The ENF System

Chapter 44: Chapter 44 – Natalie: Upgraded Equipment and Control Indeed

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I had been fully expecting to get out of the car, walk to my building, and climb two flights of stairs to my apartment completely naked. I was going to do it, too, without complaint. I had been the one to even suggest that I would do it. My mouth had written the check. I was fully prepared to use my body to cash it.

That didn't mean that I wanted to do it, though.

Sure, it was night, but it wasn't late, barely after nine. Few of my neighbors were likely to be asleep, and anyone could come and go at any time. I wasn't sure how likely it would have been to encounter one of them on my naked journey, but, given how often I saw people walking around, I'd put the odds at about one in four. And my apartment complex was well lit. Anyone seeing me would see me. All of me.

Hugh was so good to me. Getting that quest from him was the biggest relief of my life.

The word "yet" in the title was a bit concerning, but that was a problem for future Natalie. Present Natalie was happy as a clam.

It was such a relief to put clothes on, even though it was just a short sundress without even shoes to go with it much less underwear, and I knew I wouldn't be wearing it for long. Still, that yard or so of fabric that dipped low to reveal braless cleavage and stopped way too far up on my thigh to keep my lack of panties from being revealed felt like a burka to me. All the important parts of me were covered, and, after nearly an hour naked when anyone could have seen me and one man did, being dressed felt amazing.

With the relief that I wasn't going to have to streak, my thoughts turned to what was going to happen once we got into the apartment, and, strangely, I wasn't nervous at all. I'd always thought of my virginity as this monumental thing, and the thought of losing it scared me. Now that the time was at hand, though, all I felt was eager.

I wanted this. I wanted Hugh to be my first. He and I were studiously avoiding using the L-word still, and we didn't discuss any long term future plans. I knew that, if it didn't work out between us, I'd be devastated, but, at the same time, I really thought I'd be better off having had the experience. I couldn't ask for a better first boyfriend.

With all that in mind, I made sure to grab the bag with the condoms and that reminded me about the flowers, which I grabbed, too. I felt kind of awful about how I'd reacted when he gave them to me. He was being a thoughtful boyfriend, and I'd been so distracted I'd barely noticed.

I was confident, though, that he understood and knew that I really did appreciate his efforts. I was also confident that the ride home had adequately compensated him for the lack of proper gratitude on my part.

As I exited the car, my bare feet hit the ground. I wasn't one to usually walk around without shoes on outside, and the rough, hot feel of the asphalt heightened my vulnerability. I wasn't fully dressed. My cleavage was far more on display than I would ever normally consider proper for a public setting, and any wrong movement, or even a stray gust of wind, could blow my skirt up showing my private parts to anyone who might be watching.

My face heated at the thought, and excitement shot through me.

I must have stood there wool gathering for longer than I thought because Hugh had time to circle around the car to join me. From behind me, he put his hand on my waist and bent to kiss my neck. As goose bumps covered my arms and legs, I tilted my head back, and his lips met mine. His hand drifted down to my bare thigh and then rose to my bare behind, lifting my skirt with it.

My boyfriend was groping my nude butt in public! And I liked it.

I moaned. "Let's get upstairs."

For some strange reason, he didn't object.

I was tempted to run to the stairs and up them as quickly as I could, but three things stopped me. One was how my very revealing dress would react to such movement. I already looked scandalous, but that was better than anyone peeking out a window seeing much more than they should. Two, tender bare feet and running on asphalt parking lots and on concrete stairs didn't mix. And third, I was very cognizant of the quest terms.

It occurred to me that, in the short amount of time that the system had been a part of my life, so much had changed, and one of the big things was that I more and more accepted the words in those blue boxes as commandments. It was actually kind of weird, really, and I couldn't rationalize why I was doing it.

Hugh and I walked slowly hand in hand until reaching the stairs at which point he let me go ahead of him. So gentlemanly to let the girl going commando under a really short skirt to walk up ahead, wasn't it?

It wasn't like I totally minded. When I reached just below the landing at the halfway point of the first flight, I shook my head. "Will you look at that. There's a piece of debris on the stairs. I should pick that up."

It was a leaf. A small one.

A familiar tingle of mixed eagerness, excitement, embarrassment, anxiousness, and arousal made me shiver as I widened my stance. The proper form for picking up debris when going commando and wearing a shirt skirt was, of course, to bend at the waist, and, wouldn't you know it, it took simply forever for my fingernails to grasp the thin leaf.

