The ENF System

Chapter 63: Chapter 63 – Hugh: Equipped for success

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I knocked on Nat’s door and soon heard movement inside the apartment. The lock mechanism moved.

She yelled, “Come in!”

I grinned and knocked again.

She yelled louder, “It’s open! Come in!”

I grinned even wider and knocked a third time. She cracked the door open and, hiding her body behind it, peeked out.

“Are you suddenly deaf?” she asked.


Keeping her body behind the door, she opened it wide enough for me to come in. I, however, made no move to enter the apartment.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked.

“I was hoping for a hug from my girlfriend. You know, if she’s actually happy to see me.”

“Well, come in and… Oh.” She glanced from side to side. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

She came out from behind the door, revealing her nude form to me. I vowed to never stop appreciating that view. It was so special to me that she was willing to expose herself like that to me and to keep pushing her boundaries.

After taking a deep breath, she stepped fully outside her apartment and embraced me. For the fourth time in four days, she was completely naked outside the privacy of her home. I could tell she wasn’t fully comfortable with the situation, which I understood and appreciated, and, honestly, I expected her to break off contact quickly and retreat back inside.

Instead, she kept holding me. “I missed you last night.”

“Same. I hate waking up in my dorm room, now.”

“You’ll stay over tonight, then?”

“Absolutely,” I said.

I released her, and, as if she was just realizing she was outside totally undressed, she darted back in. I grinned and followed.

“Any word from Julia?” I asked.

“Not yet. I know she was expecting to spend most of the day at the hospital, so I’m hoping I’ll get a text any time now.”

I knew that Nat had to be worried about the results, but she was clearly trying to not let that bother her.

“Were you able to get all your studying done last night?” I asked, moving to a safer topic.


“Really? I was scared you wouldn’t be able to concentrate.”

She sighed. “I ended up taking your advice about distributing the point to mental. It gave me the option for a new skill, Focus, which I took. It’s amazing. When I activate it, I’m able to one hundred percent concentrate on whatever I need to. All distractions just fade away.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that. I know you were looking forward to testing your endurance tonight.”

She blushed.

“What?” I asked.

“I was kind of hoping we could do some quests, maybe get me to Level 9 so we could still do that testing?”

This girl was so hot to trot. How in the world had I gotten so lucky to find such an amazing girlfriend?

I smirked. “I should be able to think of something. Did you test your IQ yet?”

“I knew you were going to ask that. It rose nine points to 133. I’m officially gifted now.”

“Nice. But wasn’t your last rise only seven points?”

“Yeah. I think it’s the impact of Focus. It was so incredible using it that I kept it active for the tests. The difference between not having any stray thoughts distract me versus how my brain normally operates is night and day.” She grinned. “Enough of shop talk, though. A box came in for you, and you have promises to keep.”

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Her cheeks reddened.

“God!” she said. “I can’t believe how forward I’ve become. You know, as I stand here in front of you totally naked.”

She went into the kitchen, opened a lower cabinet, and bent to retrieve something apparently well in the back, spreading her legs and bending over to do so. I was pretty sure it wasn’t an accident that a package that had just arrived today had been put away in such an awkward place to reach. I very much appreciated both the view and the effort she was going through for me.

The first thing that I noticed when she handed the package to me was that it was unopened. I commented that I thought she would have been curious enough to check it out.

“It was addressed to you,” she said. “My mom always taught me never to open someone else’s mail. It’s just one of those things I would never do.”

She was, however, very interested to watch as I opened it. The first thing I pulled out was a set of four leather cuffs.

“I didn’t do a ton of research,” I said, “but my conclusion was that ropes are kind of dangerous. If you use the wrong kind or tie the wrong knots or whatever, it can lead to injuries. These were a little expensive, but there’s no way you’re going to cut yourself or anything on them no matter how hard you pull.”

