The ENF System

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Natalie: Lights, Camera, Action

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I was starting to feel really nervous about what Hugh was going to make me do. He'd already demonstrated an amazing ability to put me into the most humiliating position imaginable and then, somehow, come up with one that was even worse. And, for some incredibly stupid reason, I'd agreed to let him dictate ten poses for me, and one was going to be outside.

I seriously wanted to back out, but his face, from what I could see through the blur, though, was so excited. He was clearly getting turned on just thinking about what was going to happen. The opportunity to torture him as much as he'd been torturing me was just too good to resist.

Still, there was no denying my own need. I wanted his touch. I needed his touch.

"You're taking me right to the bed after we finish the photos, right?" I asked.

More like demanded. Or that was what it was supposed to come out like. I wasn't sure how that question got added at the end.

"Hmm," he said. "I don't know. What would I get in return?"

Like he wasn't just as eager as me.

"I am not falling for that again," I said. "Last time, I offered way too much. It's your turn."

He laughed. "You caught on, my young Padawan. There's hope for you yet."


"I want one video."

"In place of one of the pictures?" I asked.

"Sorry. I already issued the quest and can't change it."

"How long of a video?"

This was so stupid. Like he wasn't planning on taking me to bed, anyway. Then again, knowing him, he might just decide not to until I caved. And I definitely would before him.

"Fifteen to thirty seconds, max," he answered.

"Fine. Whatever. Just fine."

A stupid quest popped up.

It occurred to me that I really should start putting conditions on these dares before I agreed to them. I mean, logically I know that he'll back off if I get truly upset, but just the fact that I agreed makes me feel obligated to follow through. What if he told me to touch myself while he videoed me? I'd said nothing about not allowing it. And I'd agreed to do only one picture outside, but I didn't say the video had to be inside.


There was nothing I could do about it until he told me what he wanted, either. Until then, I'd just have to fear the worst and be ready with my safe word.

"I have been waiting for this since you first started talking about me giving you quests today," he said. "You don't know how many photos I've seen on the internet or how many times I wished a girl would let me take pictures of her like that. You are making all of my dreams come true."

Well, maybe not super ready with my safe word. I could at least try to do what he wanted.

"Okay, first picture," he said. "Stand by the door with your hand on the doorknob, looking back at me. While you're posing, I want you to be thinking, 'I'm about to go outside totally naked where anyone and everyone can see all of me. I can't believe I'm doing this. I don't want to do this.' Got it?"

Yeah. I could probably fake those thoughts. Not like it was really what I was going to be feeling all too soon. I got into position.

"That's good," he said. "I love the expression, but maybe move the right leg a little forward and the left one a little back? Like you're mid-step."

Not a problem.

He nodded. "Perfect. Now twist a little this way. I want to get more of your breast into the shot. Yeah. Like that. Just a little more. Great. Hold it."


How could he talk so calmly about displaying my body in the exact way he wanted? Again, he was seriously getting the better end of the deal from the system. It filled him with confidence. All I got was more intense embarrassment when I had to show myself off like this. And more intense arousal. Which probably led to more intense orgasms.

Okay, so maybe I was getting a decent deal, but I still felt like I was having to go through more for my portion than he was.

"Alright, next come over to the carpet," he said. "There with the kitchen in the background. Perfect. Now, down on both knees. Kneel."

Kneel? Really?

"Great," he said. "Torso straight up, back arched a bit. Yeah. Get those breasts jutting out. Perfect. Arms behind your back. Head tilted down. Not quite that much. I want to still see your face."

Yeah, wouldn't want to not be able to identify the naked girl humiliating herself in the photo in the kinky submissive pose, would you? This was so degrading and so hot. I still didn't understand how it could be both.

"Absolutely positively perfect. Just need nail the expression. Pretend you've been chastised. Punished. You're upset, afraid of what is going to happen next."

God! That touched on some of my fantasies, and my body reacted. I hoped he didn't notice.

"No! Chastised. A little sad. You look like you're about to cum."

