The Entropy Bubble

Chapter 3: Series of Strange Events

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A one-year-old baby lay in a basket with a bottle filled with milk in his mouth. Helice watched everything from aside, seeing the baby soundly drinking the milk, she walked out of the room to finish her work in the kitchen. But only a few minutes had passed the sky changed colors and the rain started to fall. Helice dropped everything and rushed back inside the room where Dream was sleeping. Dream’s milk bottle was out of his mouth, and he was crying loudly. Helice picked the bottle from aside of his mouth and placed it back in his mouth, and the rain outside stopped.

Nowadays this kind of occurrence were quite normal in Fallacy city. Higher-ups in the city were unable to figure out what was going on, even divinations were of no use. But Helice and Amis knew what was going on and were quite fearful about it. It all started two months ago when the Dream turned three months old, after that time whenever Dream cried there would be rain, they had no idea why it was like that, but the only way to stop these occurrences was to either make Dream fall asleep or they had to make him happy. Dream’s parents were quite fearful of their son’s abilities, and to not let other people know about these abnormalities they had already stopped inviting people at home or taking Dream out of the house for a longer time.

Time passed slowly; five years had passed in a blink of an eye. The sky in Fallacy city was clear, and the hanging Sun in the sky gave warmth to people. For the last two years, the unexpected rain which fell without any warning was gone, but now another problem had appeared out of nowhere. Now from time to time, there will be a random phenomenon that would occur in the city, scarring quite a few residents of the city. In the last five years, many people had left the city because of strange occurrences, which led to a decrease in a good amount of city population.

Dream was now five years old, he wore a shirt and knicker, sitting on a small kid chair, he was trying hard to concentrate on the alphabet in the book, placed in front of him on the table, but his mind was wandering places, his eyes darted around the room and finally came to rest on a side glass window.

“Tap! Tap! Tap!” a middle-aged man who sat on the other side of the table, taped his fingers on the table seeing Dream lost in thought, the tapping sounded like two-metal balls crashing, which brought Dream’s mind back to the book. Because of Dream’s abnormalities, Amis and Helice gave up on sending him to school and hired a teacher for elementary schooling.

Because of Dream, in the last few years abnormalities in Fallacy city had reached a different level, a few months ago to celebrate Dream’s birthday his parents took him to the aquarium, but an unexpected event happened when they were about to exit the aquarium, the whole city got covered in illusionary ocean. The whole Fallacy city was transformed and looked like the city of Atlantis; people felt like they were inside the water, but they can still breathe. From fishes to all kinds of animals can be seen swimming in the surrounding, and the whole illusion world gave the impression that people arrived in the ocean, the whole situation led to mass hysteria. The illusionary ocean covered the city for two weeks until the day Dream lost his interest in fishes and the ocean and the illusionary world finally disappeared.

Another same kind of incident had happened a few months back, one night when dream did not stop crying for some reason, that time Helice told him a story, a story about a Dragon, she already knew what this was going to lead to, but she also felt little excited and narrated a story of a knight and a dragon to Dream. As Dream listened to the story his strong curiosity took control of his mind and he asked his mother to take him to see the dragon, now where Helice could find a dragon on this small planet she simply made an excuse and said no. As Helice expected Dream kept muttering the same words ‘want to go see a dragon’ for the next few days, and the day finally arrived. The sky turned dark like a night, and a giant shadow covered the whole sky of Fallacy city, a huge dragon that resembled somewhat a snake, triples the size of fifteen kilometers of Fallacy city and hovered above it. The dragon looked confused, he kept thinking about how did he get here, The Dragon hovered above in the city sky for a few hours until he finally regained some of his sentience he flew away in the sky.

These kinds of abnormalities regularly happened in the city, even the city name itself changed, and was called ‘The City of Wonders, by the tourist who regularly visited, slowly the city became prosperous again and gained a special status in the country of ‘Alvil’.

Wheel of time moved fast, now Dream was ten years old he was much more mature than before, and his face looked extremely adorable and cute. Sitting on a chair he held a small baby in his hands and played with it, a small family of three now grown to a family of four. The abnormalities he showed in his younger years decreased a lot he was not stubborn as before and much more intelligent than a normal human kid, seeing his progress Amis and Helice finally agreed to send him to school, so he can lead a normal life.

But this year something unexpected happened again which gave Amis and Helice a massive headache and caused them to move to a different country leaving all their friends and family behind.

One particular day Amis brought a few of his friends from the agriculture department to his home for the newborn party.

Van Elev was one of the men who worked in the headquarters of Agriculture development send from the ‘Kingdom of Aills ‘kingdom that ruled over the planet', to nearby countries and cities to check on local farming practices. For many generations in Van’s family there existed a curse, a curse stated that every person in the family would live for max thirty years before they die of some bizarre illness, he happened to be in Fallacy city at that time and on an invitation from Amis came to his small party.

The party was held in the afternoon, the time when Dream was at school. Everything went great till the end of the party. After the party, a few of Amis’s friends who were left behind sat at a table in a guest room and talked among themselves. At 3’o clock Dream came home from school, smelling a particular smell in the air he straight ran to the room where food was held, but while on the way he smelled something bad in the air, the stench almost made him vomit. Dream looked around in the hallway and found the room where the smell was coming from.

Dream walked to the room and stood in front of the door, opening the door, he looked around trying to find the source of the bad smell, and finally, after a few seconds of investigation, he pointed his small hands at Van

“Uncle did you fart, it smells so bad everywhere” Dream blurted out in front of everyone. All the three men stared at dream with wide eyes then Van whom he pointed fingers, making his face almost turn red from embarrassment, but none of them smelled anything, they looked in direction of a small child who was standing at the room door and tried to figure out where the child came from.

Not caring about anything Dream ran to another room and grabbed a small hand fan, he came running back to the same room, taking a deep breath, dream pinched his nose with his small hand, and he ran and opened the room window. All three-man looked at Dream with bewilderment and waited to see what he was going to do next. Dream walked to Van and stood in front of Van who looked as confused as others, Dream’s face had already turned blue from holding his breath, standing near Van he lifted the fan up and waved it with all his might, a gust of wind washed over Van, he felt like someone had dropped him into the cold water. At that time the curse that ran in his family blood from who knows how many generations had finally broken. Van felt hot energy flowing all inside his body, making him feel extremely comfortable. Van’s face changed in seconds from confusion to astonishment to crying, as he felt the changes happening inside him.

At night Dream home’s atmosphere was tense, all the friends had gone home including Van who had received the blessing of his life, Helice was pecking everything important in the bags, and Amis was going through all the money and important documents. For them today evening was the day they were trying to prevent for the last ten years, Amis and Helice had tried to figure out why Dream is like this, but most of the things they figured out sounded absurd, In the end, both settled on that Dream was the reincarnation of some powerful mystical being, but he was still their child and did not want any harm to come to him. Today’s incident was completely unexpected and could put all the family members’ lives in danger, so they made a quick decision to leave this city and country forever and settle in an unknown place, unit the children grow up. In the end, before Van left, he even left a letter of marriage between his daughter and Dream, which put them in more dilemma.

Amis and Helice packed everything in a few hours, they boarded the train at night from the city station and left the country the same night to an unknown place.

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