The ENF System

Chapter 29: Chapter 29 – Natalie: Under the radar

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After Hugh and I had finished playing, I'd curled up on the bed with his arms around me, every part of my nude form in contact with the front of his clothed one as he'd quickly pulled his underwear and shorts back into place after cleaning up. I must have dozed off because I woke up to the strangest thing, an aroma of food cooking. There was a reason that I kept asking Hugh to pick up meals to bring over and that was because I didn't feel like I had the ability to make one for him. My poor mom had tried to teach me, but, except of breakfast, it had all just failed to take hold. Since moving into this apartment, most of my cooking has consisted of warming cups of noodles in the microwave.

The next thing that I noticed was that Hugh had placed the throw blanket that was normally kept folded and draped over the back of my couch over me. That was sweet.

Then I winced as I noticed that I was laying on top of the comforter. Our need, or mine at least, had been so great that we hadn't even taken the time to pull it back. I was going to have to wash it as it now was stained, mainly with my fluids but a few drops of his as well. So much for me being careful to sit on a towel earlier, though  having it nearby had come in handy.

I glanced into the kitchen where a blurry form stood. Ugh, I must have taken my glasses off at some point during the festivities. I reached toward my nightstand where they normally lived while I slept, and, yep, there they were.

Ah, the mysterious blob in the kitchen was Hugh, not that it would have logically been anyone else. He was still fully dressed, of course, even to include socks, and standing at the stove, stirring something.

A girl could get used to this. Pleasured, cuddled, covered, and fed. Not bad at all.

As I stood, I drew the blanket around me to conceal my nude form, and, as soon as he noticed me, he lifted his eyebrows. I knew instantly what he wanted, and, without even a second thought, I dropped the blanket, leaving me naked and fully exposed to his view once again.

How far I'd come in just a few days. On Friday morning, it was only vaguely on my radar that, at some point in the far distant future, I might possibly get up to activities that meant I would have to undress in the presence of a boy, though preferably only when lying in bed under covers. Now all it took was a look to get me to reveal myself completely to him. Not even a word. Not a quest with the promise of XP. Just a look.

Standing there with him staring at me, I felt so self conscious. I liked the hunger in his eyes. I liked it a lot. But it still felt so weird to be completely naked in front of him, and I think that feeling was made worse by the fact that he was still fully clothed. It was also made worse by the fact that I'd been well and truly sated and then took a short nap. Before, I'd been embarrassed about being in the altogether, but my arousal had, if not mitigated my discomfort completely, at least provided an intense sensation to help distract me from it. That factor was absent now.

Honestly, I felt a little silly about being shy. I was a different person now, one who had done stuff with a boy. Not gone all the way, of course, but he'd done stuff to me and my hands had been on him. I would have thought that change would have made me get used to being in this state in front of him, but, instead, it just seemed to make things worse as well. Before, I had only expectations and imaginings of what things happened between two consenting adults. Now I had actual memories of doing those things, vivid memories.

I shivered.

It had all been so amazing and exciting at the time, but I'd completely lost all control in front of him. I'd had an orgasm. Multiple orgasms. He'd seen me do that. It was mortifying, and all I could think while he stared at me was that he was imagining me like that.

I kind of bit the inside of my lip while slightly moving one thigh up and in front of the other. After all this, it would have felt stupid to cover myself with my arms - after all, I'd literally just deliberately dropped the blanket for him! - but I wanted to. I ended up crossing one of them just below my breasts and the other across my stomach.

Yeah. That was much better. I was covering non-private parts of me instead. That made complete sense.

"You are so cute," he said.

Cute hadn't been what I was going for, but I could live with it. Better than lewd or wanton or the S-word.

"You can cook?" I asked, mainly to distract myself.

"Some," he said modestly. "Hope you don't mind. I found some frozen chicken in the freezer and pasta in the pantry."

That sounded impressive, much more elaborate than anything that I could come up with. The only reason that those ingredients were even in my apartment was that my parents had insisted on stocking up when they moved me in. Huh. Turned out that I shouldn't have objected as much as I had. They were right that the food would get used eventually.

An alarm went off on his phone, and he turned back to the stove.

"It's ready," he said, canceling the timer. "If you would have slept just a little longer, I could have served you in bed. Since you're up, though, want to fix drinks? Water is fine with me."

His beverage choice was good because I was pretty sure there wasn't anything else in my fridge. It occurred to me that, if he was going to keep coming over, I might have to actually start shopping for groceries. Or maybe we could do that as a couple. That was a happy thought. Domestic bliss.

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Then I realized he'd probably send me quests to flash in the aisles. Yeah. Shopping alone was probably better. But, if I did do quests for him in the supermarket, he'd probably make it worth it to me afterward, so, then again, maybe going together would be better.

God! Had I just mentally accepted that he was eventually going to be having me show myself off in public places? What the heck?

I felt my face flush and quickly darted to grab a couple of glasses of ice before he noticed.

My apartment had a small two-person table with chairs set up along the wall between the end of one of the kitchen counters and where the couch started, and we sat to eat. It would have felt like a perfectly normal thing for a couple to do if I hadn't been completely naked the whole time. The strangeness of that just didn't fade.

I volunteered to do cleanup since he had cooked, and I could feel his eyes on my bare butt as I rinsed the dishes. And I could really feel his eyes on other portions of me as I put those dishes in the dishwasher, which, of course, required bending and, maybe, I didn't quite keep my legs as tightly together as I could have. Or, you know, maybe I kind of deliberately spread them far enough to make sure he saw what he really wanted to.

Exposing that part of me still mortified me, but at least my arousal returned.

And I had to wipe down the stove, too, including scrubbing it quite intensely despite the lack of any visible stains. Of course, it just so happened that leaning over and making vigorous motions when naked tended to impart such vigorous motions to other parts of my body, which he seemed to enjoy. Hey, my boobs might be small, but they seemed to jiggle quite nicely at least.

"What the plan now?" I asked when I had finished tidying up.

I was sure that my tone clearly indicated exactly what I hoped his answer would be, but, to my disappointment, he held up his phone.

"Picture time," he said.

Ugh. I had agreed to that, hadn't I?

I grimaced. Digital images of me in all my glory were about to exist. I'd heard so, so many horror stories. My mom made me swear that I would never let a guy do such a thing.

But here I was with literally the first guy to ask me doing just that.

He must have read the look on my face because he said, "Remember your safe words. You can change your mind at any time."

"Fear is a good thing, right? It warns us about things that could hurt us. And, frankly, this makes me really nervous."

"I understand completely. Are you saying that you're okay with it as long as we use your phone and you keep complete control or do you not want to do it at all?"

That was his only response. He didn't get mad. He didn't try to get me to change my mind. He just accepted what I said and moved on. A warm feeling shot through me.

"Let me finish," I said. "My mind is telling me not to do this under any circumstances, but my gut tells me that I can trust you. It all comes down to what kind of person I want to be, you know? I definitely want to pay attention when my brain tells me to be cautious, but I can't let fear rule my life. At the end of the day, I'd rather suffer the consequences of being wrong than ignore what I feel."

"Wow. I was not expecting you to say that. I'm really glad you did, but it was definitely not expected." He grinned. "Beautiful and brave. Thank you for being my girlfriend. I promise that I will not betray your trust."

A box soon popped up.

Wow, 100 XP. This system really understood me at least, knew how difficult it was for me to agree to allow such photos to exist because soon, for better or for worse, that was exactly what was going to happen.

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