The ENF System

Chapter 33: Chapter 33 – Hugh: Needful things

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I woke to the alarm on my phone going off. Nat had talked me into staying the night - not that that had been a difficult sell - and, when I told her I needed to get up early to hit the gym, she told me to set it even earlier so she could cook me breakfast. I hated disturbing her sleep, but we had turned in fairly early. Besides, it seemed really important to her.

She stirred next to me.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully, self consciously giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

If staying over became a thing, I'd need to bring a toothbrush.

She grinned. "Morning."

From her expression, I think she liked waking up next to me. It was still a new experience for me, and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it yet. On one hand, cuddling her warm, soft body in the small bed as we tried to go to sleep was amazing, but she was just too sexy. It seemed like no matter how many times she helped me with the problem pressing tight against my shorts down there, it just kept returning.

Focus. Think about anything else.

Luckily, since I was on the side of the bed that was against a wall, she had to get up first, and, for a moment, it looked like she was going to do just that. Then she clutched the blankets to her chest and hesitated.

She was so adorable, obviously concerned about getting out of bed while naked despite having spent almost the entire day yesterday in front of me in just that state. Eventually, sheepishly, she climbed out from under the covers and, keeping her bare back toward me, slunk off to the bathroom. I just knew that, given how shy she was being, she was going to return dressed or at least covered in a towel.

I grinned and quickly came up with a quest to send her, imagining what it would look like when she opened it.

When she came out of the room a short while later, she glared at me, but she was still naked. I took that as a win.

Honestly, though, other than just enjoying looking, I didn't want to get either of us too worked up. If I was going to hit the gym and still make it to class on time, there was no way she and I could start doing the things we did yesterday. I think she realized that too because she went straight to the kitchen and started prepping. After a meal of scrambled eggs, grits - not something I normally ate, but Nat's mom was apparently from the south - and biscuits, we hugged briefly.

I've got to say that rubbing my hands over her nude back and backside felt really nice. I could get used to having access to a naked girl all the time.

"So, are you taking me on our third date tonight?" she asked.

"I think you're miscounting. We haven't had our second yet."

"You cooked a meal for me. That counts."

"So breakfast counts as our third?" I responded.

"Yeah. Absolutely. You're right. Come to bed." She blushed as soon as the words left her mouth. So adorable.

I frowned at her.

"No, obviously," she said, "it only counts as a date if you cook for me."

"That sounds kind of unfair."

"I didn't make the rules." She shrugged. "So third date tonight?"

"I will concede the point and allow that we've had two dates already, but only if we count future dates as ones where I've specifically asked you out first."

She frowned back at me but was unable to hold the expression, breaking into a smile instead. "Fine, but don't make me wait too long."

When Dad gave me that advice to wait three dates, I think he was referring to a situation where I met some girl randomly and ended up back at her apartment. This thing with Natalie definitely wasn't a "hit it and quit it" type of scenario for either of us. I really didn't think I needing to stretch things our any longer for that rationale.

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The other reason, honestly, for waiting had been that I was completely and utterly terrified. I had no experience with girls or sex or any of this stuff, and my thinking was, "The longer I wait, the better." Between everything she and I had done together yesterday and the Sex Mastery skill the system granted me, the idea of going all the way with her wasn't really scary at all anymore.



"Will you go out with me tonight?"

She grinned wider than I'd ever seen her. "Absolutely."

She had a seminar class that ran until five today but was free after that. We made plans for me to pick her up here about an hour after her class ended.

I kissed her quickly, being careful not to breathe out, and we said our goodbyes. I swung by my dorm room, changed into workout clothes, brushed my teeth, and headed toward the sports complex. On the way, though, I saw a convenience store, and it occurred to me that, if Nat and I were going to take our relationship to the next level tonight, there was one crucial thing that I needed to purchase. I swung into the store's parking lot.

There was only one car already there, and it was parked off to the side, probably the clerk's. I noticed an "I'd Rather Be LARPing" bumper sticker on it and laughed. But it also brought something else to mind. I'd have to ask about it.

Honestly, given that bumper sticker and the normal demographic of people I associated with Live Action Role Play, I was expecting the person behind the counter to be a dude. Instead, it was a heavyset girl about my age with green hair. Interesting.

I quickly found the condoms and stood there trying to make a decision, strangely not embarrassed at all. Before this weekend, I would have been wiping my sweaty palms on my shorts at the thought of having the take a package of these to the counter and be rung up. Instead, I was just like, "No big deal." Cool.

The only real problematic part was all the options. Ribbed. Lubricated. And what size did I need? I had no idea.

I wasn't thinking that I needed the lubrication because Nat seemed to have that covered all on her own. Ribbed sounded fine, though. Any feature that was "for her pleasure" was good, right? And, finally, I ended up going with large, not as a commentary on where I thought I stood compared to other guys but just because it was either that, medium, or extra large and I figured picking the one in the middle gave me the best chance of it being serviceable. If the smallest had actually been labeled, you know, small, I would have picked medium.

Anyway, my choice finally made, I sauntered toward the counter, again not worried at all about presenting what should be a thoroughly embarrassing purchase to the female clerk, only to realize that there was something else I needed. After a quick search, I found a brand new blue toothbrush, and, this time, I actually made it to the cash register.

"Hi," I said as she rung up my purchase. "Is that your car outside?"

"Yeah... Is there a problem with it?" She looked kind of worried.

I got that. It was an older model that looked like it was about to fall apart. She was probably scared a tire was flat or that there was a pool of liquid underneath it.

"Nothing like that," I said, "I just noticed the sticker. You LARP?"

Her face lit up. "Yeah. Been doing it for years. You interested in finding a group?"

Ugh. She was clearly excited to add a potential recruit, and I hated to disappoint her.

"No, sorry," I said. "I was actually wondering if any of the LARPers were into HEMA at all. I was looking to get involved with that."

I only had a vague notion of what people into Historical European Martial Arts did, but it was my understanding that some of them got really into learning how to use medieval weaponry in a way extremely accurate to the time period, including sparring and having tournaments. I couldn't shake the feeling that, if the litrpg brown substance hit the system's oscillating rotors, guns weren't going to cut it. It seemed prudent to pick up some knowledge of swords and stuff.

"Oh. Yeah. Larry's into that." She didn't seem quite as excited as before, but she warmed up as she talked. "He'd love to have a new person to talk to, and he's pretty good with a blade, too." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. "This is the LARPing website, but it has member contact info. Look for Larry. He's the only Larry. Shoot him an email and tell him that Amy referred you to him."

As we'd talked, I'd inserted my credit card, so she was ready with my bag and receipt.

"Well, Amy, it was nice to meet you. Thanks for the information!"

Next stop, the gym. Ugh.

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