The ENF System

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 – Hugh: Getting down to business

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Nat greeted my knock by flinging open her door to reveal herself completely naked, obviously excited to see me. Then, panic showed on her face and her eyes darted around, clearly realizing that her body was exposed to anyone outside who might be glancing in our direction. She immediately retreated behind the door and ushered me inside. Once she’d closed the door behind me, I got a full hug, the length of her bare form pressed against me.

I could tell she was aroused. Very aroused. I wasn’t sure that was just from being naked or from seeing me or if it had something to do with Julia. Regardless, there wasn’t much I could do about it with Julia standing right there.

“Hey,” I said, greeting Julia.


I’d only just arrived, and already things felt strained and awkward. I figured it was best to get right down to business.

“Thank you for coming,” I said sincerely. “Why don’t we all have a seat and discuss how to proceed?”

Nat sat on the bed, and I joined her, putting my arm – which was really sore from holding and swinging around a practice sword for an hour – around her bare back. And, I still got a thrill from doing that. This girl sitting beside me was officially my girlfriend. I could see her naked whenever I wanted. I could have sex with her. It was amazing.

But that wasn’t why I was here.

I looked at Julia, seated across from us on the couch. “If I recall correctly, you have a doctor’s appointment two days from now.”

She nodded.

“Will you be staying here that long?” I asked.

“My parents are picking me up in the morning.”

That was less than ideal, but we’d just have to make it work.

“Alright,” I said. “That leaves us only this evening and night, then. What do you want to achieve in that time?”

“Uh… In terms of what?”

“Levels. You get one attribute point and one skill point each time you level up. What’s your goal? How hard should we push?”

“I have literally no frame of reference to decide that,” she said. “Quite honestly, I don’t even really believe that this is going to accomplish anything.”

Ahh. I’d hoped she would have gotten past her stubborn disbelief by now. There was no value in making that a point of contention, however. Best to just move on.

“I completely understand,” I said. “Since you’re here, though, can I assume that you’re willing to proceed despite not believing that we’ll accomplish anything?”

She nodded.

“Great,” I said. “We got you one level last night, but we don’t have any idea what effect, if any, the single point in constitution and that one skill had. What I think we’re shooting for is to get you enough points today that the impact will give you definitive proof one way or the other from your tests on Thursday.”

I barely held a grimace from reaching my face. If we made a significant dent in curing her cancer, that progress was going to be discovered by her doctors and put her on their radar for something way out of  the ordinary happening. If we didn’t, though, that meant we failed, and she was going to die. I really did not want the latter to happen, but the former wasn’t exactly ideal, either.

She didn’t respond.

“The question then becomes; how many levels are required to get to that point?” I said. “And, honestly, I don’t know. It took two to heal Nat’s eyes, but she saw results after one. For something much, much more complex like you’re going through, who knows? Three? Ten? I simply have no idea. And, I think we should all keep the fact at the forefront of our minds that we can’t be sure that any number of points will actually help cure a disease. A lot of systems treat physical ailments like eyes as something completely different from a disease.”

Nat frowned. “Since we don’t know any of that one way or the other, a better approach might be to consider what we can do, not what we would achieve in a perfect world.”

“Yeah,” I said. “That makes sense. What can we realistically achieve?”

I thought about it for a moment. “Getting to Level 3 by earning 100 XP seems like a very reasonable outcome for an evening just based on what Nat and I have done so far. Adding another 150 to get to Level 4 might be doable depending.”

Julia nodded, not seeming all that engaged.

“I guess, really,” I told her, “that it all depends on our ability to come up with tasks that you’re willing to try that will give you enough points.”

“Finally,” she said. “What do you want me to do?”

“Yeah, about that…” I said. “Nat and I think that the process should be that you and she decide what you’re going to be doing. I’m just here because it’s easier to answer any questions that way and to actually issue the quests. The plan is for me to leave before you ever start doing anything.”

