The ENF System

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 – Natalie: Preparation

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My expression must have clearly communicated what was going on in my mind because Hugh said, "I told myself I wasn't going to ask this again, but are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this? I mean, what we've done so far is pretty much nothing compared to some of the things running through my mind."

God! I boggled at what he might be planning on telling me to do. I couldn't begin to think of what could possibly be worse than lowering my panties and letting him spank my bare behind.

"I could even give you a quest to do that thing you told me yesterday you'd never, ever do in front of me," he said.

He was right. I hadn't placed any limits at all on him. Whatever he wanted to see me do.

I shut my eyes for a moment. "No joking here, speaking straight from the heart, I just want to make you happy, and I don't want you to feel like I'm judging you or you can't ask me to do something."

There. Now that I'd said it out loud, I was so happy that I did.

"That, I can live with," he said. "Now, tell me the truth, is anything so far really too much for you?"

"Uh, swats? Will they hurt?"

"No. I'm not into that at all. It's supposed to be embarrassing and fun and give me an excuse to run my hands all over you."

I swallowed hard. "In that case, no, not too far at all."

He grinned.

I couldn't believe I was standing there, totally topless, my small boobs on open display, having a calm conversation with a boy. What was the proper protocol for a situation like that? The irrational thought that I should introduce him to each of my breasts ran through my head. Like, “Hey, Hugh, this is my right tit. It’s a bit on the small side, but it’s really soft and firm. And check out my nipple. It makes me moan when I squeeze it like this.”


In actuality, a feeling of shyness overcame me, and I kind of hunched my shoulders, making myself smaller. "Do I ... Am I ... okay?"

"I don't understand the question."

"My body? My ... top? I know guys seem to like bigger."

His face got really serious all of a sudden. "Nat, listen to me. You are amazing. Your body is amazing. Your breasts are spectacular. They're perfect. I could literally go into great detail on every aspect of them that I find so attractive. Do you want me to make a list?"

I was tempted to have him keep the compliments rolling because they did make me feel better, but I think that, given the topic of conversation, I'd find the process excruciatingly embarrassing. "No. No. Definitely not necessary."

"There is something very important that I do need to tell you, though, and that’s, ‘Thank you.’ I don't think that I've said that, and, if I have, I haven't said it enough. The fact that you are standing there like that, your body trembling with nervousness, but still putting yourself out there all just because you want to make me happy..." He shook his head. "Amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me, how special you are."

Then he walked over to me, pulled me tight to him, and hugged me. Practically every inch of my mostly nude body touched a portion of him, and I felt the proof that he was happy to see me. It felt incredibly weird for so much of my naked flesh to be in contact with a boy, but it also felt really good, especially his hand rubbing my back.

And, also, not going to lie, my nipples rubbing against his shirt. Whew.

All good things must come to an end, though, and soon he broke contact. I thought he was going to just return to the couch, but, first, he used his hand to tilt my head up. And he kissed me.

And this time, it wasn't chaste at all. It was best described as hungry, like he put all his pent up desire for me into his lips and let fly. Tongues got involved. When he pulled back, both of us were panting.

"You know," I said, "it's okay with me if we just keep doing that."

"Nope. We need to get you leveled. Your expectations, remember."

Oh yeah. Those.


I tossed my nightgown, which had still been balled up in my hand, in the hamper, and, even though it was just right there and I had access to an entire closet full of clothes. it still felt weird to put it away. It was like I was surrendering my clothes, committing to be naked. Huh. I guess that was exactly what I was doing.

As soon as I faced him again, still marveling at the fact that I was just standing there with my boobs out, another box popped up.

Even though this didn't shock me, it shocked me. I mean, I knew this was coming. To be spanked on my bare behind, my behind must, by necessity, be bare, and, since my panties were currently in their upright and locked condition, there must come a quest to change said condition. Still, theoretical knowledge that something must happen does not necessarily prepare one for the fact of that something actually happening.

By this point, though, I was well and truly lubricated, and concerns other than pure embarrassment and desire to preserve any modesty that I could were fighting for control of my brain. I wanted him to see. I needed him to see. Seeing, after all, would perhaps lead to touching, and that sounded good.

Baring my breasts, no matter how reluctant I was to show them due to their size, did not hold a candle to the reality of revealing my lower portions, though. This was my panties we were talking about. Lowering my panties.

But I had to.