I eventually managed the expression he wanted, and he took the shot. Then he had me on all fours like I was a dog or something, taken from the front thankfully. I almost lost my mind when he said something about wishing he had a collar for me, though. The thought of him leading me around on all fours with a leash was too much, in a good way. I was pretty sure he was about ready to pop, too.

He then had me stand straight up like he had with the charisma pictures, but this time with my hands locked behind my head and the same "chastened" expression from before. Next, I kept standing in the same spot but crossed my arms under my breasts and pretended to be defiant.

"You are an amazing model," he said. "I didn't think you'd be able to make the emotions that clear on your face. Perfect."

The next one was weird. I was just sitting on the couch like I normally would and sipping from a glass of water, except that I was naked obviously. I didn't dare ask what he found so arousing about that pose.

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Once he was satisfied with that one, he led me to the dining table. After clearing off the kitchen stuff from before, he told me to get on top of it on all fours.

Yeah. On all fours on top of a small dining table. Picture taken from the side with a blank look on my face. How did he come up with this stuff?

All I knew was that each and every pose, except maybe the one on the couch, was degrading and humiliating and made me want to jump on top of him right then and there. If it wasn't for how much I was anticipating many, many mind blowing orgasms later, I would have balked.

The eighth one was the worst by far, and I knew it was going to be bad because, just before he started issuing commands, he had to take a couple of deep, calming breaths.

"Now," he said, almost panting. "Lay with your back flat on the table."

Obviously I kept my legs closed as much as possible, but, of course, that wasn't going to last long.

"Grab one table leg with each hand as far down toward the floor as you can reach," he told me. "Perfect. Now drape each of your legs over a corner."

That meant spreading them quite a bit, opening myself completely for his eyes and for the camera.

"Yes," he said. "That's it. Now tuck each of your feet around a table leg."

He got really close and held the camera up over me. "This is the shot. Your hands and feet are out of the frame, so it looks like you're tied up, helpless. Ready to be used. And you are so wet. Did you know your juices are running down your legs? You are literally the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

I wanted to crawl under the table and die as he was describing what the camera saw in such vivid detail. Just as badly, I wanted to yank his shorts and underwear down and wrap my legs around his waist, forcing him inside me.

I grabbed his hand and tugged it toward my hot, gaping, flooded hole, but he resisted.

"Soon," he said. "Get up."

I stayed where I was. "Please?"

"The sooner you get up the sooner we get done."

Hard to argue with that logic.

"Change of plans," he said. "Video next. I am not going to be able to keep my hands off you after I take the picture I was going to take next, so we're going to have to switch the order."

Have to? No, we didn't have to. I wanted the original order.

Like he said, though, the sooner we got these finished, the sooner he'd finish me.

"What do you want?" I asked. "Tell me. I'll do anything."

I was about to burst. I meant what I just said literally. Anything. Want a video of my frigging myself with my hand? Sure. Do that outside on top of your car with the entire apartment complex watching? No problem.

"Jumping jacks," he said.


"I want you to do jumping jacks. Ten of them. While I film you."

Why did he want me to do that? I mean, that just seemed weird. Whatever floated his boat, though.

I jumped, raising my arms above my head and kicking my legs outward. Back again was one. And then two. And three.

My new and improved slightly larger breasts were bouncing like crazy. Up. Down. All around. And his eyes followed every movement of the bouncing boobs.

Alright. That one I understood at least. It was humiliating and mortifying, but I understood.

Finally, I reached ten, and he cut off the recording.

"Next?" I asked.

All I wanted was to get done.

"Outside," he croaked.

That thing that had terrified me earlier, that I so didn't want to do? Not so bad when I was so horny I could barely think straight. I practically ran outside so that I could pose by the door like he wanted. I didn't even stop to look if any of my neighbors were out there first. None were, but, at that moment in time, I truly didn't care.

"On the bed," he said after we'd come back inside.

I sat.

"No, on your all fours, backside toward me. Legs spread."

This again. He was really going to take that picture of me. I shuddered. Fine.

"Yes. Look back so I can get your face. The expression is perfect. Pure lust. Just twist a little so I can see your nipple..."


And then his hands were on me, caressing, massaging, invading, and I soon lost myself to a world of bliss.

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