The ENF System

Chapter 76: Chapter 76 – Hugh: Temptation

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The drive from the fast food place to the apartment complex parking lot was completed in silence. I didn’t think that any of us even touched the drinks.

I was feeling really guilty. For one thing, I was pushing Nat way past her boundaries. The other thing, though, was part of the reason that I was doing so. The combination of both Julia and Nat doing these things was driving me crazy.

Before tonight, I honestly was pretty ambivalent about seeing Julia’s body. Not so much anymore. I walked behind two perfect asses for a mile long hike. I watched two really pretty girls jill off together as I videoed them. I chauffeured those two amazing ladies around, naked, in my back seat. I showed them off to an entire fast food restaurant.

My control skill was being tested to the extreme. Actually, past the extreme. It was failing. About half the time on the ride back, I had a hard on that I could not get rid of.

And I had to admit to myself that Julia was part of the reason for it.

Ugh. That sucked. I wanted to only think about Nat, but that was impossible constantly seeing both their naked bodies.

I had committed to doing this, though, and backing out now would only make Nat feel worse. I had to soldier through. As long as there was no actual touching, looking didn’t matter, right?

After pulling into a parking space and shutting off the car, I took a deep breath before turning back to the ladies. “Julia should only be a hundred points shy of the next level. Do we want to try to get that, or are we pretty much done for the moment?”

“I see no reason to get dressed for the walk up,” Julia said.

Nat shivered and looked out the window. “I’m … I’m fine with that.”

I was positive she wouldn’t nearly be ready for that step if not for Julia.

I did a couple of tests. “Nat streaking to her apartment alone is 100 XP. Julia alone is 50. Together, it’s 130. I’m afraid we’ve been cheating you out of some points tonight, Nat. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m glad that Julia is getting the XP.” She paused and stared down at her feet, studiously not looking at me. “How many points would we get if I texted Matt and Alan that we were streaking and let them watch as long as they promised not to take pictures?”

My mouth dropped. Nat came up with an idea like that on her own? Wow! And here I thought we were pushing her way too hard.

“That almost doubles it,” I said. “240.”

She sighed. “Give Julia a quest to get me phone from the trunk.”

That ended up being only worth five points, and I almost commented that it would probably be worth it to make that a combined quest, too. Reading the room, though, I figured that that suggestion would go over like a lead balloon. Julia quickly got out, retrieved the phone, and got back in. As far as she could tell, no one had noticed her.

Nat sent a text and almost immediately got a ding back in reply. “I cannot believe that I’m about to let my downstairs neighbors see me naked, but, after the day I’ve had already, I guess the more, the merrier.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

“Yeah. Just nervous.” Nat paused. “I’m totally wigged out that I just invited two guys I know to see me naked and that I’m … looking forward to it. I want it to happen. I’m still just as mortified as I thought I’d be, but there’s this desire…” She shuddered. “When we get upstairs, you will make all this worth it to me, understand?”

I nodded and got out of the car and waited for the two girls. When they still hadn’t emerged a minute or so later, I glanced into the backseat. Their heads were huddled together as they quietly talked. Nat seemed to be making a point, and Julia nodded.

That was a weird situation for me, wondering what my naked girlfriend was talking about with her equally naked best friend. Then it hit me. Probably the promise that Nat had elicited from me to have sex with her when we got upstairs. What would Julia do during that time? Watch? Wait outside? There was a reason I’d avoided this situation.

There was nothing I could do about it now, though. I’d promised and I’d just have to trust Nat to smooth things over with her friend.

After the nod, the two girls hugged and exited the car.

Julia and I walked around the stand next to Nat.

“For all intents and purposes, I’m naked in the parking lot of my apartment complex. God!” She looked toward the stairs leading to her apartment.

I followed her gaze. There, on the second floor landing, stood Matt and Alan. They waved.

I was outside with my naked girlfriend as two of her neighbors’ eyes drank in her nudity. Between this moment and everything else that had already happened tonight, I had never been so turned on in all my life. My erection pushed painfully hard against my shorts, and there was nothing my control skill could do about it.

Both girls waved back, and I couldn’t even imagine what was going through Nat’s mind as those two guys watched her breasts flounce around.

She took a deep breath. “We probably should get up there before even more people see us.”

I couldn’t believe that I heard actual regret in her voice and not regret that she was going to have to bring her naked body so close to Matt and Alan, either. No. Regret that more people wouldn’t be seeing her.

That Reluctant Exhibitionist class was changing her a lot, and, again, I felt like I should be very concerned about that. But I just wasn’t. And it wasn’t just because I was gaining personally from the change. It was like I just couldn’t dwell on the negative implications. I felt like I should have been worried about that, too, but I wasn’t.

Once again, I found myself following two naked girls, both of whom were pretty and had amazing behinds. The view was very nice. My only regret was that I hadn’t included a provision for them to bend and pick up litter this time, and I briefly considered sending a new quest. The fact that Nat seemed near her breaking point stopped me, though.