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I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and pushed gently, sliding the elastic down over my slender hips. Not wanting to watch him watch me expose my most private place, I closed my eyes as the garment continued its inexorable downward journey, clearing where my curls would have been if I still had had any and then my ... I couldn't even say the word in the privacy of my own head, and I was showing it to Hugh.

As soon as my panties dipped beneath the area between my legs, I stopped.

"That's barely the top of your thigh," he said. "The quest specified to the middle."

Pedantic, much. God!

My eyes shot open as I glared at him. "Fine!" I lowered them much further down. "Is this what you wanted?"

"Yes. Perfect."

Another damn blue box appeared.

It took a moment for the insidiousness of his plan to become apparent. When a young lady is forced to stand nearly naked facing a young man, she will naturally try to conceal as much of her inner anatomy as possible by keeping her legs clenched tightly together. If that young lady is also commanded to keep her panties around her thighs and is unable to hold up those panties, however...

I soon discovered how much I really hated gravity. As soon as I tried to let go to put my arms in position, my panties immediately began traveling rapidly toward the floor.

"Eep!" I grabbed for them and pulled them back up to where they were supposed to be. After all, even though they weren't actually covering anything of import, they were still technically on me, so I wasn't naked.

Yeah. That was what I told myself.

There was only one solution that I could think of to fulfill the terms of the quest. I didn't dare look at Hugh as I spread my legs until the fabric stretched tight enough to hold.

How had I gotten myself into this situation? This was crazy. I was baring my ... my ... special place to him. My special place!

"The quest doesn't start until you lock your fingers." He was holding his phone. "I'll time it for you."

He'll time it for me. Great. Thanks. So kind. So magnanimous.

That did make me realize that I was just standing there giving him a literally free show. I quickly moved my arms and hands to their specified spots.

It occurred to me that this was the most humiliating experience of my life. The position I was standing in was ridiculous. Bare breasts, shaved and bare between the legs, legs wide apart, it was like he'd come up with this stance to maximize my exposure. My arms were even up and out of the way so that there was no chance of them accidentally providing me any coverage.

But I stood there and did it. For two minutes. Two minutes, by the way, was an agonizingly long time in that situation, and, at multiple points during the period, I almost gave up. My hands twitched with a desire to cover myself. I was pretty sure that my ability to resist was mainly because I was scared what might happen if my hands came into contact with certain areas of my body.

If I started touching, I might not be able to stop.

"Time," he said finally.

So naturally I dropped my arms. Concealed myself. Right?

Nope. Just kept standing there with my hands locked behind me and my body on full display, waiting for my next instructions. I was very pleased when a box popped up nearly instantaneously, but it was just a notification that I'd leveled. I dismissed it without giving it much consideration, eager and anxious for the next one that was soon to come.

As I started to turn, I made the mistake of looking down, trying to see if there was anything on the floor in my way. The only thing more embarrassing than willingly displaying your nude body to a boy would be tripping while doing it, right?

My eyes caught sight of my nipples. They were hard enough to cut glass, sticking out like the ends of a pencil eraser. And, worse, that area between my legs that was completely open to Hugh's intense stare? Glistening with moisture with a hood sticking out from between the folds. There was no hiding how turned on I was. Even though a quick glance at his crotch showed him to be in the same position, it was still mortifying to have the evidence just out there for anyone to see. Girls usually have an easier time hiding it than guys.

That line of thought only made me more embarrassed, and a shiver went through my body. God! I was getting off on this so bad. I needed to return my attention to my quest before I did something really stupid like letting my hands drift downward.

Besides, I did need to concentrate. Turning in a circle while keeping one's legs wide apart isn't as easy as it might sound, or maybe I just needed to throw a point into agility in the future, too.

Anyway, turning my side to him granted the advantage of hiding the area between my legs from his view, but it also presented my breasts in profile. I'd never really looked at them from that angle when completely uncovered, but, in my mind, they just didn't stick out far enough to make them enticing. My tummy, at least, was nice and flat, and my butt stuck out a little; I did have some curves. Maybe he'd like that view.

My back facing him was the easiest. Of all my areas, he'd already seen that one bare the most.

Eventually I completed my full turn, so I stood there waiting for my next assignment.

Hugh had been sitting kind of back on the couch, but he moved to sit on the edge. "Time for Punishment." He gestured for me to lay down over his lap.

What? Not standing with my back to him? Actually over his lap? I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

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