The ENF System

Chapter 49: Chapter 49 – Julia: Awkward!

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This whole situation just kept getting stranger and stranger. I refused to believe that Nat would flat out lie to me about everything that was happening to her, especially not after a pinky swear. I also could not believe that any of it could be true. Even the tiniest sliver of a crack in my disbelief might lead to hope, and in hope lay madness and future devastation.

The way she had looked at me, though. I’d fooled around a little bit with girls at parties. Some kissing. Some light groping over clothes. The guys loved it. And I had a pretty good sense for which girls were just doing it for attention, which were experimenting, and which were into it.

For the record, I thought of myself more as in that middle category. I much preferred guys, but, if the right girl came along and wanted to play around, I probably wouldn’t object too strenuously to having some fun.

Nat had never expressed any interest in me or, to the best of my knowledge, any other girl. Then, all of a sudden, it was like a literal switch had been flipped. Interest had definitely filled her stare.

Uh… I didn’t know what to do with that.

At least it was distracting, but I feared I might be finding myself in a case in point for being careful what you wish for.

We mostly didn’t talk for the rest of the trip as an oppressive silence filled the car. The worst thing was that neither of us wanted things to be strained between us, but I didn’t see any way around it. I thought her boyfriend was using her from some unknown nefarious purpose, and that belief obviously upset her.

I would have much preferred a fun distraction instead of a tense, conflict filled one.

We pulled into the parking lot for an apartment complex, and Nat quickly found a space and shut off the car. “Let me text Hugh to let him know we’re here.”

She typed on her phone, her fingers flying over the screen. It didn’t take long after she’d stopped for an answering ding to sound.

“He’ll be here in fifteen to twenty minutes,” she said. “There’s a coffee shop just across the street. We can walk over and wait for him there.”

The less I was out in public, the better. If someone nearby was sick and I caught a cold, it could delay my treatment. I obviously was fine with that, but it would stress out my parents. They had not wanted me to go out to eat with Nat last night and hated the fact that I was spending the night with her tonight. Too risky. I might get sick.


Luckily, playing the I’m dying of cancer card was a pretty strong trump to almost anything.

I still felt more than a little guilty, though, whenever I did anything that might upset them. Sure, I was dying and that was scary, but they were about to lose their little girl. I wasn’t sure who this situation was worse for.

I told Nat that I’d rather just go up to her apartment, and she shot me an annoyed glare that I, honestly, found confusing. I completely didn’t understand why she was so invested in going to the coffee shop. Did she need a caffeine fix or something? I didn’t remember her ever talking about developing a great love for the stuff.

It never occurred to me that she might be nervous about going to the apartment because as soon as she stepped inside the door she planned on stripping naked. Yeah. Okay. She had kind of told me that, but it didn’t fully register with me that she actually intended to do it. This was the girl who, in middle school, literally wore her PE uniform under her clothes so that she didn’t have to change in front of the rest of us in the locker room. The thought of her for real getting naked in front of me was simply incomprehensible.

She let me inside first, though, and I started blithely looking around. I was about to comment on how cute the setup was, but, when I turned back toward her, I found her standing just inside the doorway already down to her underwear.

I was so stunned that I just kind of stood there and watched.

Nat reached behind her back and undid her bra. Her face was scarlet as she shrugged it off her shoulders, revealing her perky breasts to me for the first time ever. Then, as I stared wide eyed, she hooked her thumbs into her panties and pushed them down. A second later, she stepped out of them, leaving her completely naked in front of me.

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Her slender form was super cute and a little curvier that I would have expected. But my impressions of her actual body weren’t at the forefront of my mind. It was the simple fact that she’d just stripped naked. She looked nervous and angry and embarrassed and, from her hard nipples, a little turned on all at the same time.

Wow! This was definitely a much more fun distraction.

“Got enough of a look yet?” she asked, obviously pissed off.

I made a show of slowly moving my eyes all the way from her bare toes up to her face. Really slowly. Like a full minute. Her face looked like it was going to catch fire, both from fury and from humiliation.

“I have now,” I said.

She walked past me and momentarily disappeared into the bathroom, returning with a towel. She put it on the bed and sat on it. How very hygienic of her.

I sat on the couch opposite of her, looking in her general direction, and she wilted under my gaze. She was so awkward and uncomfortable that I found her adorable. I soon started to feel a little guilty, though. She had pleaded with me to give her an out so she didn’t have to do this. And I’d refused.


It seemed silly to tell her to go ahead and get dressed. “Would it make you feel better if I took off my clothes, too?”


“Really? I’d think that it would feel more natural that way. I’m pretty sure that, if our situations were reversed, I’d prefer it if you joined me.”

“For one thing,” she said through tight lips, “you don’t have a quest to do that, and there’s no sense in wasting potential points. And two, Hugh is coming over soon, and he and I agree that you should be undressed around him only if we can’t avoid it.”

I smirked. “Is he sure about that? Most guys tend to like what they see.”

“I’m sure he would, too.”

Ouch. I could hear an unspoken continuation of her words that he would probably like seeing me more than he liked seeing her. I honestly wasn’t sure that was the case at all, considering how he acted toward her, but I was pretty sure that anything I said to emphasize that point would only make things worse.

“So what now?” I asked.

“We wait for Hugh.”

A very long, very awkward quarter hour followed.

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