia's neck, she pushed through her embarrassment and walked over slowly, earning a throaty chuckle from Ivy.

Elia knew her sister had started to drink from Dani as well as she could taste Ivy's venom in her blood, and as she was about to try and get her away, her body locked up as fangs entered her neck, nearly making her knees give out.

It was rare for Elia to allow someone to feed off of her, but she couldn't resist because she was also drinking Dani's blood, something that made her head light and fuzzy so she just embraced it with a bit of unwillingness.

"Sister, look, our family is so cute~" Evelyn withdrew her fangs and nibbled on her sister's cherry red ears playfully, making sure Victoria couldn't look away from the sight of her daughters feeding on each other without a care in the world.

"You feel bad for trying to reprimand Elia about bringing Dani home, but it's okay. You were trying to protect your family, and I don't doubt Elia will understand that." Evelyn's hands traced up the Victoria's smooth stomach and started to knead her breasts while kissing her nape.

"Sister~" Victoria mewled like a kitten as she turned and planted her full lips on Evelyn's, closing her eyes and just enjoying the feel of her sister's hands playing with her breasts as her own hands explored her sister's curvy body.

If a man was to see this sight, he'd definitely think he had arrived in heaven. Chloe licked Elia's neck clean of blood and looked at her mom and aunt and nearly felt her brain crash when she saw how cute her mother looked pressing herself against her aunt.

Seeing her mother's neck free, Chloe appeared behind her, wrapping her arms around Victoria's waist as she bit into her neck, feeling giddy when she heard a soft muffled moan coming from her mom.

Dani unwillingly pulled away from Elia's neck, but Elia didn't stop and continued to sip away at her blood. Ivy felt Dani stop feeding and stopped herself, and when she looked over expecting to see her mom's cold face, she saw her mom pressed between Evelyn and Chloe and her eyes lit up with joy!

"Way to go mom, look at you getting it in!" Hearing her daughter's teasing voice, Victoria tried to extricate herself, but her two captors weren't about to let her retreat.

Elia finally pulled away when she heard Ivy's voice and looked over and a smile tugged at her lips. Her mother was always serious and strong, and seeing this new shy and weak side to her made her grin, but she was quickly drawn back to Dani's face.

Dani licked her bright red lips and nearly got a nosebleed seeing the two mature women kissing and the slightly younger one drinking from the one in the middle from behind.

"The one in the middle is mother, and that's our aunt. That's Chloe. And then there's Ivy." Elia pointed at each person in the room as she spoke, ending with Ivy who pouted with a wronged look on her face.

"Sister! Why are you so mean to me?" Ivy pretended to be offended as she pulled Dani into a hug while muttering that Elia had bullied her and that Dani should spank her a lot, causing Elia to blush alongside Dani, making Ivy grin.

Thanks for commenting, it motivates me honestly... 

And I really don't know why the chapter became like that. ;p

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