The ENF System

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 – Hugh: Upgraded Equipment and Control

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Each time Nat and I got together, I felt like she was pushed further and further out of her comfort zone. Or maybe that was wrong. Maybe her comfort zone kept moving, and we were just pushing the same length past it each time.

I worried a lot that we were pushing too far, that I was pushing too hard, but everything we were doing was exactly the things that turned me on the most. It was almost impossible to exercise any restraint.

When I'd opened my car door and found her clothes lying on my seat and then saw that she was naked, that was amazing. I'd somehow kept control over my lower region, though. Then the guy in the truck had seen her, and, at first, that was terrifying. What if he followed us? What if Nat was totally freaked out?

As soon as the light turned green, I floored it, leaving everyone far behind, including the truck, and I watched in my rearview mirror as it continued past the on ramp entrance. Whew.

And then Nat seemed totally fine. A little embarrassed, of course because it was Nat and between her natural tendency to be shy and whatever it was that the system was doing to her, that was just the way it was and probably always would be. Which I, to be candid, loved. Mostly, though, the incident seemed to have made her horny. I could see it when I glanced over. I could smell it in the confined space of the car.

It was intoxicating. It was arousing.

My shorts got tight. Very tight. Painfully tight. Much worse that I'd ever experienced. And I didn't understand why there would suddenly be less room in my shorts than normal. But because it hurt, I needed to calm down. I told myself to calm down, and ... I did. I just did. Just like that.

It was weird. What was going...

The quest. The skill I'd gained from adding Julia as a system user. I think I knew what equipment had been upgraded and what control meant.


Before I could think too much about it, Nat asked, "Do you mind that a guy saw your girlfriend naked?"

"Not at all. I loved it. I was worried about how you'd react, but that was one of my fantasies come true."


"Yes," he said. "Definitely. You are amazing."

"What are ... What are some of your other fantasies, if you don't mind telling me?"

Considering what she was doing for me, I had absolutely no right to be self conscious. Not only that, but it seemed possible, if not likely, that she'd end up doing almost anything that I voiced as wanting to do. I mean, talking about my sexual fantasies would never be easy for me, but every fiber of my being was telling me that it would be totally worth it.

"Well," I said, "having you fill my car up with gas while dressed exactly as you are now. Even better if you let me take pictures."

She shivered. "God! I can't even imagine doing that. It would be so public. Anyone could pull in at any time and see me, and that's not even considering the clerk. Gas stations all have video cameras, too."

I smirked. "But?"

"Yes. You're right. There is a part of me, a tiny part that I'm totally ignoring, that wants to do it, partially to please you and partially because I know it will drive me crazy with arousal and that you'll make it worth it."

She was panting by the time she finished.

"I am below half a tank," I said.

"No. Not ready yet. Yellow. Definitely yellow. Or orange."

I laughed. "I was just kidding."

"Yeah, like you wouldn't have been pulling off at the next exit if I would have hinted that I might say yes."

"No, I wouldn't. Probably wouldn't. Maybe wouldn't. Well, yeah, you're probably right."

She grinned.

"Okay, how about this one," I said. "We go to a thrift store one day and buy you a complete but cheap outfit, underwear, shoes, the whole works. Then you wear it on a date. But on the way home, we stop by one of those big clothes donation metal storage bins, and you strip right there in front of it, putting each item in the bin. Then you have to spend the rest on the night, everywhere that I choose to take you, completely naked."

"Uh," she said, "what's the difference between that and what we're doing right now?"

"Your clothes are in the trunk. Sure, they'd require stopping and getting out of the car to get, but you have access to them. In my fantasy, you're trapped naked with absolutely no way to cover yourself."

She closed her eyes. I was pretty sure she was imagining the scenario.

"Hugh," she said finally, her voice husky, "will you please touch me?"

"I don't know. That sounds more like a reward than a punishment."

"Which ... Which do you think I deserve?"

I grinned and reached over to fondle her breast and gently pinch her nipple. I was driving down the interstate fondling my naked girlfriend's breasts and about to touch even more interesting places. I never believed that this kind of thing could ever happen to me. Whatever the system had in store for me in the future, moments like this made it totally worth it.

She moaned under my ministrations. "Hugh. Oh, Hugh. You are going to get so lucky tonight. In fact, you can pull over now. You can take me anywhere and anytime you want. I'm ready."

My fingers traced down to her clit, and she gasped when I found her hot, wet folds.

"I will definitely take you up on that sometime, but, for our first time, I want to do it properly in a bed, if that's okay."

She moaned again. "As long as you ... As long as you ... keep doing that. Umm. It feels so good."

The problem with doing this kind of thing while driving was that I couldn't pay nearly as much attention to her as I would have liked or that she deserved. I mean, I kept rubbing, but the expertise granted me by Sex Mastery still required that I concentrate on her. I had to keep my eyes on the road, though, so it couldn't have been nearly as good for her as it was the other night.