I held up a special one that had a red tab. “This one goes on your right wrist. It wouldn’t be easy, but pulling on this tab will eventually make the whole cuff fall apart.”

Her face was a mixture of fascination and mortification. “Why?”

“There was this Stephen King book I read one time about a husband and wife or something that were doing this kinky game in a cabin and he had a heart attack, leaving her trapped or whatever. My memory is very spotty because I read it a long time ago, and it wasn’t really my thing, especially given how young I was at the time. I don’t think I really got what they were doing. The entire point of the story, though, was the terrible and dangerous situation that she was in, bound with no way to escape.

“Anyway,” I said, “I doubt I’m going to keel over and die anytime soon – at least I hope not – but I wanted to make sure you didn’t end up trapped if something really weird happened. They had other cuffs with latches that you could easily undo, but I thought maybe it being so easy to get loose might ruin the fantasy.”

Her face heated even more.

I pulled out a hundred foot length of nylon rope. “Since the cuffs all have metallic rings to attach to, I went really cheap on the rope. We can cut it into whatever lengths work best. Worse case scenario, we can pick up more at Walmart for almost nothing.”

Next, I dug in and found the metal handcuffs. Those were self explanatory. “We’ll have to be careful with these, though, as they don’t have a safety release. My thought was to only use these to cuff your hands together, though, not to cuff you to anything else. As long as we stick with that, it shouldn’t be a safety concern.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into all this.”

“I think this is one of those things where trust is of paramount importance. If you’re in the moment, we can both have a lot of fun playing with this stuff. If you’re wondering if you’re safe or not, it’s a lot more likely for the conditions to deteriorate in the blink of an eye.” I paused. “And that is totally okay if it happens. Remember your safe words.” I pulled a small pocket knife from the box. “I’m keeping this nearby. If you get uncomfortable for any reason, I can cut the rope and have you freed in an instant, okay?”

“God! I so don’t think that’s going to be necessary.”

Her nipples were rock hard. She looked like she was going to cum just from talking about it.

“You want to go ahead and get started?” I asked.

“There’s more stuff in the box. I can wait long enough for you to finish showing me everything.”

“To be honest, the rope and leather were because of what you texted,” I said. “The handcuffs were more for me. The thought of you being in that library last night with your hands behind your back… There’s just such a fundamental difference for me between you being naked and choosing not to cover up and you being naked and not being able to cover up.”

Her eyes went wide, and she shivered.

“This kind of goes along with that, but I’m not sure either of us would really like it.” I pulled out a leather collar and a six foot long leash. “I don’t know if it would add anything to the scenario to be leading you around with this or not. It wasn’t all that expensive, though, compared to everything else, so I figured we could experiment unless you hate the idea.”

“I, uh… I don’t hate it.”

She was panting. Okay. That was a good purchase, apparently.

“I didn’t buy any kind of gag because I wanted you to be able to clearly say your safe words. If that’s something you want to try in the future, we can talk about it,” I said. “I did buy a cheap eye mask to use as a blindfold. I wasn’t planning on using it for our first time, though.”

She nodded.

“I also did not buy any nipple clamps or anything like that that causes pain. Apparently pleasure and pain are closely linked, which means that some people really like that, but, frankly, I’m a little squeamish about that one.”

“That’s quite okay,” she said.

“Finally, I took a chance on a couple of items that might come in handy but that I didn’t have a specific use for in mind. It might have actually been wasteful because I didn’t know if you already had these.” I pulled out a large, purple vibrator and a smaller white bullet vibe. “Total impulse buy. I did find some tape that’s supposed to be safe for use on skin for the bullet, though. It might be fun to secure it over your clit while you’re tied up.”

“You want to…” She shuddered. “God!”

“And that’s it, except for the necessary batteries, of course. What do you think?” I asked.

“I think we should go to the bed. Now.”

She was definitely getting that look where she was done with playing and just wanted to get straight to the sex. I was looking forward to disappointing her.

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