The ENF System

Chapter 60: Chapter 60 – Natalie: Stuffed

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Here I was again, naked in public, with my clothes nowhere in sight. An average of one stranger a day over the last two days had seen me in such a state and who knew if that number would increase today.

I was fully at Hugh’s mercy. He could have me walk through the lobby like this. He could bend me over the head librarian’s desk and take me right there in the middle of the crowded lobby.

With my bare feet on the cheap, old carpet and cool air hitting every part of me, I felt so vulnerable, so afraid, so horny, as I thought about him doing just that. I didn’t pay much attention as my right hand drifted down there, but, as my fingers started idly stroking the hot, wet folds of my clit, I moaned. My eyes closed.

Some part of me told myself that I shouldn’t be doing that, not in public. But it felt so good. Just a little more, a little longer.

“If you’re going to keep doing that, I should issue a quest.”

My eyes shot open, and I jerked my hand away from that dangerous area. “Eep!”

“You sure you don’t want to keep going?” he asked.

No. No, I wasn’t sure at all, but what I said was, “Yes.”

Then I noticed that he wasn’t holding anything in his hands. “Where are my clothes?”

“I put them somewhere out of the way, but, man is this place confusing. I hope I can find them again later. I’d hate for you to have to go all the way home like that.”

The tiny remaining part of the rational part of my brain that wasn’t completely overwhelmed by arousal knew that there was no way he’d make me do such a thing. I wasn’t ready. Yet.


His words, though, made my knees grow weak, made my need swell. I wanted him so badly.

“Anything you want,” I said.

“Great.” He walked past me.

I turned and padded after him, my naked breasts jiggling with each step, and it struck me how crazy I was acting. If someone had forced the Natalie that first visited this library on her campus tour to walk around inside this building completely nude, she would have freaked out, had a panic attack, fainted from shock. Yet, here this Natalie was, doing just that. Willingly. No force needed. And no freak out.


He led me out of the stacks and into the open area again. I held out hope that he’d have me get up on one of the tables and take me right there.

My desire must have been written on my face because, after he’d glanced back at me, he said, “Not yet. I want to have more of my kind of fun first.”

I shivered, mortified that my need was so apparent to him. What must he think of me?

He walked further toward the core, and, at first, I thought he was going to enter the elevators. Remembering that those had cameras, I began to get really nervous, though I didn’t speak up. The quest told me to do whatever he wanted, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

Whatever. Anything. Everything.

I was very relieved, though, when he walked instead to the stairwell door. My relief was short lived, however, as he opened the door and gestured for me to enter.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

Ugh. I hadn’t intended on questioning him. I wanted to just do whatever he told me without complaint, but I was too weak and scared. Walking naked into the stairwell seemed just a step too far to me.

“I really want to have you just walk around on the next couple of levels at random,” he said, his voice excited.


“It’s just so hot. You’re naked and every step takes you further and further from your clothes. You couldn’t even find them if you wanted to.”

He was right. Naked. Vulnerable. Completely at his mercy. I shivered again.

It felt so surreal, so weird to enter the stairwell. This was a public building on a campus at which I was a student. Thousands of students and faculty and janitors even had access to this stairwell. And there I was literally not wearing a single strip of cloth on any part of my body. Everything was exposed.

I padded up the stairs, my bare feet tender against the hard concrete of the steps and my heart hammering with the fear of exposure and sheer exhilaration of what I was doing. Mainly what I felt, though, was disbelief. This could not be me doing this. Natalie Lane McGuire does not get naked in the library. Natalie Lane McGuire definitely does not let her boyfriend hide her clothes and then go for a naked walk around multiple floors of the library.

But there I was, apparently some other person than Natalie Lane McGuire, because I was definitely doing those things.

My fluids dripped down my thighs.

I stopped at the door leading to the third level of the basement, unsure if Hugh wanted me to open it or not. I mean, I was sure that some part of him definitely wanted me to, but there was no view panel in the door. I had no idea if there was anyone on the other side or not. I might be about to expose my nudity to a whole host of people.

