The Entropy Bubble

Chapter 1: Planning Ahead

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The darkness filled the room, and black fog covered the surrounding. In the middle of the room was the table condensed from the dark fog. Around the table sat thirteen figures silently. Enshrouded in dark fog it was hard to make out their features, male or female no one can tell.

The silence broke when one of the figures spoke.

“I can feel the pressure increasing more day by day. Its will is doing everything to swallow us.”

“It is the threat that looms over our heads. Who would have thought even reaching this far we still have to be afraid of something.” Spoke another figure.

“We can only be absolutely free if we break the wall above heads”

“How can we simply break the wall; we have tried so many methods yet none of them worked and the methods which are left not everyone agrees with”

“We cannot use that method, only one of us will be able to use it, and the rest of the world would be destroyed.”

“What! you people really care about the world being destroyed” one of the figures spoke in a rather teasing tone.

“Reversing time and space, create new Universes, it's all just kids play once you reach this step, anyone of us can recreate it to previous state” another figure spoke.

Soon the meeting ended without reaching any decision, all the figures slowly merged into the darkness. Leaving the place as quiet and empty as before.


In a dark and empty cold void existed a terrifying black hole, trying to swallow even the space around it, surrounding it was the everchanging matter which whirled around it endlessly. The matter looked alive, most of it was dark in color, and parts of it continued to change its color and shape, sometimes it merged with another piece and sometimes completely disappeared from space.

Inside the dark hole existed a world, made from the same everchanging matter. The world looked psychedelic where nothing seems to make any sense, everything in the world existed in chaos.

The sky collapsed and became an ocean and the down ocean started to rise above in form of big droplets which became the sky. Birds swam in the air and fishes breath in the water, the trees uproot themselves and tried to catch birds, and mountains stood and jumped over the ocean.

The world behaved and existed mysteriously, it stretched for millions of light years in size, filled with wonders of nature that were hard to comprehend, which leave one scratching their head.

This world was called “The Aether World” and was the territory of one of the ‘Mythical Entity’ “The Eon.”

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Somewhere in the Aether World, where matter followed the normal rules, there was a mountain that went above the clouds. On top of the mountain was a small house, back of the house in the garden sat a young man on a chair enjoying the morning sun. He slowly picked a cup of tea from the table and took a sip, but his expression furrowed. Eon looked at the middle-aged man standing beside him and showed a displeased look. But the middle-aged man remained unfazed by the unhappiness of his master, showing it was not his first time doing it, and his actions were a reminder of something to Eon.

Eon remained silent as he tried to calm his mood down, trying his best not to get angry, he moved his hands and picked up a sugar cube from a glass plate on the table and dropped it inside the tea, he observed the cube, which slowly disappeared into the tea. Having done this a million times Eon was already used to this routine, he waited for the sugar cube to dissolve completely before picking up another cube and dropping it inside. But this time something hit his mind, how the cube of sugar was dissolving. He dropped another cube in the tea, then another until they stopped dissolving.

Eon closed his eyes as he sat motionless on a chair, time flew quickly, and after some time the middle-aged man took the teacup away not disturbing Eon. Seasons changed winter to summer, summer to autumn Eon sat motionlessly. On a particular day, he opened his eyes, his eyes shone brightly, Eon moved his head and looked around, his eyes seemed to pass to time and space piercing through the fabric of reality itself. Eon noticed something, everywhere he looked around he found disorder in nature, how the universe was decaying, the randomness in particles, how energy in the cosmos was spreading, and the cold death. Eon felt fear, in so many years of his life he felt fear again, his heartbeat increased anxiety rose in his heart.

Calming himself Eon took a deep breath trying to suppress the fear and anxiety in his heart, it took him a minute to calm down, and his eyes reverted to normal. He went into deep thoughts again, trying to figure out something, and in a few minutes his eyes shone with happiness his expression changed and he laughed loudly, incredibly pleased with himself.

Eon was an extremely intelligent entity; he was ‘The Thirteenth’ ‘Mythical Entity’. It took him only a few billion years to reach this step, it can be seen as from starting of the universe from quadrillion of light years ago, there has had been only twelve ‘Mythical Entities’ so far, and it took them billions upon billions of years to reach this step. Most of the transcended beings would lose themself trying to reach this step. A normal living being would not even know about a level called transcendence existed let alone a ‘Mythical Entity.’ From here, it could be seen what kind of person/entity he was.

(“Mythical Entity/Eternal Entity” the multiverse and multidimensional beings)

“Second” Eon called out to the middle-aged men.

Second, appeared beside him in a blink, he bowed and waited for orders.

With a thought, a thin purple crystal card appeared in Eon’s hand, which he handed to Second.

“Get me all the stuff on the list from the material world and make preparation for going out, it is about time” his voice rang out as he disappeared from the place.

Inside the house, Eon sat in a meditation position, calming his mind, he slowly closed his eyes, the feeling he gave was as he merged with the surrounding space. Behind Eon’s back tens of thousands of small black holes appeared in space, sitting in meditation posture Eon’s body glowed in white light, and slowly tens of thousands of small balls of light separated from him and entered the black holes. The small balls of light were Eon’s pieces of consciousness, he sent them to the outside world in different galaxies and at different times. These pieces of souls would reincarnate in the outside world, try to master different paths, and lay a foundation for moving forward with his other plans.

The glow on Eon’s body was now considerably diminished, leaving only half of what it was before. Eon’s next plan was to understand and comprehend his newfound concept ‘Entropy,’ which he found was more profound than space and time combined or any other concept he had mastered.

To master a new path, one had to understand the essence, which was extremely hard to understand, especially for people who had already mastered one concept. This can be said the direct reason for fewer people progressing in their paths. The more concepts one masters harder it will be for him to gain enlightenment in new concepts, and they will be easily corrupted by the concept itself, but this was not the case for Eon, who stood above the universe itself.

To better understand the new concept, Eon thought of reincarnation and start as a clean state. Another reason was he was quite bored living at home and wanted to change the scenery. Eon left Second some instructions afterward another white glow seemingly bigger than the rest separated from his body and entered another black hole which just opened, leaving only a wisp of soul behind in his incarnation.

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