The ENF System

Chapter 61: Chapter 61 – Natalie: Stacked

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Hugh lay atop me, his cock still hard, still filling me. It felt so good. I didn’t want him to take it out.

The pregnancy notification popped up and I quickly concentrated on “No” to make go away. The system had given me so much. I had a boyfriend, and my best friend was back in my life. I was apparently destined to experience one absolutely mind blowing sexual experience after another. And I didn’t even have to worry about getting knocked up and probably not STDs, either. After all, if it could cure Julia’s cancer and my eyesight, why should I have to worry about almost anything medical related?

All good things must come to an end, though, and eventually he pulled himself off of and out of me. By that time, I wasn’t too disappointed as I was acutely aware that I was still naked in a very public area. Sure, it was unlikely that an elevator full of frat guys would arrive anytime soon, but it could happen.

“That might have been the most intense experience of my life,” he said.

“Same.” My body felt like it had no bones, leaving just a mess of tingly nerves.

He pulled up his shorts and underwear, leaving me still naked, of course, and nowhere near my clothes. “I’ll go get some paper towels from the restroom. Be back in a second.”

It took him a little longer than I thought it would, and I began to worry more and more about  those elevator doors. If they did suddenly open, I would have nowhere to hide.

But they didn’t, and Hugh soon returned, cleaning up after himself down there. I couldn’t help moaning as he touched me.

“Hey,” he said. “None of that. I just finished sating you.”

I gave him my best pouty face.

“I really wish we could just stay here all day and do this, but you do need to study,” he said. “Let’s go get your clothes.”

So we did. The trip back was relatively uneventful. We heard people way above us in the stairwell, which made me feel very self conscious even though there was no chance of them even glimpsing me.

It seemed like he was right about almost no one ever coming down to the lower levels as we didn’t encounter another living soul as he led me to right where he had left my clothes, on a top shelf way out of my reach and with books all around to conceal them. I would never have found them without him.

He got them down and handed them to me, triggering the quest complete notification.

Which, in turn, triggered another popup.

Realizing that I was standing there still naked for no reason as I looked at screens, I dismissed it.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, indicating the clothes that I held.

I’d meant the honorific as a joke. Just something you’d say when a guy does you a minor favor. In that situation, though, with him issuing me commands and me commanding, it took on a connotation that I hadn’t intended. I could tell that he realized the same thing.

The weird thing was that I didn’t know how I felt about that. I’d never thought of myself as submissive or into that kind of play. I mean, I’d read a little of that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t my thing at all.

I swallowed, hoping he’d move past it, and dropped all my clothes except my panties to the floor.

“Wait as second,” he said before I could start to put on my underwear. “Have you decided on your next attribute?

Yes, that was a transparent attempt to keep me naked for as long as possible, but I couldn’t complain too much. For one thing, it was a good distraction for what I’d called him. For another, I’d much rather that my boyfriend wanted me to be naked than to not appreciate my body, right?

“Also,” he said. “what did you choose after leveling to 7? I don’t remember you telling me.”

I pulled up my status.

“Uh, that’s because I still have the points free.”


“What? I have no pressing needs anymore. My eyes are healed, my classes are going great, and I was reluctant to do charisma again too soon in fear of people noticing.” Hmm. “Though, I guess I’ve been to all my classes already this week. It’s probably safe to put one more point there.” That would help some to close the gap with Julia.

“You keep doing quests, though. I thought you were really eager to level up.”

I felt myself blush. “I just like doing these things for you.”

“I like you doing these things for me, too. Thank you.”

I was just standing there totally naked holding my panties while having a casual conversation with my boyfriend in the library, and, somehow, that was okay with me.

“What’s your thought on what attribute to spend the second point on?” he asked.

“Like I said, I’m pretty good on all the ones I’ve already invested in, and I don’t value agility or strength all that much. Endurance, maybe? But I have no desire to go ride exercise bikes first. Sorry.”

He grinned.

I both loved and hated that expression on his face in this situation. “Just tell me what devious torture plan you just came up with.”

“You want an endurance test that's more fun, right?” he asked. “How about I pound you like we did a few minutes ago, and we set a timer to find how long it takes before you collapse into a puddle on your bed. We can compare times before and after distributing the point, and, of course, in order to get really good numbers, we’d have to do the tests a lot of times. A lot of times.”

I swallowed hard. “Yeah. That sounds like a plan. Let’s do that.”

“Great. We now have plans for after our dinner and discussion tomorrow night.”