We soon reached the landing at the halfway point between the first floor and the second, which put us turning around and in full view of the next landing. Matt and Alan stood at the top., getting a great view of the two naked girls.

Neither of the ladies made any move to cover themselves, so the guys got to see pretty much everything. It was so hot.

True to their word, neither guy even appeared to have a phone on them, so we just let them look. The girls and I passed them without a word, the guys practically drooling with their eyes popping out of their heads. I knew the feeling.

Those guys could only look, though. I got to touch.

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Nat, anyway.

And it struck me that the only reason I couldn’t touch Julia was my own stubbornness. I wasn’t going to relent on that stance, though.

I didn’t look back, but I was sure that the guys eyes followed the girls’ butts until they were out of view. Soon enough, we were back inside the apartment.

I was briefly distracted by a pop up.

As soon as I dismissed that one, another one popped up.

As I’d planned, getting Julia another level had pushed me over the necessary XP. Nice. Adding even that one more level seemed significant.

I pulled up my status.

I blew out a breath, not pleased with what I saw. I’d spent four attribute points on four different stats. That wasn’t the way to build a character for combat. I mean, in my defense, I didn’t actually know that I’d be going into combat for the first several of those but still…

At this point, there was no way I was going to distribute any more until I was positive of my role in the party, so I’d just have to wait on that. Hopefully, we’d go see Amy soon, and everything would clear up.

A lot was riding on her accepting the invite as I had no other prospects. Her refusing would suck beyond the telling of it. The information on the appraisal and the conversation that we’d had gave me a lot of hope, though.

I turned my focus back to my status. When Nat had reached Level 9 and Julia Level 6, I’d gotten a notification that Invite had increased to Level 4, so I could now recruit two more girls. That actually wasn’t all the important anymore, though, since Nat and Julia were committed to fighting.

“Hey, Hugh,” Nat called. “Hello?”

That broke me out of my reverie, and I dismissed the screen. She taken off the boots and was standing by the foot of the bed.

“What’s more interesting to look at, blue screens or naked girls?” she asked.

Well, when she put it that way…

I walked toward her and found Julia, also completely naked, sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard. Her legs were spread wide.

I’d seen her sitting like that on the bench while on the hike, but it had been dark. This was my first opportunity to really get a good look at her exposed pussy. I had to admit that she was an attractive girl. I mean, I still preferred Nat, but…

“So here’s what’s going to happen,” Nat said, pulling my attention to her. “Julia is in dire need of some attention. I am, too. While I give Julia that attention, my preference is that you do the same for me.”

A three way. She was inviting me to have a three way with her and Julia. I didn’t know how to feel about that. It seemed like a huge leap toward Julia and I directly interacting sexually.

“Obviously,” Nat continued, “that would be a major step, and I get it if you aren’t comfortable with it. You can just watch or you can even wait outside if you want.”

She was leaving the decision completely up to me, which was fair. I had done the same to her what seemed like dozens of times regarding quests.

Leaving seemed stupid. I’d already seen videos of them, and I’d flat out told Nat that I’d like to watch. I decided to have a seat on the couch.

Nat nodded. I couldn’t tell if she was disappointed by my choice or pleased, but she didn’t do anything to help my resolve to stay out of things when she climbed onto the bed on her knees. As she bent her face down so that her tongue could reach Julia’s slit, Nat stuck her ass up in the air with her legs spread.

That was absolutely my favorite view. Her spread legs revealed everything back there to me, and, if I shifted a little to the side, I could see her new and improved breasts dangling beneath her, moving back and forth as she started to really get into what she was doing.

She was soaked, and her position basically screamed, “I’m ready! Take me whenever and however you want!”

That invitation was extremely difficult to turn down, as I was sure she intended.

As Nat licked vigorously, Julia moaned and played with her own nipples. Nat rocked her body back and forth even harder, making her tits sway forcefully and thrusting her hot, wet, gaping hole practically in my face.

That sight was the single most tempting thing I’d ever seen in my life. Too tempting. The stimulation of watching Julia moan and two sets of breasts moving around and Nat’s hot, wet pussy being thrust into my face was simply too much.

My erection was already painful. I couldn’t keep control. I didn’t think that any normal hot blooded human man would have been able to, either.

I stood and undid my shorts, pushing those and my underwear down.

Urgently, I slid the length of myself into Nat, and it felt amazing. So fucking good. She was so hot and so tight. Her pussy sheathed me in my entirety.

Control just wasn’t a thing. There was nothing I could do. After a couple of thrusts, she came, and I couldn’t hold back. I had no choice but to squirt my cum inside her.

That would have been a very disappointing result all the way around if not for the fact that my skill let me keep going, and, having busted a nut once, I was able to master myself the second time.

And, if I might brag just a little bit, I felt that I did the male gender proud. I pounded her until she was a quivering puddle until she finally begged for me to stop because she couldn’t take another orgasm.

I let myself cum again before pulling out of her.

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