The ENF System

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 – Julia: Strangely flustered

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Since the restaurant last night, I swore that I’d had to go to the bathroom a dozen times, and what came out looked and smelled weird. Great. Another something that I’d have to tell the doctors about.

The indignities inflicted by those silly blue panels had nothing on those ordered by the medical community.

As I washed my hands, I reflected on the afternoon. So much batshit craziness. Nat nude. These dares that I’d agreed to do. Being called out on being a complete bitch to Nat. The bet.

On that last one, I was pretty sure that Nat had some reason that she thought she’d win with no issues, but I didn’t plan on going down without a fight. On the other hand, losing wouldn’t be a big deal, especially if it made her happy.

I’d been so focused on my own shit that I didn’t even think about how Nat must be feeling, and, when I did think about her, I honestly believed that keeping a distance from her would hurt her less in the long run. That was idiotic of me. I knew Nat. That was never going to work.

She’d rather lose her best friend to cancer than to drifting apart. I could get that. For the time I had left, I’d try to be what she needed.

By the time I exited the bathroom, Hugh and Nat had the food on the table. It was surprisingly good. None of the guys I’d been with had ever cooked for me. Well, too late now.

Looking at the way interacted actually made me a little jealous as it occurred to me that I’d never actually had a proper boyfriend. It was always just a short term hookup until we both moved on to others. At the time, that had seemed like exactly what I wanted. It gave me fun and variety and freedom. I couldn’t help but think, though, that, if Nat was going through something like a cancer diagnosis, she’d have someone right by her side. I was beginning to see that there was more value in that than I’d ever considered.

With dinner complete, it was time for me to move on to my quests. Apparently, since the system limited the number I could have open at one time to three, Hugh preferred to make me confirm that I was ready before he’d actually send one. On one hand, I got the caution, but, on the other, this dude acted more like he was eighty than eighteen. Where was the spontaneity? Where was the fun?

God! I suddenly realized that I was starting to treat this in my head like it was a real thing. Even if I was going to try to be less skeptical of Hugh’s motivations, believing in the system as a separate entity was still a bridge too far.

A blue panel appeared.

I wasn’t sure which was more nuts – that I was about to show off my body to two strangers or that I was doing so at the direction of a holographic projection that I was supposed to think was a real thing. The things I was willing to do for a distraction, huh?

Oh well, trying to give Hugh a hard on would be fun, at least.

No time like the present, so my hands moved to the bottom of my tank top.

“I think that’s my cue to wait outside,” Hugh said, practically running from the apartment.

I shook my head and met Nat’s gaze. “That is not the normal reaction I get when I do this.”

We both laughed.

I quickly shucked off my clothes, leaving me in my bare skin. Unlike Nat, being naked in the room with a girl neither bothered me nor turned me on. I still internally shook my head that it seemed to do both to her.

“You want to give me a hug before I have to go give those nasty boys the show of their lives?” I asked seductively.

She swallowed. “Probably best not to.”

I grinned. “Your loss, babe.”

I went to the bathroom and grabbed a short towel and tried wrapping it around me. It barely covered my nipples, and a slit was left at the bottom that pretty much showed my entire shaved pussy with every step. Perfect.

With me ready, Nat sent a text to Matt letting him know that she needed a favor, that I would be knocking on their door in a minute or so and asking for both of them to talk to me for just few seconds. She got a ding back almost immediately, and she gave me a thumbs up.

All systems go. No problem. I reminded myself of that one wet t-shirt contest at a back to school frat party that had turned into a no t-shirt contest and then a no anything else contest. First prize, and I’d ended up in the president’s bed that night. Good times.

When I got to the apartment door, though, something strange happened. I hesitated. I was … nervous?

“You okay?” Nat asked.

“Yeah. It’s just this is more difficult than I expected.”

“I so want to say that you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but, really, it’s either this or think up something else that will likely be just as bad.”

“Nah. I’ll be fine.” I opened the door and stepped out.

Hugh, standing at the end of the landing, didn’t even glance my direction.

Okay, look, I get being devoted to your girlfriend. Hell, considering who his girlfriend was, I would have wanted to kick his ass if he wasn’t devoted to her. She deserved only the best. But, at some point, refusing to even acknowledge my hotness started to become insulting.

