The ENF System

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 – Natalie: That was fast

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My hands went to the bottom of my nightgown. I couldn't believe I was about to do this, show my bare breasts to my boyfriend for the first time. Granted, I definitely wanted to do this, but it still felt so embarrassing.

I kind of wanted to defiantly pull it up to my neck really fast and count out loud to ten like it didn't bother me at all. But I couldn't make myself do that, not that my trembling hands wouldn't have given away my lie anyway.

Instead, the hem lifted with excruciating slowness, and I had Hugh's full attention as my pale thighs came into view. Somehow that made me almost as humiliated as revealing more intimate areas as the line with white skin on one side and tanned on the other indicated the exact place my shorts normally fell, making it obvious that I was definitely revealing territory that others didn't normally get to see.

Again, I was doing this, showing off my body for his viewing pleasure. Even worse, this time I'd asked for it, demanded it. And this time it wasn't going to stop with underwear.

Inch by inch, more and more of my creamy skin was revealed to him. As I reached the bottom of my panties, I paused, considering what pair I was wearing. God! The thin white ones that barely covered my backside and were so tight they showed every crease. Why had had I ever thought wearing them would be a good idea?

I swallowed hard and continued tugging upward. And did I clench my thighs together to preserve some modesty? Nope. If anything, I slightly broadened my stance.

His eyes widened when he saw the white triangle between my legs. I could only imagine what it must have looked like to him with my most private place outlined by wispy fabric stretched tight over me.

I kept going, revealing the bottom of my stomach and then my bellybutton and my ribs, hesitating again at the bottom of my breasts. They were not my best feature. Sure, they were pert and rounded and tipped with dime-sized areola with long nipples that, apparently, hardened at the slightest provocation, but they were small, barely a B-cup. If popular culture had taught me anything, it was that, in this instance, bigger was better.

It was bad enough showing them to him encased in a bra. But I wasn't wearing one now. Even if I was wearing one, I'd have had to take it off to fulfill the quest anyway.

I was about to expose my completely bare tiny titties to him, and the thought exhilarated and terrified me. I examined his face for a hint that he might be about to grant me a reprieve from my bravado and stupidity, but there was not a hint of sympathy on his face. Instead, he was totally enraptured, probably thinking I was pausing just to tease the final reveal. God!

I had to do this. I was committed. Better to mortify myself by stripping naked than to mortify myself by looking like an idiot by refusing to do something that I'd just got finished insisting on doing.

This time, I tugged on the bottom of the nightgown, and, lacking any appreciable hinderance presented by my small boobs, it jerked all the way to my neck. Hugh was now seeing something that no man, and very few women, had ever seen.

He just grinned stupidly.

The jerk.

"You are so beautiful. Perfect. Amazing," he said.

He was such a wonderful boyfriend.

I stood like that for quite a while just letting him look, alternating from intense shame to incredible arousal and totally forgetting that I only needed to do it for ten seconds. Finally, I remembered that fact, and no sooner did I let the nightgown fall back down to cover me once more than a blue box popped up.

My mouth went wide. I'd been terrified just to flash him, and now I had to take my top completely off? That would leave me in just my thin panties!

I mean, I'd explicitly told him that I expected for him to see me naked today, but that was like five minutes ago. I'd expected a warm up. Foreplay. To be so horny that my need for his hands on me would outweigh any other considerations.

I told myself that he's already seen me, so taking it totally off was no big deal, right? He was even doing the right thing from a points perspective. I'd gotten 35 to flash and would get an additional 50 to essentially do it again.

But that was the thing. The system did not give points for free. I was about to get 50 more points because the system thought the dare was worth that much.

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And it truly felt that way to me as well. I not only had to expose myself, but I had to stay that way for an unknown amount of time. The fact that he told me that I wouldn't be needing my nightgown again today probably didn't mean that I was about to get fully dressed in a different outfit. No, I was positive that his intention was to get me naked and keep me naked.

I swallowed hard again.

I told myself to just rip off the band aid, just grab the hem and pull it up and off. Anytime now. Just do it.

My hands remained stubbornly at my side.

Another blue box popped up.



Ugh. He was so infuriating. He couldn't really expect me to...

"Look at all the seconds that are ticking by," he said, pointing at his wrist where he most certainly was not wearing a watch.

He did. He fully expected to spank me on my bare behind.

Then it hit me. One swat per second, and time was ticking.

I had to rip off the nightgown. I didn't have any other choice. Things would just get that much worse until I did.

"Fine," I said.

There was no slowing my hands down this time. I aggressively took the hem and pulled it straight over my head. "There. Happy?"

"Very," he said.

I now stood before him completely topless, holding my nightgown by my side in a clenched fist. My bare tits were just sitting out there for him to look at with no way to cover them. The only thing protecting my modesty at all was a tiny pair of panties that felt way too inadequate for the job.

"Best go ahead and put that in the hamper. We've got a couple of quests to go through before we get to Punishment, and daylight is wasting," he said. "I counted about thirty seconds, by the way. Does that sound about right?"

Thirty? It was like five maximum. I tried to open my mouth to tell him that, though, and just couldn't. Instead, I simply nodded, both dreading and eagerly anticipating what was to come next. Thirty swats on my bare behind? I hadn't been spanked since I was five, and that certainly had not been while I was any way naked.

And what exactly had he been implying when he noted that daylight was wasting? He surely didn't intent for me to be outside undressed did he? Right? Right?

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