“I probably should do that part,” he said, his voice conflicted.

I stepped aside to let him.

He cautiously cracked the door open and peeked out. “Clear.” He opened it fully for me and gestured for me to go first.

Like when we’d stepped off the elevator on the floor below, the room was mostly dark. Unlike the previous floor, I had no clothes on.

God! I simply couldn’t believe my life had come to this, streaking deserted floors in the library for sexual thrills, both mine and my boyfriend’s.

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I walked out from the relatively safe confines of the stairwell into the wide open area surrounding the central core. The lights came on, bathing my bared form in a harsh yellow glow.


Even though I should have known that me moving from the stairwell would activate the motion sensors, the lights coming on still somehow startled me. My nudity made me jumpy.

With the hard part, emerging into the big, scary space, done, Hugh took the lead again, making me walk naked through the stacks at random for five or ten minutes – I had no way of tracking the time since my phone was in my bookbag – before letting me return to the stairwell.

Again, we went up a level. Again, I had to lead the way out into a darkened room. This time, though, he didn’t lead me to the stacks. Instead, he stopped at a table directly opposite the two elevator cabs. He pulled out the chair that had been resting with the seat under the table, and, for a moment, I thought he was going to have a seat.

“Stand here,” he said. “Face the elevators.”

I did. The top of the table reached near the upper middle of my thighs, leaving my entire torso and most private place exposed on top of it.

“I want to take you right here doggy style,” he said. “I want your elbows on the table, your head up facing the elevator, those firm, fine titties hanging down in midair, and that ass up.”

I swallowed hard. God! I’d never heard him say anything like that. I almost came right then and there without him even touching me.

This was really about to happen. I was totally naked, two floors from my clothes. I had no idea where my clothes even were. And he was about to take me, right here out in the open. The really weird part was that I wasn’t just letting it happen; I wanted it to happen.

Elbows on the table. Check. Head up. Check. Tits hanging down. Check. Ass up. Check.

“You are so hot,” he said. “So beautiful. Your body is perfect.”

I knew that wasn’t true, but I was glad to hear it all the same.

He stuck his hands between my thighs and gently nudged my legs apart. I got the message and spread them.

“Further,” he said. “I want to see that fine, fine pussy.”

God! Where was this coming from? I liked it.

I spread my legs even further apart and stuck my ass as high as I could.

He rubbed between my legs, and I gasped at the contact. His fingers found my gaping hole, and he inserted two of them deeply inside.

“I think that’s plenty lubricated,” he said. “Ready?”

I nodded vigorously.

I heard some rustling back there and glanced back. He dropped his shorts and underwear.

“Tell me what you want,” he ordered.

“I want you to make love to me,” I mumbled.

“Tell me what you want!”

I thought that he wanted me to speak up.

“I want you to make love to me,” I said, louder.

“Tell me what you want!”

That wasn’t it. There must be something else he was after, but what? Then I realized that we were not about to “make love.” I swallowed hard.

“I want you to fuck me!”

“Gladly,” he said.

And then he rammed that glorious, enormous cock balls deep inside me.

Urgh! Ahh!

I still didn’t understand how it could fit or how it could feel so good. He filled me, stuffed me. Not a single square inch of space inside me felt like it wasn’t in contact with his gigantic erection.

He plowed me, thrusting forward and pulling back, again and again. I grunted and groaned with pleasure at each stroke. My tits swung freely.

“Think about the elevator doors opening,” he said, breathless. “A bunch of frat guys come out, their eyes glued to your bouncing boobs. They laugh and take pictures. They can’t get enough of you.”

At that moment, I was so close to the very edge of sanity that I could see those guys. Humiliation flooded me at them seeing me like this.

Pleasure rocked my body as I came again and again and again until I had to finally beg him to stop through my panting.

He stopped and I felt him shudder as he filled me with his seed. Soon after, he collapsed on top of me, his cock still inside of me. I collapsed to lay atop the table.

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