The ENF System

Chapter 56: Chapter 56 – Hugh: Dire implications

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The previous night had been an interesting experience. First, Nat and Julia had apparently conspired to let me see Julia naked, and, as long as they both were okay with it, I wasn’t going to complain. She was definitely an attractive young lady, and, really, there was no harm in it. It wasn’t like I was going to suddenly start going after her just because I’d seen her body, and she’d given me no indication that she was about to jump mine.

So far so good.

As soon as she’d entered Nat’s apartment, it had triggered Julia’s level up and a quest completion for me.

Happy with my progress though slightly concerned about what actual ability Candidate Appraisal would give me, I sauntered my way toward the car. Before I reached further than the first landing though, Nat shouted my name. I spun around to find her standing completely naked at the top of the stairs in full view of the entire apartment complex parking lot.

That was an amazing sight. My girlfriend was completely exposed in public, my ultimate fantasy come true.

I couldn’t actually enjoy it, though. Nat was not ready to be seen like that. Something major must have happened for her to rush after me without giving any consideration to her modesty. My first thought was that Julia was having a seizure or something.

Nat realized her state of undress and rushed back toward her apartment. I went after her as fast as my pudgy little legs could carry me.

It turned out she was just horny? Out of a desire to be polite to Julia, I tried to gently tell Nat that it would be better to wait. But the look on her face. It wasn’t disappointment that we weren’t going to have sex at that moment. It was like I’d completely rejected her. She was crushed. I floundered for a moment trying to figure out what to do.

Only one solution, one way to salvage the situation to make her feel better, occurred to me, and I followed through on that without putting much thought into the action. I told her I loved her.

It cheered her right up, but it made me feel terrible. I mean, I guess I loved her for values of “love.” Have you ever wondered if, when you taste chocolate, you’re experiencing the same thing as when your friend tastes it? If you are, how could it be possible that you like vanilla better while your friend is a maniac for chocolate? Or if the blue you see is the same as the blue your friend sees?

I felt that way about emotions. Was my version of love the same as hers? Would my version be enough for her? What if my version wasn’t ultimately strong enough and I ended up hurting her?

That was one of the main reasons I was so anxious about getting close to Julia. Because my emotions seemed to be muted compared to other people, my theory was that the gap between loving a girlfriend and having any other kind of relationship with a girl wasn’t as big as it should be. As long as I kept my relationship with Julia as superficial as possible, there would be no chance that my feelings for her could seem too close to the feelings I had for Nat.

Julia’s personality actually greatly relieved me. She was so confident and uninhibited. In contrast to Nat who had needed me every step along the way, I could keep my distance from Julia without any issues. Problem solved.

Anyway, after reassuring Nat, I took my leave. I hadn’t even made it back to my dorm parking lot before getting an XP gain notification that let me know that Julia had reached Level 4.

I grinned, wondering how the masturbation quest had went over with the two girls. Some part of me wondered if something would happen between them. After all, Nat was so worked up. Realistic me that wasn’t thinking with the lower portions of my anatomy didn’t believe that was likely, though. They were two old friends. Nothing more.

Considering what the two naked girls might get up to brought my mind to the bondage fantasy that Nat had texted me, so, when I got back to my room, I sat on my bed and started searching for some items she might find interesting. I had everything I wanted in a shopping cart when I got her text, but I hadn’t bought it yet.

That text asking me to send that quest. Then that video!

My roommate was, unfortunately, in the room, so I had to excuse myself to the restroom, control skill or no. The video showing my naked girlfriend getting eaten out by her equally naked female friend was literally the hottest thing that I’d ever watched. The fact that I personally knew the two participants just elevated it over anything I’d ever watched strangers do online.

Upon returning to the room, I grinned and added a couple more items to my shopping cart, straining my wallet, and completed my purchase, having the package sent to Nat’s apartment. Free second day shipping due to the size of the order. Cool.

Then I got Nat’s next text. The girls had reversed positions! I had to excuse myself to the bathroom again. My roommate asked if I’d had the Mexican food in the student union. I lied and told him yes.

