The ENF System

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 – Natalie: The effect of absence

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I couldn't believe how desperate I was to get Hugh's hands on me, in me. One would think that, with eighteen years' experience being a complete virgin, it would be easy to wait a little while longer. That wasn't the case with me. It was more, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," and I'd experienced a lot of absence.

Flat out telling him that I ached for his touch was one thing. Having him see evidence of exactly how much I wanted him was another. And, though both those embarrassed me to a great degree, I'd pretty much come to terms with them. What I'd just done went way beyond asking, way beyond even begging. I'd promised to do things I'd just finished refusing to do, and were those favors offered to secure the promise that he'd touch me? He'd already agreed to do that. No. I was so wanton that I'd made those commitments so that he'd get around to touching me sooner.


At least the timing was finally in my hands. All I had to do was complete two quests, and he was mine. And the second of those quests was simply to pick my panties up off the floor and put them in the hamper. Easy right?

That was where the first one came in. To get the panties, I had to blatantly, fully expose my very most private places to him in the very worst position I could ever imagine for two entire minutes. It was going to be an indignity of the highest magnitude. Why had I agreed to this?

Oh. Right. Because I was so horny I couldn't think straight. Obviously.

I stood, still self conscious about my nudity even after the prolonged exposure. I wondered if I'd have grown more accustomed to it by now if not for that dreaded Reluctant Exhibitionist class. I mean, nudists walked around like this in front of everyone all the time without a lick of embarrassment, right?

Musing about such wasn't getting me anywhere, though. Time to just get it over with. I took my position with my bare backside what felt like inches from him and spread my legs wide, probably actually wider than was strictly required.

I glanced back at him. He was sitting on the edge of the couch and bending forward. His face was level with my private parts.

God! No one, not even me, had ever had a view of me like he was about to see.

"You better start the time the second I touch those panties," I said, pretending to be much tougher than I felt.

Wait a second. He was going to be using his phone. What if he took pictures?

And then I remembered that he could do just that because I had told him that he could. So much for leaving Naïve Idiot Natalie in the past. And he didn't even need to take a picture now anyway to capture me in this position; I'd promised to pose for him however he wanted later. However he wanted! He could, and probably would, have me do this again.

Before my thoughts could spin any further out of control, I bent and clasped my discarded panties in my right hand. And stayed there. And stayed there. And stayed there.

When doing most things, two minutes would pass in a flash. Let me be the first to tell you that, when you're bent over with your most private area stuck in a boy's face for that long, two minutes stretched to eternity. And the only thing I could think the entire time I was down there was that he was staring straight at my hot, wet hole and everything else down there.

Finally, though, his phone's timer alarm went off. I was pretty sure I'd never straightened up so fast in my life. I clenched my legs together, hastily dumped my panties in the hamper, and turned to him. "Come here. Now."

He grinned.

As he stood, I expected another box to pop up, something like, Stick Your Nipple In My Mouth, but nothing did.

"Turn around," he said.

I didn't know why he wanted me to face away from him, but his commanding voice brooked no dissent. I complied immediately.

At six foot one, he towered over me and had long arms. He bent, putting his mouth next to my ear. "You are amazing. I can't believe that I get to do this."

I felt his finger on my lower thigh. It moved, tracing a pattern upward over my hips up my stomach and between my breasts until he finally removed it after he reached my neck.

"Incredible," he said. "Seeing you naked is amazing but feeling it... I just traced almost the entirety of your body and didn't encounter a single square inch of fabric. Simply marvelous."

I wasn't sure what he was going to do next, but, now that his hands were finally touching me, I found that I didn't care. I could be patient. I could let him lead.

He brushed my hair away from my neck and bent just a little further. His lips found my neck right at the junction where it met my shoulder, and he kissed very gently. And licked. And kissed some more. Goose bumps formed on my arms and legs. A shiver went down my spine. Somehow, the intensity of my arousal increased. I wasn't even sure how that was possible.

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Even as he kept raining soft gentle kisses over both sides of my neck, his hand circled to the front and found my breasts. My back arched at his touch.

"Natalie, you are the sexiest woman to ever walk the planet. I want you so badly."

Caressing my breast with one hand, he used the other to pull me back against him. His erection pressed against me, and I ground against it.

He moaned. I did the same when his caressing fingers started massaging my nipple.

"Lay on the bed. On your back. Spread your legs," he said, his voice hoarse.

Was he going to go all the way and take me? I didn't know. If anything, I hoped he would.

I quickly got into position, exposing my private parts again, and he climbed onto the mattress, placing his head right in front of my gaping hole. Like inches away, almost touching. For an instant, I was mortified that he was looking at me like that down there. Then his tongue flicked out, and all thoughts fled my mind.

From listening to girl talk, I knew that guys had varying degrees of skill at cunnilingus, and I would have suspected, given Hugh's general inexperience with the opposite sex, that he would have little clue what he was doing.

That was not the case. As far as I could tell, he was the master violinist, and I was the fiddle. Action rose and fell. Crescendos abounded. Wave after wave after wave of pleasure the likes of which I'd never felt crashed through my body until, breathless, I begged him to stop.

I couldn't have even told you how many times I orgasmed. After the first, they all kind of blended into one long continuous bout of ecstasy.

At my first mumbled pleading, he withdrew, of course, and, for an instant, I was disappointed for all that he was acting at my request. I mean, it felt so, so good, but it was also just too intense.

He crawled up and had me turn onto my side. We laid like that as I caught my breath with him holding and cuddling me, telling me how amazing I was, and, all the while, his twitching erection pressed against my thigh. Poor guy.

I reached down and stroked it through his cargo shorts. "Can I help with that? I mean, I don't really know how, but I'm willing to learn if you're willing to talk me through it."

He was willing. He was willing indeed.

Urgently, he undid his shorts and pushed those and his tighty whities down. His erection sprang out, the first I’d ever seen in real life – not that I looked for those kind of pictures, but…

“What do I do?” I asked.

“First,” he said, swallowing, clearly in distress, “get the towel ready. When I tell you, put it over me. Otherwise, we’ll make a huge mess.”

I nodded, my eyes still staring at his cock as I wondered how he’d react if I climbed on top of him and impaled myself.

That wasn’t what he wanted, though. I could wait. We’d get there.

He grabbed my hand and moved it to his member. It was warm and softer than I expected. He guided my palm slowly up and down the shaft before letting go.

The experience was fascinating. He closed his eyes and moaned, and I found it very satisfying that I was the reason for that pleasure. I wanted to please him in every way possible. I wanted him to please me in every way possible, though I wasn’t sure I could take anything that exceeded what I felt a little while ago.

Would having him inside me feel better? I shuddered.

Honestly, it didn’t take long at all for him to tell me to get the towel in position, and I quickly covered the tip of his penis and my stroking hand. A second later, his cock started twitching, and a wet spot appeared on the towel.


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