The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 5: 5- Judgment

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When Rowan woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar bed. When he looked around, he realized he was in the healing ward of the castle. He knew this room because knights who injured or just collapsed from overtraining would be dumped here, including himself.

“What happened?”

“You started a fight. That's what happened.” A voice came from his side. Rowan turned his head and saw who it was.

Vice commander Gonz.

A strong muscular man with scars covering his face. He has a beast-like presence that can scare away most folks. Rowan had personally witnessed the vice captain trying to help a lost child, but only to scare them away the moment the child noticed their approach.

Rowan reccounted what happened when those words.

After the stupid noble’s son insulted his father, Rowan hit him to shut him up. Things got a bit out of control as the young Helmstrum used his blessing. The first prince later came and put both of them to sleep with his blessing.

The first prince had one of the most powerful blessing that Rowan knew of.


Any subject that falls under this person is forced to obey their commands.

No matter what kind of order is given.

Naturally since Rowan was a citizen of the Maldolg Kingdom, he fell under the category of a subject under the first prince. Fortunately First Prince Joseph rarely used his blessing to command people. 

Rowan couldn’t help notice how unfair the blessing was. Had the blessing gone to someone like a baker for instance, it would be powerless. However, in the hands of a prince who would eventually lead the kingdom and rule over hundreds of people, this blessing would be truly instrumental in their rule.

The complete opposite of his own blessing < Plant Growth>.

“So little Rowan got his blessing yesterday and is picking up fights now? He thinks he an adult now eh? The blessing you receive makes you invincible?”

Vice Captain Gonz's words shook Rowan out of his thoughts.

“That’s not the reason why I hit him.” Rowan said as he tried to defend himself.

Vice Captain Gonz grinned which was the opposite of what Rowan was expecting. “Good for you! Those noble brats had it coming. I remember the day you walked up to the training grounds, barely out of your diapers.Now look at you. Picking fights as soon as you reach your coming of age. Next thing you know you’ll be killing monsters of sorts. It almost brings a tear to my eye.”

Despite his fearsome appearance, Vice Captain Gonz was actually a friendly person.

Just as Vice Captain Gonz was going to recount tales of Rowan youth, another voice intervened.

“Becoming older does not give him the right to assault someone. Now that you're awake, you are to meet your majesty in the throne room to explain the situation. Both of the culprits are supposed to attend, but it seems Aaron needs more time.”

The voice belonged to his father and he did not look happy.

Which was perfectly understandable given that Sycamore Oak was the Knight Commander and his son had caused trouble in the castle.

“It wasn’t my fault, Aaron-”

Rowan tried to explain himself, but one glance from his father silenced him from speaking any further.

“ You can explain yourself to the King later.”

“...What about Aaron?”

Sycamore pointed at the corner of the room. Rowan's eyes followed the finger’s direction where he saw an unconscious Aaron Helmstrum laying on the bed.

“Follow me” Sycamore commanded, turned around and proceeded to walk away without waiting for Rowan.

“I better head back to the training grounds then” Gonz said, but not before giving Rowan a comforting pat on the shoulders. “Don’t worry too much. His majesty is quite forgiving. Gods knows I caused the worst trouble before.”

Rowan gave an affirming nod of understanding and followed his father to the throne room.

The walk was followed by silence between father and son which made Rowan feel even worse with every single step.

What is going to happen now?

As they approach the throne room, the guards announce their entrance.

Once again they were greeted by the regal appearance of Ivan von Maldolg who was frowning upon their arrival. Once again several guards were on standby along with a few nobles. Both bowed down upon entering the room. 

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“Rowan Oak, I heard you had a physical altercation with Aaron Helmstrum. Is this the truth?” King Ivan asked.

“Yes your Highness.”

“I will give you a chance to explain yourself. If I fail to find a justifiable reason for the altercation, then the strictest punishment shall be dealt.”

“I understand your highness. It started like this..” Rowan gave a quick rundown of the events, from how Aaron insulted both himself and his father which led up the scuffle between them.

“Slander!” one of the nobles stepped out and shouted. It was a potbellied fellow who bore a striking resemblance to Aaron.

“Are you saying my son lied? In front of his majesty?” Sycamore Oak practically growled at the noble who accused Rowan.

“Of course he did. Those tales are filled with embellishment to fake his innocence!” 

“And what of the evidence? There were witnesses to the damage your son caused.”

“They only came near the end. They were not there when the argument ensued. We should ask the other two boys and see their side of things.”

“Enough! I did not ask for your opinion nor did I allow you to speak Lord Helmstrum.” King Ivan glared at the pot bellied man. “Speak when asked and not before. I told Rowan to recount how the fight started and he did. I did not say any more than that. Rowan. Do you swear to the gods that everything you spoke is true?”

“I swear to the gods that my words carry no falsehood.”

“Very well. I shall mete out judgment when Aaron is awake. Both shall be given strict punishments for the fuss and damage they caused in the castle. ”

“But you majesty-” Lord Helmstrum started.

“Do I need to repeat myself Lord Helmstrum? Both must be punished as they have broken the rules, no matter the age. No fights may occur in the castle without my permission. Unless you wish to be punished for failing to educate your son, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.”

“Forgive me for my actions, your majesty!” Lord Hemstrum immediately said and bowed his head.

“Enough. Clear the room. Knight Commander and Rowan Oak may stay.

The guards and nobles filed outside until only three people remained in the room.

“Alright that's finally over.” King Ivan slumped down on the throne, switching from his regal manner to a more slovenly appearance. “ Do you have anything to say Rowan?”

“I’m sorry your majesty.”

“I told you to call me uncle in private. Anyways, all the words about punishment was just for show and formality.”

 “That will set a bad precedent, Ivan. Both must be punished.” Sycamore objected.

“For burning a rug? My father may have cared, but I personally don't. Children get into fights all the time after receiving their blessing. If they really must be punished then i'll have them clean the stables for a few days and that will settle it.”

“No, your highness. That will not do. Both must be made an example of and expelled from the capital.”

Those words made Rowan feel as if his heart almost stopped.

“That's too harsh isn't it. The biggest victim of this whole thing was the burnt rug. We can just patch it up and everyone would be none the wiser.”

“I insist that both must be expelled. To show that no one is above the law.”

Those words only sadden Rowan. Seeing how his father wanted to get rid of him after making a mess in the castle made it feel as if his world was ending.

King Ivan scratched his head in discomfort as he listened to his old friend. “Hey that's a bit too much isn't it? Sending the boys outside the capital?  Surely if we want to set an example other ways can be found. You dont need to use your son as a scapegoat. It was -”

Knight Captain Sycamore Oak interrupted his King so that he could declare the appropriate punishment.

“-The boys will be expelled and sent to Sir Rodan’s place.”

King Ivan paused at those words and then brightened up.

“Now that sounds like an excellent punishment.”



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