The Entropy Bubble

Chapter 2: Fog of History

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The first ‘Mythical Entity’ The “Ancient One” is said to be almost old as the universe itself, he achieved this level when the universe was in its infant stage. Eon once heard from the “Ancient One” When he Achieved the Enlightenment, that time universe was like a small lake, but if you compare the current size of the universe to the past one. It would be like comparing a water lake to an ocean.

In primitive times when the first life came into existence, there was no magic or mysticism, and people lived a mundane life, slowly the world started to advance in technology but due to a lack of any knowledge regarding how to control energies around them. This era lasted quite a long time until some species devised the method of deep space travel, their ambition increased, and they tried to concur the world, in the end only to get destroyed by other species. This cycle continued for a few billion years until one day a man discovered an anomaly within his body whiles doing experiments with the unknown energy, which their scientific instrument had discovered a few years before, The energy had caused the mutation in his body's DNA, which allowed him to sense and control a wisp of Nature energy around him. In the next few hundred years, his descendants, who were able to control nature’s energy rose in power and controlled the world. With time their seeds spread throughout the world, and other intelligent lifeforms also discovered methods to control the energy. With the discovery of being able to control this energy, new civilizations emerged.

After the primitives’ era went new generation rose and the new era was called the ‘Primordial Era’, it did not take a long time before that new species controlled the whole galaxy, and methods to control this energy spread through the entire world, which lead to the start of a new era. In the early primordial times, methods to control the energy were crude leading to only a few people being able to learn and even few being able to master it, but two things that increased people’s determination to control this energy were as it increased a person’s lifespan and most important of all ‘Power’. Where a normal person would only live two-three hundred years, practicing the method to control the energy would increase their lifespan two folds or even threefold for some strong races, those people were able to lift the mountains and split the sea. Soon people started to notice the difference in their bodies with more lifespans people’s ambitions also increased and they tried to find the next stage of evolution.

A few million years passed by from the start of the primordial era, and now understanding of nature energy was deeper than before. People created new stages or levels every few thousand years. By now every civilization had a different method of cultivation. This difference in cultivation methods led rise to new evolution. Myriad new species rose to prominence, this was the fire time when dragons and phoenixes appeared in history, and species evolved from simple forms to powerful entities. A crow became a golden crow, a snake transformed into dragons, and a sparrow became Phoenix.

But people still found something was wrong, even with powerful bodies and abundant magic they were still restricted by many restrictions. In the last dozens of million years group of powerful and peak-level existences had combined multiple stages into a few stages, except increasing user power by small stage it wielded no results into breaking through next level. Until a person appeared and broke the boundaries of the world and transcended. The person was called “The Ancient One,” who also created and broke through the next few stages, becoming the first “Mythical Entity” in the next trillion years.

At present times the ‘Endless Universe’, where countless life forms exist, was divided into two parts. The first half is for the normal life forms who do not know, understand, or have not yet developed to the stage of controlling nature energy through their bodies, and the second half is for the life forms who can control, and manipulate energy. Most of the part of the universe was dominated by the first lifeforms, and there was a strict rule passed down from ancient times between the second lifeforms ‘Do Not Interfere’ in first lifeform evolution. A special organization existed in the world, that took charge of these matters.

Most of the universe was desolate, filled with a feeling of cold and darkness. The second type of lifeforms only existed in a few thousand Superclusters of Galaxies. Even with the power to transverse the endless space they were still unable to perceive the size of the universe, most second-type species stopped their expansion in afraid of the unknown.


It was raining heavily, and a few areas in blueberry city were already flooded. The continuous rain from last week was now making people worry. The city had already acted about the rain, but to no avail, none of their action sprouted any results, even when a mystical being acted personally and forcefully removed the clouds from the sky, the rain did not stop, and water continued to pour down from the empty sky leaving people flabbergasted and scared down on earth.

In a big house, a man was walking back and forth in a hallway with an anxious expression, from time to time he would raise his head and look at the door, where painful cries were coming from. Amis Ever’s wife was in labor for the last two nights, because of rain, all the roads in the city were blocked, and it was even hard to find a doctor or nurse in this weather. But luckily through some contacts, Amis was able to find a nurse in this situation.

The situation stayed the same for the next few hours, Amis was getting increasingly anxious. the rainstorm outside was already turned into a snowstorm freezing everything outside. Suddenly the nurse opened the door from inside and walked out, she had a smile on her, working for the last two days had left her extremely tired.

“Congratulations Mr. Amis, you had a boy, you can go inside and see your wife and son now”

Amis walked to the nurse, after hearing what the nurse had said, he did not wait for anything and ran inside the room. In the room, on a bed lay a beautiful woman, her eyes were closed, and a peaceful expression could be seen on her face, because of her long labor she was extremely tired causing her to go unconscious after giving birth. On her side laid a small and cute-looking child, he was also sleeping soundly. Amis walked to the baby’s side, bending his legs he sat on the floor and started to examine the child with his eyes. Being unslept for two days Amis was also tired, his eyes slowly closed, and his head fell on edge of the bed in a few minutes his body had already gone into a deep sleep. The night engulfed the sky and earth, and the snow and rain outside stopped. Leaving the horror-filled tale behind.

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