The Elites

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Recruiting a Hacker

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This was it, Fellows Apartments. UnknownMaster told them to meet in Room 216.

The hacker entered the building and walked over to the reception area where a woman manned the desk, "may I help you?" She asked.

"I'm here visiting someone in Room 216." The hacker answered. 

The woman gave them a bright smile, "of course, let me call up first." She says.

She picks up the phone after dialing the room number, "yes, I will send them up right away." 

The woman hangs up and faced the hacker, "you may go up, it's on the second floor, down the hall, and to the left." The woman says gesturing to the elevators on the far right wall of the lobby.

The hacker bows their head and walked over to the elevators.

Following the directions of the receptionist, the hacker found the room and knocked.

A few minutes went by before the door was opened revealing a beauty.

The girl reached out and pulled the hacker into the apartment and then closed the door behind them.

"So this is the famous Ain, you're bigger than I expected."


Female Lead's Perspective

I'm not going to lie, I was expecting the usual type of hacker.

Scrawny, with shaggy hair and a small build but this was beyond my imagination.

The person standing before me was a large bear-like human.

The man had a messy appearance for sure, so at least that is the image most hackers go for.

I must admit, I was a little surprised when I saw him.

"Are you trying to tell me that a little thing like you hacked my computer?" He asked with a narrowed gaze.

I walked over to my window and looked out to see that the sky was night.

He came sooner than I thought he would, to think he'd make his way over when the day is almost over.

"Why, got a problem?" I asked looking back at him.

Ain frowns, "no matter how I look at it, you don't seem like the person who just chatted with me a moment ago." He says looking around as if searching for someone else.

I raised an eyebrow, I don't think I can get used to this person's appearance.

Not only that he had this stench that made it hard to breathe.

"I can't take it any longer!" I howled grabbing his arm and leading him to the bathroom.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" He asked in a panic.

I moved behind him and pushed him inside, "you stink, please take a shower!" I yell and slammed the bathroom door closed.

I wiped my brow and began freshening up my apartment to get rid of the stench.

To show up at someone else's home smelling like something died inside his clothes, how rude.

I waited for half an hour before Ain finally stepped out clean-shaven and smelling like my bath soap.

Looking at him now, it's almost like he's a completely different person.

"You clean up nicely," I said approvingly.

What stern facial features, not handsome but not ugly either. 

If it weren't for the obvious youth in his features I would have thought he was at least thirty.

To think this person was only twenty-three!

"Alright, the night is almost over, since you're already here take this." I handed him blankets and pointed to the couch, "you can stay here for the night and we'll discuss tomorrow." I told him.

He gave me a suspicious look, "you still haven't told me who you are."

"Tomorrow, right now I'm exhausted from school and dealing with you," I said smiling at him.

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Ain shuddered, what the hell is with this girl? Her aura was no joke.

Just now, that smile was scarier than his mother's temper.

He lay on the couch and turned away, something told him that he should just wait until tomorrow as she said.

"Great, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow!" I told him before going to my room.


The Next Day

After a well-cooked meal and a nice shower, Ain felt refreshed.

I'm sure he was feeling relaxed enough to talk with me.

I sat down at my desk after pulling up a chair for him, "now let's proceed with last night's conversation." I told him leaning forward a bit.

Ain  had his arms crossed and leaned back in his chair, "fine, let's start with who you are." He points out.

I touched my chest to introduce myself, "I'm Liu, Min, pretty soon here you can call me boss." I told him with a matter of fact tone.

"Ha! Why would I do that? I work alone." he says glaring at me.

"I advise you to not do so. With me as your boss, your chances of getting sweeter revenge are higher. Let's start with this as an example of what I mean." I slid an orange folder towards him.

I prepared this while he was sleeping this morning.

He frowns down at the folder but took it anyways, once he opened it and he read the contents, his expression changed instantly.

"Where the hell did you get this?" He asked his expression dark.

"I found it in the database of that small pharmaceutical company, it's a list of all the large companies that had a hand in the death of your parents," I told him.

He pushed the paper back into the folder and set it on the desk, his hand squeezing it tightly until it wrinkled.

"To think it was worse than I imagined, I...I can't do anything." He says dropping his head in defeat.

I leaned back in my chair, "not you, but if you join me, I can get everything back for you." I told him.

It took me all this morning but I was finally able to do a complete web search on this person.

Daichi, Ain a former student that went to Amendis University, had mostly As, and was raised well by his parents.

Ain also had three siblings that he loved dearly and spoiled.

One day he came home and found his father pathetically groveling before a Huge CEO magnate.

His father could no longer pay the bills for their mother who was in the hospital for deadly cancer and tried to pull out a loan.

The CEO was an ass and wouldn't agree to give the father money.

Because of this, they couldn't afford the treatments for the mother any longer, it did not help that the medicines provided by the hospital were cheap knock-offs to purposedly kill off the mother.

At least three pharmaceutical companies had a hand in this ordeal, it must be because if the mother died they would have a chance to receive a fortune if she died and if her son didn't marry.

The mother was taken off life support, the siblings were sent to the system, and the father committed suicide.

Turns out those companies were family members with thick pockets and greedy natures.

After finding this I could only shake my head at such people.

I'm sure he didn't know this until now, the real reason for his family's undoing.

He choked and rubbed hard to keep the tears from falling, to think that this was the truth to everything.

"So, what do you think? Will you work for me" I asked holding out my hand for him to shake.

He sniffles and stared down at my hand before meeting my gaze.

He reached out his hand and took mine, "yes, Boss." He agreed.



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