I blew out a breath. That was really just bravado talking. God! My hands were actually trembling and my heart was beating a mile a minute. What. The. Fuck.

Yeah, knocking on the door to an apartment where two guys I didn’t know lived with the expectations of ending up naked for them was not something I normally did, but it was well within my wheelhouse. If one of my friends had thought this up as a dare one night, no one would have batted an eye. Of course, I probably would have lost at beer pong first.

Ahh. That was the problem, the lack of liquid courage. Was all my bravery really just pure drunkenness? That didn’t seem right, but it explained what I was feeling.

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All too soon, my bare feet carried me all the way to the door in question, 214. I double checked the number with my memory of what Nat had said and also verified that, yes, this apartment was directly under hers. The only thing more embarrassing than what I was about to do would be to do it at the wrong door.

I raised my fist up, but I couldn’t make myself knock. Instead, I glanced back at Hugh and acted like I was making sure he was ready. He gave me a thumbs up.

Yeah. Great. Thanks.

I somehow made myself knock, and the door opened almost immediately. Two guys stood there, one tall and skinny with a beard and the other short and squat. Their eyes boggled.

“Hey guys!” I said in my most air-headed bubbly voice. “You’re Matt and Alan, right?”

They both nodded mutely.

“I’m Julia, Nat’s friend. I kind of lost a bet, and my forfeit is to take a selfie with the two of you wearing just this tiny towel. Is that okay?”

They both nodded again. Vigorously.

“Great,” I said, holding up my phone. “Come on out and stand beside me.”

Their reaction was hilarious. First, they were both moving very gingerly, their tented pants obviously causing them quite the issue, and, second, they were totally terrified of me. I had to force them to move to within foot of each side of me so that I could get them in the picture.

God! I loved that reaction. It made me feel so powerful, like I could make them do anything. There was definitely a part of me that enjoyed the nerdy ones more than the frat bros.

I clicked off the shot and, with my opposite hand, gave a quick tug on the loose twist. It came undone, and the towel fell to the concrete, leaving me completely naked.

God! What a rush! Embarrassing, yes. But it was exciting. That was the most adrenaline I’d had shooting through me since my whole ordeal with getting diagnosed began.

I was right about Hugh and Nat providing me with a distraction at least.

The two guys were standing kind of behind me, and we were all facing the open apartment door with our backs to Hugh. The plan now was for me to grab the towel, quickly cover myself, apologize, and high tail it back upstairs.

Instead, I turned toward them while still totally naked. “Oh my God! Oh my God! I’m naked. What do I do?”

The squat one – Alan? It didn’t really matter. – grabbed the towel, and, for a second, I thought maybe Hugh was going to have to rush in to save me. But no. The guy handed it to me.

Honestly, that was my experience in this kind of situation as long as there wasn’t alcohol involved. I was sure that there were men in this world who had only the worst of intentions, but either they were really in the minority or I’d had really great luck to this point in my life.

Given the cancer thing, I could believe that maybe I’d used up all my luck on other things, so that latter was definitely a possibility.

Anyway, I took the towel from him and clutched it between my breasts. Since it was kind of balled up, it didn’t end up covering anything significant, and I felt a tingle rush through me at doing this.

Man. I was really getting off on this. Huh. Well, that would make my next quest much easier.

“Thanks!” I said brightly and started walking away.

Acutely aware of their stares on my bare ass, I quickly turned back. “You know, you two deserve a souvenir of this event. I’ve got the picture, so you can have the towel.” I tossed it back to the one I thought was Alan.

All the way back up the stairs, Hugh didn’t take his eyes off me. He was shaking his head and smirking, but he was looking. Good. I hadn’t totally lost it.

There wasn’t a hint of a tent in his shorts, though.


“Good job on your first quest,” he said as I passed by him. “Let me send you your second one, and I’ll be off.”

“Toodles,” I said, waving vigorously.

His eyes went to my chest as my arm motion sent them jiggling wildly. Still no tent, though. What did a girl have to do?

He just shook his head, and his eyes took on a glazed look I associated with him looking at a screen. And an instant later, a blue panel appeared.

I actually felt heat rush to my face. It wasn’t often that a guy could put me off balance like that, but he’d managed it.

I quickly turned and retreated into Nat’s apartment.

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