The ENF System

Chapter 64: Chapter 64 – Natalie: A little tied up

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By the time Hugh finished going through the contents of that box, I was ready to pop right then and there. I was already horny just from being naked in my apartment. Then, I went outside. Then I hugged him, feeling him against me. And I showed off to him by bending over.

God! Every single action made me more and more aroused.

Then he started going over every item, items that related to my deepest, darkest sexual fantasy, the thing I wanted to try but was too embarrassed and scared about to even admit to myself much less anyone else.

All I wanted was him inside me. Anything else could wait. Alas, I knew him. That was not to be. He’d want to torture me first.


We stripped the mattress down to the fitted sheet together, and, while he pulled the bedframe out from the wall to get the ropes attached on the far side, I started buckling on the leather cuffs. God! It felt so strange to be putting those on. Bondage gear. Real, actual bondage gear. This was actually going to happen.

Worse than just the fact that I was wearing something so kinky was the fact that that was literally all I was wearing. By the time I finished strapping them on my ankles and wrists, the several inches of skin at those locations were the only parts of me that were covered.

Surreal didn’t even begin to describe the sensation.

He had me lie down on my back. Before he began securing me – tying me up to the bed for a kinky sex game in order to fulfill my fantasy. God! – he, of course, checked out quests.

“Hmm,” he said.

I was growing to hate that sound. It always meant more embarrassment for me.

“I was kind of thinking that we might not be able to get any points for this since it seems like a totally sex related activity, but I was wrong,” he said. “You can get 50 for letting me photograph you tied up.”

Okay. I could live with his photo album growing. I mean, the thought of someone seeing pictures of me tied up like this was almost unbearable but only almost.

“The interesting thing, though,” he continued, “is that you can get points just for you allowing me to tie you up. Another 50, so 100 XP when combined with the pictures.”

Nice. I liked getting experience for things we were going to do anyway.

“The really interesting thing is, though,” he said, “is that you can get double the amount, 200 XP, instead if you beg me to tie you up before we take pictures.”

My heart started pounding. That was a big point difference, and I understood why. There was a huge contrast between telling myself that I was allowing him to do something to me for his benefit and admitting to myself and him that I wanted him to do it.

That was one quest I honestly didn’t know if I could do.

He stared at me, the question plain on his face. I didn’t have to do it. He was fine with just taking the lower number.

I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. “Send it.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“Send it,” I said again.

If I couldn’t trust him with knowing this part of me, how could I trust him with everything else? He’d been great with everything so far. I’d experienced more joy and love in the last week than I’d thought possible.

A quest popped up.

I sank to my knees in front of him, my eyes level with his crotch. Despite his control skill, his shorts tented. Hugely.

“System Administrator Hugh Miller, sir.” I let that statement hang in the air for a moment, both the full title and the honorific. “This system user begs you to tie me naked to the bed. Spread my legs so that you have full access and secure my hands so that there can be no possible way for me to resist you, not that I would want to. Use your phone to record my completely exposed body and do whatever you want to with the images and videos you produce. Torture me. Bring me unbearably close to cumming, to the very edge. Keep me there for as long as you want no matter how much I beg for relief, no matter how desperate I am. After a minimum of an hour, if this system user has pleased you and you are feeling exceedingly generous, maybe allow this system user fulfillment. Regardless of your decision, be free to use me as you will for your own pleasure.”

God! That was the most mortifying, humiliating thing I’d ever done, and I’d meant every word. The notification giving me the points was worthless; I was anticipating a much, much more important reward, though I knew I was in for an excruciating wait before I received it.

I did, however, receive a measure of satisfaction. Hugh was normally so in control of himself, making me do the craziest things and still seeming to approach it all from a lofty, intellectual perspective even as he spouted the most perverted commands I’d ever heard. Now, though, I saw the lust in his eyes. His erection strained his shorts.

I’d done that. Me. Pride swelled within me.

“Lie on your back on the bed,” he said, his voice husky.

He’d pushed the bedframe back and laid the loose ends of the ropes on the mattress, and now he had to cross me to reach the opposite side. I stared at his tented crotch and blushed.

He first tied my left wrist and the stood up and tied the right one.

“Test them,” he said.

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I pulled. I could move my arm in an arch that following the rope, but, as far as moving my wrist up or down toward my body, it didn’t give even an inch.

He moved down to the foot of the bed. At that time, I modestly had my legs clenched together. I know that it seemed silly considering all that the two of us had done together and how much he’d seen of that particular view already. I mean, he had pictures of it, probably had it memorized. He definitely was more familiar with looking at that sight than I was.

Still, I couldn’t help but feel really vulnerable when that part of me was exposed.

He gently grasped my right ankle and pulled toward the corner, and I allowed it to go where he wanted, wishing I could move my hand down to cover myself or that I didn’t feel too stupid about moving the other leg to keep them clenched.

Instead, I felt his stare on me as he bound that ankle.

Then, it was time for the final one. He picked it up and moved it to the corner as well, quickly tying the rope to the cuff.

And that was it. I was now lying spread eagle totally butt naked on my bed as he stared at me, a huge erection poking at his shorts. In that moment, I was very jealous of those shorts. There were far better things for that to be poking.

Hugh looked at me with per lust in his eyes. “Time to record your body’s response to your kinky sex fantasy digitally. Imagine Julia seeing this, seeing how wet you are just from being tied up before I even touch you at all.”

God! He knew how to twist that knife to get me even more embarrassed and, in turn, more aroused. I did not see how in the world I was going to take an hour of this.

I nodded.

“Remember your safe words,” he said. “If anything bothers you…”

“Green. Bright neon green inviting you to drive through that intersection anytime you want. Green.”

God! My face was so hot it felt like it was going to explode.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to slowly take pictures, clearly in no hurry at all. He took great care to line up the shots perfectly, to zoom in and out. He moved his phone literally right next to my hot, wet, gaping hole. And another time close to each of my breasts. And just my face. The whole time I was thinking that I would die if anyone, including him, ever looked at those images.

They would clearly show that I was eagerly participating in the kinkiest thing that I’d ever done and that I was definitely horny as hell.

Finally, he put down his phone and sat on the bed, and, as I dismissed the quest completion notification, I was like, “Good. Maybe the touching will begin.”

Yeah, well he touched me but not anywhere I wanted. My arms. My legs. My tummy. Just kind of rubbed and traced and, yes, it felt nice. But not Nice. He avoided all the truly interesting places.

Eventually, though, he started circling my stomach, and his loops grew closer and closer to the good areas. I tensed as his finger nearly brushed the bottom of my breast and when it neared ever so close to the top of my clit.

Ugh. This was pure torture.

Finally, finally, finally, though, he started massaging my breasts, and I moaned. After all that build up, it felt so good to have his hands on one of my erogenous zones.

Then he started moving downward, clearly headed down there.

Knock. Knock.

His head darted up, his eyes going to the door.

 Knock. Knock.


“I should probably check who that is,” he said.

Inside my head, I was screaming, “No, you probably shouldn’t. You definitely shouldn’t.”

But those words never actually left my mouth, and I watched, dumfounded, as he got up from the bed, leaving my naked, bound self behind, and went to the door.

I heard it open. I heard him say, “Hello.”

Then I heard the door open wider.

And he said, “Come in.”

Uh… Maybe now wasn’t the best time for company? After all, I was a little tied up at the moment.

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