With the decision for my second point made, we moved to the one I was ready to commit now. Since I was increasing my charisma, he obviously wanted to take pictures, which I, of course, let him even though the first set before the change seemed totally superfluous compared to the last set he’d taken after the Body Modification at my apartment. Still, he was able to generate a quest for before and after pictures that netted me another 25 XP. I was confused as to why because, even though I definitely still felt nervous about having my pictures taken, it seemed like a repeat to me. He said it was probably because we were in a public place instead of my apartment.

He told me he’d have to compare the pictures, but I definitely got just a little bit prettier – though, according to him, he didn’t see how that was possible. I pulled up my skill choices.

“What do you think Charm does, exactly?” I asked after reading him the list.

“Usually, it either makes people like you more or makes it easier for you to convince people to do what you want.”

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Ouch. I could see why the system was offering me something like that considering how I felt about Julia being involved with Hugh and I. Charm might actually be the answer to that situation. I could make sure that both of them would keep liking me.

I absolutely would not even consider doing that, though. Better to lose both of them than stoop to something like that. I would not manipulate people.

Well, okay, maybe my extreme willingness to do whatever thing that Hugh wanted without reservation was a form of manipulation, but it wasn’t nearly as overt or malicious as directly using a skill.

“No,” I said. “Hard pass.”

He shrugged. “Okay. That will give us the opportunity to see if the system ever gives it to you as an option again.”

That was one thing I really liked about Hugh. He didn’t try to convince me to go in a different direction. He’d lay out his opinions whenever I asked, but, once I made a call, that was it. He was fine with it.

“What are you going to choose?” he asked.

“Body Modification to Level 2.”

He grinned. “Awesome. More pictures.”

I groaned.

After I finished basically doing exactly what I’d done the first time, maxing out the increase in bust size and adding just a little to my hips and butt cheeks, I posed for pictures again. This time the system didn’t allow a quest, though.

“I love these shots,” he said. “They might be my absolute favorites.”

“Because my boobs are so much bigger?”

“No. It’s the location. It’s so sexy knowing that I took these in the library. And there’s something about you holding your panties wadded up in your hand like that, like you’re saying, ‘I have these right here but I can’t wear them because I have to let you take pictures of me totally naked.’ Just so, so hot!”

I loved that he was so enthusiastic about me and my body. He truly did appreciate me. Even knowing that, though, I still couldn’t get rid of that nagging doubt that my body and appearance just weren’t good enough, especially compared to Julia.

“Hey,” he said, gesturing to our surroundings. “can I now call you … stacked?”

I groaned. That was bad. So, so bad.

“Nobody appreciates a good pun these days,” he said.

I pulled on my panties in silence since his pun wasn’t worth a comment. When I went to put on my bra, though, I encountered a problem. A big problem.

My bra would not fit. It had been tight since I’d increased my bust size from barely a B-cup to a full B-cup. I was pretty sure that I was now at least a C-cup, and there was no way that thing was going over my chest.


I pulled my shirt on. “How bad is it?”

“Not bad at all.” He obviously liked my braless look, but his opinion on that subject was no help.

I quickly put on my shorts and shoes, and, finally almost fully dressed, walked back to the core, my now bigish boobs wiggling and jiggling all around under my loose shirt. A moment later, I disappeared into the ladies room to look in the mirror.

The headlights were on.


I never had a problem with the shirt being thin. In fact, I liked it that way because I wore it mainly in the summer. It worked for me, though, because it was baggy enough not to show off my form and I always wore a bra. Nipples poking out had never been a problem.

Now, my breasts were big enough that they pushed on the fabric, and, unfortunately, the thin material just didn’t hide anything.

I had to get some studying done, and, after Hugh left, I wouldn’t feel comfortable staying down here due to how deserted it is. That meant going up to the main levels that are aways occupied with many students. And I still had to get to my car.

There was no way to do either of those things without people seeing me. And I was … noticeable.

The jiggling would have been a large enough problem, but the nipples… God! They were unmistakable. Sure, it probably wouldn’t be an issue if I wasn’t turned on, but, these days, I was almost constantly turned on.


I was almost in a panic as I went back out. “What do I do? I can’t go out in public like this!”

“Why not?”

I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Seriously,” he said. “You look fantastic. I see girls go braless on campus all the time. It’s no big deal. You even did it at the restaurant. Besides, two strangers have seen you completely naked at this point. You’ve had sex with me twice and with Julia once. You are not the same person you were a week ago.”

My mouth just kind of opened and closed without saying anything.

“I guess… Maybe?” I said. “I mean…”

I couldn’t come up with a  reason not to.

And that was how I ended up studying in the library without a bra on feeling like every eye was staring at me. You know that big plan I had to study there instead of home because it was less sexually stimulating? That didn’t work out so well.

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