I contemplated stopping somewhere, but I wanted to get back to her apartment without delay. I couldn't wait to continue our activities in a place where I could fully focus on her, and, tonight, we'd no longer be limited to hands and mouths only.

Her breathing quickened, and I moved my fingers further south. She arched her back and spread her legs further to give me better access. Her smell permeated the car, and, God, how I loved that aroma.

"Yes, Hugh! Yes!"

I pumped my fingers in and out of her the best I could given the angle and the fact that I was still driving. Regardless of the glaring errors in my technique, it seemed to be working for her, and, soon, she thrust her behind off the seat before her entire body shuddered.

I slowed down my thrusting, helping her come down, and finally withdrew.

"That was amazing," she said after she'd caught her breath. "I'm naked in a car and I just had an orgasm on my boyfriend's fingers and I'm openly admitting how much I liked it. I don't know what is happening to me, but that was the most incredible experience of my life.

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We sat in silence for a few minutes until she eventually said, "Can I ... you know ... with my hand?"

"That would be wonderful," I replied. "You'll want to have the towel ready, though."

She pulled the towel out from underneath her and used it to clean herself up. "Do you want to unzip yourself, or...?"

"I think it's more fun for you to lean over here and do it yourself." I tensed in anticipation. Nothing I'd ever done by myself felt nearly as good as having her soft hands on me.

She raised her chair to an upright position and leaned over the console toward me. Her hands found my belt and quickly undid it, followed by the button on my shorts and my zipper. She pulled those down and out of the way and lovingly lowered my underwear.

"Oh," she said. "You're not ... ready. I'm sorry."

I grinned. "Watch this."

It sprung up instantly.

"Whoa. It's so big!" She looked up at me with huge eyes. "It wasn't this big yesterday, was it?"

"Check this out."

She returned her eyes to it, and I made it go soft and then hard and soft and hard again.

"How are you doing that? I didn't know guys could control it like that!"

"A new skill. And yes, it is bigger."

"Does that mean you can..."

"I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I think we're going to have fun testing it."

She swallowed. "Will it fit?" She sounded worried.

"I think we'll be fine. We'll take it slow."

She nodded. "Can I try something?"


She bent down and gently kissed the base of my shaft, moved a fraction of an inch, and kissed again. She continued that until she reached the tip. It. Was. Amazing.

Then she wrapped her hand around me and starting moving it up and down. Again, amazing.

I was starting to worry about how little attention I was paying to the road. I mean, sure, there wasn't much traffic and I was going below the speed limit, but I didn't feel that this was the safest thing I'd ever done. This new control skill, though, was incredible, and I felt that I could easily make myself last a long time or finish very quickly.

"Go ahead and get the towel ready," I told her.

As soon as she got it into place, I pumped a load of hot seed into it.

"That was fantastic," I said. "Thank you."

She buttoned me back up and returned to her side of the car, sitting up instead of leaning back. I couldn't believe that Natalie, my shy, reserved girlfriend, was riding tits out beside me in the open like that. Every day she surprised me anew.

The closer we got to our exit, the more nervous she got, however, and, by the time I put my turn signal on, she had fully reclined once more. I took a roundabout way from the interstate to her apartment complex, one that took longer but also one that had a lot of two lane roads and fewer lights.

Having a stranger she'd never meet again see her naked was one thing. Having someone in our small college town see her naked was much more problematic.

Luckily, though, we made it back without any issues. No one was in sight as I parked the car and turned off the ignition.

She was still laying in the seat with her hands at her side, looking really nervous. She obviously remembered what she had promised as clearly as I did.

"My plan is to leave those clothes in the trunk exactly where they are," I said.

She nodded. "That's what I told you to do."

"No safe word? No request for a last minute reprieve? It's a long way up to your apartment. Who knows when a neighbor might stick their head out the door, like those guys that live below you? What were their names again?"

"Alan and Matt," she said.

I hadn't seen them, but she'd mentioned a couple of times that we needed to be quiet so as not to disturb them. According to her, they were pretty nice guys, but they spent a lot of time reading and studying.

"I'm sure they'd love to see you like this. Can you imagine them deciding to come downstairs at just the right time?"

She shuddered.

I was impressed. I felt for sure that she'd give up, but she was absolutely determined to go through with whatever I wanted.

"Ready for your quest?"

She nodded. I sent it, and her eyes glazed over.

Nat grinned. "This says I should put on the dress I left in your car from that day we went to the mall, and that I should slowly walk up the stairs to give you plenty of time to stare up my skirt!"

"Is that what it says? Weird." I pulled a plastic bag out from under my seat and handed it to her.

She pulled her dress out of the bag. "You are so about to get lucky."

I already was.

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