The ENF System

Chapter 77: Chapter 77 – Natalie: Competition

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I was quiet as the three of us cuddled on the bed with me, of course, in the middle. What should have felt really, really nice, didn’t.

Hugh had joined in, which was what I really thought I had wanted. If the three of us could be together in that way, that brought us closer together while still keeping the distance he wanted between him and Julia.

I couldn’t help but notice that distance growing smaller, though. He looked at her body with more and more interest. And it wasn’t just that he looked. The real proof that she was really turning him on was the sex. Since getting that skill, he had never once come inside me before I literally begged him to. He’d never lost control.

With me.

With Julia involved, though, he hadn’t been able to hold back.

I should have been happy that he was moving closer and closer to truly including her. I really thought that not doing so would be bad for us as a team, that it might end up costing us our lives. But, now that it was happening, it scared me. I didn’t want to lose him. I didn’t want to lose her. And I couldn’t get it out of my head that, if they got together physically, I’d soon be kicked to the curb.

Hugh soon excused himself to go get the bags from the car. To be honest, I’d completely forgotten about the shopping trip. So much had happened since then that it seemed like that had occurred in a past lifetime.

The longer I lay there holding a very naked Julia in my arms, the more I worried about losing Hugh. I had to do something. I got up, padded over to my door, and stepped outside to wait for him to return.

Once again, I was completely naked outside my apartment, a feat that was definitely getting easier. People had seen me naked and the world hadn’t ended. But I still felt vulnerable and embarrassed to be outside like this. Even without whatever the system was doing to me, I didn’t think I’d ever have gotten truly used to being naked where anyone could see me.

He was too busy maneuvering the pile of white bags in his hands to notice me when he first came up the stairs, but his eyes went wide when he did. He grinned.

I liked that grin. I liked the hunger in his eyes. He still wanted me. For now, anyway.

“This is a pleasant surprise,” he said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I just wanted a few minutes alone with you,” I said honestly. “Are you okay with what happened? I feel guilty for pushing you into that.”

He snorted. “Considering all I’ve pushed you into doing lately, I’d be the biggest hypocrite on the planet if I objected.”


He hesitated. “It wasn’t ideal from some standpoints, but it did feel amazing. I would like to make time for just the two of us at some point soon, though.”

“I’d like that, too.”

I was very conflicted. His words were exactly what I wanted to hear. He wished to have time alone with me. But I heard the subtext buried there. He needed to reconnect with me because he was having doubts, because Julia was pulling him toward her with her tremendous sexual gravity.

“Hugh, I love you. I really love you.” My voice was a lot more pleading than I had wanted.

He smiled, and genuine pleasure lit up his face. “I love you, too.”

God! I felt awful. After complaining about him telling me that for the first time just to calm me down, I’d told him that the first time because I was scared of losing him.

Embarrassed, I turned and went back inside the apartment, with him following.

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He dumped all the bags at the foot of the bed and asked Julia if she wanted to distribute points. As they’d discussed earlier, she added another point to constitution with the understanding that the next point would go to strength. She used her skill point to up Lesser Regeneration to Level 3.

“I think it’s late enough that we can go ahead and go to the convenience store,” he said.

“Do we dress normal or for potential quests?” Julia immediately asked.

“That’s really up to you two,” he said. “We’ve had a really good evening so far, and you and I are way far away from another level. Nat, on the other hand…”

“Gaining levels is more important than ever, right?” I asked.

“Pretty much.”

“God! So much has happened,” I said. “It wasn’t all bad, but I haven’t even had time to begin to process everything yet.”

Honestly, if I had my choice, I’d have sent Julia away and spent the night cuddling next to my boyfriend, but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Let’s not do anything right now,” I said, “but let’s be prepared if a good idea strikes us.”

Julia and I discussed what to wear. Hugh had brought up all our clothes that had been in his car along with the stuff from shopping, so we had a lot of options. Julia said that our best bet was to wear dresses with nothing underneath, something that would be easy to whip off in an instant.

“Besides,” she said, “Hugh really likes the short skirt with boots look. You like dressing up for him, right?”

The problem was that I only had two dresses that were appropriate – the sundress that I wore on my first outing with Hugh and a similar one that was a bit longer. Julia had a suitcase in her car, but she hadn’t packed any dresses, meaning that she needed to borrow one of mine.

I gave her credit. She tried to make my sundress work, but she was just too much taller than me. A skirt that come down just a little below my butt cheeks didn’t even fully cover her hips. On her long body, the dress literally covered almost nothing, especially as we planned on going sans underwear.

Logically, she needed to wear the longer dress, leaving me to wear the sundress. With no panties!

And, okay, it seemed silly that I would find that provocative considering that I’d just been outside completely naked, but it just felt so daring to think about going into public places dressed like that.

I wasn’t exactly steamrolled into the decision, obviously. It was just a matter of fact thing that Julia mentioned, and, after she got her dress on, I felt silly objecting. Meaning that I left my apartment wearing the least amount yet for the start of one of our quest adventures. Considering that I’d returned last time wearing just boots, I didn’t feel that that fact boded well for the chances of me maintaining any modesty.

It was after 11:30 pm by the time we left, and there wasn’t anyone about as we walked down to Hugh’s car. And that was a good thing because neither Julia nor I were able to keep our skirts from flipping up on the climb down the stairs.

At least when seated in the back, I felt a lot more covered. My breasts, though jiggling around due to the lack of a bra, were covered, and the skirt covered my lap well enough.

The convenience store wasn’t far away, and there was only a single car there when we arrived.

“Perfect,” Hugh said. “That’s her vehicle. Looks like she’s here alone.”

It was time to meet the next girl who was likely to soon be competing for my boyfriend’s attention.

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