Once that set of quests had been completed, though, things took a turn for the worst. It started out well enough, Julia hit Level 5 and Nat Level 8 – good for them! – which pushed me over the threshold for that level as well. Nice! Finally!

Not only that, but something unprecedented happened. The system actually gave me a free skill point instead of dictating the new skill or upgrade for me. Nice! Finally!

Before I could even contemplate where to spend my glorious new points, though, a new quest popped up.


That quest was proof that what I feared most was coming true. Subjugation quests required something in need of subjugation. Gaining a combat subclass more than just implied we’d be engaging in combat.


We needed practice. We needed levels. Better stats. More skills.

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And I didn’t have a party. I had a girlfriend and her friend who was dying of cancer. Neither of them had signed up for combat. I did not want to risk the former and didn’t feel right about asking the latter, considering her circumstances.


I had no idea what to do. I buried my head in my hands and, ignoring my roommate’s stares, tried to think of a way forward.

I had one open position for a system user, and I’d been getting quests that added a new one for every five levels the other users reached combined. Nat and Julia were at twelve already, almost thirteen. That meant I just had to recruit a new girl and get her to two in order to be able to recruit another. Five more combined levels after that, and I’d be able to recruit a third girl. An entire team, counting me.

I needed to find athletes. Girls who didn’t mind fighting. Girls who accepted the system knowing the risks.

Hopefully, Nat would understand my need to do that. She could be with me when I was running the new girls through quests to assure her that I wasn’t doing anything sexual with them. Yeah. She’d always been tolerant of the system’s demands. She would understand.

Yeah. Okay. That was a plan.

I pulled up my status.

My combat team was going to be me and three girls. Not to sound old fashioned or chauvinistic or whatever, but I felt profoundly uncomfortable with making girls fight on the front line while I sat back and threw spells, as awesome as it sounded to use real magic, or shot arrows. That meant I was going to have to be a front line fighter.

My first order of business was spending the attribute point. Charisma and mental were out as both were completely useless for a fighter.

As I told Larry, I was thinking of going with an agility build, making the rogue subclass my first choice. Of course, I might have to fill the tank role if none of the girls wanted it, so committing now to agility might be a mistake.


Strength was a good add for both a tank and a rogue, increasing damage output. At the same time, it was just that, an add. It didn’t make up the core of either build.

Constitution was a decent add for a rogue and a core trait for a tank.

Endurance. Hmm. Also a good add for any fighter, maybe even core for a rogue. The problem was that endurance only came into play for extended fights. It didn’t help at all for short ones.

None of the physical traits were a slam dunk since I wasn’t sure which of the two classes I would end up with, but I leaned toward agility or constitution. The latter really appealed to me because of the chance that the system would offer me Lesser Regeneration. Even though we hadn’t tested that skill, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was crucial for my preparation.

A big problem was that it took so long for me to level. Even if I got Nat and Julia each to their respective next level, I'd still be nearly fifty points shy of me reaching Level 6. I’d have to get the new girls leveled fast if I wanted to get me any kind of stat advantage. Best case scenario, though, was me getting two more levels in addition to the one I’d just got in any reasonable amount of time. That didn’t sound like nearly enough.

I dearly, dearly hoped that the subclasses came with attributes and skills. Otherwise I was screwed.

I made my decision. For now, I’d go with constitution. I was pretty sure I’d never regret being able to survive more hits, and, by the time I had to spend another attribute point, I should know my subclass.

I made the selection and tensed as I pulled up my skill choices.

Yes! It gave me Lesser Regeneration as an option. Sweet. But it also gave me another solid choice that I had to consider. No, it wasn’t increasing Sex Mastery or Upgraded Equipment and Control to Level 2, though under different circumstances both of those would have merited serious consideration.

The system gave me the option of directly increasing Invite to Level 4. I could add the third and fourth girls immediately.

Man. Tough call.

I ended up going with regen, mainly because it wasn’t easy finding new system users. After I found one to add, getting her a few levels would give me time to scout out the next couple.



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