The ENF System

Chapter 53: Chapter 53 – Natalie: The L-word

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I waited in my apartment tense and nervous and, of course, totally naked because that was my life now. I wasn’t really worried about Julia with Matt and Alan as I simply couldn’t imagine either of those two being aggressive enough to do anything out of line.

No, the main source of my concern was that my boyfriend was about to see my hot best friend’s body. All of her body. The body that had been captivating boys since we were all in middle school.

The worst part was that I had set it up because of some misguided notion that it was best to get it over with.

Of course, some small part of me was rebelling at my thoughts. It wasn’t like she had anything that I didn’t. Hers were just more shapely and bigger and better. Perfect. But, against all odds, Hugh seemed to really like what I had. It wasn’t like Julia possessed some magical ability like a siren to beguile all men.

Any confidence gained from recent activities with Hugh lost out to years of experience, though. Flocks of guys surrounded Julia wherever she went. I was lucky if they didn’t actively shove me out of the way to get to her. I could not make myself believe that Hugh would be any different.

Eventually, Julia walked back inside my apartment, naked as the day she was born without even carrying the towel. Typical. She’d probably liked the attention she’d received from three boys.

Yeah, that little voice screamed sarcastically in the back of my head, like I wouldn’t enjoy it. I shut the little voice up.

She closed the door behind her.

“Where’s Hugh?” I asked.

“He just sent me the next quest. I think he’s leaving now.”

Without saying goodbye? Panicking, I rushed after him. Outside. To the top of the stairs.

“Hugh!” I yelled.

He’d only made it to the middle landing, so not very far away. My shout drew his attention, and his eyes went wide as he twisted back to look at me.

For a moment, I didn’t realize why. Then, it hit me. I was naked. I was standing at the top of the stairs outside my apartment completely one hundred percent butt ass naked. And I’d just shouted, drawing attention to myself.

There was a woman in the parking lot. She was looking at me, looking at my bare breasts and equally bare slit between my legs. Thankfully, she hadn’t taken out her phone to film me. Yet. She looked more amused than upset. That was another relief.


I rushed back toward my apartment, but I didn’t open the door. With Julia inside and undressed, I wasn’t sure he’d follow me, and I needed to see him. I needed him to see me. And, honestly, I was so horny at that moment that, if he wanted to drag me back to the top of the stairs and do me right there, I would have been fine with that.

Besides, the entrance to my apartment was fairly concealed. Only someone who came up the stairs would be able to see me or, you know, anyone opening any of the doors leading to the other three apartments. And it wasn’t like my shouting made that a distinct possibility.

God! I couldn’t believe I was doing this. A few days ago, acting like this would have been totally unimaginable.

Thankfully, Hugh rushed back to me, concern evident on his face. “Are you okay? What do you need?”

“You,” I said. “Please.”

“I don’t think I’m comfortable with that. You have a guest.”

No. That wasn’t supposed to be how he reacted. I was outside and exposed and mortified and horny as all get out. He was supposed to be so turned on that all reason went out the window.

“She’ll understand,” I said. “Believe me, she’ll understand.”

“Nat, no. I’m sorry.”

My face fell. All I could think was that it was starting already. He’d seen Julia, so what attraction did I hold for him?

Immediately, he embraced me and after gripping my naked body tightly for a moment, he tilted my face up to look at him. “Natalie McGuire, I hope you don’t think that this is too soon for me to say this, but I love you.”

My mouth gaped. “You do?”

“I do. But I think it’s best that I leave now. I don’t feel comfortable kicking Julia out of your apartment so that we can have fun, and I really don’t feel comfortable engaging in any fun while she’s there. Okay?”

All I could concentrate on were those three little words he’d just said to me. Nothing else mattered. And he meant it. Regardless of what happened in the future, I’d always have this moment.

The moment where I was still standing outside nude where anyone could see me.

“Yeah, okay,” I said, suddenly desperate for him to leave so that I could get back inside. “I’m good. Thanks.”

He quickly  kissed me, and, before he could even turn around fully to leave, I was back inside my apartment.

“Are you okay?” Julia asked.

“Yeah. I think so. Better than okay, actually.”

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She looked at me with a strange expression. “You know you just rushed outside totally naked, right?”

I grinned. “I totally did.”

She chuckled. “I never thought I’d see the day. You go, girl.”

Being nude and horny while Hugh was here was starting to feel natural. It felt good, actually. Being nude and horny while another girl was here and also nude and obviously horny felt really awkward, Bi-Curious skill or no.

Julia cleared her throat. “I guess I still have that other quest pending, huh?”

I swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

“Where do you want me?”

That felt like a loaded question, like one I’d ask Hugh. I blew out a breath. “The bed? I’ll pull back the comforter.”

She nodded and waited until I’d gotten everything ready before taking up a position sitting with her back against the headboard, her legs drawn up to her chest and knees tight together. I felt awkward standing, so I laid at the foot of the mattress.

I was naked on a bed with another naked girl, one who was about to play with herself while I watched. My life couldn’t have gotten any more surreal.

She spread her legs, revealing everything to me, and I couldn’t look away. I just stared. Why had I ever thought that that part of the female anatomy was ugly? There was just something so primal about it. It was pure sex and desire and…

I swallowed hard again.

Julia’s hands covered her face. “This is, without a doubt, the strangest, most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in my life. God!”

“I think it’s amazing. You are the bravest person and the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

“Really?” she said, still hiding behind her hands.


She slowly lowered her arm, uncovering her face. “I guess I can’t very well hide from you when you’re calling me brave.” She grimaced. “I so don’t want to do this, but, on the other hand, I’m pretty sure I’ve never been this horny in my life.”

Julia closed her eyes, and her left hand found her breast. Her fingers started squeezing and massaging her hard nipple, and she moaned.

“Do you have a vibe?” she asked.

I’d always been too embarrassed to try one, and I found the thought of purchasing one, even online, to be mortifying.

“Sorry. No.”

“Guess I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

Her other hand went to her wet, hot, gaping hole. She gasped as she thrust her fingers inside.

“I’m fucking full on masturbating in front of my best friend, and, God, does it feel good!”

I watched, enraptured, as she alternated from massaging the folds of her clit and thrusting two, and then three, fingers in and out of herself, moaning the whole time.

“God! It feels so good that I don’t want to stop. But I want so bad to cum!”

I felt this overwhelming desire to reach out and touch her, to stroke the inside of her thigh, to tease her rock hard nipples. Somehow, I resisted.

“I’m cumming!” she yelled. “I’m cumming!”

Her back arched up and she tensed. A shudder went through her entire body. Her toes curled. She shuddered again. And again.

Eventually, she stopped and withdrew her hands.

“I’ll uh… I’ll get you a towel to clean up,” I said, my voice husky.

“Good. Thanks,” she said, panting. “And then I’m going to take care of you.”


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