The ENF System

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – Hugh: Maybe that was a bad idea

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My jaw dropped when Natalie exited the bathroom. She'd obviously accepted the quest that I impulsively sent her. Boy, did she ever!

The towel she wore didn't cover much, leaving much of the top of her breasts exposed. I was pretty sure that I saw glimpses of the tops of her areolas. And it wasn't low in the top because it covered much at the bottom, either. No, it barely covered anything at all, and the split laid in such a way that every step she took threatened to reveal pretty much everything to me.

Needless to say, my eyes were glued to her, and, as she passed me, my head swung around so fast to follow her that I was scared I'd just given myself whiplash.

I couldn't see her face, but I was pretty sure she was smirking. She didn't say a word, though, just walked casually into the kitchen like it was no big deal to parade herself in front of me wearing the tiniest of towels. I mean, was that thing actually even a real bath towel or some kind of large washcloth? And it was held together solely by having the ends loosely twisted together. Not tied, twisted. The slightest tug and gravity would exert its inevitable force and leave her naked.

My mind didn't have time to dwell long on that fact, though, once I realized that the towel actually covered a decent amount in the front compared to the back. The bottom half of her butt was completely bare! Yikes. I'd seen it obscured only by the most transparent of fabrics last night, but I was now seeing much of it completely uncovered. I liked uncovered.

She stopped when she reached the far counter and tugged open an upper cabinet before closing it without taking out anything inside.

"Bummer," she said. "I haven't unloaded the dishwasher yet, and my favorite glass is in there. I guess I'll just have to get it out."

Her words struck me as odd, but I wasn't in the best condition to analyze what she was getting at. I watched closely as she pulled open the dishwasher.

"Oh man," she said. "I don't see my favorite glass on the top. I must have put it on the bottom."

Then she bent. Like ninety degrees. We're talking full moon. Full completely bare moon. If she wouldn't have kept her thighs clenched together, what I would have seen would have been worth more than all the other XP she'd earned to this point.

"Man, where is that glass?" she asked.

And she just stayed bent over, her hands moving around dishes on the bottom shelf as I stared at her, from her bare feet to her bare calves to the bare back of her knees to her bare thighs to her completely bare butt. Every day, I was like, "There's no way she can top that and be more sexy," but the next day she proved me wrong.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow, even if I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand it.

Finally, she straightened back up - all good things have to end eventually, right? - and reopened the cabinet. I couldn't help but notice that her towel had not returned to its original position.

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"Silly me," she said. "My favorite glass was in here all the time."

She used the tap to run a little water into the glass and took a quick sip. "Ah. Refreshing. Guess I should get dressed now."

Natalie put the glass in the sink and turned to face me. I was right; she was smirking, but my eyes didn't stay on her face for long. Her shenanigans with bending over had made the front get a little off kilter. I saw skin between her legs, and, unlike what I'd seen peeking out from her panties last night, there was no hair. My jaw dropped.

She apparently saw both my reaction and where my gaze was directed because she quickly reached down to fix her wardrobe malfunction. Without another word, she walked back to the bathroom.

Instead of walking fully inside, though, she stopped in the middle of the doorway, her butt still basically totally uncovered. I watched her, not sure what was going on. Then, she took a deep breath.

She was steeling herself to do something, but what?

I kept watching.

Her hands did something in front of her. Since I could see only her back, I couldn't tell what exactly that was, but I did notice her shoulders jerk and suddenly tense. Then, just as suddenly, her arms fell limp to her side, and, when they did, her towel fell to the floor.

She was naked. Natalie McGuire was totally, one hundred percent butt naked right in front of me. My eyes drank in her body. It looked so firm and infinitely soft at the same time.

Her show lasted at least half a minute, maybe longer, but, all too soon, it, too, ended. Without turning, she reached behind her, grabbed the knob, stepped forward, and pulled the door closed behind her.

I just sat there unbelieving, both regretting what had happened and not. I'd had the best of intentions to put a moratorium on quests for today, but my mind had drifted to her being in the next room, naked, wet, rubbing her body with soap, and my imagination had gotten the best of me. I'd thought, "Asking her to come out in a towel would be pretty innocuous, right? Everything would be covered. It would be a little sexy, a little flirty, but it would be safe. It wouldn't raise the stakes significantly. What could go wrong?"

Note to self, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.

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