She clearly took that news in the vein of sure, whatever. “Okay, so we talked about me flashing my bra. How about we start there?”

I tested her suggestion. “It’s only worth a single point.”

“Ugh. We need to step it up.” Julia turned to Nat. “Do you have any suggestions?”

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Nat blushed and shook her head.

“I think that the burden for this part rests mainly on you,” I said. “The system seems to grant points based on what you find embarrassing, and only you know what that is.”

She hesitated a moment before saying, “I could take off my wig?”

Nat boggled at that. “Wig?”

As the two girls talked about how it had come about that Julia already had a shaved head, I tested her suggestion. Once they’d finished, I told her it wasn’t a valid quest.

“What? Why not? I would definitely find that embarrassing.”

I looked at Nat, imploring her to answer as I felt that was the safer choice.

“There’s no sexual component to showing us your baldness,” she said. “If you had some kind of fetish or something about your head, then it would probably be okay, but my guess is that you’d feel nothing like that.”

I was really surprised at how Nat had addressed that. It sounded like she’d either been doing some research or a whole lot of thinking about the subject. Probably both.

“No offense,” Julia said, “but this is sounding more and more sketchy all the time.”

Nat started to respond, but I tightened my arm to signal her to back off.

“If I was in your shoes,” I said, “I would probably feel the same. We completely understand if you want to just walk away from this. Maybe what we’ve already done will have helped enough to show up on the tests or maybe nothing we can do will help.”

Julia gritted her teeth. “You know what? Fine. I’m just using this as diversion anyway. Sure. I’ll tell you my kinks. Let’s see…” She paused. “I had this guy one time who wanted to see me get myself off, and that definitely got a ‘no way’ from me. And I’ve got to say that it’s more than a little degrading when a guy jizzes all over my face.”

That last one was out because there was no way I was going to do that, and we didn’t have any other guys we trusted to call on.

“All right. Let’s table the jizz part for now, but the other…” I did a quick check. “You can get 125 XP for masturbating while Nat watches.”

“How much if both of you watch?”

“I’m not even willing to check.” My voice was firm.

Julia rolled her eyes. “If we’re shooting for two levels, that gets me, what, half way there? What else?” She paused again. “I guess I’ve never had much of a problem just being naked as long as it was expected, right? Like flashing my boobs at a party or playing strip poker. No problem. I had my towel fall off in front of a friend’s boyfriend once, though. He’s seen me naked before, but, for some reason, I blushed like crazy and rushed to cover myself up.”

“I’m not exactly sure how we’d set that up,” I said.

Nat cleared her throat. “She could run down to Matt and Alan’s apartment wearing a towel and tell them I dared her to take a selfie with them like that. She could let it slip off.”

“No,” I said. “It’s not safe to involve two guys we don’t really know. What if they pull her inside the apartment?”

“I trust them,” Nat said.

“That much?” I said. “We’ve already had a couple of close calls. That guy in the mall walked up to you. The guy in the truck could have followed us.”

“Wait. What?” Julia said. “What have you two been getting up to?”

“Nothing,” Nat said. “He’s blowing things out of proportion. I wasn’t in any danger.”

Julia shrugged. “Anyway, I appreciate the concern, but I’m not really all that worried. Guys are actually usually very docile…” She chuckled. “In my experience, most guys wouldn’t dream of trying to touch me in a situation like that. Unless they’re drunk, of course. Are those guys likely to be drinking?”

“They’re total nerds and definitely not the partying type,” Nat said. “Sweet guys. The worst I think you’ll have to deal with is them developing a huge crush on you.”

“See?” Julia said. “I’ll be fine. How many points?”

I still didn’t like it, but it ultimately wasn’t my choice. Besides, we were weighing danger versus potentially saving her life. Maybe it was okay to take a risk.

“175,” I said.

“Perfect,” Julia said. “Two dares and I get my levels. Now, if you’ll excuse me for a second, my stomach has been acting up ever since the restaurant last night.”

She got up and headed to the bathroom.

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