The ENF System

Chapter 55: Chapter 55 – Julia: In the land of make believe

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I laid there cuddling Nat as she recovered from one of the most intense orgasms I had ever witnessed. Of course, I hadn’t exactly seen a lot of girls get off, and I certainly had never been the cause of one doing so. It did seem powerful compared to most of mine, however.

Doing that to her was actually kind of hot, more so than I would have expected. I would have thought it would have been not a big deal for me. If anything, maybe I would have been a little wigged out at sticking my tongue down there.

But I wasn’t. At all. I wasn’t planning on switching teams any time in the near future, but it was an interesting experience that wasn’t unpleasant.

I winced, though, as I thought about what I’d said to her. “It’s my turn.” What an idiot I was. This was Nat. I was positive I just ruined everything by making her feel deeply uncomfortable. I wanted our friendship to grow stronger, and then I had to say that.


Finally, she blew out a breath, and I tensed, ready for her to lay into me for my presumption.

“I’ll get Hugh to send us another quest, if that’s okay,” she said.

Huh? Not what I’d expected at all. She didn’t seem mad or upset or anything. In fact, it sounding like she was going to go through with it.

“Are you sure?” I said. “You don’t have to.”

“Considering how worked up I’ve been all night and how you helped me out with that situation, I’d feel terrible if I left you hanging.” She paused. “I’m not as experienced as you, though. I’m not sure I’ll do as good a job.”

“Honey, don’t worry about that at all. I’m sure you’ll be amazing.”

“So, Hugh?”

Was it ideal for videos of me doing intimate things and having intimate things done to me to be spread around? No. Was the thought of some people finding these videos online and seeing me like that embarrassing? Yes. I really thought, though, that I wouldn’t be around long enough for any of it to matter.

“Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”

She spent a couple of minutes texting back and forth with him before saying, “Thanks for agreeing to this. I really think he’s loving the videos.”

I was sure that he was.

A blue panel appeared.

“Why are the rewards so much lower?” I asked. “They’re literally half.”

“I’m actually kind of surprised that it worked at all. The system doesn’t let you repeat quests.”

“That could get difficult. Man, and it pushes you to get more and more creative and out of your comfort zone.”

“Definitely,” she said, “but that can be a good thing.”

Who was this person and what had she done with Nat?

“Okay,” she said, “I think that we started this last time by you telling me to lie on my back and spread my legs.”

Something about getting in that position for her made me so hot. By the time she handed me the phone, my juices were really flowing.

After that, she basically followed the same script I did. Granted, she wasn’t very experienced, especially with another girl, but there was no lack of enthusiasm. She got the job done. And as I lay there panting, I got a quest complete notification awarding me my 50 points. That triggered another panel as soon as I dismissed the first one.

“That’s Level 5,” I said, not really caring all that much.

“Five? That’s awesome. Have you distributed any points yet?”


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“We should do that,” Nat said. “We can talk through your choices and call Hugh if we have any questions. I’m assuming you want to put all your attribute points into constitution?”

I had a really hard time taking all this seriously, but I really didn’t want to upset her needlessly. I could at least pretend to be engaged.

“Unless you think there’s a better option,” I said.

“Well, I mean, if you were already doing treatments, endurance or strength might help, but, for now, I would think CON is your best bet.”

I pulled up my status screen.

“So just dump all three into that?” I asked.

“No. It’s important to do them one at a time. Each bump in a stat seems to unlock a skill choice. We haven’t tested it yet, but we think you might lose a choice if you skip over it.”


“Okay. I moved one more point into CON.” I pulled up my skill choices before she even asked. Look at me taking an active interest in this make believe shit.

I relayed the options to Nat.

“Uh, this is where it might be best to call Hugh. I have no idea what would be better.”

“What’s your gut telling you?” I asked.

“Well, Expel seems like it’s taking out the trash, right? And Cleanse implies scrubbing the area where the trash had been. I can’t help but think that, eventually, both will be important. You probably need Expel more right now, but what happens if you never get another option to take Cleanse?”

“I like the way you think. Cleanse it is.”

“You don’t think we should call Hugh?”

“No,” I said. “I really don’t. Besides, I already made the selection.”

Which brought up the nagging question – how was he manipulating these screens when he wasn’t even here? Was the place bugged? Was Nat somehow either doing it herself or communicating with him?

I didn’t want to know the answers to any of those questions. And I definitely didn’t want to think of the implications if answers to those last two ended up being no.

Putting the bad thoughts out of my mind – something I’d become adept at over the last couple of weeks - I added my second free attribute point to constitution. My options included taking either of my two previous skills to Level 2 or adding Lesser Regeneration.

“Don’t tell me, let me guess,” I said after reading the selections to her. “Your first advice is to call Hugh, and your second is to take Lesser Regeneration because it will help rebuild the damaged area after you finish taking out the trash and cleaning it?”

“That isn’t funny. This is serious!”

“Look, I know. In your eyes, this is literally my life on the line. But let’s get real, even if this isn’t all fake, we’re making decisions based on no actual information. It’s not possible to understand what a good call is and what’s not with what we know. I’m going with the regen.”

“Fine. It’s your body, your life.”

I put the final point into constitution and, for once, it didn’t give me a choice for a new skill, only the option of increasing the level of any of the remaining three.

“Now, that’s interesting. Hugh will definitely want to hear about that.” She held up a hand forestalling my response. “I’ll tell him tomorrow night when you’re long gone.”

“Okay,” I said, getting into this a little despite myself. “Which of the three do you think is best?”

She grimaced. “If it was me at this stage, I would think my first priority would be to get the trash out of my house as fast as possible. The true cleaning and rebuilding effort can’t begin until then, right?”

“That’s very logical. I like it. Done.”

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