After eventually standing again, I dropped the brown needle over the edge of the railing and continued up. I had to stop twice more to pick up debris before reaching my apartment door, and I was dripping down there by the time that I did.

Once inside, I got the quest completion notice.

There was something so gratifying about those blue boxes telling me that I'd succeeded and been rewarded. I liked the well defined tasks and the immediate affirmation once I was complete. And that didn't even begin to describe the feeling of leveling up and improving stats and gaining crazy skills. It was like I was on a journey to become some kind of superhero. Natalie McGuire was just my mild mannered alter ego, and the true me was a powerful, badass heroine.

Hugh followed me inside. "Really?"

"What?" I asked, concerned at the exasperation in his voice.

"I tried to give you a quest to take off your dress, but it wasn't worth any XP."

I understood why it wasn't. I was far too horny to be embarrassed by anything at the moment. My need to have him inside me overrode any other concern.

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"Good. Because this time, I want you to undress me yourself and then pick me up and throw me on the bed. Do whatever you want to me. Do everything you want to me." I lifted my arms straight up.

He didn't hesitate, grabbing the hem of the sundress and practically ripping it over my head and leaving me stark naked for his eyes once again. His hands went to the backs of my thighs, and he lifted me up like I was nothing, pulling me tight against him and pressing my hard nipples against his chest.

The comforter for my bed was currently hanging over the railing outside, drying, so only sheets covered it, and that was good because we were about to make a mess.

He threw me onto the mattress. Literally. Forcefully. I scooted back and spread my legs, preparing myself for him. Instead of shucking his shorts, he dove head first for my exposed hole, his tongue darting inside. I was so keyed up already that I didn't last long, an orgasm soon tearing through me.

Before the tremors shooting through my body had even stopped, he pulled away, standing up. I was disappointed for a moment before I realized he was undressing. His penis popped out. Yesterday, I'd thought it was plenty big enough, maybe five or six inches long and a decent width. Today, though, it was at least fifty percent longer and wider. There was no way that massive thing was fitting inside me.

"Give me that," he said, his voice urgent.

Coming off the high of my orgasm, it took me a second to realize that I still held both the bag and the flowers clenched in my right hand. I was pretty sure he didn't need the flowers, so I tossed them aside and handed him the bag. He desperately reached inside and came out with the box of condoms, tearing it open. Foil packages scattered all over the place, but he managed to catch one. He ripped it open and extracted what was inside.

"May I?" I said breathlessly.

I liked touching him.

Standing by my bed wearing only a shirt and socks with his massive erection poking toward me, he nodded, and I took the condom from him and unraveled it. That was when I discovered a big problem. A huge problem. I didn't see any way that I was going to fit it over his huge penis. I feared what would happen if I told him that, though. Would he want to wait until he could go get some more? Would he tell me he'd be right back?

If he didn't insert this big, beautiful cock inside me in the next minute, I was going to scream.

I figured that it would be fine. The condom was made to stretch, right?

As he moaned and played with my breasts, I pulled and stretched and maneuvered the thing until it covered him. Mostly. I just hoped it didn't cut off the blood flow.

He pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me, reaching his fingers down there. "I think you're plenty wet enough. I'll take it slow."

I wanted to tell him not to worry about it, to just get inside me, but I was scared that it might hurt.

It felt incredible as he slowly pushed inside. I'd never had anything other than fingers and his tongue in there. This was different. This was what it was supposed to feel like.

"You're so hot and so tight," he said. "It feels so good."

Somehow, that massive tool was fitting because I clearly felt it inside me.

"This might hurt a little," he said, "but I think it's better to just do it than try to go slow."

I nodded, and he thrust forward. And, yeah, there was some discomfort, but that quickly faded due to how amazing it felt to have him filling me.

In and out, in and out, in and out, he thrusted, and I soon climaxed again. And again. And again.

His size, control, and stamina were incredible. He just kept going and going, not stopping pistoning in and out of me until I, breathless, told him I couldn't take anymore. It just felt, somehow, too good, like if he kept going the sheer ecstasy of it would literally blow my mind.

"Okay," he said. "I'm going to-"

"Yes! Fill me! Fill me!" Or, you know, preferably the condom, but I wasn't exactly thinking clearly at that moment, though.

He shuddered and, after a few moments, pulled out of me. "Shit! The condom broke."

It was the first time I could remember him swearing, and there was definite panic in his voice. The main thing I felt through the haze of my recent orgasms was guilt. If I had told him about the condom not fitting correctly, this might not have happened. As I opened my mouth to beg forgiveness, however, a box popped up.

Well, that was convenient.

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